The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Sunday 29 April 2018

The Home Pharmacy. Early intervention.

A life of migraines from childhood and it still took me so long to understand early intervention!  My friend Nerile and I were talking about this. She suffers shocking migraines too.
Eventually I understood I needed to take action on the very first sign of migraine pain.  This helped.  One day watching Dr. Oz (years ago!) he explained the very first signs of a headache are like the ocean with gentle ripples.   As the migraine grows worse it is like an ocean with waves.  Once it is fully up and running it is like a raging sea.  You have a chance against a ripple.  You have no chance against a raging sea.
This finally really clicked with me.  I had resisted medication but leaving it too late actually meant I took a lot more medication overall than if I acted early.  Not to mention how sick I was.   In my old hometown (when the girls were little) the local Doctor had a regular routine .... after the surgery was closed he would come over to my place to give me an injection to stop me being sick.   Then the next day I would start recovery.

It was still not until much later that I learned to act well before the first pain of a migraine.   Instead I learned the signs one was coming... feeling overtired,  feeling grumpy,  a general feeling I could recognise that trouble was coming!    At this point I was really getting somewhere.  This was my turning point and since then I get far less that actually make it to the really bad stage.   Life is so much better.

When I started this series it was Lana who mentioned early intervention again.   She said with essential oils and homeopathy you want to act IMMEDIATELY.
The first big success I had was with my rotten sore throats and the Oregano oil.  I did act immediately.  The very first sign I applied my Oregano Oil to the glands on my neck.  When I went to bed I put it on my feet.  In the morning my sore throat just wasn't there!  It never made it past "the ripple".
Sometime later I woke in the middle of the night with a sore throat.  I had the oil next to me on my bedside table.  This was a good move as I could apply it without getting up or thinking about it... and again in the morning my throat was fine.  I do think this very early intervention is the key!

To achieve early intervention we have to know what to do, have things ready to go and on hand,  have things with us wherever we go as well.   Also I have noticed that when not well I will forget things.  Like in the moment I will forget I even have a homeopathy remedy!  So I need to have my medicine cabinet well set up,  know how to use things and remember to use them!  It seems the middle of the night is a time for me when a sore throat will start up.   So I keep my bedtime oils and my oregano right next to me on my bedside table.

I have a rubber band around the bottom of the oregano oil so I can tell which on it is in the dark.   Lynette suggested that the acrylic lipstick stands work really well to keep little bottles oil and rollers neatly in place. I am going to try and get some as Andy now has four rollers of various blends near the bed and without fail he knocks them over every night!  (But he likes them heaps!) 

I also have two oils that come around with me in my handbag and a little purse of oils plus some homeopathic tablets that travels with me if I go away.  

Talking more about this with Lana she gave me other wonderful tips which I am sharing with you.
Lana is not a Doctor.   Be sensible and seek medical advice and do your own research on things.    But Lana has helped me enormously and everything she has suggested to me has helped me so much.

So I will share her letter in full... even the bits she wasn't sure I should! 😊

The number one thing is keeping the body hydrated.  The world's population is chronically dehydrated.  Alternative and natural medicine professionals estimate that 80% of disease would go away if the body is hydrated.  Everyone needs half their body weight in ounces of water everyday.  Fresh lemon juice can be added to the water if wanted for taste but those ounces need to be water, water, water.  If the body is really dehydrated, and that was me, then drinking all that water will make you feel ill until the body adjusts and begins to get hydrated.  This does no happen overnight.  You can build up your ounces over a few days if that helps.  If you consume caffeine then you need to add 2 ounces for every ounce of caffeinated beverage.  Once the body is hydrated it can flush toxins out like it should.  This will takes some weeks to accomplish. I have friends that I treat and the whole family is always dehydrated even though they swear to me that they drink tons of water.  90% of the time they are fine after drinking 3 big glasses of water.  You really have to measure your water to be sure you are getting it down everyday.  If you start having headaches then you may be flushing too many salts from the body in the process of getting hydrated.   We use Hyland's Bioplasma to replace lost salts that the body needs.  We hold the tablets under the tongue for 10 minutes.

Thanks to Lana I now have a big jug of water to work my way through everyday,
this is in addition to what I normally drink. 
The first day I thought I would drown but now I am really liking it! 

