The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 30 August 2018

Feather your Nest Friday, 31st August, 2018.

Today is the last day of winter!  We have a spring move and a spring wedding!
This week was pretty much last week repeated!  Here at home I have been using up things from the freezer and packing up.

We did a lot of moving.   Andy hired a truck and we stacked that with the bulk of our things and headed off to the farm house.  The best days are the ones at the farm!

Chloe and Luke helped us unload.  Builders at the house also saw we had heavy things and they helped too!  It was wonderful!

We had our bed, BBQ, generators and all sorts.  The best thing was we slept our first night!   
First we went through the house to see how things are looking!   And they were looking good!
Andy has a large office with a wall of windows.   He loves it.  

Our bedroom has a wall of built in cupboards then an area like a large dressing table.  My biggest mirror which was my Nan's fitted perfectly.   So that was it's obvious home.  

So this is the bare bones of the bedroom.  No cupboard door handles yet!

I chose a craft room.  It has a similar unit with space for a chair to be my desk or my sewing table.

I want to make myself a huge inspiration board on that wall!

It was very exciting as we have two new air conditioners.   Hot summers are already on my mind with spring coming.   And a new combustion fire was installed in the lounge room.   This will heat the house,  burn our wood and I will have my dutch oven and kettle sitting on here through out winters!

My new fridge went in too.   I picked it for rows of shelves to set up my containers to keep fruit and veggies fresh in.   I wanted to take a photo but could only find a few of my containers! 

But next week we will be doing our first shop and stock up as we will be moving!  So I will show you how it looks then!
The bottom of the fridge is a freezer with drawers.

So this was all exciting!  

I had packed a picnic type dinner.   After a long day we sat on the deck and looked at the view and had our first meal.   When we travel I generally have a kind of picnic tea.  

This provided lunch the next day and snacks since.  So easy but really nice.  
We enjoyed the quiet, the birds.  

We did a lot of unpacking,  set up the bed,  worked through a lot of lists.   Next trip I need to clean that oven, do windows, set up the laundry...  well the list has a couple of hundred things on it!

To my amazement we got the internet working!   Next we need to figure out TV.  But Chloe helped and with a booster we could get the internet.  This is no small thing... it took Chloe months to get the internet! 

We had some savings.  I would say hiring a truck, packing ourselves, moving ourselves etc is a saving.   We have made the most of many things at the house rather than replace them i.e. the kitchen cupboards and natural floors etc.   One current one is the cupboard and drawer knobs....  I counted we need 94!    94 x anything is a lot and I found most knobs have been around $5.   Even on Ebay I was surprised by their cost.   I settled to buy new ones for the kitchen and recycle the rest.  Some just needed a clean like these old ones with little flowers...

I have brought a heap home to paint.  I just need to take them from creamy to white.

It was so nice sleeping at the farm!  It was so quiet.  So peaceful.  It felt like home. 

For the next few days we are back in the city,  focusing on getting this house ready to sell and aim to hand over the keys by the end of next week.  So now it is the last packing, last cleaning...  it is a lot!  
At the farm I felt so excited!   But last night I felt so daunted!  There is so much to do here!  I think I was definitely over tired and headachy when I went to bed.

I am glad to write my Friday post.   It helps me see how much we have achieved and how far we have come... also how close we are to moving!!   It also helps me let everyone know what we have been doing so that you do not think I am a bad friend who never writes!

I got a letter from Laine.  She said the most beautiful thing.   She said "I read about your Dad in Proverbs today.  A wise man leaves an inheritance  for his children's children.  I thought of your Dad and your move to the farm, so happy for your family."    I thought this was just the nicest thing to say.  

It is so true that we are working to provide for our families and to help those still to come.   The work we do now affects the generations.  There is a bigger picture!  

I need to grocery shop,  get to Kmart and IKEA for some shelving and odds and ends that we need.  I want to go see the girls!   Then I just need to get bits and pieces that are left packed up, tidied and clean.   I hope over the weekend I get all that done!

