The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Friday, 24 August 2018

A letter from Laine. Dated August 24 2018.

Dear Sisters,
The early morning last Thursday started with this text to my family and friends:

"Please pray for me, my bladder is pretty bad today, already contacted my dr.  Please pray I don't go into a flare and can calm this down."

I have Interstitial Cystitis, a chronic, painful bladder condition.  Nothing is worse than a flare, which is likened to stage four cancer pain. My flares usually last two to three weeks.  I was at the beginning of that pay early Thursday morning. My Mom came over to talk to me and I was already having trouble talking. I hadn't had a flare in a year and a half, and as always, I was shocked at it's speed and severity.

I rarely eat out. My diet is limited.  I follow the Specific Carbohydrate diet but even that diet is more strict for me as I can't have dairy, honey, most fruit, certain spices, certain nuts, and the nightshades that are allowed on the diet.  I bring my food wherever I go.  I don't mind. I really love the food the LORD has given me to eat for the past four and a half years.  It's my "manna", and I am very thankful for it. It keeps me healthy and able to take care of my husband, my nine year old daughter, and help with my eight grandchildren.  (Two more grandchildren are coming, one and day now!)

So how did I get into this oncoming flare?  I got cross contaminated. Even to the best of my ability this can sometimes happen...even in my own kitchen. I know I have a small window of opportunity to ward off a flare, so I immediately emailed my doctor, asked family and friends for prayer, started eating all my safe foods and drank copious amounts of fresh ginger tea. Then I set to work on my house. It was 6 am and as I worked I kept thanking God for everything I could think of while praying over my body.  Thanking God that school hadn't started yet, so I wasn't homeschooling my daughter that day. Thanking Him I was not on a trip that we planned, which got cancelled. Thanking Him over and over for so many little things and so many big things He has done or is doing.

My Mom used to say "Laine, you can only have room for one thought at a time, make it a thankful thought."

I was thankful my routines were in place. I knew what to do next in my home without even thinking about it.  After I made my husband breakfast and saw him off to work, I tidied and dusted the living room, fed the cat and the dogs, headed to the bathroom next and cleaned the counter, mirror, and swished the sink and toilet.  I made my bed, put away any clothes, and dusted my room. I had vacuumed the house the day before, so I was happy to forgo that.  I checked two other rooms and made sure they were in order, then I headed to the kitchen.   I put away any clean dishes, washed our cups from the night before, tidied up anything on our table and desk, then quickly set about to making scrambled eggs, a vegetable soup that always calms my condition (I think I've shared that recipe before) and lentil bread with avocado on top.  I needed to eat everything  quickly to stave off this oncoming flare.  By that time my mom had come over and wanted to help, so she put on a load of laundry for me. I put a roast in the crockpot for dinner in the evening.  My little daughter, Lucy, watered all my potted plants and my garden for me and then tidied her room.  And my oldest daughter, Abbie, went food shopping for me as we had planned to do that together that day.

Between thanking God over and over and praying over my body as I worked, I also have a manta the the pain intensifies. "Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it!"

"My help comes from the LORD, which made Heaven and earth." Psalm 121:2

The rest of the day I ate a lot of my vegetable soup and ginger tea. My doctor emailed me back that morning, so I immediately started on the protocol she gave. It really helped a lot.

I am so thankful to say, I never went into a full flare. Thanks be to God!

"I was brought low, and he helped me." Psalm 116.6b

Our granddaughter is due and day now. I am so thankful to be able as I will be watching their three children while my son and his wife are in the hospital. I watched all their three kids for two and a half weeks while my son was away and my daughter-in-law was bedridden early on in her pregnancy. I didn't know if my routines would work with four children 8 years and under in the house, while homeschooling two of them, and of course, all the added mayhem of family life.  But they stood the test!
And, again, I was so thankful I had my routines in place to keep my home running smoothly.  It has taken me years honing them to the point that doing the routines in my home are like going for a walk. I don't think about it, I just walk.

"Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't thinks about it!"  Whether in pain, or with a bunch of kids in tow, I just keep waling by His great, great grace.

Love Laine.