The number two thing is diet.  A big green salad every day will help flush toxins out of the body and also help neutralize the body's pH.  A body that has an acid pH is wide open to infection including cancer.  You can buy pH test strips to test using your saliva. There is quite a lot of information online about eating to neutralize the body's pH.  Artificial sweeteners should not be a part of anybody's diet.  The body has no idea what to do with them so it stores them.  I often have people come to me asking why their feet hurt so much and so often they are diet soda drinkers.  The artificial sweeteners seem to be felt in the feet first.  If you get up the morning and just feel sluggish and toxic then eat raw food such as an apple for breakfast along with a good bit of water with it and it will get the body detoxing.   

Climbing stairs or swinging on a swing so that the legs are worked at the hip joint area gets the lymph system going and that is very beneficial for cleaning up the body.  If you are aching or feel like you are getting sick and have been watching your water and eating well then this is the best thing to do to get the junk moving out.   (You probably don't want to post this but sex is wonderful for keeping the body healthy and the lymph system working and for treating illness.  God had many purposes behind that!)  We don't take over the counter painkillers because they shut down the lymph system.  The only one that does not is plain old aspirin.  If you are not feeling well then try drinking a good amount of water and eating something raw and climbing some stairs to get the body on the mend instead of compromising it even more by taking chemicals.

We don't use antibacterial anything here.  Some of those antibacterial products actually contain pesticides!  We do not use insect sprays on our body as this IS putting pesticides on your skin and the body absorbs it.  We think about everything we use such as shampoos and soaps since it is absorbed right into the body.  

Once you have your water intake up everyday and your pH corrected and it is time to get the kidneys cleaned up.  Put a drop of lemon essential oil on each kidney at bedtime for 3 weeks.   After the kidneys are flushed out it is time to work on clearing up the junk in the liver.  Three capsules of dandelion root daily for 3-6 months will go a long ways toward clearing up and getting the liver working better.  (We use Nature's Way dandelion root here.)  It is really important to keep the water intake up while doing the clearing up of the kidneys and liver as you want the junk to detox and not be stored by the body somewhere else. 

I'm sure you are thinking that this is hard but it is not and you will benefit so much from these things.

A few essential oils things-I can tell when I am coming down with a cold because I almost always get a sore throat and itchy feeling nose.  I do test myself but even if I could not I would put a drop of Plague Defense on the bottoms of my feet and put on socks for 4 hours.  I would also drink a lot of water to flush out the virus that dies because it can really make you ache if you don't help it flush.  I also use Plague Defense if I feel that I am getting sick with a flu like illness and drink the water.   A new product we found this winter is Sinupret.  It is an herb blend and it seemed to be useful for one of the flu strains.  Anytime we feel nausea or indigestion that feels like a sick stomach we take a drop or two of Tummy Soothe in water.  Warrior can be used on a cut or break in the skin to kill bacteria.  Our youngest daughter gives blood and I try to get her to use Warrior on the site afterward because she has picked many infections.  If I have to have blood taken or even a finger stick I put Warrior on the site.  Even though it is supposed that everything is sterile I often find that I picked bacteria so I just go ahead and take care of it rather than get a full blown infection.  Sometimes if I have been through a big detox of something and my kidneys feel achy I take hydrangea root tincture for a few days to clear up sludge in the kidneys or use lemon essential oil as mentioned above.  Kidney stones are treated with hydrangea root tincture, take a one ounce bottle as directed on the label until it is gone.  It will dissolve the stones.  If you have recurring problems with kidney stones take 3000 mg of magnesium every day but get it in capsule form not a tablet.  Many report that they never have a kidney stone again after starting to take the magnesium. If we  get into a lot of smoke or something toxic in the air we use 10 deep breaths of Lung Support to heal and clear the lungs instead of waiting for trouble to develop.  It is good to use some Sunshine if we are going to be in a stressful situation.  We usually just carry a 2 ml bottle of it in our pocket and an take it out a breathe some of it if we need it.  One morning we were out with some friends for breakfast and they had just gotten up on the wrong side of the bed and were so cranky.  I took out my bottle of Sunshine and waved it around and soon all was well.  :)  A few weeks ago my Mom called and was upset because my Dad had fallen and I told her to get the Sunshine and put a drop on the back of hers and Dad's neck just to calm them down.  It really works for them but they do not think to use it if they are upset.