How was your week?  How did you get ahead,  build up your home, pantry, emergency supplies?
Do you notice how the things you do consistency really add up?  A week can be a long time and make a world of difference too!

Have a lovely weekend! xxx


  1. Dear Annabel, the Farm Girl,

    We just returned to Guam Wednesday after being on the US mainland six weeks. When the selling agent, buying agent, loan agent and every other agent did not see it happening, we finally closed on our retirement investment-home 06 August (which, by the way was a reverse mortgage foreclosure; the former residents were sadly evicted).

    We saved hundreds of labor dollars painting it HIMself (Handsome Husband), and the wall paint was purchased online during a rebate sale, so we got money back.

    We did hire the landscaper to cover an eyesore dry creek bed that no neighbor had a clue why it was put there. When we got seed and straw spread over the new topsoil, God began to provide nice rains nearly every day, atypical August weather for Missouri. With this exterior improvement to the property alone, we gained as much as $20,000 in equity, if not more. Amazing.

    Like you, we have lists of things we need to accomplish, but we have until we “retire” (in about 13 years?) to do whatever we want to do with it, or sell it and buy something smaller.

    We reflect in amazement at God’s gentle yet mighty hand.

    Annabel, the best is yet to come for us! Congratulations!


    1. Dear Kelley, Well done on all your work to improve the property and do so well! Your husband did a great job with all that painting!
      This is all such an investment in the future! Lots of lists and hard work pay off!
      Thank you for your kind words! I have a lot to do today and you have inspired me! With much love

  2. Must be the time for moving house Annabel as I’m moving too, from Coffs Harbour to Tamworth - 4 hours drive. Not as big a job as yours, but enough for me. Exciting to say the least of it.

    1. Dear Edwina, Four hours is even further than us! I hope it goes very well for you! Yes it is so exciting! I also know so many people currently moving... amazing! I hope you will just love your new home! With love Annabelxxx

  3. Dear Annabel,
    I love the floral knobs. The wood floors, white cabinets, and your views; all gorgeous.
    Enjoy the weekend.
    Love and hugs, Glenda

    1. Dear Glenda,
      What a week! It continues today with so much to do. But I see progress now and we really only have a few days to go.
      Thank you for your kind words! I cant wait to be able to share photos when we move in!
      I hope you had a good week. Today is the first of Spring! It has been raining for a few days but this is wonderful for us. I dont think I ever remember seeing things so green! With much love

  4. I am so glad the actual move has started. It sounds like you ill be done in a timely manner. It is so lovely that your family can all live in close proximity now,
    Don't over do and enjoy that peaceful sleep!

    1. Dear Cheryl, Thank you! I did have a big sleep last night! We only have (I think) five more days in this house. I can hardly believe it! Have a wonderful weekend! With love,

  5. Dear Annabel, the photos are lovely. I am happy for you when you said it feels like home. One week till sheep party here - lots of sheepy things happening. I love our wood burner/heater which is similar to yours, I don't mind bringing in the wood and filling the barrow up daily - I find it a comforting chore. I needed a bit more brown wool for my blanket - I went to Big W and it was half price day. Wasn't that so lucky. I have been admiring your crochet roses and will try when I finish my blanket. I rescued a beautiful, white, never been used, face washer with crocheted edges and a beautiful flower worked in thin blue cotton from the opp shop for $1!! Who discarded that lol. I also rescued two crocheted butterflies that I can attach to a blanket and a few little granny squares that I will add to my own patchwork granny square blanket - I just could not leave them there. Goodluck for the actual move and I hope you get some good nights sleep to keep you going, Clare

