The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 9 August 2018

Feather your Nest Friday, 10 August, 2018.

I am happy to be able to write a Friday report!  I have been at the farm and got home later yesterday.
It was a big week!

Firstly there was packing and cooking meals and the usual stuff!
Then I was heading to the farm on Tuesday.  Before I left I made Mum some gluten free scones.

Mum really likes these!  😊  Dad said they looked so good and I told him they were gluten free then he lost interest. lol

This week we had so much rain.   A lot of Australia is in a terrible drought but we had a week of rain.  It rained all night before I left and at the farm it also rained heavily all night.
Much of the farm looked like a lake...

It was so wet Mum had Mountain Ducks on the front lawn.   When I was driving around I heard so much noise!  I thought what on earth is that?  I stopped and wound down the window....  the noise was just thousands of frogs!  

This trip I learned a lot. The first thing is I need to change my car to a four wheel drive.  The drive from Mum and Dad's to our house I cannot even attempt when it is wet like this in my little city car.
I went to see how our house is going in Mum's car.  After being used to a small car I felt like I was driving a monster!  

There was activity at our house.  A lot of activity!  Thanks to Dad and Mum I have a big help with this project.  There painters in there!  Having always painted myself and after I did this whole house a couple of years ago I am so thrilled at having help.   I do not have to paint it!!!!

This time I could look in all the cupboards and everything.  Old window treatments are down and I have a bare house.  It was amazing!   I went armed with measuring tape, note books and lists.
It was so much fun!  I have a lot of cupboards!   Most things were covered in paint drop cloths so I still didn't end up with many photos.  And things like windows have not been cleaned in YEARS.

However all the windows are big and gorgeous. 

I can see the old stone chimney from the spare room window.  I really like that chimney!

I took measurements in my pantry so I can plan my shelves!  This is one corner or the pantry...

This will be all fresh and white soon!

There are also great utility cupboards, two linen press cupboards, built in cupboards in all the rooms.  The garage is big too so if we wanted there is storage space in there.  And the laundry is ridiculous and I am going to think about that but I am going from a tiny laundry to a huge one!  

As the painters had undercoated almost everything things already were transformed and were beginning to look clean and fresh.  It was so exciting.   
Meanwhile back at home Andy went and got new tap ware and new vanities for the bathrooms. Next we have to shop for lighting. 

I chose paint colours and the kitchen cupboards were the biggest decision!   And in one of those cupboards was the original manual that came with the stove!!!

I timed the distance between Mum and Dad's and the house, between Chloe's and us etc.... it is seven minutes to get to Chloe's!   

There have been big storms and trees down.  Mum's friend Di brought a big box over for me.  Guess what was inside!? 

The hugest nest I have ever had!  It came down with a tree.  She knew I would love it!  And I have plans... you will see when I do my mantle piece!   Seriously, I told Di you could not give me a nicer gift! 

On the way home I called into a op shop.  (That was yesterday.)  I found Harper a book of Princess weddings!  She will love this.  We have been telling her about weddings a lot because of Chloe's wedding coming up.  Now she is a wedding enthusiast! 

Also I got a bargain!   I have never bought anything from Enjo because of the prices.  But there was a pile of Enjo cleaning cloths.  I asked the lady about the price.  She said how about $6 for the lot?

So I grabbed all five.  When I got home I googled the uses and prices.  I knew they were expensive but these are around $50 EACH!   They are in good condition and clean but I washed and disinfected them last night.  

We are heading back to the farm together to start working.  We have heaps to do.  Andy will start on understanding the water tanks and pumps, irrigation, cutting wood and fire preparedness.   I will start on scrubbing the giant kitchen sink,  steam cleaning the bathrooms and laundry and windows...

So that was my week!  

