The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Saturday 17 November 2018

Catching up with Show and Tell Part 5!

What an epic Show and Tell this has been!  I hope everyone has found some ideas, I definitely have!

Today we have Tanya.  She is a marvel... she has eight children, lives in the Australian outback and home schools!

Tanya taught her son to sew and he is so proud he completed a quilt for his little cousin...

Well done!   It is a beautiful quilt!

This reminds me so much of how Mum and Nan both took the time to teach me so many skills.  I loved it all!

Also Tanya made shopping bags for gifts...

It is designed to fit on the supermarket trolleys hooks.  Very handy!

Also mug mats... using old jeans and shopping bags!

And a big batch of homemade soap..

Beautiful work Tanya!   

Teresa wrote and shared a quilt she made up for her friends baby...

It is all soft flannel,  all from her own stash so it helped her use it up challenge,  and she prayed for this little boy as she worked.   What a beautiful gift Teresa!  

Thank you girls for sharing your work! 

We have one more show and tell in this round then we will begin again in January.   The last one is a big one!   And very inspiring! 

I hope you are having a restful weekend! xxx


  1. Dear Annabel, what clever bluebirds You all are!.
    Tanya your gifts are amazing, well done for teaching your son to sew /quilt too. That's excellent and he looks so proud of himself.
    Well done to Teresa too, You ate so creative and talented.
    We are a lovely crafting, cooking, caring community. I look forward to the next show and tell.
    I hope everyone has a great new week.
    Love Barb W.

  2. Dear Annabel,how lovely to see Tanya's son opening this session holding the quilt he made his cousin , well done young man and Tanya for teaching him.
    Tanya, may I ask at what age you started teaching your son to sew , as my young grandson has shown interest in making things.
    Love the shopping bag and the lavender soap looks devine.
    Theresa's baby quilt is lovely and double win to use up her scraps in the process.
    Thankyou for sharing everyone's goods made,with love Maria xxx

    1. Dear Maria, You have a reply from Tanya below... I would say with hand sewing you can start much earlier... and knitting and crochet. I know I was taught around four and I took crochet to school and did it in recess and lunch in grade two. I loved it! A sewing machine for child is another option too for early starters!
      I think kids pick things up so fast like they do with languages it is amazing! With love

  3. Tanya, beautiful creations❤️

  4. I love all the show and tell Annabel!! Thank you all for sharing. I love it when the young ones show their work. Paula in Kansas

  5. I love all the show and tell Annabel!! Thank you all for sharing. I love it when the young ones show their work. Paula in Kansas

  6. Hello Bluebirds
    Thanks to everyone for lovely comments. Sorry I don't get alot if time to post on blog but am always reading.
    Maria: I get kids keen early if they are interested in any craft. Maybe eight for sewing but my sister in law starts as early as five.
    Id be happy to share the shopping bag pattern with anyone. Perhaps contact Annabelle and she can do a email for me.
    Blessings Tanya xxx

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Tanya having received some of your home sewn items, I know how beautifully made they are. I love that you are passing this skill onto your children. Your son's quilt is gorgeous.
    Teresa the bubba receiving your quilt is going to be wrapped up in warmth and love.

    I feel so blessed to be a part of this amazing community.
    Life is now referred to in this part of the world as 'Annabel good'.

  9. Dear Annabel,
    I've enjoyed seeing what everyone has been making!
    Tanya, you always amaze me with what you get done! Beautiful work and good job to your son too! What a special gift for his cousin.
    Teresa, that is a beautiful quilt. I imagine it is very soft and cozy. Great job for using what you already had.
    Thank you for sharing!
    Love, Kelsey

  10. I just love those coasters and that beautiful lavender soap! And that patchwork quilt is just divine. So much talent and creativity!!

    Lots of love,

    Jen in NS


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