The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Friday 23 November 2018

A big request.

In my Friday post I mentioned wonderful friends and true prayer warriors.  It is not too often I post a special post that is a prayer request.
I thought I had a bad week but a Bluebird here messaged me tonight and her week was a parents worst nightmare.
For privacy reasons I will say J is the most wonderful friend.  Her daughter, also J, tried to take her own life.
The daughter had a very traumatic thing happen to her when in high school.  It was something  that went on and on.  She has the most loving family and is the most gorgeous girl but she has never recovered from it and everything has been tried.  These parents have gone to every length to find ways to help.
This is not the first time this has happened.  Any of us with kids can imagine the horror... and the worry that sooner or later she will be successful at ending her young life.
Nothing has worked... some things have helped for a time.
So I offered that given there are Bluebirds that are really serious and when they say they will pray they really will... that we can gather together and pray for this girl and her parents.
We have had more than one instance here where prayers have been said for someone and they have made an actual miraculous recovery.  I have seen it now several times.  When I had given up on someone and they recovered!
When I was a teenager this was what convinced me to make my own decision for God... through prayer my Uncle recovered.  It was so remarkable that the doctors and the nurses of the hospital he was in formed a guard of honour as he left the hospital!  Months later I saw him.  He could not speak properly because of all the tubes he had down his throat for so long.  He leaned over to me and said "I know what you did" and I sat there dumbfounded... and he said "I didn't believe in God before but now I do"  and then I knew my prayers and what I had said to God were known to my uncle who could not know... and so this was the point I felt "Ok now I know for sure."

So miracles happen through prayer.
If you will pray for J and J this would be a hope where at the moment they don't feel too hopeful.


  1. Oh my gosh what a traumatic experience for this family :( and thank you Annabel for letting us know.

    We (DH and I) will certainly pray for this family for recovery mentally and physically for the girl involved and her family.

    God works miracles that I have seen too on many occasions :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna)

  2. I will pray for J and her lovely daughter. We can all fight this together. Mental health is real and it is really important to be talked about. Sending you and J and her daughter love. Lots of love, Bridge

  3. Count me in. I will go and light a candle and pray right now. Know that you are in my prayers J and J. X

  4. Dear Annabel, prayers said, may he devine love and mercy heal that precious girl and bring her the joy to love her life again. it breaks my heart to hear this, too much pain for our young ones these days.

  5. Praying! With love from my whole family to J and J and your family.
    Blessings Tanya xxx

  6. Oh how sad for J and J, they will both be in my prayers.
    Love Lorraine

  7. I will pray for J and J too.

  8. I just prayed for this young lady and her family.

  9. Of course I will pray for J. and J.. My heart goes out to the family. If anyone can heal J's daughter, it is God.

    Love, Jen in NS

  10. touching story, I shall pray for them.

  11. I will be in prayer for them. It is difficult to humanly reach the depths of pain this person feels with words. Only Hashem can heal a soul and spirit. May He, the great healer, restore her completely.
    Sending love and hugs,

  12. Dear Annabel,
    I will say a prayer for J and J, thinking of you both.
    I thought I had a bad week but there is always someone in greater need.
    Please don't give up J and J there is help available. I am proof of that.
    Take care. Thinking of you all. Love
    Barb w

  13. Hello. I don't think I have ever left a comment on your blog before, but I wanted to let you know that I am praying. I am a mom and I know it is not easy for young people in this day and age, and my heart is going out to everyone involved. Thank you for sharing that testimony about your uncle too. God Bless.

  14. Prayers being said for both J & J, J's Daughter needs all the love and support she can receive, my our Lord hold her and protect her and heal her. May J be comforted in His Love. There is no pain worse than a Mother watching her child suffer. I pray for God's comfort for J.
    Love, Rosanne

  15. My heart goes out to daughter J and her family. I’m praying for all of them, especially that God will heal J and show her his comfort and love. I will continue praying for healing. Melissa

  16. Sending my healing thought to the J girls, May the combined Bluebird prayers and love help heal. Fi xx

  17. Thoughts and prayers with J and her daughter J. Much love and healing to all involved.
    May God's love uplift and protect them all.
    Love Lisa xo

  18. Annabel, I will pray for J and J. Adolescence and young adulthood are hard enough to navigate without all the modern pressures. You are also in my prayers - after reading last post. Thankyou for continuing to share, inspire and put others first even though you obviously have a lot going on yourself. Clare

  19. Prayers being sent up for J and J. I pray for the young lady who has been brought so low. I also pray for those around her, who continue to fight to keep their loved one safe and to find a way to help her repair and recover.