How did you save, get ahead,  improve your pantry or preparedness and build up your home?  I hope it was a good week for you.   It is good to take stock of what we achieved.  Rest, restore and plan some more!  Have a beautiful weekend! xxx


  1. Dreamy view, fabulous pantry, great bargains...who could ask for more? Annabel you will breathe life and love into this new home, in your own inimitable way. Thankyou for sharing this journey with us all. I had a patchy week, but still managed, despite many interruptions, to feed everyone from the refrigerator and pantry, lavish the pets with love and attention, and bake muffins and banana bread for the masses. A very contented me :) Mimi xxx

    1. Dear Mimi, I cant wait to show you the pantry when its painted and set up. I think I will make a window curtain as it is the one room with not a fab view just looks at water tanks! I am thinking gingham?
      I am glad you had a contented week. I think each week has its ups and downs.. its how we arrive at the other end that matters most! With much love,

  2. Annabel I am loving reading about your progress! You are the best kind of busy I think!!! I'm so thrilled for you that the painters are in, I know you love painting but I'm sure you will love someone else doing it as well lol. It really is such an exciting time for you all, and how lovely you will be so close to Chloe.

    Do you enjoy car shopping?! I despise it! I need a bigger car (at the moment we can't actually all fit in one car lol), and have been looking into it. But it's certainly not something I enjoy!

    I am still just getting the basics done in terms of saving, cooking from scratch, baking snacks, hanging washing out on the line etc. I can feel the bigger jobs piling up, but I just don't have the time or energy yet. So at the moment I think I will just note them down so that when I get a chance I can make a start.

    Enjoy your weekend! Sounds like you will be very happily busy☺

    Jen in NZ

    1. Dear Jen, Yes it is a constructive type of buys. Really quite a mess right now lol but I figure it will all come together in a few weeks. Everything counts.
      No I think car shopping a nightmare! BUTTTT with Chloe and Luke getting married he has a good vehicle and they have work cars and she is selling her four wheel drive... so I think I will buy her car and thus avoid the nightmare altogether. It would do the job, I know it has gone well for her, has newish tyres etc... what a way out!
      I think with the family and baby you are doing very well to be on top of cooking, baking, household management. That is awesome in itself. There are seasons... you are doing good in this season!
      Thank you so much! With love,

  3. Dear Annabel and beautiful bluebirds, this is the fourth time I have tried to type a comment and the first three times I have nearly finished my comment and I pressed a button on my phone and lost the comments. OK in summary I had a good savings week :
    Centacare $368 based on 8hours of services.
    $60saving on a bulk billed appointment.
    Transport from my parents, $100 savings because a taxi trip to and from my doctor would cost $50in a taxi plus other trips around my area.
    Free medication, saving me$60 .
    Also something that has made me very happy, I received 8 sets of craft items including some dies for my dizzies machine which are used to cut shapes. I will say this is a $250saving because dies the size of one's I was given can be $30 each in craft shops.
    I felt like takeaway one night but made a quick meal instead saving me $25 approximately
    I make that a total saving of $863 for the week. I hope everyone has a great weekend with love Barb W.

    1. Dear Annabel, the dies were for my sizzix machine, auto correct changed it to dizzies!!.
      Love BarbW

    2. Dear Barb, Sorry you had such trouble. Thank you for trying again! I do appreciate it!
      What great savings and wonderful to get the handy craft items. Yes many of these things are really expensive!
      That is a great total! I have to add mine up but it was almost $250 just on those cleaning items! So lucky!
      Have a lovely weekend. It is back to raining here! With much love,

  4. Annabel the view out the windows is exactly what Mimi said "dreamy". Very exciting, and how lovely that the work is being done for you. Does Harper have a role in the wedding? Have a great weekend. Fi xx

    1. Dear Fiona, The girls are informal flower girls. They dont have to do anything except run around in the most fabulous dresses. We replanting a few gorgeous things! It will be very photographic!
      I hope things are going well and progressing there... so that we are both heading in the same direction! :) Have a lovely weekend and keep warm, with love,

  5. Annabel, the sorting out of the kitchen and bathroom in preparation for renos was put on hold this week while I celebrated turning 70 with my friends but now it is back to reality and I will have to start sorting out what to keep. My sister rang today and sounds very sick so firstly I have to get her to the doctor this afternoon. Hopefully it is nothing serious. The Brisbane EKKA is now on and that is when the flu really hits here. So pleased to see how things are working out for you and Andy.

