The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Powder puffs.

Nana loved powder puffs and especially ones for face powder. I bought them for her lots of times. So maybe that's where I get this love of powder puffs. But I adore scented powders.

Lovely powder puffs are a rare thing now and i you do find them they are an expensive thing. They are ridiculously easy to make.

From a craft/fabric store purchase fur by the meter. Choose what you love the most. I have had pale pink before which was gorgeous. It comes in a huge selection of colours. Then choose a wide satin ribbon for your bows.

Decide on the size you would like them and find a plate or something round just a little larger as your template and draw these onto the reverse side of your fur. 

You want fur on both sides. Sew them up like little pillows, fur inside and leave 1/4 open so you can turn them inside out and insert an inner.

For your inner use either wadding ie quilt wadding and use the thickest one or use foam as I did and I really like that. You want it to end up feeling thick, not thin. 

Cut them a little smaller and insert and the stitch up the last bit by hand. 

Now you need to tie luscious looking sating bows and centre them. Stitch them on going right through to the back so they are firmly fixed and can act as a handle. Trim leaving them looking generous.

In another post I'll cover making powder and gift boxes so these can sit on top to make a complete gift although wrapped in cellophane and scented these would be lovely gifts just as they are.

They feel beautiful and now I have a supply again and some presents!  


  1. Simply divine. I can't decide whether I prefer the baby blue or the ballet pink...*sigh*...

    1. Mimi I was thinking black velvet bows might make them seem french/designer......

  2. Gorgeous wish there was a fabric shop nearby! I will have to go hunting next time I am in a bigger town.

    1. Thanks Barb! I would say buy it online except some fur feels rough... not soft and luscious... and so feeling it for that softness is a must. You don't need much either so what seems like expensive fur comes way down when you only need 20 or 30 cm! Bargain! x

  3. I have sat here for ages going through all your blog posts searching for the powder puff post because I remember them and know how sumptuous and luxurious these are. I do have a question though, I don't use powder but these just 'grab' me. Do you have any suggestions for these either as a decoration piece and if so how, or any uses that don't involve powder. Thank you Annabel. I've had a lovely couple of hours going through your beautiful beautiful blog. Fi xx

    1. Dear Fiona, Thank you! I am a powder addict as a perfume, shoe freshener, linen freshener (oh my goodness the feel of bed powder...) in the heat when it is just sweaty etc... first I will check that you just dont like power rather than you think it is unhealthy... as you can make all natural lovely power fragranced anyway you like... so let me know on that. Otherwise I would make them as gifts for anyone who loves powder and powder puffs. Nanna loved all powder puffs so smaller ones for setting loose powder on your makeup is a possibility. Baby ones for cornflour on babies skin... need to think on this!xxx

  4. Thanks for the reply Annabel, I just don't like powder really. I do have a tub that is a zillion years old and if I am completely desperate and unable to wash my hair I have been known to squeeze it a bit over the general direction of the top of my head and then a good brushing and you can get away with it for a bit. This is times like, we need to go to the hardware or such and I"m outside dirty and yucky but don't want a shower but at the same time don't want lank 'been in a hat all day' hair. That is the only thing i use it for. It is just the frothiness of these that really appeals. I was wondering how I could have some for me but not used - as a decoration. I might make a couple in baby blue for my new grandboy - I cannot wait to see him. It is well under 10 weeks to go now. Could be sooner due to a small hiccup for her. But all is well. So if you are getting your thinking cap on, I'd love you to think of a way of me making a fluffy pile and keeping them. Many thanks. Again I"m blown away by your blog. I read the entire year 2013 yesterday afternoon/evening! I'm going by year. Onto 2014 now. You are the wise one. Fi xx

  5. Have you ever made a powder puff out of genuine swans down - or I guess what was actually used was goose down?

    1. No, Caroline I've not, it sounds pretty soft though. I do have a danish duck down quilt, all down, no feather, it's very luxurious and light.

    2. Thank you for replying and I have been looking at vintage powder puffs on ebay etc. They are so beautiful and I would love to have one on a pretty vanity the way women did back in the day. So feminine and pretty. I am really enjoying your blog!


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