Disclaimer-I am not a doctor and I am making these recommendations based on my training and what I have learned from treating myself others with the kinesiology that I have been blessed to be able to learn.  

I hope you find something useful here!

Thank you Lana!  I sure did find useful things here.  I immediately set up a system to drink much  more.   I also have ordered Warrior and Sunshine.   I already have the other oils mentioned.  All oils that Lana lists are from Hopewell Essential oils.   I find them wonderful. 
If you want to use another company and want an equivalent then look up these oils and note the ingredients.  Sometimes I do this and make my own blends.  

This is an endless subject!  I believe there are times when information comes to us just when we need it.  I really like my GP and I am thankful for Doctors and hospitals.  But there have been a list of things my Doctor really has been no help with... these things include years of aches and pains,  a burning sensation on my tongue (burnt mouth syndrome)  restless leg syndrome  (this one nearly drove me bonkers) and ongoing sore arms and elbows since painting too much,  getting tennis elbow and two spider bites!  Oh and also insomnia... and re occurring really terrible sore throats.  My poor doctor has been absolutely useless at any help at all with any of these things.  When I was really stuck information came my way and each of the things was fixed virtually overnight with either vitamins, diet changes or essential oils.  So when medicine has nothing for you what do you have to lose!? 

Do you have any early intervention health tips?  Have you had any good results for persistent illnesses, aches and pains etc?   It seems almost everyone has some issue they are prone to.  Something that is usually the first sign they are coming down with something,  over tired or stressed...

It is absolutely beautiful here today.  Gorgeous sunshine and we hear rain is coming.  This is perfect! 
Have a wonderful week! 


  1. I watched Dr Oz years ago and he had a migraine doctor on and she said the first thing she does with migraine sufferers is get them off all gluten and this helps with the majority of them. Probably also getting off all sugar and eating food as close to the way God made it for us would help, too! Great post! What is the brand of the essential oils that were mentioned?

    1. Dear Lori, Since I gave up grains I am basically pain free. The only thing I am sad about is it took 55 years to find this simple cure! I am working on my sugar too. I have got it lower and lower so Im almost there! Thank you for your support! The brand of Essential Oils is Hopewell Oils. Lori they are wonderful and their website and information is something I think you would love. With love

  2. Annabel,

    Thank you for your words and posting my letter! Another blend you may want to try is Migraine Support. It always works for me even when I have not followed my own advice and let it get past when I should have taken action. I just breathe it and I am on the mend with in about 10 minutes. I am glad to hear that you are drinking your water!

    Much love, Lana

    1. Dear Lana, Thank you so much. You continually help me. Wait 24 hours and you will see that this has helped a lot of people! I am doing well on my water! I always had violent reactions to artificial sweetener but it took me a long time to realise they are hidden in many things even in medicines even I have seen them in vitamins! Even in childrens things!
      So I am learning. It is exciting too! Thank you so much! With love

  3. Thank you, Lana, for the wealth of information!
    Thanks for sharing this info. with us, Annabel.
    Hope Andy had a great birthday.

    1. Dear Leslie,
      Thank you! Andy did have a good birthday and we had a special anniversary evening. So it was a big weekend! Have a wonderful week! With love

  4. Annabel and Lana thank you so much for all the information provided, gee I need to ramp up my water!
    I will be ordering some sunshine too!

    1. Dear Jacqui, Well the same for me! I like the idea of sunshine in a bottle. Each oil I have from Hopewell I am so pleased with. Im building a collection in dribs and drabs but it is all adding up. I have been able to make so many blends and gifts etc too. I hope you love yours. With love

  5. Dear Annabel and Lana, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou for a post that reinforces all of the things I've said for years. Yes to water, yes to salads and veg, yes to exercise...any kind. And a big YES to early intervention. Resting for one day when you feel a little 'off', is far preferable than being knocked out solid for two weeks with a nasty bug. Wonderful post! Mimi xxx

    1. Dear Mimi,
      You subscribe to Mums philosophy so I think your Mum and my Mum must have had similar ideas! Sensible! Thanks so much, with love

  6. You mentioned you used to suffer with restless leg syndrome. I know someone with this that has tried many remedies with no improvement. Can you tell me what you found that helped? Thank you for this blog and all the helpful information and lovely comments from all the readers.

