The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Saturday 9 November 2013

Your colours...

We are all born with colours that naturally suit us but if you are like me this knowledge seemed to take a long time to work out! Many many mistakes (big ones!) ...

A couple of years ago I went to a stylist here in Adelaide, Natalie Tucker. This was amazing for me! 

Ok, so some of the things that are so simple and yet so perfect...

Take a look at your eyes and study them! The colour of your eyes is such a part of you yet often we don't look closely ourselves.  Your eye colour and shade is the perfect colour to collect accessories in. Wearing these will make your eye colour stand out and people will comment on your eyes.

My eyes are green. Once I took this advice I collected deep green accessories and it works. Everyone says something about my green eyes! 

Now the same with your hair. Provided you stay with a colour that is natural for you. I have mine the colour it was when I was in my early teens. The general rule is to go a little lighter as we get older, it's softer, more flattering.  Our hair is such a major feature. It is part of our "outfit" everyday. If you accessorise to match the colour of your own hair you will look fantastic. These are all the colour of my hair and I have cardigans, scarves etc the same as well. Whatever you are wearing this will work as it will go with your hair!

This is so simple, yet I ignored it for years! Why do we wish for the colours of someone else rather than our own unique colours!? When I wear these I look so much better, I know it now.

And the brilliance of it is your eye and hair colour are going to be stunning together, of course. So as clothes and accessories you have a match made in heaven right there. 

So these are mine and they always look beautiful...  I can add a contrasting/opposite colour like burgundy and it looks amazing! To work this out I'd say see Natalie (Defined Image) as you don't want to get it wrong and waste money. But getting it right ends up saving so much money as everything looks gorgeous together and most importantly ON YOU. It's so much easier. Why oh why did I take so many years to get to know such a basic! 

I hope this helps to create something really flattering for your own unique colours.

1 comment:

  1. Annabel, this is such good advice and it really works! I have green eyes too, and thanks to you, have now unearthed pale green twinkly baubles and silky scarves of all kinds. Pearls are right up there on my list too. Thanks!


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