The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

The Christmas and Gift Challenge. Dark evenings and crochet time.

Finally we seem to be past warm weather and in to true beautiful Autumn.  That makes this time my favourite for the whole year.   We had daylight savings end and now it is dark much earlier.   In summer we will have light until 9 or so but now it is dark before dinner.
This coincides with some TV that we watch,  foot ball and a favourite cooking show.
And this means actually sitting down of an evening and I get some serious crochet done!
I really think the season makes a lot of difference to the things I get made for gifts and for the present cupboard.  This is my time to really get going!

Over summer my gift making included lots of jams and cakes.  I have a whole year of fruit cakes lined up.  Many of these have been presents.   I finally finished and sent off a cotton baby rug for a little boy.

Then I had the fun of choosing some yarn for my next projects.  I am not sure it shows up very well but I this all has a slight glittery thread through it...

I also have some beautiful fluffy cream yarn that Mimi gave me.   I have two rugs planned, a pink glittery one for Harper and a little multi coloured rug (which will use up all the odd left over bits) for Harper's doll pram.   I want to sew a little pillow and sheets for that also.

As I shop I am watching for specials for more yarn. This includes the op shops as sometimes I do find yarn.  Other times I find things for general craft supplies like a book to cut up for card making or the beautiful cottons I found the other day!   

Still so thrilled about these!   My card making supplies are also really good and I can get going with some card making.  That is better in the day time where as I can crochet while watching TV  in the evenings as I don't have to look at it much.

Today is a public holiday for us (for Anzac Day) and the afternoon is a big football game and therefore an afternoon of rest and crochet.  Such contentment! 

I started the first rows of a rug.  The first rows are the foundation and the hardest bit.  Then it is easy! I had to look at my notes to remember this pattern that I love to do.  (Pineapple stitch)

There is no gardening to do for a few months at least.  The slow cooker is mostly on with soup or a casserole or baked apples....   so much more time to get things made for everyone and my gift cupboard.

Mum is coming tomorrow and she will no doubt have her knitting bag and several projects.   This time last year she was making knitted skirts for Harper and this year will be Scarlett too as she is walking now.   If I go to see Mum in the afternoon I generally take my crochet with me and we will both work on whatever we are making and talk at the same time.  
I can't say how much I enjoy this!   

If you have always wanted to learn to knit or crochet just do it. With You Tube you just have to find a "learn to...." and a teacher you can follow.   In a day or two you are off and running.  It is so much fun.  I now use this to learn new patterns.   I find it wonderful to start a new design.   I usually have to stop and replay some bits over and over but soon you "get it" and then away you go.   
Somehow handiwork is so relaxing and good.   It absolutely contributes to me feeling happy and busy at home.  When you need a break from other work sitting down to do a few rows is lovely too.

There is something about rows and changing colours .... I will think "I will just finish this row"  or "I will just get to the colour change" and that motivates me to get just a little bit more done!  

My basket of wool sits right next to where I sit on the lounge ready to go.   

What are you making at the moment?   Does the time of year change what you are working on?
Next week we will have show and tell so if you have projects you would like to share please email me at  I already have some amazing things to show you!  Everyone has been busy with so many good ideas.  

I hope your week is going well.  If you are in Australia enjoy the day off and remember the sacrifices paid for our freedom and those currently serving. xxx


  1. Annabel it is gardening time up here after not being able to go outside much in the summer and in winter our house is very cold so I spend a lot of time gardening in the sun. You and your mother make such beautiful rugs, etc. I am always impressed.

    1. Dear Nanna Chel, We have to go with the seasons that is for sure. The heat is hard work and it is a relief to be past that time. I have more energy when not hot!
      Thank you so much on the rugs! With love

  2. I love crochet time of year too. In summer, it’s just way too hot to sit work under a wooly blanket. Go Dragons!!

    1. Dear Anorina I agree. lol we watch AFL Andy goes for Richmond I go for Port! With love

  3. Your crochet blanket looks beautiful Annabel! I love seeing your gorgeous makes and hearing your plans & ideas for future projects. Very inspirational. I have been trying out some hand quilting on a small patchwork project to try to learn & get better at hand stitching. It is relaxing! Will have to keep at it though to get better & faster - I'm very slow at the moment!! Enjoy the rest of your week, Kelly xo

    1. Dear Kelly, It is really so lovely learning something new. I think anything you have to concentrate on or anything that is repetitive both keeps our thoughts on what we are doing and is relaxing. I think its so good! And you will get faster too over time! With much love

  4. I have finally conceded defeat when it comes to anything with yarn. For 48 uears I have tried to learn and I finally decided that it is okay. Now I will let Patsi make my dishcloths!