    1. Dear Clare, Please take photos of your sheep party! I am dying to see what you do!
      I think I feel the same about the fire. I used to have this kind of fire in an old house. It was very comforting and it heated water, for, the house... I loved it. It created atmosphere. And I LOVE the sight of a woodpile, a barrow of wood, wood baskets next to the fire. They are beautiful and you feel abundant somehow...
      I do have a basic tutorial on the roses but not reading patterns I think basic is the word! But try you tube. The flowers are actually easy and there are many methods and designs. An alternative is to get one of those flower makers...they use your yarn and you wrap the yarn around to form the flower... Spotlight had them...
      I think I will give butterflies a try! This would be a good thing for me to learn!
      Harper loves butterflies too!
      Thanks Clare.. fie days to go to moving now! With love

  6. Dear Annabel,

    I am amazed by the amount of cupboards you have (and a little envious! 😂) on the farm! Such provision and abundance. It is very exciting reading your updates when you are obviously so extremely busy right now!

    Continuing to pray for a good transition and sale of your city home.

    Am thrilled to hear how wonderfully the move and everything is coming along.

    Love, Kaye xoxo

    1. Dear Kaye,
      One of the fist things I noticed at the farm is all the cupboards! I will have nothing in half of them! Especially in the kitchen where I go from four cupboards to about thirty! I will enjoy not having crowded cupboards!
      Thank you for your prayers. We need to sell this house before we can do many things at the farm. But we will just get on with what we have to do and hopefully it will come together!
      Have a wonderful weekend! With love,

  7. You know Annabel, your beautiful pictures and homey picnics on your new homestead, make me want to "move" things around in my own home! Make it sweet again, as it was when my hubby and I moved here (Nampa, Idaho, USA) 6 years ago! You do things so beautifully! Thank you for posting when you are in the middle of a very busy, tiring move! Love, Cheeryshirley

    1. I love your name Cheeryshirley! Thank you! Stopping to think over the week helps me a lot. I can see what we achieved rather than just see what we still need to do! So it helps. We have got quite a bit further. We will have the house on the market and moved by Friday I think! Have a wonderful new week! xxx

  8. Dear Annabel, lovely to have a peek into your new abode ,and seeing your grandmothers mirror finding a home already to welcome your move in. All the best for the weekend and week ahead when you farewell your old home and move into the new farmhouse.
    With love, Maria xxx

    1. Thanks so much Maria! This week is exhausting already but we are making progress. A couple of days ago I didn't think we would make it and have to postpone actually moving... but now I think we will get it done. We need to get this house on the market. Have a good new week! xxx

  9. Wow Annabel you have got so much accomplished in such a small space of time :), you and Andy should be so proud of yourselves. How exciting spending the first night at the farm and I understand how much more peaceful it would be than living in the city and I hope that your home there sells quickly for you too.

    Rather a week of organising,cleaning and culling here too but we are glad we have done it as it all looks so much tidier and more organised. Speaking of door/cupboard knobs or drawer pulls we salvaged 10 Bakelite ones from an old wardrobe that fell apart in the garage and will sell them as you say they are not cheap to buy at all.

    Our Vicky challenge added up to $153.90 in savings last week :).

    Here's what we did to get organised, build our pantry and save money

    Finances -
    - Banked more money into our home deposit bank account 28.07% of the way there.
    - Listed 18 items on eBay using a free listing promotion saving $29.70 in listing fees.

    Purchases -
    - Purchased 10 strong memo note magnets with bull dog clips for the fridge for $4.20 saving $16.79 over buying them locally. We use these for important messages, lists and our perpetual shopping list on the fridges and freezers.
    - Purchased a used "tightwad gazette" saving $27.81 over purchasing it new.
    - Purchased another 10 punnets of strawberries for 0.95c per punnet saving $15.50 on usual prices.

    Trades -
    - A friend gave us 50 x 4 lt mylar bags to say thank you for giving his family some vegetables previously saving $20.35 over purchasing them.

    Hair cuts -
    - DH and I cut his hair at home with the clippers saving $30 over getting it cut elsewhere.