    1. Dear Nanna Chel,
      Happy Birthday! I hope you had a lovely celebration! Also I hope your sister is ok. There are so many bugs going around here. We even expect SNOW in the hills tomorrow. Chloe has tonsillitis... well bugs everywhere.
      Flu hit late last year I remember so we need to be careful.
      Thanks so much for your support. We are both in kitchen renovations! Mine are easy this time but I have been through it all! It is a bit like camping when the kitchen is pulled out! I hope it turns out wonderfully. With much love,

  6. Dear Annabel,
    It's all so lovely, so happy for you and Andy. How thoughtful of your parents to organise the painters to save your poor arm after last time. So excited for you all.
    With love,
    Lisa xo

    1. Dear Lisa,
      Thank you! Yes after last time I think I will have to stick to small painting jobs like furniture and touch ups. This is such a relief! And it allows us to get on with so many other things. I will have loads more photos by Friday! Have a wonderful new week! With love

  7. Hi Annabel - I love your new pantry. How great to have painters this time. I was wondering how you would get yourself through painting another whole house so soon (so it seems) after painting your old home. I had some pink shampoo that was cheap and not working for me or my daughters hair and I'd bought 6 of them. I looked through your old posts and made your luxurious bubblebath. It looks (in a bottle my MIL just gave me), wonderful and it is luxurious! So thankyou. This week I have concentrated on my photos. I havent printed since 2011. I can barely believe it. Now its a huge project. One of my camera cards were corrupted. I was really upset because it had a whole yar on it. I went to camera warehouse and the nice man there was able to get it back for me, I am so grateful. I will be tackling this project for a while but am determined to have them all digitally sorted and the best printed for my family to look at - we all like having the albums in our hands. Happy planning! Clare

    1. Dear Clare,
      Thank you! Yes I am very blessed re the painting on top of everything else this is amazing!
      I am so glad about the shampoo! The bubble bath is luxurious and lovely. I think a bath is a very healthy relaxing thing too. A bath detoxifies our skin unlike a shower. Other uses for shampoo is to hand wash delicates.
      I print photos. A whole generation will have no photo records due to the fact that memory sticks deteriorate and who knows if the cloud will exist in ten years!? What happened to your camera card seems to happen to USBs .... I am so glad you got those photos back! I print photos quite a lot as gifts.. this ensures the best ones are in several households and this makes sure the best photos stick around.
      Keep working on that as you will be so glad you did. Have a great new week! With love,

  8. I have a serious case of pantry envy! I can just imagine Harper being excited by the wedding and the wedding book. I remember being a flower girl for my aunty when I was 7 and she gave me a wedding paper doll book. I loved that book and playing with those paper dolls so much, Thank you for bringing back a very happy memory :)

    1. Dear Cath, Harper loved that book! I read it three times and she kept saying again again!
      I think there is a revival in paper doll books... I will try and get one. Harper would love this also!
      Thank you re the pantry! I will show you once it is set up and I cant wait to be filling it up! The pantry is one of the best bits of the house to me! With love and thanks,

  9. Hi Annabel and how very exciting and I have to say I am envious of the rain and water in your photos being in drought here :( as we are now having red dust storms it is so dry here , but I am glad someone is getting some rain. It will make the farm so lush and green :). You did well with the bargain cleaning cloths and still cooking wonderful things while preparing to move.

    Our Vicky challenge savings added up to $90.75 last week.

    Here is how we feathered our nest and saved last week -

    Home organisation -
    - Deep cleaned 5 rooms in our home as well as the front veranda and decluttered at the same time ready for our rental inspection on Monday. 2 more rooms to go yay !.