    1. Dear Jacki,
      I feel for your friend! This thing drives you crazy. Once on a long plane trip it was the worst... never forgotten. But in bed at night... just awful. Well I do feel Calcium tablets helped but in the end I needed to take 2 magnesium tablets a day. Within one day this worked. I keep this up but now and then forget or get lazy with the magnesium and it will start up again just mildly. So back to the magnesium. I really hope this might help your friend. In a coming post I am also giving details to the homeopath I am using and she will give free advice so if your friend tries this and needs more advice this might help her also. Thank you for the lovely comments Jacki, Love

  7. Dear Annabel and Lana, great post ! Lots of info to absorb ,I shall start with the water as I have a lovely crystal jug like yours Annabel.Off to ake notes now :-) thanks a lot ladies, with love , Maria xxx

    1. Dear Maria,
      The jug is really helping. I am best if I make it up the night before and get started early. I have finished the lot each day now and feeling good, and running to the toilet less! lol
      Now to keep the habit going and make it my new normal! With love

  8. This was a great reminder on the water.
    We take Oregano oil in capsule form for the first sign of stomach virus, and never get sick. It is a miracle virus killer. God thought of everything.

    Any advice on heart burn?

    1. For heartburn I would first make sure water intake is where it should be and then try adding acid by taking apple cider vinegar before meals. A good probiotic very first thing every m9rning could help, too.

    2. Lana,

      Thank you for the advice. I know my water intake is not what it should be, so I will apply all your advice. :)

    3. I also need to share a personal story of how God healed me without medicine or herbs. I was getting violently sick, and instead of giving up, I started praying for healing and for every need I saw around me. I never did get sick in the stomach, and I felt the healing of God come over me. My family has many miraculous healing stories, and I wanted to give Jesus Christ the glory for all of my healing for He is our healer. "By His stripes we are healed."

  9. Hi Annabel

    Having suffered migraines for many years, I know how debilitating it can be. Recently I went to pharmacy as my Dr had given me a script for an anti inflammatory but as they play up with my stomach and make me ill I was discussing this with him before buying. He was so helpful and put me on a natural anti inflammatory Turmeric tablets (Nature's Way Curcumin) and at the time I had a massive migraine. I took 2 to start with and within in a few hours and a small nap woke free of my migraine. These are also available in the health food isle at supermarkets. Stronger are available in Pharmacy if you have tried these before.

    I used to suffer daily from simple headaches due to neck pain but since taking these I find the neck pain is mostly gone (a twinge here and there some days) Even the Bowen Therapist who has been working on me for some time has noticed the difference in my neck and can't believe the change.

    This may work for some but maybe not everyone and you should always check with your Dr or Pharmacist before taking these types of OTC products as they could interfere with your current medications.

    Love the blog as there are so many different approaches out there to take

    Love Aly xxx

    1. Dear Aly, Thank you for sharing this! I know Turmeric is a good anti-inflammatory so this is fantastic it is helping you. It would be helping in other ways too as a bonus. I am trying to use it regularly, maybe I should take more. Patsy makes her own capsules to take. (to save money)
      Thank you so much for mentioning this! Love

  10. Dear Annabel and Lana,

    My poor husband deals with asthma, and lately headaches. His Rx inhaler makes him so shaky. He only uses it when he feels it’s “an emergency,” and battles so with this.

    Is the advice you give in this letter regarding breathing/lungs good for asthmas as well?

    Thank you x 18.


    1. Lung Support from Hopewell would be a huge help. It takes care of inflammation and some infections. Breathe it deeply 10 times up to 10 times a day. I have seen some get amazingly better with this blend and treatment.

