The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Saturday 7 April 2018

Feather your Nest Friday. Only it's actually Sunday!

I had such a whirlwind week!  It is very good for me to take some time to look over it and think just what it all meant.  
First of all we had Easter with Chloe at the farm.  She is in a farm house about half an hour from Mum and Dad's.  We drove down there on Saturday and it was glorious weather.  I usually avoid travel at Easter due to the traffic but it was not bad that day. 
The farm is dry as there have been no rains yet but it still looked lovely.  
We got to meet the puppy and spend time with Luke and also Luke's parents on Easter Sunday.
This was all beautiful! 

Back at home the Easter Bunny visited Lucy's house and Harper found pink bunny footprints across the front veranda and the biggest egg she had ever seen in her little life!  

Don't ask me about the glasses! lol
So we had a really wonderful Easter.   Mum visited us on Sunday and Dad came to see us on Monday for morning tea.   Chloe had made rum balls and I made fudge. 

These came out a few times and we sent some home with Dad and I also had made Dad a fruit cake when I was making so many of them I set one aside as an Easter present.  

I also took a large fruit cake for Chloe and Luke.

For Easter I gave Chloe a basket of essential oil gifts.   I had made my own version of Thieves surface sprays, room sprays and roller applicators of immune boosting and germ killing blends.   They all looked beautiful as I used some of the lovely labels on them.   I had noticed that buying one  ready to go blend in a roller is usually around $35 and I can make these up for very little.   Also this was Chloe's chance to try different brands she hasn't had before which included Plant Therapy Germ Fighter and Hopewell Plague Defence.  She and I both love Do TERRA On Guard.   Well we love all of these now!

Because Easter here is well into Autumn it is a good time to be getting ready for winter and the flu etc.

For Luke .... I gave him a big basket of things that could be snacks when working on the tractor.  He loved it!  😊   They are nowhere near any shops so snacks and treats are pretty popular. 

Anyway when Dad visited he said it was a real shame we were going home as he was planning a day trip and he would like me to come.   It is rare that he has anyone travel with him and he had places he wanted to show me so I said ok I will come back Wednesday for this trip on Thursday.
So we went back to Adelaide,  I had a day to unpack,  wash,  repack,  shop and organise Andy for the week...  and on Wednesday I drove the three hours back to the farm! 

Just before 7.30 Thursday we headed off for the day.  We had a long way to go and stopped at several places of interest on the way.  This was through beautiful areas of the state.  It was just a fantastic day and  we got home as it was getting dark.   I really saw some special things including Brolga's on some wetlands.   I have mentioned that we are thinking to move back to the farm... this trip had me see some of the options for the family and hear some of Dad's plans.  It was a well spent day.  

While away I used the camera Andy gave me for Christmas.  This is making me forever to learn how to use!  It is meant to be really easy so I would hate to have something more complicated! I would have no hope...   but I did get a few bird photos finally and it is a start!  

This is a Eastern Rosella at Mum and Dad's....

And Mum's duckings which are a captive subject..

It is progress at least!

I only got back from the farm yesterday,  Saturday,  and today I thought I had better catch up on the blog and I have unpacking and washing to do and so on, you know how it is when you have been away...

Thank you to everyone who took the time to reply to Vicky's post!   I am working to catch up on the comments,  thank you! 

So it was not a normal week but sometimes you just have to take the opportunity at hand and not miss it.  I am so glad I did.  Dad kept telling me how much he loved our day and how much fun it was plus also how valuable it was towards planning the future.  This is important.  So although I didn't achieve normal savings etc. this was probably my most important week of the year so far.

I hope you had a wonderful week. How did you build up your nest? 
Have a lovely weekend! xxx


  1. Annabel,

    There is no price to put on time spent with dear ol’ Dad. All the money on earth could not buy the priceless treasure of time spent with his wonderful person.



    1. Dear Kelley, Thank you, yes this is so true. Have a wonderful new week! With love and thanks,

  2. Hello beautiful Annabel, well I think this was by far the best and truest of feathering your nest. Time spend with Chloe and Luke, and his parents along with your Mum and Dad is just wonderful. That morning tea sounds so lovely, as does the time getting to know Luke's parents. I must admit it melted my heart the day you had with your Dad. What a wonderful day together. Time one on one like that is so precious. Your week sounds beautiful Annabel! Glorious! Lots of love, Bridge P.S. How cute is Harper!! Love those glasses, what a gorgeous girl.

    1. Thank you Bridge! I am thankful for the week thats for sure. I soaked in the moments. Now I am soaking in laundry haha! It is really warm here so everything will be dry so fast. I finally finished your cotton baby rug! Expect mail soon! With love,

  3. Annabel,
    What a lovely week! You truly live in a beautiful place I just love the birds and also that you had quality time with your dad!
    I too would like to thank everyone who commented or read my post.Thank you ladies!
    Harper is such a cutie and it looks like she had a great Easter.
    I always love your photos!