    House organisation -
    - Deep cleaned the vegetable freezer and rearranged the frozen garden vegetables oldest to the top newest to the bottom.
    - Sorted through the rest of the power tools and bits and pieces in the shed and damp dusted them and the tools and bits and pieces and the plastic storage containers. We then sorted out all the tools and bits and pieces into tool boxes and storage containers and put them on the shelves. There is so much more room in there after we broke down the cardboard moving boxes and stacked them behind the shelves in there.

    In the kitchen -
    - Washed, diced and froze the 10 punnets of strawberries in the freezer for desserts and jam making.
    - Blanched and froze the broccoli picked from the gardens making 10 more meals for the freezer.

    In the gardens -
    - Picked 1.3 kg of organically grown broccoli and a bunch of silver beet from the gardens saving $13.75 over purchasing it in the shops.

    Hope everyone has had a wonderful week :).


    1. Dear Sewingcreations, I will from now on be much more mindful of knobs and handles etc on old things! I would think Bakelite handles would be worth a lot and collectable! Good thinking!
      I would love to get hold of the Tightwad Gazette! I wish that was still a regular publication too!
      Andy will soon be setting up his tool shed. He has a lot of containers and boxes. A well set up shed is a big asset.
      The produce you grew plus the bargain strawberries added up to a lot! All very healthy too.
      You are getting so close to that 30% mark! Well done. Consistency is getting you there! Have a good new week. I think I will have a lot to report Friday! With much love

  10. Thanks for sharing your news. The little floral knobs are sweet.
    Looking forward to your next update
    Have a lovely weekend

    1. Dear Julie, Thank you! I thought the knobs were worth saving. I have now spray painted about thirty other ones and they look really good! I hope you have had a good weekend too! With love

  11. Dear Annabel,
    How lovely and fresh it all looks, and I love the floors and combustion fire. What a beautiful gesture from your parents. I would love to buy a huge property eventually and subdivide to provide for my kids and any future generations.
    So excited for you all.
    Love Lisa xo

    1. Dear Lisa, Thank you! I love the fire, the floors, everything... I am so grateful. We have four more days until moving! I am so glad you are thinking of future generations. We can have a big influence, more than we usually realise I think. Many thanks, with love

  12. It looks lovely Annabel, I can’t believe how speedily it’s all come together. Not long til Adelaide is all sorted, I think your beautiful home will sell quickly. Not long til Chloe’s big day either. You are going to have to keep us all updated as you progress. I think it’s great you have internet and tv too. We are still working hard prepping for our sale, it’s a very large home and more to do than meets the eye, and as I want top price, we are putting in the work. Have a great weekend, wherever you’re head lays. Fi xx

    1. Dear Fiona, I do hope soon you feel the house is ready and you do get a great price! I think spring is good as the surroundings, garden etc all look so beautiful. Someone will snap your place up, I know your garden is amazing.
      I need my internet lol! So that was a relief!
      It is so much work but we are working towards a good future! It is exciting!
      I need to write! With much love

  13. Annabel,
    I absolutely love all the built in cabinets that you have. So much storage space. The woodstove is going to do wonders on those chilly winter nights.
    So happy to hear you have spent a night at your new to you home. The farm must be so relaxing being so quiet. I can understand the peace of sitting and listening to the birds, when we went to our house inspection I sat on a bench on front porch and just didn't want to leave.

    You are so close to being on the farm for good, how wonderful. We still have a month here before our move, then one day for movers to pack what they need to, and 2 days of moving trucks. I swear they can load one just with our basement. Most everything is going into our garage at new house except a number of boxes marked for specific rooms and all the furniture. We need to purchase a shed before winter or my "Big Baby" will be sitting out in the snow, I really don't want my car outside in bad weather.
    We are both living hectic lives right now but our goals are in sight and are blessings are vast.
    May all go smoothly for you during this move.

