The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Friday 7 February 2014

Reflecting on the good things.

Mirrors are just wonderful. Placed well they can create a sense of more space, light up an area, double a lovely view, hide a problem area... 

I have a huge collection of mirrors. Most I have found on the side of the road or op shops. I have one lovely one that I bought years ago.  This is part one as I am just having a re think of mirrors in this home (and garden). My daughter just got a mirror for her outside deck area. It makes an amazing difference, making the area seem larger and reflecting her pretty plants.

Laying a mirror on your dining room table as a centrepiece works to reflect your flowers and candles and looks really pretty.

A mirror behind flowers, candles or anything lovely will create a look of real abundance! In my hallway my flowers honestly look twice as good due to the mirror behind them.

I am having a re arrange as in this house I haven't used mirrors as well as I did in my last home. My last kitchen had a huge mirror which reflected the gorgeous chandelier. It was amazing, it was like there were two chandeliers in there. It was a great trick! 

If you think of them as a way to double the things you love and hide the things you don't you can place them to really make things look lovely. Or place things in front of them that you love and double up.

I love mirrors in the garden. They can hide an area you don't like or an ugly fence and reflect a beautiful area. I used one to hide my tin fence and reflect my pretty bird bath...

In a courtyard or small garden mirrors and plants can make your area seem so much bigger and full of plants or flowers. A mirror to reflect a water feature or lovely area just is amazing! A mirror at the end of the garden makes it seem as if the garden goes on and on... 

If you have a dark area in your home well placed mirrors will lighten it up. I am amazed at the effects of them. 

Less than perfect mirrors I have found end up in the garden mostly. It is a good idea to secure them and I wouldn't have a mirror where a child is riding a bike or running around. But carefully placed they are just gorgeous!

Some of my garden mirrors have come from old dressing tables and wardrobe doors. My husband knows I love them and he always watches out for me. 

Today is hot and windy. Nasty! So I am staying in other than watering the garden and having a play with the mirrors in this house. (and a clean up!) Really they can work wonders for you. On the other hand you never want to place a mirror where is is going to reflect anything you DON'T want more of!

Have a lovely weekend! xxx


  1. As always Annabel, a lovely post! Now you have me thinking of repositioning our mirrors. Your home is lovely by the way. I love your decorating style :)

  2. Lovely post. I would love if you could come by and join our OMHG Wordless Wednesday Link Party.. Have a great day, Evija @Fromevijawithlove x

  3. I love your chandelier! I have one in black :)x


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