The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 23 January 2014


I have always loved gardens and flowers. I had my first proper garden at my first house when the girls were tiny. 
I always just wanted a cottage garden full of flowers. I managed it too, from a really plain boring garden I added and added until it was a riot of colour. The only way I have any evidence is to show a photo of the girls at that house with the colour in the background....

Well that little one, Lucy, is about 2 there and tomorrow is her Hens Party before her wedding! And Chloe has planned her day which I know is going to be beautiful.

Their little flowers picked from the garden really remind me of how lovely that garden was.

Since then I have had a few homes and repeated the planting until I have lots of flowers. 

Our last garden before this one we got married in. It really was a tiny enclosed yard and the bedroom looked out on to it. We also ate out there most nights. I will always remember this one as special....

This garden is probably the nicest of them all but not at the moment as there is so much damage from the heatwave. I have so much work to do. Some things are very burned and sad. But it looks pretty from the front and unless you come in and look around you wouldn't know how much I have lost.

Out the back we have a lovely eating area. That is number one to me, a place to eat meals outside. At the previous house that was just a tiny little area yet we lived in it. Here we have more space and it is shaded by a big tree. This also happened to protect things from the burning sun last week.

There are lots of areas that need work and even re doing but I am not going to show you those until they are fixed! 

I truly think even a small balcony or courtyard, any little space, can be turned into a lovely spot to sit in the sun, eat a meal, read or have a cup of tea. And that this one thing makes life much nicer. If you don't have a little place and can make one, even if you improvise with a box for a table and a little chair then do it! I remember seeing on TV that in countries with tight space and little sun people know the exact time the sun will hit their yard and will be out there waiting for it so it is not wasted! We take it for granted a little but we have so much of the year that eating outside is lovely. We love long evenings outside. Once it is dark I have solar fairy lights that turn on and everything twinkles. These add so much! They are $15 in Cheap as Chips and are wonderful! I have two sets out the front and two out the back. 

Next week after recovering from this Hens Party (!) I will get stuck into the damaged parts of the garden. Once it is done I'll take some photos of the hidden bits!


  1. Annabel what truly beautiful little girls they were. Your heart must just love looking at this photo and remembering. Thank you for another wonderful post. We are looking at having our roof washed down. It is covered in leaf mould, which has discoloured it. Sometimes these simple things of cleaning up, can help us make our outside spaces so nice as well. Love Helen

    1. Helen I agree, getting things looking nice outside is a big thing. It seems houses are an endless cycle of care and maintenance! And gardens so affected by weather and storms! I know I feel much better when we get some work done and things are in better shape!

  2. OK! This is adorable and whetting our appetites!

    Next, please tell us Americans all about a Hens Party (probably equivalent to our Bridal Shower). I canNOT wait to see all your images!

    Later in the year, I'll be sharing my two daughters' weddings on my blog for the first time!

    Happy weekend,

    1. Kelley I can't wait to see your daughters weddings and share Lucys! Well a Hens Party is not the same as a Bridal Shower exactly. Here a Bridal Shower is more like an afternoon tea for the ladies with food, games and gifts, pre wedding.... and a Hens Party is usually more of a girls night out/party... it means different things to different people. Ours is a girls afternoon out and Ill share a bit about it probably on Sunday so you will see. I cant say much yet as it is all planned and a surprise for Lucy. Now I am heading to bed so I am up to the big day tomorrow! xx


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