  1. I didnt want to comment on the page with Laines letter so I am commenting here. I am still absorbing this letter! I need to avoid grain to keep my pain away and it works... this has made me realise how free my diet still is compared to Laines and I can do much better. If I am strong and avoid foods that are bad for me I am so much better! I have so much more energy! I need to eat what is right and be responsible for that! Many of us have health conditions yet eating right is a hard thing to conquer. I am thinking a lot on this. And routines.... how routines help us achieve so much and stop procrastination! Having followed Flylady too I learned to work on my routines! So now I am thinking how in my new house I will need routines to keep on top of so many things and a bigger garden too. The value of routines is just enormous. So much to learn. I am grateful to still be learning with Laine twenty years after I first started!

  2. Annabel, goodness me! I am not sure if I have even heard of the condition Laine has. Thank goodness she can usually keep it under control with a strict diet. I have friends who have never had any dietary problems who have suddenly become gluten intolerant etc. One wonders what is in our food these days. Think of all the fresh produce you will be growing soon.

    1. Dear Nanna Chel, Yes I am thinking of simple home grown food. I think wheat/flour these days is so modified and not like that of years ago. Things are so altered by the time we get them. I thought it hard to eliminate so much but its nothing compared to Laine. So I am trying to be more conscious of good choices. How I feel if I eat right is so much better. The god thing for those that are Gluten Intolerant is it is s much easier these days with recipes and options when out than it used to be! With thanks,

  3. A valuable lesson/reminder we all need now and then.

  4. Thanks for your letter Laine. It was very interesting for me. My daughter suffers badly from Endometriosis. We are just about to try the SCD. I am so pleased to hear how well it works for you. So pleased your flare didn't continue - blessings

    1. Dear Karen, I hope the diet helps your daughter! You will soon know. With my pain I had massive results after only four days. I was amazed. Still am! It takes quite a bit of experimenting but I hope this will help! With love

    2. Thanks Annabel. Thanks Sonia - we have tried the mirena but it didn't suit her and we had it taken out after 7/8 months.

  5. Thank you Laine for your beautiful letter and you are so right that God is good and blessings do definitely come through him and those who pray for us in times of need.

    I am so sorry to hear you have such a debilitating condition but glad to hear that you have fantastic medical advice on both diet and other routines you can follow in times of crisis.

    We also have strong routines here with my husband suffering bad injuries from a military accident. By keeping up with our routines and keeping on top of organisation, cleanliness and preparing vegetables by blanching and freezing we don't need to worry.

    If DH goes down with chronic pain and is in bed for a few weeks we are well in front of everything with plenty of food and all our needs. I then only have to do the basics to keep our home running like clockwork.


  6. Thank you for sharing Laine’s Letter! I have read all of them on the “way back machine”, after having been introduced to them by you, Annabelle, and I love reading them. When I saw you were going to post it yesterday, I couldn’t wait! I also wanted to tell you that it is so exciting to hear about your new home and see pictures. I am so happy for you and your family! Your blog is such a blessing to me - thank you to you and Laine and the other ladies who comment, I learn so much from you all. -Amy

  7. Thank you, so much, Laine, for this post. It is a good reminder to us to establish consistent routines and have plenty of healthy foods stocked to draw from when needed.
    Many blessings to you,

  8. I too have interstitial cystitis since I was a early teen. Iam now 29. Ive tried so much to relieve it even having surgery to stretch my bladder hoping that it would help my bladder linning grow back. which it didnt work that well for me. I started looking to other things to help me get relief. marshmallow root has helped me alot. I make a tea out of it and it has been a life changer for me. It helps coat the bladder. Just wanted to share what has helped me

    1. Dear Jessica, Thank you for sharing what has helped you. I am making sure Laine sees this to see if she knows about marshmallow root. I am thrilled this works for you! I had never heard of this illness before until Laine. You are doing really well! With love and thanks,

  9. Good to hear how you managed so well. When I am laid low by pain I pray for others and go through a list of what I am thankful for and my pain is diminished. Dear ones head out to work with Somalian refugees on the other side of the world next week and there is an ebola and cholera outbreak in that area. Praying over them has been such a help because it took the focus off me.

  10. Thank you for sharing! I can sure relate with Laine and her health problems as you can, Annabel. It’s such a great encouragement to begin praying over our pain immediately instead of fretting over it. I do try to go on with my housework but I allow my mind to get fearful at times. Laine is such a wise woman and godly example for us.