    In the kitchen -
    - Cooked all meals and bread from scratch.

    Pantry stock ups-
    - Purchased 10 more tins of smoked chicken and another 12 pk of toilet paper over and above our usual stocks.

    Gifts and blessings -
    - A friend gave us around 2 metres of wire mesh as a thank you for giving him a back brace that was now too large for DH saving us $32.50 over purchasing it.

    Finances and earnings -
    - Banked more money into our home deposit account bringing us to 27.22% of the way there.
    - Made $22.42 from the sale of 50 g of dried English lavender picked and dried from the gardens, 400 capsicum seeds saved from the gardens and 40 sugar baby watermelon seeds also saved from the gardens.
    - Listed 12 more items on eBay using a free listing promotion saving $19.80 on usual listing fee prices.

    In the gardens -
    - Picked another 1.1 kg of cherry tomatoes and harvested our first of season broccoli head weighing 238 g saving $16.02 on usual prices in the supermarket.
    - Mulched and weeded 2 ornamental flower beds and mulched them with a mixture of Lucerne hay and dried grass clippings to save on hay usage.

    Water preservation -
    - Used saved grey water from our showers and washing machine to water the household lawns all week.
    - Used dish rinsing, damp dusting and shower warm up water to water the fruit trees on the back veranda and supplement water vegetable plants in the garden beds.

    Usual frugal things we do -
    - Washed out clip seal freezer bags to reuse, hung washing on the clothes line, washed all clothing in cold water to save power use, unplugged appliances from power points when not in use, only turned on the electric hot water system when our water needed heating and boiled water on top of our slow combustion fireplace for our morning cuppas.

    Hope everyone has a great week ahead :).


    1. Dear Sewingcreations, Years ago when our family lived north of Adelaide we experienced dust storms. (and mice plagues!) I remember one storm especially.. we had towels stuffed in all the door cracks etc and the world went dark, it was red dust. Awful.
      You did a good trade with the brace for the wire! I love trading!
      We are sorting out the water at the farm. Im not sure if I will use grey water or not as I have been here... I think the bore water is fairly good. Will see what to do soon!
      The tomatoes and broccoli sound wonderful.
      Oh... I have two combustion fireplaces! I know that one of them at least will run all winter day and night and I can have my kettle on there for constant hot water! I plan to have dinner cooking on top of it most of the time too. So excited about this!
      I am glad you had a good week edging closer to that 30%!! I really hope the new week will be a great one! With much love,

  10. Dear Annabel,

    What an exciting week for you! I love the photo of the "lake" at your parents' place. I am so happy for you that you don't have to turn around and paint a whole house again, after having just done that last year. I LOOOOVE your pantry, and I know you will put it to good use.

    I have been picking peas and freezing them; we've gotten our first picking of green beans; I am cutting and freezing swiss chard again, probably today, if the garden isn't too wet (it rained a LOT again, yesterday...I hope that roofer comes soon!).

    Lots of prep work has been done here to get my eldest ready for her first uni courses to start Sept. 1st. And we are planning a couple of fun outings for this month, just because it's summer. I think we're headed to an Exhibition tomorrow to see (more!) animals and produce and to go on the rides! We haven't been for several years, so it's time.

    Our first load of winter wood should be arriving tonight, so we will stack that up and wait for the next load.

    Housecleaning day, today, so better get started! Lots of love, Jen in NS

    1. Dear Jen,
      I know you relate on the painting! Well I am so glad! We have so much to do and this help makes a world of difference.
      Peas! Yum! Your produce sounds wonderful.
      I hope the beginning of uni goes well. It is great this can be done from home.
      At the farm we have so much wood! I could be sending some your way if you were nearby! Have a good new week. Sorry for slow reply... we did a trip back to the farm... now home and getting ready for the next trip! With love

  11. Annabel,
    It is so exciting seeing all. I would be setting up a rocking chair or very comfy chair by the window to crochet and look out on the stone fireplace chimney.
    Your pantry is beautiful even before you put your personal touches on it, and a window to boot so you have no need to turn a light on during the day. My Parent's pantry has a window and it was wonderful. It sounds like the house was truly built with storage in mind.
    So happy you are going to be starting the moving soon. My prayers are with you.