    1. Dear Rosanne,
      I think our surroundings are so important. Peace and quiet is such a good thing. And nature... when the world seems nuts nature is wonderful.
      The night at the farm seemed so natural and like home!
      Yes our goals are the same! Soon we will be settled in and nesting. Hopefully with the old houses sold. We are praying about that. Many things we need and hope to do depend on selling. Then we can focus on building up a real homestead. It will be interesting to see how far we can come in this new week! With much love

  14. I've thought of your Dad too during all this time. How wise he is and how blessed you are.

    1. Thank you Vickie! I know I am really blessed. I watched how hard my parents have worked and now can see it benefitting the Great Grand Children. Its amazing! xxx

  15. Welcome home, Annabel and family!

    I know the feeling of despair when you look at that list that's long enough to roll down the street, but it'll get done just like every other project, one item at a time. :)

    I'm so glad the move is in progress! Before you know it, every item on that list will be crossed off, you'll breathe a huge sigh of relief, and you'll be tucked away in that beautiful craft room, creating something gorgeous.

    Welcome home, friend. :)

    1. Dear Stephanie, Thank you for your encouragement! We crossed a lot off the list today! I can see progress! I seriously cannot wait for the day when I can cook, craft and garden! With Spring starting I might get a bit of a garden started before summer. I hope so! Have a good weekend! With love,

  16. Hi Annabel,

    Your new home is coming together so beautifully! Those built in closet spaces are amazing. Such wonderful storage and a perfect space for a craft room. You and your husband have been so busy but your hard work has produced some amazing results!

    My husband and I are currently relocating to one of my father's farmhouses in OHIO, USA. This week my husband and father have been working on our renovations before we can move in. I understand your excitement and join to move closer to family and look forward to a simpler life in the country.

    Best regards,


    1. Dear Erica, Thank you! I love that I have an obvious and perfect sewing space and desk. I have really been wanting a desk for so long. This will be so nice!
      We have a few Bluebirds in Ohio! How fantastic you are also going to one of your Dads farmhouses! Just like me! Truly I think this will be great, you can do so much with some land and space. I would love to hear about it, see pics even! Good luck with your move! With much love

  17. I have 48 knobs in my kitchen. I thought that was quite a lot but yours is many more. It is very daunting when faced with that many even when buying the builder packs which tend to be sold in multiples and are less expensive over all. I'd need four packs! Love the farmhouse. I pray this new season of life is a blessing in abundant living for you and your family.

    1. Dear Terri, 48 is a lot! Our 94 are house wide... bedrooms, lounge and kitchen. I was just amazed though as I dont have many cupboards here. Thank you for your prayers! We just have to persist for a few more days to get this house finished and ready for the market. Also hoping we can sell ok. Then we will be set for our new life! Have a lovely weekend! With love

  18. Annabel, it looks like you've made amazing progress. Before you know it, you'll be nesting and decorating.
    Love the floral knobs - anything with flowers has my vote.


    1. Dear Phyllis, Anything with flowers has my vote too!
      I cant wait to have a craft room and be actually setting up and decorating! Five days to go to finishing here. A very hectic five days though...
      Thank you for your encouragement... we just have to keep going and we will make it! With much love

  19. You and Andy have done such an amazing job Annabel! The progress is amazing when you post each week. Nearly there on the city house, I'm sure it will be a great feeling handing over the keys. And then you can focus all your attention on the farm house. Well that and Chloe's wedding of course!! What an exciting time for your family. I hope this next week goes smoothly.

    We had my son's 6th birthday last week, I made him a crocodile cake. Next week will be a rugby jersey cake for my nine year old. We were gifted a large jar of honey, some eggs, and venison sausages and steak this week. Absolutely amazing. I baked muffins galore on Monday, so had afternoon tea, lunchbox treats and some to give a friend with a nasty virus she is struggling to get over.

    I've been cutting up fabric from scraps to sew some Christmas gifts. I emptied my bag of fabric last weekend and felt totally uninspired! It's funny how cutting them and stacking them in neat little piles can change your mindset lol.

    I have written a list of things to get done in September, and am feeling quite excited to make a start today!

    I hope you have a productive weekend and maybe a few breaks as well?! Can't wait for next weeks update!