    1. Dear Lori, Thank you! Well I follow your posts on nutrition and my eyes are opening to what a responsibility we have with eating right and being selective. I feel entirely different if I eat what agrees with me and many things just do not and make me feel just terrible. If we nourish ourselves properly we can do what God calls us to be doing. It is a big responsibility! I am thinking on this a lot! Love

    2. Yes! We take care of our bodies to the best of our abilities and leave the rest in the Lord’s hands. ❤️

  11. Thank you so much for posting Laine's New Letter! Is she writing again??? I would love to be on her list! Could you tell me how? That is if she is opening it to us. I really appreciate your blog annabelle! God Bless you! Cheeryshirley

    1. Dear Shirley, I had always wished for more Laines Letters! She is not currently blogging but in my index you can find a few other Laines Letters from the last couple of years. I hope she will still send us a letter as she can. And you never know one day she might write more. Thanks for your nice message, love

    2. Thank you Annabel for the reply! I absolutely love Laine! I was so sorry to hear she deals with such intense pain! Thank you for sharing her letter with us! I love everything you share with us actually! You and all your followers seem to have such a sweet spirit about you! Lovely blog! Love, Cheeryshirley

  12. I had to read right away as I love Laine. I still have a few file folders filled with printouts of her "letters".

    I pray for a continued full recovery. Both my husband and daughter are on limited diets, some more limited from time to time. My husband has to be careful when eating out and when we traveled, he took his own food with him. It is not fun!

    Contrats to Laine for more grandchildren on the way. Each grandchild is just as welcome as the first.

    1. Dear Brenda,
      I have every Laines Letter printed! I still go back to those letters so often, they never date.
      I am thinking now on what foods are Manna for me. I have many that definitely are not! I know I need to be nourishing my body to be able to get things done. It has given me a lot to work on! With love and thanks,

  13. Dear Annabel and Laine, Thankyou so much for sharing your life experiences with us. I am working on routines. Making the beds and dishes done before I walk out of the house does get done automatically now - something I didn't realise till I read Laine's letter, even when I don't think I have the time it magically gets done. I will now work on others. I am not a lazy person but my effeciency needs some work. I really struggle with meal prep still. I am so glad for Laine that she had the resources to stop the flare. I had a much less serious few bouts with normal non chronic cyctitis when I was younger and the pain was crippling. What ended up working for me was cranberry juice, ironically I felt a flare coming on (first time 15 years) last month, I nearly panicked but was so grateful that I have learned to stock pile as I had cranberry juice in the pantry and sipped it constantly for a few days and it went away. Laine sounds super busy still but I appreciate any letters she is willing to write or us, I have enjoyed reading the old ones in the wayback machine. Have a great week, Clare

    1. Dear Clare, I am really feeling that what Laine said about routines would help us all in many times... and that having routines down is an advantage.... so I am really working on this! I am glad you found help for your cystitis. I have only had it a couple of times and it wiped me out, I was so sleepy and didnt know it was the infection... With love,

  14. Glad you are ok. When my vertigo gets bad I always say a prayer over and over. The Hail Mary is short enough that I can always get through it. It helps me remember that everything is in God's hands.

  15. Thanks for sharing this, Annabel. What a blessing her letter was. Such grace! Lord bless you, Laine. Praise God the flare lessened. Praise God, He is "our ever present help in time of need."

  16. I've missed you Laine. I'm so glad you knew what to do. May God bless you and bring complete healing. Good news!
    My doctor has now declared me cancer free! I still have to heal from the radiation and chemo, and I will have surgery again this fall to correct my reconstruction (breast cancer). God has been so good to me!
    Bless you my friend!
    Laura Lane
    Carthage Missouri

    1. Dear Laura, I saw your wonderful news! I am so delighted for you! Bless you! This is so good! With love

  17. I always enjoyed Laine's letters. too. However, I can see with her health problems, special diet. homeschooling, etc, and her being older now, there is very little time or energy for anything extra. Hopefully, she will continue to write for us occasionally through this blog.

  18. Thank you everyone for your comments! I am so busy with moving I didnt get to reply properly to everyone but I am making sure Laine knows she got many replies and comments plus some very helpful tips thank you!xxx

  19. This is wonderful to read! I hope Laine is doing well. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!


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