    1. Dear Vicky,
      I wish I could have got a photo of the Emus but they were so fast! They run past like rockets. Thank you for so much help this week! With much love

  4. That sounds like a beautiful Easter gathering of family plus the day out with your dad, beautiful!
    Easter was very busy with a family lunch ON the Friday that I provided and took to our daughter's place and she and hers did the nibbles platter and Easter egg hunt for our 3 grandchildren, who enjoyed it all and each other's company.I helped and danced at an event and made sandwiches for 3 evenings suppers. Monday we visited my inlaws and I caught up with the washing and tidyup.Hubby went away while I was at the event, so it was back to good home meals for Monday and the rest of the week . And I used leftovers for this weekend.Our son stayed one night and I did kindy and schoolpickups two days.Today we caught up on small jobs that needed doing and I looked through my yarns and patterns without much luck , so they will be revisited another time.I feel my body is still recovering as we did not have an ideal dance floor and it was hard on joints and feet .
    Hubby mowed the lawns and weeded the very overgrown side plot, and helped our daughter's partner sell a vehicle .Little steps all helping.
    Loved Harper's face seeing her Easter surprises :-) as well as your lovely day with your dad, I can see that move getting closer now. Lots of love, Maria xxx

    1. Dear Maria,
      The Easter egg hunt is so much fun. Kind of chaotic lol! It sounds like you had a really good and busy time. If I am home on my own I eat left overs or something completely easy like an egg! Its a break from cooking!
      Your week was wonderful really and yes all the little ways of helping make a big difference! With love

  5. Hello Annabel and beautiful bluebirds :).

    What lovely photos you have taken and looks like you are getting used to using the camera well. What a beautiful time you had with family and Harper's eyes look gorgeous being the size of saucers at the size of that Easter egg and I think it may take her a month to eat it all.

    Our Vicky challenge added up to $939.16 in savings this week up until today.

    Financial -
    - Saved more money into our home deposit account bringing us to 24.72% of the way there.
    - Taking advantage of a free listing promotion on eBay I listed 42 homemade items and saved seeds saving $69.30 in listing fees.

    Grocery purchases -
    - Whilst on another errand in town we picked up 6 tins of lychees for $1.20 per tin reduced from $2.75 saving $9.30 in total.

    In the kitchen -
    - Cooked all meals and bread from scratch from items we had here.
    - Made a triple batch or 18 fruit buns in our bread maker for $3.17 saving $5.46 over purchasing them. We will freeze the ones we don't eat now for some snacks.
    - Made a large 2.8kg batch of chocolate walnut brownies for $10.04 saving $120.01 over purchasing them.
    - Made a quadruple batch of Anzac type oat biscuits saving $8.80 over purchasing them.

    In the gardens -
    - Planted a 7mt row of onions and capsicums, a 5mt row of carrots, a 2mt row of silver beet and 10mt row of green bush bean seeds in the vegetable gardens.
    - Saved seeds from the last of our crop of burpless cucumbers in the gardens for future plantings and some for sale on the internet.
    - Purchased 3 cubic metres of cow manure for amending the last of our vegetable gardens for $25 and spent 3 hours unloading, spreading and ploughing it into the gardens saving $659.69 compared to buying the manure in bags and hiring a gardener to do the work.

    Medical -
    - Purchased 2 x 90pk probiotic tablets at over 50% offspecial and 7 boxes of Panadol from a cheaper pharmacy saving another $33.29 on usual prices.

    Have a wonderful week ahead everyone :).


    1. Dear Sewingcreations,
      That was a great number of listings on eBay well done! I cant find the name of your eBay listings if you would remind me? There are readers here who might be keen to buy seeds also!
      Harper hasnt had much chocolate in her life and has never seen a big egg so her expression was just great I laughed to see it. She is still talking about it ad took me into the garden to show me where the eggs had been hiding! I think she is hoping the Easter bunny will be back soon.
      Your chocolate brownies sound heavenly! Just beautiful!
      I love love love hearing your garden progress. You work a lot at it and I think it serves you in so many good ways. Just gardening, being outside is so good let alone the produce it gives you.
      Well done on all your savings and great progress towards your goal. With much love

    2. Hi Annabel I sell under the name sewingcreations15 on eBay you can do an advanced search by seller and probably find me as I don't pay for a shop each month due to expense.

      Alternatively here is a link that you may want to press on and see if that works -

      I have also added dried herbs to my shop as well as other handcrafted items too :).


  6. Dear Annabel,
    Your week was priceless. Time spent with our loved ones is more valuable than we can put any price on. Each moment with your Dad is a precious memory.
    Glad you had a wonderful trip and are safely home.
    Love and hugs,

    1. Thank you Glenda, yes it was. I thought of this all the time. I cherished the moment. What an opportunity! xxx

  7. It sounds like a lovely Easter and a lovely week. So happy you get to have moments like that to enjoy!
    Harper is just precious.
    Have a blessed week.