  20. Prayer is powerful, and it's been proven that even if you don't know someone is praying for you, you get the blessings. Prayer chains are more powerful. I believe God hears and answers every prayer, J and J are and will be in my prayers.
    "Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it." John 14: 13-14
    Cath xxxx

  21. Dear Annabel,
    I join the others in praying for J and J, that God will heal and protect J and give them both comfort and the peace that passeth all understanding.
    With much love, Kelsey

  22. Amazing, encouraging story about your uncle Annabel. praying for their healing x

  23. My thoughts are with your family J. I will pray for you and your darling daughter.

    One of our family members is suffering badly from depression too, so I feel I understand your struggle. May you find strength in our Lord to help you through this tough time.

    Much love to you J & J,
    Love Tania xxx

  24. Dear Annabel, I have prayed for J and J and family. I am also in prayer for you, that you all will be filled with strength that only God can give. Lyn

  25. Prayers for J and J. May the Lord put his healing hands upon them and deliver blessed peace and comfort.

  26. Keeping J and J in my prayers.

  27. Praying for both J and J that they will know God’s peace and uplifting for “Underneath are the Everlasting Arms.

  28. Dear Annabel ,prayers sent for J and J .
    And thankyou for telling your story about you and your uncle ,xxx Maria

  29. Dear Annabel

    Having lost a loved one in this way this year, this family is truly in my thoughts.

    This is something that your never seem to recover from, everyday is a true struggle

    J, J and family I wish you all the best for the future and I hope that you can all find the help you need to get you through this tough and difficult time

    Aly xxx

  30. Certainly J, and her family will be on my prayer list. God works miracles, and remember, and maybe should be told to this young lady, God will not allow you to leave this earth, until His Will is worked out in your life. I know this through personal experience. And when I look back at all He has allowed me to accomplish since those really dark days, I am in awe of His power, His mercy and His graciousness in my life.

  31. They and you will be in my prayers! Hugs, Holley

  32. I am praying that J will find lasting hope, help and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ. I have prayed that God will step in and allow a miracle to happen in this young girl's life. Lord please let this miracle be a testimony to all who know this girl and her family. Thank you Annabel for your story about your Uncle.

  33. I am joining in prayer for J and J. I am trusting God for healing for this precious young woman, as well as strength and encouragement for her family.

    My family and I are very grateful for the power of prayer. This time of year, six years ago, I was in my third month in the hospital, having spent the first month in ICU. I'm told that during the first 6 weeks it was doubtful from day to day that I would live. If I survived, they thought I would be unable to walk and would need an oxygen tank to breathe. I had to learn how to sit up, eat, drink stand and eventually walk. A therapist told my daughter they hoped I would someday be able to dress myself. I spent almost another two months in the hospital and rehab facility. I was blessed to have family and friends around the world praying for me. God graciously answered their prayers, making me literally a walking miracle.

    Thank you for sharing the prayer request for J and J.

  34. I am praying the hand of God touches young J and she feels His love and the love and support we are sending her. I pray for mom J that God gives her strength, support and feels the love we are sending.

  35. I am praying fervently for J and her family.

  36. Thank you for so many wonderful messages and prayers... they have all been read and I know they are so appreciated. Lets keep at it. I really hope I will be able to share a good report as soon as possible. xxx

  37. the warmfireplace25 November 2018 at 06:12

    praying for J and J and her family.
    Love Sue x

  38. Praying for J, J and their family.
    God does work in miraculous ways.
    Depression is a terrible thing and it affects so many people everyday but especially at this time of year. XXX

  39. Prayed for J and J, may Jesus heal this precious child and comfort her and her family!

  40. Praying for J and J.

    Unfortunately, our family experienced a similar episode several years and we lost our dear family member. I know how difficult a time this is and thankful that help is available.


  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. So sorry to read this, Annabel. Unfortunately it is becoming so common and I really feel for our young people these days. I will certainly hold up this family in prayer that there will be a turnaround.

  43. Debby in Kansas, USA26 November 2018 at 08:12

    I think people would be surprised at how common this is. I've had more than a couple of friends (and a family member) go through this very thing. The boys were always successful in ending their lives, but only one girl, that I can recall. One of the surviving girls (the family member) said that it wasn't so much that she wanted her life to be over, she just wanted the pain to stop. As she's still here, some 40ish yrs. later, I know that the particular pain did stop.

    I think it's just so hard to make a young person understand that when their lives are so entwined in school & friends and that age is such a fish bowl with everyone watching. Of course, we find out later that life didn't begin and end with all that, but how do you explain that to someone that's hurting so badly?! It's so very sad.

    I will absolutely add them to my prayers as I know that stark loss of friends from back then, and I can only imagine the fear of a parent.

  44. Our family will hold up your dear friends in prayer.
    Thank you for sharing about how prayer won over your uncle. Truly touching! Prayer is the best thing we can do for others.


  45. I know this is late. Haven’t been on the internet for awhile. Praying for this young lady and her family. God’s mercy, peace and protection and healing.

  46. Yes...Jesus is our dearest Healer...His eye is on the sparrow and this little bluebird...


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