    Did you get my email?

    1. Dear Lana, Thank you for your mail and hopefully you have reply now.
      Ok I accept defeat on getting you to crochet! haha! It sounds like you had a good try! With love

  5. I love crocheting and have crochet projects going year round. In winter I work on rugs and blankets and in summer I make cotton face cloths and pot holders. I love the colors of your rug. It is going to be really pretty in the pineapple stitch.

    Our weather is finally starting to warm up and I can do some gardening each day. At my age, (77) I have to do it small bits at a time or I'll be laid up with my back.

  6. My crocheting crafting time will be shorter now that the warm weather is moving in. You have made a lot of gifts and they are pretty! Have a great day.

  7. I'm past ready for spring here, it's late this year. But I always love it when we start getting cooler weather in the fall after a hot summer. That is when I love to cook and bake again. I'm getting ready to make various cards again to have ready for birthdays and other occasions.

  8. Annabel, your crochet is always swoonworthy. It's still overly warm for this time of year where I live, so no crochet just yet. I am enjoying dragging out the embroidery though, and there's enormous satisfaction in seeing a project come together. Just looking at your photos makes me want to crochet, I have to say! Mimi xxx

  9. Fall and winter are my favorite times of year...there is nothing better than working on hand quilting a warm blanket for a long evening. But we are entering spring here and although I love the results of a beautiful garden, it is so much work! All that hard work will make next autumn even more satisfying, though. Beautiful crochet work, by the way!

  10. Hi there is there a pattern you could point me to for the blue baby blanket. Its lovely. Thanks in advance.

    1. Yes the baby blanket is just a plain Granny Square which I kept going until a good cot size. This is very easy to do and learn. It is best to look up you tube and you can see how. If you know chain, single and double crochets that is all you need. These make up so fast. I hope you enjoy it. xxx

    2. Thank you. I can do that.

  11. Hi Annabel,

    That glittery yarn is so pretty! The big satin ribbon wrapped around the baby gift is a beautiful presentation, too - I am going to try it!

    We will have weekend guests, so my crafty time is a little limited this week. I've just been knitting a bit as I have time and putting stitches into ornaments bit by bit.

    In summer, I tend to do more soapmaking and less knitting. Really that has more to do with the time required to finish a project, since it is also horse show season. :) I'm hoping to do some more jewelry making and have enough mint to dry tea for gifts.

    Hope you have a great day!

    1. Dear Kathy,
      I love anything with a bit of sparkle!
      A good bow or satin ribbon does make things look nice. There are also free printable bands you can print on light cardboard that say Handmade with Love and thing like that and they look really good.
      Summer is good for soap making. It gets drying off to a good start! I really adore your jewellery making. To me this must give you many wonderful gifts and so personal. Dried herbs are a lovely gift! With thanks! Love

  12. Thank you so much for the BEAUTIFUL blanket Annabel (and also please say thank you to your Mum). I just know this beautiful crocheted blanket will be treasured for years to come. These gifts hold so much love and joy in them, just looking at them is like being given a giant hug. Thank you for inspiring us, Annabel and for the enormous amount of love you share with the world. You certainly make it a better place. Lots of love, Bridge

    1. Dear Bridge, Thats ok! For anyone that doenst know Bridge commented for ages and one day she said something... and I emailed her and asked her if her husband ever lived in my old home town? And he did! He was a little boy and our next door neighbour when the girls were just little! Can you believe that!? My little brother and he always played together. What are the odds!? So it was a re union of a kind! And so we feel we know Bridge's little boys too. Small small world!
      I am so glad it finally got to you Bridge! With love

  13. So lovely. My mom does the pineapple stitch, also the popcorn. I enjoy dbl. half crochet and treble. So mindless. ;)

    Thank you for your last post on pajama day. I've done the same thing for years. When we have been particularly rushed or been through a stressful period (ie. a health crisis). I just declare an off day to boost morale. Sometimes this includes a picnic lunch with just bread, cheese, fruit and raw veggies. Nothing I have to prepare. These morale boosters have really earned me points with my husband. :) He is so happy for a "wise wife."
    Bless all the Bluebirds and Andy.
    Love, Leslie


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