    2. A few more thoughts--make sure you husband is drinking his water as it really helps keep the lungs more clear. Those inhalers are horrid. I was a chronic asthmatic for 24 years and I found that they have a rebound affect that gave me bad headaches as the meds wore off and then I would use the inhaler and be right back in the cycle. It was really helpful for me to have a peak flow meter that measures lung function because I could actually check my lung function before using the rescue inhaler and sometimes I found that it was really okay but I just felt like I could not breathe. The rescue inhaler wearing off pretty much always made me feel like I was suffocating. I am now asthma free thanks to alternative medicine and healing my lungs of infection.

    3. Mrs. Kelly Dibble look into Black cumin essential oils . Dr. Axe has a real good article. I had surgery on my lungs and black cumin just calms my lungs down. I put 3 drops in an empty capsule.I'm so thankful for it.
      Annabel and Lana this is a great article. Thank you.

    4. Dear Kelley, Andy has asthma then topped it off with Pneumonia as well. (nice going!) Well he has had Lung Support from Hopewell and Easy Air from doTERRA and he absolutely swears by them. He started when sick with pneumonia. Now he uses them every night and I asked him last night about this in regards to your question and he says he is using hardly any puffer now as he doesnt need it he prefers the oils. When he was sick I had the oils in the diffuser plus he used a roller. Now he uses the rollers overnight... they are ten drops of oil in the carrier oil. Now asthma is nothing to mess with and I would not suggest abandoning medication or anything but he really LOVES these blends and is convinced he is so much better when using them. I hope that helps! Love

    5. Dear Lana, Lisa and Annabel,

      Thank you x 18 for your help and advice. And encouragement! We’re going to get going on this, and I pray the Lord’s help for my good hubby! *mwah*


    6. Hi Kelley and another fellow asthmatic here but only if I have allergies and or flu/cold now.

      My specialist recommended swimming underwater to increase my lung capacity so this also helps to build strength and a larger lung breathing capacity too. Start for small distances and then work up to longer distances for your husband. Over time you will find this will also help a great deal.


    7. Thank you, sewingcreations15!


  11. Hi Annabel,
    Another wonderful post. Thankyou to both you and Lana. I've "dabbled" at essential oils for a while, but one of my goals this year is to really learn more about them and their uses. So, thanks for helping me out with this!
    My son recently felt he was coming down with a cold so I told him to take some oregano oil and he ran the diffuser beside his bed with eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender. He did still have a cold, but it was much milder and of much shorter duration.
    By the way, I think the baby in the picture looks like Harper. Could it be your mother?
    Blessings to you.

    1. Hopewell's Plague Defense will kill a cold virus in just a few hours. A drop on the bottom of each foot and then put on socks to help it absorb. That is perhaps the thing that I am most glad I know to do since colds are so easy to pick up.

  12. Thanks for the wonderful tips!! We have found lymphatic draining massage to be helpful with allergies and sinus issues. You can find helpful videos for it online. My husband has started drinking some “apple cider vinegar tea” in the evening before bed, it’s a bit of apple cider vinegar, honey and hot water. He finds it helps his stomach and improves his general feeling of wellness. -Amy

    1. We were fortunate to have a chiropractor who taught us that when our children were small and it was so much help for stuffy noses and sinus issues. We also do lymph massage for the whole body by rubbing the arms and legs toward the heart 10 times each every two hours if needed. It is really helpful for fluid retention or illness.

  13. Dear Annabel, Thank you so much for the wonderful post and all the information you've shared. And thanks to Lana for all her information. I drink water but definitely not 1/2 my weight in ounces, but I will start tomorrow. I do find that having it in a pretty pitcher with lemon or orange slices always seems to make it "taste" better. I am on the road to essential oil education and have a wonderful lady who is a YL distributor that is helping me. I am interested in what you use for insomnia? would you please share? Thank you again, Cindy Norred

    1. Insomnia has such a huge range of causes that I would need to ask you some questions. Do you sleep with your phone or a computer near your bed or do you have a router in your room? EMF disturbs sleep for most everyone so I ask that first. Also when are you awake? 1 to 3 AM is when the liver cleans itself and if it is really junked up and congested it will keep your awake. 3 to 5 is when the lymph system clears and it can wake you up, too. I went for years only sleeping 2-3 hours a night and then I started using natural progesterone cream and in a few weeks I was sleeping 6 hours a night which was like a miracle. Dr John R Lee's books are helpful to figure out if you need progesterone. Sleep is a really complex issue though and it is hard to say what will work for you. I find Roman Chamomile essential oil in a fragrance free lotion on the bottoms of my feet to be really relaxing but sometimes Sleepy Time from Hopewell works. I cannot do caffeine after 3 PM and even dark chocolate can keep me awake. Hopewell's peppermint lotion on the bottoms of my feet helps me sleep most nights and it helps my Mom and one of my friends. High levels of bacteria in the body also causes insomnia. Just brain storming here. Does anything seem familiar to your wakefulness?

