The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Monday 30 December 2013

So many possibilities!

The last day of 2013. These days between Christmas Day and New Years Day are my favourite. Looking back over the year, remembering so many things... last January seems a long time ago!

And then planning the new year, where do we want to go from here?

Well there's nothing like a new planner to inspire! My friend told me about Erin Condren planners and I splurged! Mostly I have made my own planners but this was worth it I decided. And it is! When it arrived it has my name printed in gold on the front and it's gorgeous! It makes you want ot get planning!

It is everything in one, addresses, birthdays, appointments, goals, dreams, to do lists, the lot. Plus stickers and labels to slap on gifts and a place to store cards for the birthdays coming along. Then when you are waiting in the doctors surgery or where ever you have cards to write in, letters to write and planning to do! Joy.

Many people feel that an hour planning will save you several hours in real time. I think this is true. Every Sunday I usually plan my week and review the last one. From all the things I have to do, that planning often makes me realise if I group several things together I will save time and petrol. Just sitting down to do that is a big saving. Another is reviewing what is in the fridge and on hand and then planning to use those things in your menu planning. This stops you from wasting anything and so saves you money. It is very easy for things to be forgotten and found lurking in the fridge too late! You also save a fortune planning ahead for up coming birthdays etc. Last minute shopping is always a disaster and you spend much more in desperation!

Just now before starting a new year I love to look back at all we did in 2013. It's quite a list! It was a good year. Reading back over my resolutions for 2013 I can see I actually did follow through with them! I had a list of things... to lose weight.... and I did lose 7 kilos and 50 cm! To sleep well... and I did pretty well there by implementing some new habits. Next was to survive winter which often gives me depression... and I did and was fine AND even loved it. I did that by having heaps of projects I loved to work on and also exercising and getting out into every bit of sun that came out! Next was exercising and improving my overall health... and I did! I joined my old gym, worked out all year and we swim every warm day. So success! Seriously and amazingly no fails.

So now what to plan for 2014? Literally the minute you WRITE something down you take it out of your head and bring it into reality. It's like "there you said it, now do it".
The other night after a swim I said to Andy "that's it, I am committing to swim 40 laps by the end of this season" He looked at me.... mmm that is WAY over my best effort. EVER. But as soon as it was said something happened. Next swim I thought I had better be upping the anti... and I swam 30 laps. (40 laps is 2 kilometres) I am a very ordinary swimmer. I like the water and in the hot weather it is more fun than exercise and you sleep like a baby. I wear sun glasses the entire time. I apply conditioner to my hair and pile it up. And away I go. Then I sleep like a baby and it's such a cool down after a hot day. It is so good for me and I know it. Water is very relaxing. 

I think it is good to have goals in several areas... ie health and fitness as these are vital.
Then spiritual. And financial. And something creative or fun...

There are a few things I know... it is good to read up on things known to help you find success. One is if you are giving something up you must replace it with something else. A void just never works. Another is whatever the goal, break it down into monthly, weekly then daily. Even if you do one tiny thing per day toward the goal you will get there. Write it in your planner as "to do" items. And say it out loud, write it down, find support, and report in. That can take different forms. Finally spot sabotage. I worked in the weight loss/health industry and boy did I see a lot of sabotage. Once you spot someone is sabotaging your dreams then you can mount your own defence. (interesting stuff!) 
A huge tip is to make a bad habit hard to do. Willpower is so over rated. I have none. So I know not to try to use will power to not each chocolate. My willpower leaves the house at around 6 pm. I just don't have chocolate in the house. Simple. We all know the things we cannot resist. To have them in the house is self sabotage. Just don't. Ask and expect support. It is your life, your health ... it is important. You are important.

So the new year is a new chapter or even a whole new book! A big chance to do things differently or look at things differently and I just love that. I hope 2014 is a wonderful year for us all! xxx


  1. 2014: Fresh, with no mistakes in it! I've recently been challenged in church to "get out of my comfort zone." Watch out! Here I come!

    Happy New Year, Mrs. Smith!

    1. Happy New Year to you Kelley. Yes like a new diary the new year is a blank slate! Lets both get out of our comfort zones and achieve lots of good things! xxx

  2. Hi Annabel, this is a fantastic post! I have received a couple of emails the last few days from Ministries that I respect about how New Year Resolutions don't work, however, they all point out like you, that specific measurable goals do! Your planner looks wonderful and I would love to see some more posts throughout the year on how you are using it.
    Love Helen

    1. Thank you Helen! Its true resolutions or any wish stay just that unless we put in a plan and review it often. And of course we can do that any old time. But a new year is such a good time for a review. An audit. A fresh start. I love it, that we have opportunities to re start, do better... I am so grateful for the good year we have had. Have a wonderful 2014 xxxxx

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Susan! Yes I keep finding that. Whatever it is a little bit of time on something, a few calories saved, a little bit of exercise, a few dollars saved.... x 365 days of the year and you have a lot of each of those things... maths amazes me lol but its true!


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