The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Lots of herbs in a small space.

My herb garden out the back is so sad. Continued heat and wind has beaten me. Luckily I had picked so many bunches of herbs and used so much. It is the furtherest spot in the garden which I water with a watering can. Even a few times a day has not kept up. I have had to replant it twice a year for three years. I give up! So I am going to turn it into a little succulent garden as I love mini succulents, they look like little flowers and this will suit the spot. (and they are easy to collect as we all have some in our gardens and they grow easily from cuttings).

My solution is a tiered herb garden right at the back door. Easy to water, gets some shade, wonderful to just go to the back door with scissors and grab the herbs I need as I cook. Much easier!

Now I have only just planted this and there is room for more herbs yet. 

The only pot I needed to buy is the very top one which was only a couple of dollars. I used a garden stake to go through the holes to secure them together and stop them from toppling.

I save water in the kitchen ie from cooking vegies, from the teapot, from rinsing out things and from running hot water, I catch the cold in a jug... so all this will be easy to use on this little garden.

In a few weeks I will take some photos of how it is growing. 

Now this area gets protection from the wind and part shade but plenty of sun. I think it will be less of a battle!

As I planted this I could see each plant gets heaps of root space. In theory they should grow amazingly!

After feeling conquered by the heat I am really happy I have found an easier way as there is no way I am giving up on the endless supply of fresh herbs we like to use everyday. Its too good. 

I still hope to produce enough to give some away. I think too picking plenty and often just encourages thick growth... well I hope so! 

Now it is going to be 43 today so I am setting up some shade over this later. As I have driven around many people have umbrellas, sheets, towels and all sorts of things over their plants. Once garden looked almost entirely wrapped in sheets. And after a fortnight ago I understand why. I need to collect some old market umbrellas to use in this weather. Any tourist in Adelaide now would wonder about this strange phenomenon of wrapping your garden is sheets! I must take some photos of this as it does look funny but it will save what otherwise will be lost! I am off to water and cover!


  1. Annabel, you always find such great solutions! I like the idea of a tiered set of pots held together with a stake for a herb garden. I am away at present and it is humid but much cooler here at the beach, as it is a heatwave week at home. A week of days of 40+ temps will surely take its toll on gardens there.

  2. I love this idea too. It lets you move things around to take advantage of a cooler (or sunnier!) spot. Your herbs look lush, Annabel :)

  3. I love growing flowers and herbs this way. Yours look terrific! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog hop. Big Hugs ♥


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