    2. Lana, Thank you for your response. I have trouble going to sleep. It is around 1:00am to 2:00am before I go to sleep and once I'm asleep, I don't wake up until I've slept 6 hours. On the weekends I might sleep 7 but that's all and is rare. In April 2016 I found out I had a aggressive breast cancer. I had 9 months of chemo, 34 radiation treatments and both breast removed. I had already went through menopause and tested negative for hormones.
      I don't do caffine (except I do eat chocolate - lol)doctor's orders.
      It seems the insomnia started when I found out I had cancer. But, I thought would get better over time.
      I appreciate you taking your time to help me. Thanks again, Cindy

    3. I am thinking it may benefit you to read What Your Dr May not Tell you About Menopause by Dr John R Lee. Your library may have it. It shed so much light on things I was going through and I am so thankful for a friend telling me about it.

    4. Lana, thank you so much. I will check it out.

  14. Dear Annabel and Lana,
    Thank you for this very informative post. Yes to the water. When I was pregnant, my midwife told me I needed to drink a gallon a day. This floored me and I thought it was impossible, as before I maybe drank a glass a day (horrible, I know). But I did like you and filled up a jug and slowly I built up my water intake. By the end of the pregnancy I made it to 3/4 a gallon and for my weight that was sufficient. In the beginning I did tell her that I was going to the bathroom every 5 minutes with all that water (plus a baby on my bladder lol) but she said it was my body flushing out the toxins and that over time I would not have to go as much. Sorry if that is too much information, but she was right! So if any one has that experience, that is what is happening and it will get better. As a paramedic, my husband also agrees and says often that most people just need to drink more water and they would not have many of the problems they experience.
    On the topic of toxins and the skin, I made my own moisturizer last week as I had mentioned in a previous comment and it is wonderful! I have also increased my water intake again after slacking a bit, and today I received a compliment on my clear complexion. So that was a nice bonus!
    Thank you again for all of this info and taking the time to share it all with us. It looks like I am going to need a binder dedicated to the home pharmacy.
    Love, Kelsey

    1. Dear Kelsey, It is a big effort to make a change but worth it. You did well! That is interesting that as a paramedic your husband knows that lack of water is often a factor...
      The good thing is like you say there are bonuses like clear skin as well as health benefits!
      I think we are all learning! This series is making me learn a lot but I am so thankful for Lana and Glenda and others helping! With love

  15. Annabel- Great post!
    Lana- Thank you so much for all you've shared! I am sure it is going to be very helpful. I know I don't drink enough water and will need to be sure I do so.

    1. Vicky ok we can help each other with this! I am going pretty good and do notice a difference... so now I just have to stick with it! xxx

  16. My go-to for any time I need something like an antibiotic, I pull out the goldenseal. I have used this for forty three years! (I had to use my fingers to count!) I recently made my own four thieves formula. I call it five thieves since it has five ingredients. I make my own elderberry syrup and thyme honey. They both work wonders! I do need to work on drinking more water. We have a filter so I feel better about that. There’s always work to do, isn’t there?
    I also used to have migraines, usually about twice a month. If I didn’t have a migraine, i’d Likely have a different kind of headache. In those days, all you could buy were aspirin. One day, I took thirteen! (I now have stomach issues and have had an ulcer. Not recommended.) when I started menopause, the migraines receded. After a few years, the migraines have disappeared. So, if nothing seems to work, maybe going through menopause will.

