The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Launch Pad.

My personal clutter magnet is the corner of my island bench. It attracts paper, lists, bills, vitamins, cards, and random stuff. If I don't know where to put something I apparently put it there. It drives me crazy as it is ME who does it and it looks terrible!

Across from the island there is a walk way then a wall and on that wall I have my fridge and my bakers stand. 

So I have made this area into my "Launch Pad" where my lists, cards and mail, bills to pay and so on are organised. Now I have to implement it and not allow the bench to be the spot!

I think most of us have places that are clutter magnets. FlyLady calls them hot spots. I love FlyLady she makes it part of your daily routine to put out the fires in your hot spots. She is smart. If you are in a mess, let FlyLady help. It works.

Yesterday I finished this little make over to cure my problem, hopefully!

I have a box for receipts, boxes for vitamins to sit in, a place for pens, and plenty of spots for the things of daily life.

The side of the fridge has emergency contact numbers, a pocket for bills to pay, birthday cards for the next birthdays, appointments and my shopping list.  

I love the magnetic pocket. Thats Martha Stewart from Officeworks. I thought this is pretty handy!

Now I know I can do all this and not change the habit of sitting stuff on the bench! So this week I will be trying to re train myself!

This spot is not my only magnetic area either. I am trying to come up with solutions for the others. But this is progress. Last year I did a lot of organising, mostly following A Bowl Full of Lemons Blog. I conquered heaps! It was wonderful. But this year I have more to go and this is a start.

Whatever it is though that bugs you, creating a solution is just wonderful. It's like a wardrobe clean out when suddenly you have ten new out fits just from re arranging and re thinking. Or the dining room table looking beautiful and set for a meal instead of covered with sewing! Next time we see them our hearts leap from joy and relief! 


  1. Annabel, what a stylish solution you have come up with! Where did you buy the divided containers from? I love the decals you have used as well. Just gorgeous. xo

    1. Thanks Kaye. The dividers and fridge pocket are Martha Stewart from Officeworks. They are pretty pricey but I had a voucher so away I went. Typo are good for this stuff and maybe even IKEA, Big W etc. The transfers are left over from my jars, from Arwen Moore Design Studio. You get about a dozen transfers for $10 but then theres postage. But I love them! They make things sweeter. Oh I did notice Spotlight have a range of little boxes that could work this way too. I hope you are having a lovely weekend! xxx


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