The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Friday 10 January 2014

Bakers Stand (and getting ahead this time of year...)

It is a lovely day today. We know next week is going to be hot so this is the time to be getting lots done! 

Making jam etc has made me think to post about my bakers stand. A couple of years ago Andy came home with this from the side of the road...

Yep, he saw it and knew I would want it! Well, the lady came out from the house and told him he was mad, it is junk and there is no way his wife would want it!! He had said to her how he would take it home for his wife who would love it. She thought he was nuts so by the time he got it here he was asking me if he had made a mistake or not but that he still thought he should persist and bring it home.

He had not made a mistake! I loved it! Within a day I had it painted and I asked Andy to cut me a wooden shelf from where one was missing.  I had a rearrange to make space for it and began to use it straight away. These days it is covered in rows of jam so the empty jars pictured are all now full of lovely produce! But here it is a few days later....

It is so handy. Lucky Andy couldn't be discouraged that day!

Painting things is so easy. It's the quickest way to transform so many things. I rarely have to go buy paint as I mostly use only one or two colours and I just keep a big tin in the shed. It is quite relaxing to paint.

Yesterday I went to the store and this is the most fantastic time to look carefully. Once again I bought a beautiful big frozen turkey marked down by $27! so that the turkey was $3 a kilo. Such beautiful meat for $3 a kilo. Joy. Last week I had already purchased two. I am lucky I can use Mum's freezer as well as mine as these guys are big! Each is about 5 kilos. Now it is hot I wouldn't want the oven on. But in Autumn and Winter these will be wonderful. I can use one for a family dinner but others will start as a roast (big roast!) then be lunches and I'll make turkey pies. There are a lot of meals in each one! If there are ten meals in each one that is $1.50 for meat per meal. Bargain.

As Christmas stuff is reduced I also got boxed glassware for $3 and $5, a huge christmas tree in a torn box for $3.50 (this will be made into wreaths next year) and boxes of three candles for $1. Stunning wrapping paper, bubble bath, gift bags and all kinds of things for less than $1. My Christmas cupboard is looking good! I have glasses for my nephew who is setting up a house. My friend Helen got even better bargains! We are both off to a stunning start. We have both saved a fortune and got so far ahead and I am in SA and she is in QLD!

After each celebration this happens. Christmas trees that were $300 are $10. Turkeys that were $60 are $15. After Valentines Day chocolates are marked down and after Easter.... 

I am so happy with the start I have! The freezer is filling, the present cupboard is filling, the jam jars are full and its only day 11 of the year! We have roast turkey to look forward to in winter. (I saw similar deals on hams and bought one of those too).

Seasonal bargains are just wonderful. It only takes a few minutes extra to have a look around too. While you can put money away for Christmas most likely in December things will be full price. Every shopping trip so far I have found something amazing! 

Like time spent planning, time spent checking for bargains is the hugest overall saving!


  1. Some fabulous bargain buying there Annabel. Unfortunately I am the only one who likes turkey here, otherwise I'd be on the lookout for a great buy as well.

    1. Thanks Kaye, I did have some luck on hams but not as good as $3 a kilo... more like $5 a kilo and or the really large hams. But ham is so useful...baked, pizzas, pasta and great cold meat on hot days. Next shop is Monday so I'll be looking again as we are in for a hot week and cold meats will be good. Would love to get some cherries on a big special! xxx


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