The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Make your Christmas ribbon.

If you have a love for pretty things you would have noticed beautiful ribbons are sooo expensive. 

Here's what I do. You just need strips of fabric and almost anything will do. Here I've used a cotton floral print and a sheer pale blue organza. I prefer them to look vintage (ish) and so I like torn edges. The more faded florals suit this. 

Long strips are the way to go. A vintage floral sheet would be perfect and make you miles of ribbon! But plain calico looks lovely.

I have rubber stamps in chandelier and crowns, birds and script. You'll be seeing those over the next few days. Etsy is where I get them mostly.

Ordinary stamps work perfectly on fabric as long as your background print isn't too dark. I just place a stamp every so often and just guess, no measuring or anything like that! Let this dry.

Next step is to use a liquid fabric glitter. There are heaps of colours in them. I get mine from Spotlight but they would be in craft stores generally. With this you just add some sparkly highlights over your image. Let this dry as it smudges! 

Once dry I drape my ribbons over a coat hanger or chair waiting to be used. But you can wind them and package them in cellophane as amazingly pretty gifts.

This would be a great craft for girls as it isn't hard at all. Once you have a pretty stamp you like you can make so much ribbon very inexpensively! 


  1. What a divinely beautiful project Annabel! Do you write on the stamped image with the fabric glitter, or is there a glue and glitter combination? So pretty!

  2. Thank you Mimi. The glitter is a liquid like glue and when iy dries there is no sign of glue a all. I used Derivan Kindy Glitaz in Silver (Spotlight) also have Jewel 3D paint and Leeho Sparkler glitter glue... all work well. So it can be fabric glitter paint or glitter glue as long s it is in a container with a fine nozzle. Since I wouldnt expect the ribbon the be washed I think either is fine. I see ballet them or french theme coming on!

  3. Hello, just became follower #9- found you via My Romantic Home & so glad I did. This is a wonderful idea and will now be making my own custom ribbon for Christmas .

    1. Thank you lala, I'd love to see how your ribbon turns out. I spent last night making more for my own Christmas supplies!

  4. Hi Annabel,

    Love these ribbon so now I am on the hunt for the liquid fabric glitter!


    1. thank you Lynnie! I am loving glitter glue or fabric glitter. I have just found that when I can't get colour I want I can use a fine liquid glue then sprinkle glitter over it and it will stick and in the end look much the same. It gives more colour options as well. But is a little more messy!

  5. Amazing job on this, it's so pretty! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Jody, thank you so much and for taking the time to comment when you are busy moving and everything (I was just reading) Good luck with it, such a big task. Once you have moved I hope you;ll get more time for lovely crafts and things. xx

  6. I love this
    the little chandelier stamp is wonderful all glittered up


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