    Jen in NZ

    1. Dear Jen, I dont know how you managed a crocodile cake but it sounds amazing and Im sure it was a hit!
      What an amazing abundance you were given! Such beautiful things!
      I cant wait to see what you make with your fabric. Garden pat has been making patchwork bags... like shopping totes with small scraps and they are so pretty! But many ideas... for small bits see a blog called Flamingo Toes...
      many ideas there...
      It is great to have goals for September!
      So far Im starting slowly (Sat. Morning) with a lot to do this afternoon. We are getting there. I can hardly believe this is our last week here!
      Have a great weekend! With love,

    2. Jen, I'd love to hear what you come up with from the scraps for your Christmas gifts. :)

  20. I can hear the excitement in your writing! What a wonderful time for your family. Be sure to schedule in some tea breaks in between all those things on your to-do lists. Feathering your new nest will be delightful. xo Deborah

    1. Dear Deborah, Thank you! I am having a cup of tea right now. Surrounded by packing! I can see progress now too! I cant wait to start feathering my new nest! With love,

  21. Dear Kathryn,
    I hope so! I long to be settled in and things to slow down a bit!
    When I am there I will post photos as I set up. This will be the fun bit!
    Thank you so much! Have a lovely weekend! With love,

  22. Dear Annabel,

    Oh how I have loved reading of your new life unfolding. You are so blessed in life, and I am so happy for you.

    Looking forward to what you share next time, it is so lovely to see your new home. I can see why you are excited to finally move there.

    Good luck this week with all the things you need to get done, hope it all goes well and to plan :)

    Lots of love,
    Tania xxx

    1. Dear Tania,
      Thank you! This is a big week for sure. Yesterday we got heaps done, today more... getting this house ready to sell. I will be glad to be able to concentrate on one house and building that up. I think of your garden all the time... soon I will be growing veggies too! With much love,

  23. Hi Annabel (and everyone),

    I just love the photos you shared, and hearing about the quiet and peacefulness of your new home! That is wonderful. The craft room is going to be amazing! I am so very happy for you.

    We had a good week, but I accidentally left my list in my office. Next week! :)

    I hope everyone has a nice weekend.


    1. Dear Kathy, Thank you! Well you always have a good week and very productive. I do love hearing it. This week will be a big one! I hope this week is also very good for you.
      I will really LOVE having a craft room. I cant wait to be in there sewing etc. I will also have a desk which I will love too.
      Thanks so much! I hope to have loads to report this Friday! With love

  24. Many years ago, a friend told me how hard the process of moving was. Since I have moved over twenty times since I've been married, I told her what I learned long ago. To look at moving as expecting a baby. There is a lot of preparation, the move itself is like labor (hard!), but then when it is over... what joy comes with the new life. This time on the farm. ;)

    1. Dear Brenda, I think this is true. All waiting is strange... it seems to go on forever and then one day the day comes! I know all the work while waiting pays off that is for sure. We dont have long to go and we can concentrate on one house. That will be a big improvement! With love

  25. There is nothing like a quiet place for sleep. That is why we love our house at the lake so much. You have had such s productive week. Won't it be wonderful when you are all settled? We adore that sort of picnic meal, too. We need to pack one up and head somewhere soon. We are just finishing up a week at the lake and have looked at houses here this week. We did not find the right one yet but will look again next trip.

    1. Dear Lana, Peace and quiet is wonderful. And fresh clean air too.
      When we have a picnic meal I always think how we should just do it more! No cooking! As the weather warms I intend to do a lot of platters and meals like this and just graze. So easy. Good for lunches too.
      I hope you will find just the most perfect house. I think you will and you will know instantly!
      Lana I think of you such a lot. When I am travelling I drink less water but try to make up for it afterwards. I notice so quickly how I feel dehydrated! Then I get back into the water. So I have changed so much and will always drink my water now! I know it has done me so much good. Plus I use so many of the essential oil tips you gave me, what life changer they have been! With much love

    2. I am happy to hear of the life changes you have made and that you can see the difference! I have a hard time getting my water down when we travel, too. Thank you for your kind words. We are trusting God for our move whenever and wherever. We pray over it often and leave it in His hands. I will be praying for you over the week.