    I unexpectantly added to a few of my pantries this week as did husband to his. So it was a good week. Plus I completed 4 Christmas gifts and have them wrapped. We didn't plan on any grocery shopping as we are trying to eat frig contents down, so major savings there.
    I have found that keeping running lists of needs in my purse has worked wonders when husband is in the mood to just get out of the house.
    I'm finally over my last bout of a virus and as soon as we return I will be working on storage room, organizing and purging. An early start to my Fall cleaning.

    I wish the best for you and yours.
    Love you!

    1. Dear Rosanne,
      I do look forward to being able to sit and crochet again! Maybe when winter comes next year. I also look forward to being able to sew.
      I have a little book with my lists for different stores so that if I end up in this stores I stock up on certain things! It is so helpful! I am glad you are feeling so much better! With much love,

  12. Dear Annabel,
    Your new home will be lovely when it is finished. It is wonderful to have the opportunity, before moving in, to make it truly yours.
    Cleaning, rearranging, eliminating items, and sewing consumed the week. I am working on pantry organization and trying to establish a once a month shopping schedule.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Love and hugs,

    1. Dear Glenda,
      I will be establishing a fortnightly shopping routine. We need a much bigger fridge to do it too.
      I hope you are feeling much better! With love

  13. What a week you have had! How cool to find the manual for the stove. And your pantry, just wow. That is wonderful to have painters there doing all the work for you. We have hired painters twice for big jobs and they sing while they paint! They bring in a big radio and turn it on and then I hear them humming along and then they start to sing along. And they sing louder and louder but it is fun to hear them. We call them the singing painters. :)

    My Mom and Dad have moved. Now they have a lot of unpacking to do and the other house to get ready to sell but they are there. My Dad has fallen twice in 5 days because he gets up and night and does not remember that they are in a different house. It is so much easier to move when you are younger than 80!

    You will get used to a bigger vehicle quickly once you have it but I will say I am still intimidated by driving the motor home. The wedding will be such fun for the little granddaughters. It is just so fun to have an event for party dresses and for the adults, too. Have a wonderful weekend! Much love, Lana

    1. Dear Lana,
      I love your singing painters! These guys have music playing too but I havent heard any singing yet!
      I am glad your Mum and Dad are moved so that is done but it is not good about the falls. I hope he is ok and adapting now. Meanwhile lights on in the hallway or something would be a good idea. There are sensor lights that just come on as needed, they could be good.
      Yes it is fun to dress up...Harper is excited about her dress. She thinks it is a wedding dress! haha! With love

  14. Dear Annabel, What riches: gorgeous scenery and masses of storage space! Who could ask for more?
    I adore that bird's nest. I have a long tray under a glass-topped coffee table in my garden room. It holds beautiful stones, sea shells, deer antlers, geodes, and old birds' nests, etc. I love all these "treasures" that nature provides us. And the nature tray is a magnet for the grandkids.

    1. Dear Phyllis,
      Thank you! I love the idea of your glass topped table. It sounds like a nature table... this is what I loved at school. We all would bring in interesting things like snakes skins, cocoons, feather etc.... I love it! What a good idea. I have a lot of birds nest and want a way to display them. Many thanks! Love

  15. Ohhhh, that lovely pantry! I can't wait to see it when it's filled! i agree with the above comment, you're definitely the best type of busy right now and I'm thrilled for you. :)

