The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Saturday 8 February 2014


I just love the movie Pollyanna with Hayley Mills. It's really a wonderful movie with a beautiful message. In fact it became a bit of a theme for me.

In one scene Pollyanna is bringing around the biggest grump in town and by her persistence and charm she has this super grumpy old guy showing her chandelier crystals and how the light goes through them to amazing effects. Next thing she has him hanging them in the windows to create a wonderland of glittering lights in the room. When I watched this I just thought WHY then doesn't everyone have crystals hanging in the windows? If this is true why wouldn't every person want this?

Well, it turned out to be true. But for some reason I still can't figure out lots of people have dark homes and the idea of light getting in seems to freak them out. And it is true on a terribly hot day even I need to cover the windows. But those are occasional days not the norm!

Then later I learned I suffered from winter depression. By the end of winter I would feel a craving feeling for sunshine. I would become lethargic and lose motivation and want to sleep.... It turns out this is pretty common and severe in places where the winters are long and dark. In the last few years I have conquered it but getting out into every bit of winter sun, being outdoors where it is bright as much as possible, exercise and letting every bit of brightness into the house. It is a recognised condition and we really do need sunshine and light, since we are not mushrooms.

Light and brightness in the house feel just beautiful, fresh, spacious, lovely. Yesterday I was talking about how mirrors can banish a dark corner, increase light and increase the good bits! Following on from that letting in the light, glass and crystal add light and sparkle. Allowing plenty of fresh air to flow through adds to the light and fresh effect.

Interestingly I also love Bible verses about light. There are just so many of them. The general theme seems to be that if you shine light, darkness will flee, letting the light in equates to true and happiness. I love it! Pollyanna reflected truth and light on the town she went to live in and the author included the theme of shining light and illumination...

So let's let some light in!

In true Pollyanna style I actually hang crystals in the windows. At certain times of the day the room is filled with sparkly reflections and rainbows! Joy.

This is my favourite mirror and the only one I have ever bought (new). It reflects lots of light in the lounge room.

These crystals are my kitchen chandelier. They reflect light from big windows in the lounge area. Between these and big windows the light is lovely.

Over the years I've collected lovely cut glass and crystal vases, decanters, jugs, plates and candlesticks. the thing is to keep them all sparkly. Most of them just go in the dishwasher so it really is no drama. When they sparkle it is so nice! Crystal and cut glass are just so easy to find in op shops and so cheap. I have a few dozen crystal champagne and wine glasses that I love and use everyday. They are all from op shops. I still grab them when I see them (excitedly).

In whatever form works for you, let some light into your life and do some basking in the sunshine. It really makes you feel


  1. Annabel, I think your chandelier is magnificent. I too love Pollyanna and that particular scene you mention is beautiful and to me the most memorable in the movie. We also love Heidi here as well. I bought a dvd recently with Jason Robards as the grandfather. It was inexpensive (Big W) but was a wonderful version of a much loved classic. Worthy of finding a hanky or two for.

    I so look forward to your posts. They are like a ray of sunshine and light to me every day too. xo

    1. Thank you Kaye! I will try to get Heidi as I haven't seen that. I also love all of Anne of Green Gables. Anne with an E lol Really these lovely things are little rays of sunshine and have us thinking of beautiful things, with beautiful lessons and they make us happy. We need more of them!

  2. I love how crystals throw shards of rainbow on the walls when sunlight hits them. Your crystals and chandelier are to die for Annabel. And try The Secret Garden for another splendid feel-good story...x

    1. Thanks Mimi. The only downside with chandeliers is the cleaning! But the twinkle twinkle is lovely. I am still always on the watch out for chandeliers even broken ones or bits as the crystals are just gorgeous. I actually got three good ones once from someone throwing them in the bin, they were going "modern" I swooped and saved them! That was a good day!

  3. Another Pollyanna fan here. I read all the books even though most were by another author. My husband found a dressing table mirror at a garage sale and reframed it in some recycled timber and hung it over the water feature that was left at the house when we bought it. It has ivy trailing around it and is just lovely. Five dollars well spent. The same day he bought some old fairy lights and hanging baskets and combined the baskets to become balls and threaded the lights through. I now have 3 of these lit balls. keep up the good work. I read but don't always comment.

    1. Hi Barb! I would love to see a photo of the mirror and water feature.... that sounds beautiful and I know your garden is gorgeous so I can imagine. We were on the exact same track with that one! I just love the fairy lights in a ball as a light... that sounds just stunning. Thank you for letting me know you are reading. I always just feel as if I am talking to the 50c girls.... xxx


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