    1. Dear Debbie, I am interested in all you are doing! Do you take goldenseal as a capsule? I know of it as an ointment...
      Also I would love to make elderberry syrup but no elderberries here. Glenda grows a wonderful crop of them! But thyme honey I can do! I have fair pure honey and I have thyme growing so if you have time to share how you do it, how you use it etc please let me know.
      I feel the water is making a difference to me. My jug on the bench system is working too... I have to complete my challenge daily and I have it ready to start when I go to bed for the next day.
      Mum said menopause and getting older greatly reduced her headaches. I am finding the same. Thank you so much for all of this! With love

  17. This is a wealth of information. I just love to hear the remedies from everyone. I got rear ended in my van Friday. My neck was sore from the whiplash. I put ice on it. Took 2000 units Vitamin C and Tumeric for inflammation. Then applied Arnica cream. Next day it felt fine. I love the fact I could treat myself at home.

  18. Annabel and Lana, thank you for all that you share! I'm a long time reader, but this is my first time commenting. I wrote a comment that disappeared so I'm hoping this one goes through! Lana, I owe you a BIG thank you for the comment you made awhile back about using Basil oil on the bone behind the ear to help the ears drain better. Just a few days after you wrote that my grown daughter complained of ear pressure but didn't seem symptomatic of infection. So, I told her I don't know you at all and I read this on a blog written by a woman on the other side of the world from me, but this is what you recommended to help ears drain. She agreed to try it, so I bought some Basil oil locally and within minutes of putting one drop on the bone behind her ear she felt it working! It totally took care of her problem. Then this past weekend her fiancé complained of headache behind his ear for which he had tried a few treatments to no avail. She suggested trying the Basil oil thinking perhaps the problem was his ear, and you know it worked quickly for him too! I think that's amazing!

    Also, I have had pain in my lower neck for awhile. I read on the Hopewell Oil site about how the owner used peppermint oil in a roller on her neck and it took care of her bad neck issues. I tried the peppermint oil myself and within two to three weeks my neck was pain free!

    On another note my SIL swears by putting bruised comfrey leaves on a bad bruise or sprain as soon as it happens to reduce the bruising and discomfort. I haven't tried this myself, though.

    God bless you both!

    1. Wonderful! I am so glad to hear how well the oils have worked for your family.

  19. Love your site. I've read your posts for years and enjoy them tremendously. Your blog is a feast for the eyes, soul and mind. You have built a real sense of community and developed a wonderful network of encouragement and support between women who are geographically far apart but kindred in spirit; friends, who meet and fellowship through the Bluebird portal. Thanks for always providing such excellent material. Cindy F

    1. Dear Cindy, I am sorry for my slow reply! Thank you so much! What lovely things to say! I do appreciate you commenting and giving me feed back. I do feel encouraged. With much love

  20. Hi Annabelle, I have a question.. Which oils did you used to help with your recurring elbow and arm pain??
    Thank you soo much for your posts... I read them avidly and learn much!! Helen

    1. Dear Helen, I was pretty much born with leg ache. My earliest memories are of Dad rubbing my aching legs. The arm pain came later and I had tennis elbow from too much painting and then I had a poisonous spider bite and infection. After this all I had constant pain and was taking a lot of pain killers. I heard about the anti inflammatory diet which is for anyone with chronic pain, long term injury, fibromyalgia, arthritis etc. One of the key factors is no grains. I didnt really believe in it but desperation meant I decided to ry and see if it helped. This was October last year. I organised myself and what I would eat and the menu plan and started on October 1. In the evening of October 4 I realised NOTHING was aching just nothing. And to this day I have never ached again, not legs, nor arms, unless I weekend and eat some grains. I worked out I am better off all of them. If you suffer pain as it sounds like you must I really suggest give it a try. Nothing to lose. I would say you would know in a week if you feel improvement. Some people ache also from sugar and I do need to keep that low. Artificial sweeteners are another as Lana pointed out. But wheat is apparently a very common one. Inflammation is the source of most pain and disease.... After a week I couldnt recognise myself. No more pain killers, better sleep. Why didnt I find out about this sooner? Eventually I told my Doctor who said oh that is the best thing you could do. So why didnt she tell me? A bonus is weight loss and no hunger as blood sugar levels are not being fed by carbs all the time. Good luck if you decide to try. There are a lot of anti inflammatory oils and I do suggest them but this would be step one. Love


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