  16. Dear Annabel,
    How wonderful that the farmhouse is being painted for you! The photos are lovely! You are making great progress in getting ready for the move. How nice that you can purchase Chloe's car. That will be a help to you both.
    We spent the last of July and first part of August back in Colorado continuing helping our son and family prepare for their move. We enjoyed celebrating our granddaughter's 9th. birthday. The day they were preparing to leave (We had returned home), a terrible hailstorm hit. They had one vehicle on a trailer being towed behind our son's truck and also the the family vehicle. The windshields of all three vehicles were cracked and all have lot of body damage. Windows in the house were broken, too. Just a few weeks ago, the truck was badly damaged and their family car was totaled and replaced due to a hailstorm. Thank God, nobody was hurt and, although distressing, it can all be repaired. They were finally able to leave the next day. They are on the last leg of their trip and hope to make it to Washington state today. They have been in contact with housing people on the army post in Wasington for months and have been told there is no on post housing available. Their first goal is to find somewhere to live that is in a good, affordable neighborhood with a good school and hopefully playmates for our granddaughter. We are praying they find that.
    We've been putting new floor and baseboards in our bathroom. The next project is new flooring by the bathtub and that part of our bedroom. We may not be speedy, but are pleased to be getting some needed repair/remodeling done.
    We've enjoyed spending time with the granddaughter who is heading off to college soon. She was pleased with the dress I altered for her. We also had a fun visit with our married granddaughter and husband. We've missed them, but are hoping we can get over to see them this fall. All three will be living in San Diego, CA.
    Our younger daughter surprised me with several packs of photo sleeves, paper and embellishments that Will be great for my continued work on the photo albums. I took a small album I had made several years ago to the 9 year old granddaughter and put a few photos in it for her.
    The weather is hot and nasty. The monsoons have brought lots of wind and dust, but very little rain. I'm thankful for air conditioning and a pool!
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
    Love from Arizona,

    1. Dear Elaine, I did hear about hailstorms in the US and one said zoo animals were hurt. I wonder if these were yours! Well that is frightening! I hope insurance will cover all this damage. It is amazing and lucky people weren't killed! I hope your son and family have found somewhere very good to live. Sorry for my slow reply! We went back to the farmhouse with a load of things!
      You have had lots of wonderful family time and progress on your renovations! All good!
      I hope the heat eases up. Hot weather is very wearing! Have a good new week! Love

    2. Dear Annabel, yes, it was the zoo in Colorado Springs. I believe a bird and another animal were killed. They were evacuating visitors to get them out of the hailstorm. Our son and family made it safely to Washington and have found an area they like. Now to find a house...
      Hope your week is going well! It's so fun seeing your new house and property!

  17. What a lovely pantry! I love mine, but I have to say a window would be nice. And that nest is gorgeous. That will make a beautiful decor piece.

    1. Dear Deborah, Thank you! First thing is to get the windows clean and sparkly. It is YEARS since they were cleaned. I cant wait... it will be as soon as the painting is done. I also cant wait to use the nest! With love and thanks,

  18. Dear Annabel those gluten free scones look delicious, i was diagnosed with Cealiacs disease yesterday and need new lots of new recipes, your scones are first on my list. Oh how i love your new pantry, its going to be a dream once you've waved your wand. The veiw of the stone chimney is just lovely, such an exciting time for you and so love of you to share the journey. Xx

    1. Thank you! Ok off the top of my head... get your stove preheated nice and hot. Needs to be hot! I use about 4 cups GF SR flour, add half a teaspoon baking powder (yes this is extra on top of the flour being self raising) two eggs, about 2 cups of milk, a knob of butter melted... I guess this is a couple of very large spoons full. I knead this in my mix master as GF flour just takes much longer to get to a dough consistency. So you want a nice thick smooth dough. I press it out to about an inch thick (3 cm at least) and place them close together to bake. Brush with milk. It is the result of a few experiments and GF flour I thought needed help to really turn out this well but they turn out good! Just adjust it as you go to get a dough that is lovely, exact measurements are hard! I hope it works for you! They freeze perfectly.
      If you have an Aldi they just had gluten free week with so many products! They have a brand called Hasno which is wonderful. I got gf breadcrumbs and everything! Otherwise to make pancakes or anything just use gf flour and if you know the consistency something should be then it is a fairly easy swap. I generally find I need more GF flour than normal flour. Coles and Woolies have gf flours and mixes i.e. for little cakes. These are really nice!
      Thank you for your encouragement re my pantry and farmhouse! Much love

