The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 28 November 2013

I'm dreaming of a sparkly Christmas.

Last weekend I decided to glitter some branches to fill a tall vase I have.  At a florist they asked for $60 for a bunch of sticks. As I bolted for the door I remembered sticks I had from another project and if I added to them I would make do.

I spread the sticks on my outdoor table over newspaper and with a foam brush added glue along them as much as I could. I worked in areas with a tray underneath to catch stray glitter, or most of it. You would not want to do this on a windy day! 

It was a bit of a fiddle but I enjoy it so it was ok. Spray glue would be a faster way to do it. I would move the tray along, scoop out the fallen glitter and re use until I had fairly well covered branches. Really you need a few patches of glitter per stick, not total coverage. 

You could also use small beads, crystals, anything sparkly for this.

Then I added glitter to some little nests I have. I bought these a few years ago from an online craft store, they were very inexpensive. I have used them in several projects. The little eggs were also from an online craft store. Once dry the easily nestled in between my branches and looked super sparkly.

The birds are new Christmas decorations and were about $2 each. They clip on anything and looked right size wise too. Two nests are for the Christmas tree on Sunday when we put that up. 

it's an example of how a little glitter turns ordinary items into Christmas decorations. You can make gorgeous displays for so little. The nests would be a lovely project for kids home from school, they would have great fun with this.  

My vase of sticks looks much better than a vase of sticks sounds! It sparkles so much near a window and looks so pretty. And my little bird seems to be happily nesting away in her sparkly nest! 


  1. We love glitter too. We're glittering tags with Festive French sentiments to hang on our

  2. Annabel, you have such wonderful ideas! These look amazing. I'd love to glitter some pine cones, but unfortunately, there are none around here, unless I spend a fortune at a shop :(
    But sticks - I have plenty of sticks!! (The dying jacaranda is useful for something, at least...)

    1. Dear Little Moo, any interesting sticks will work. The ultimate are corkscrew willow or any willow but I see interesting branches that are really perfect! Where are you located? Next year (as I think its too late to arrange it this year) I would be glad to send you some pinecones, as on my parents farm there are so many pine trees. You can private in box me if you like... xxx

  3. Annabel, I'm in Sydney, so I think the cost would be prohibitive!! It's a lovely thought, though, Thank You so much!!
    We have an old house, with a wonderful old fireplace to match, but the back of the cast-iron bit where the wood goes (I don't know what it's called) is broken, and we can't fix it (we rent), so I'd love to hide it with something. Pine cones spring to mind, but I may be able to make an interesting bundle of sticks, tied with something festive, to make do until I find something better. The mind is ticking over slowly....


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