  26. Just beautiful, we are so excited for you. You'll just love your combustion heater - ours never goes out! Wayne and the boys do a great job of keeping it going all winter, and it heats the whole house. Even last week when we had a couple of -3 mornings, the house was toasty warm to get up. And it is perfect for cooking risottos - nice slow heat, you can stir every now and then, add a little more liquid when it needs it and dinner just cooks away all day. It's great for heating water too, for washing up or adding to the bath. What a blessing for your family, one I'm sure you'll reap for a long, long time. Love, Cath

    1. Dear Cath, Thank you! We have so much wood to cut, an endless supply so between this and the combustion heater we have it made. Thanks for the tip on risotto! That is such a good idea. I think above all a fire creates atmosphere and cosiness. I just look forward to next winter now! Although I guess it will get started before then.
      We are up to our eyeballs just now but four more days to moving! Who's counting!? With love and thanks,

  27. Dear Annabel, thank you for writing such a lovely post at such a busy time. It is SO exciting! I can just imagine eating that lovely dinner and overlooking your beautiful view. How peaceful and calming. I love all that storage and it looks like lovely timber drawers and cupboards too. I love the natural light, the windows and flooring. You will be so happy and how nice to be near family. It must be very tiring too. Once you’re back at the farm, I bet you’ll sleep well. I had to rest a lot more this week, I think I was coming down with a bad cold/cough, I think it is just after being so busy with the boys. So i have had to just listen to my body. Hopefully, I’m back to full strength again soon. I am so happy and excited for you. Thank you for making the world more positive and beautiful. Lots of love, Bridge

    1. Dear Bridge,
      Listen to your body as often we can head off a bug or illness just with rest. I hope you feel better soon though!
      Thank you for your comments! We are now only three days from moving! Andy has taken a load down in the van today. Last load will go with us on Friday. Now I just have styling for sale to do! I am so excited. Thanks so much Bridge, with love

  28. Those knobs are so pretty. I would use them. The mirror looks wonderful. So many pretty details on your new home. Good luck with everything. Do over do it and hurt yourself.

    I have been canning more sauce and making pickles. The garden is keeping me busy when I am home. I love it. My list is here:

    1. Dear Making Cents of it All, I love that you are making hay while the sun shines! I love being home too. It is the best!
      we are doing well with only three days to moving! We have achieved heaps and Im very happy with it as I doubted we could be ready so soon! Many thanks! With love

  29. Wow Annabel, I knew the move was going to happen but I hadnt realised it was in process. That's amazing! I am so happy for you. I hope that everything continues to run smoothly.

  30. I wonder if you could decopauge, spray paint or even glue gun the cabinet pulls? Lovely home😀

  31. I love your house! So excited about your move. You are going to love it.

    I was gifted "sand" pears yesterday (use them in any apple recipe, as they are more like apples than the traditional soft pears.) I love them and around here most people don't want them any more. Too much touble and all. But they make the best Pear sauce (like apple sauce).

    Things are going well here. I made myself a 30 day challenge, patterning it after one you did a couple years back. This one has a bunch of different items on it, some things I want to deep clean, some garden things, some sewing and I didn't write it down, but I want to finish some more of those Star Wars crochet dolls.

    I love them. They are so fun to make and I keep saying I will give them to my kids' friends for birthdays, but haven't been willing to part with them yet. I keep saying I'll do it after I get the set completed. lol. Hopefully, I will get up my guts to do that.

    Have a great week!

  32. The property and house both look lovely Annabel. I'm sure your days will continue to be full with so much inspiration from nature at your fingertips. Good to see your forward thinking/planning has paid off. Praying you enjoy the coming weeks as you settle in x


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