    2. Thank you Annabel,Ive enjoyed seeing your new farmhouse photos , the calming views and interior areas.How good to know Chloe lives so near , a bare walk there(or an exercise walk) for a cuppa and chat and back again, I love it!
      My week has been busy , like many others , with grandma duties,aqua jogging with a new friend which we are both really enjoying as we chat while we move in the water.Our local pool is closed for 3 months with renovations so this latest water activity is at another pool in the next city which is actually pretty close for me, by car .
      Our youngest gets married next Saturday so Im off tomorrow to meet the bride's mother and some of her friends this week.My bag is fully packed and travelling clothes out ready . Just this last bit of waiting time. Hubby and daughter and her two young ones will follow mid week .
      Ive been continnuing to use up freezer contenets as well as fridge and fruit bowl, and been a bit more creative for me, it really is a mindset Ive found as often I feel ..oh ive only got this or that in the freezer , but by changing my mindset and workign with it I was more creative. (IM not as creative with my cookign as you, MImi and others here ).
      Hope you have another good week at the farm and all the best for all Bluebirds this week , with love , Maria xxx
      PS IVe also started on sorting my laptop photo folder I have thousands there ,like mentioned above , I lost mine and it took age for my daughter to find them in some place Id never have known, and now they are all messy and not tidy like I had them. But Im dealig with it one by one to get it all done in time.

  19. Sounds like such a whirlwind of a week! :) I do love the peek into your new pantry. That will be so much fun for you, right off the kitchen. Yeah!
    I was tickled by your comments on the deafening roar of the frogs singing. When we have a good long rain we also will hear a loud chorus from our frogs. Love it.
    I am look forward to hearing all about your new home in the country adventures!
    Have a blessed day ladies :~)

    1. Dear Kath, I have heard that with pollution that frogs are the first thing to disappear and if you have frogs that is a very good sign. Well I felt really good that I could just hear what honestly sounded like MILLIONS! At Mums she has a pond. In the night you can hear frogs as you lay in bed. Its lovely!
      We are off again this week so I hope to have lots more to report! Thank you so much! Have a lovely weekend! With love,

  20. I love your spacious pantry,and it would be a great feeling to start from the beginning getting it filled up with all the goodies i look forward to seeing your next few projects have a great weekend xx.

    1. Dear Melissa, This pantry will be wonderful for me! I cant wait to set it up. It also has a lot of space on top shelves and the floor under the shelves. I think I will fill those with baskets to use that space. Hopefully in about two more weeks I will be setting it up! With love,

  21. I am really enjoying reading about your new home-to-be and life on the farm. It all sounds wonderful! Can't wait to see more pictures of your new home, and I love the stone chimney!

    1. Dear Debbie, Thank you! I love the scenery and I love that stone fireplace too. Andy is working towards having that shed set up as his work shed and he loves the fireplace too!
      We will be back at the farm soon and I hope when painting is done I can get some decent room photos! Many thanks, With love,

  22. Oops Annabel I replied in the wrong place ie after a commenter's post above ....sorry about that , Maria x

  23. Annabel, so happy to see how this new adventure of moving is unfolding for you and Andy! Plus, what a great deal on those cleaning cloths, wow! I also loved how your dad lost interest in the scones once he discovered they were gluten free lol! Love, Teresa

    1. Dear Teresa, I feel like I should make Dad some scones now after that. I make him fruit cakes a lot. But obviously he wouldn't mind some "real" scones. So thats an idea! Maybe in my new oven! (I should say my new old oven!)
      We just got back from a trip to the house. In a week we are moving a lot of furniture... after that we will be selling this house and then we will move the last things... so getting there! With love