    1. Thank you Chery! Yes it was all wonderful, back to normal and catching up this week! xxx

  8. I love to come here and read your wonderful posts that are always so cheerful and upbeat. You are such a blessing! My husband and I were both amazed by that huge chocolate Easter egg! What fun for her! Your Easter gifts were lovely and so practical for the family. I love that.

    We did all the usual savings things here. I rolled over $102 of grocery money from last month so I must have done well. The painting project is coming along which is encouraging. It is still cold and wet here so the inside project is a good thing to get done.

    I have begun to learn about some new remedies that are the Bach flowers. My practitioner and teacher has encouraged me to branch out beyond oils and so I have begun. I have already been helped by them which is encouraging with a new area of learning.
    We are going to need a bigger cupboard and better way of storing all these wonderful natural ways of healing as what we have is bursting at the seams.

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Dear Lana,
      Thanks so much! I loved making Chloe's Easter gifts. Just making them the whole house smelled amazing. I made myself the same things for our winter supplies. This has given me roller blends to spare and it helps as I can see one in my purse, next to the bed etc so I am getting better at being able to use one at the first hint of anything as you suggested about early intervention. With a sore throat it will often be in the middle of the night.... if its next to my bed I grab the oregano and go back to sleep and this has worked so well.
      For years I have used Rescue Remedy but I would love to know more abut the flower remedies. I will be very interested to hear more of what you learn.
      I am still waiting on a suitable cupboard... now I am realising too it needs to be much bigger than I first thought. It is just ever expanding.... I cant believe it actually! Saying this, after my busy week it is time to get back to some study. Many thanks Lana, with love

  9. Okay, those are the most adorable pictures of Harper, ever!
    I had to take my car in for some work. Next week, I get to do it again when the right part comes in. We have a car fund but I really hate to spend it! I hope all this work lasts for another eight years since I plan to drive this til the wheels fall off!
    It was our anniversary yesterday so we went to the big city for dinner. We love the restaurant we chose and eat there about once a year. While in the city, we stopped into a few other stores. I stocked up on a few cans of baked beans, laundry detergent and dryer sheets. Soon, I should be able to hang clothes to dry.
    A friend gave me many pounds of bananas that were going bad. So, I made two more batches of chocolate chip banana muffins.
    I’m working on hand sewing a baby quilt for my daughter’s first baby. So, any spare time is spent doing that.
    I think spending time with your Father is wonderful! I didn’t get to do much of that and wish I had.
    Have a fantastic week!

    1. Dear Debbie,
      Thank you! I hope the car doesnt end up costing too much. I feel the same!
      Happy Anniversary! We also have a place we go once a year! It is so nice. This makes it special.
      The bananas were a bonus. I love to get them too.
      It is so exciting to have a daughter having her fist baby. I would love to see the quilt when finished. That is a true gift of love!
      It was a great week, I am still slowly catching up! With much love

  10. How very special. Harpers face with that gigantic egg is priceless! I had a good week. I've been experimenting with gluten free yeast baking and I made several better than passable GF Turkish Breads this week. They were inhaled I tell you! I swear I blinked and the first one was gone! I'm using a premade flour mix, but a new method, and the price comparison is well in favour of even my most basic baked loaf compared to bought GF bread. I'm now trying to make a Crusty Cottage style loaf, but it remains to be seen how successful it is. I pretty much had a no shop week last week so I used powdered milk and No-Egg replacement egg powder in my baking, made my own spreadable butter, made hommus from cannellini beans, egg spread for sandwiches, crepes to replace lasagne sheets, made a huge batch of laundry detergent, tuna salad for sushi, and so on. I also gifted dozens of cleaning cloths and about 2 litres of Miracle cleaner, home made disinfectant spray, and carpet deodoriser to a family member in need. So I felt good about the week. Love to all. Mimi xxx

    1. Dear Mimi,
      Just baking anything gf is a huge saving. I am thinking with the crusty cottage loaf that a good milk and egg glaze might get you the crustiness...?
      I love your no spend week and substitutes! Substitutes are a handy skill.... really a lot can be saved with making do and substituting!
      Yay for the cleaning cloths and miracle cleaner... you can never have too many of them. What a good week. I am way behind and coming back to catch up on comments. Thank you! Love

  11. What a happy, busy week you had, Annabel! I love the look on Harper's face with that egg! So cute :) And those ducklings were adorable!

    1. Dear Jenn, I love Harpers expression too lol she has never seen anything like it! The fun of it all is lovely! Slowly catching up here. And hot weather! With love

  12. Harper is so cute. Love those glasses. The fudge and rum balls look so good. Glad you had a nice Easter. We went to see our oldest daughter this weekend in Maryland since she couldn't get home for Easter. We had a great time and did save some money. My frugal list is here:


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