  24. Dear Sonia,
    Thank you so much! I cant wait to set up the pantry! And I cant wait to get lots of chooks! You are right I will be out there collecting the eggs daily and making quiches, custard, pavlova etc.
    Have a wonderful week Sonia.... one day we will have you out in your veggie garden with your chickens also! With love,

  25. So funny about your dad losing interest in the scones after he found out they were gluten free. Sounds like my husband. My grandson brought some yogurt popsicles over here recently and my husband ate one and liked it. He found out later they were yogurt and now wants no part of them. Ha!
    Love what I can see of your home. The pantry looks wonderful! How nice too that the painters are able to paint the home before you move in. We moved recently and the painter couldn't come until after we moved in. It took him 3 days short of a month to paint the entire inside of the house. He also did it by himself. He was like a member of the family by the time he left!

    1. Dear Olderandwiser, We should probably just re name things and then they would never know!
      I am so grateful for the painter as I have painted several houses all myself. I know what you mean about workers in the house, you get to know them pretty well! Once drop cloths are off I can get some decent photos! Many thanks! Love

  26. Annabel the view is just gorgeous! Lol I will be going from a truck to a small car soon. I drive trucks better except to park! Lol! I love, love your pantry you are going to have such fun filling and organizing it. When we have the windows open at night and can hear the frogs and crickets it's very relaxing. Too many don't appreciate the simple things. Have a good trip!

    1. Dear Vicky, I love the sounds of the birds and the frogs etc. At night this is just glorious! Everyone pretty much drives 4 wheel drives in the country... a lot of the roads are just dirt. So its change over time for me plus I need to be able to carry big loads and do big shops. After a few days you get used to a new car.
      You will love my pantry and kitchen when I get set up! Many thanks! With love

  27. Looking forward to seeing what you do to make it yours, it will be great for you both. You will have so much fun doing all the things you need to do like getting a garden growing and decorating the house. the enjo mitts were a great bargain. Cant wait for the farmhouse blog and all the updates. Love Debbie xx

    1. Dear Debbie, Thank you! We just returned from a trip. Loads of progress... lots to do at home to be ready to sell. A lot of going back and forth! I will be glad when we are in one place!
      I have a bit of a garden plan now too... there are garden beds, they are just over grown. So I will start with getting them nice and work my way out! Thanks Debbie, love

  28. Dear Annabel,

    I just love to read how excited you are and how wonderful your new house will be. I love that huge pantry and all those cupboards!! Bliss!! 😊

    Sometimes a place just feels "right" and I sure get that feeling from what you have shown us already of the "bluebirds farmhouse" It is just fabulous. Been waiting for you to come occupy it I think 😉

    Well done on those cloths! You always find the best stuff. 😊

    You are in such busy but exciting days!!

    Love, Kaye xoxo

    1. Dear Kaye, Thank you! You will love the pantry when I have it set up. I am so much looking forward to that bit!
      I know the enjo cloths will be so useful. I am saving them for the new house. We just got back today from another trip. Lots of progress! In another week will be moving down a lot of furniture etc.
      Thank you Kaye, with love,

  29. Oh my goodness. You really do need a truck or something bigger with all of that water. I hope there is no damage. This is such an exciting time for you and Andy. Enjoy every minute. That is great that you will be so close to your daughter. I'm sure your parents are as happy as you are.

    We are away on vacation right now but I did get lots done before we lsft. My list is here:

    1. Dear Making cents of it all, It is so awesome you could get such a lovely holiday this way! I am so glad! Also that your son can bring so much home and you put it to use. Win win!
      Your produce also looks beautiful. You are making me feel like a holiday! I think after we are moved, settled in and the dust settles we could try for one! Thank you for sharing your week! With love,

  30. How exciting it must be to get to move to a farm. I will follow along with you. lol. Enjoy! Take care.


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