The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

The Christmas Challenge. Show and Tell for February 2017 Part 1.

Lots of photos have come in for show and tell for February! I don't even have to remind anyone these days! At the end of this post I will invite everyone to send in their photos though as I don't want to miss out on any!

As usual these are in no particular order and I include everyone.  Next weeks photos are equally beautiful, inspiring and diverse!
I hope everyone finds joy, inspiration, ideas, motivation and this helps us move into a new month of making things for our gift giving and Christmas cupboards.

Firstly, we have Rachel. She has been making socks with a frilled edging!

Frilled edging! You know how I love this! 

She also has been cooking up a storm but you will see this in a post on Monday! 

Lynette has made knitted toys. She made these for Harper and Scarlett! We have an angel and a mermaid! Imagine my surprise when these arrived in the mail! 

They are just gorgeous. Thank you so much Lynette!  This parcel absolutely made my day!

Fiona has been using her machine to embroider stunning designs onto wool fabric. She is making hot water bottle covers. How exquisite!

These will be gorgeous gifts. 

She also made a childs rug ...

I am so glad to see you sewing Fiona. Sewing  = happiness. Actually crafts full stop = happiness! 

Teri made a dreamcatcher for a present all from things she had on hand... this is so feminine!

Beautiful work Teri.

Jeanette has made hats.  This is one she made for her friend who is undergoing cancer treatment. She makes the flowers removable so it can be worn with or without.  Jeanette I am sure your friend just appreciates this so much!

Jane sent in this picture of a chest of drawers that Bluey and her daughter Katie made over.  The before were shelves that were not too good (think paint dribbles and icky colour) and this is the result of the collaboration!

How beautiful! 

Jane also made sating pillowcases for her son...

(some of the fabric was from cutting up a satin sheet)

Gorgeous candles...

Patchwork bags.... 

And she made over and decorated tins to use for gifts.  I LOVE the shells and pearls. Just stunning.

Jane this is all amazing and a lot for the month of February as I know you did heaps of cooking too!

Well that is enough for this week, we have heaps more next week!  I would love to see what you have been making. Filling our gift cupboards is a year round job. Lots of things end up as Birthday and other presents and some make it through to Christmas.  Seeing what you all have been doing is fantastic. Everyone is off to a massive start!
You can post pics on the Bluebirds Facebook page or email me at

I hope your week is going well!  It is pretty hot here. But also the first day of Autumn! I can hardly believe it! I love Autumn!  We usually still get about two weeks of summer weather though... not long to go now!  This is so exciting to me!

Vicky is having a ton of unpleasant dental work tomorrow. It will be a long day for her.  I am praying she gets on well.

See you on Friday! I hope to be able to report some decent building up my home activities! xxx


  1. Dear Bluebirds,
    Beautiful work - absolutely beautiful!!
    Love and hugs to all,

  2. Beautiful work everyone, you are doing some amazing work bluebirds! Vicky, you are in my prayers!

  3. Lovely work as always ladies! Thank you for sharing again Annabel... you and all the talented ladies who post here are just amazing! I hope that you are feeling better our prayers are with you and Vicky. Have a wonderful week! Love Gaila in Washington USA

  4. Annabel,

    I AM BLOWN AWAY!!!!!! I've been back and forth to hospital since Friday and I feel so inspired and excited to get creating and recycling and making and sewing and stitching again. All in due time.

    These creations are amazing. And how special to receive these special dollies for your grandgirls, too.


  5. Wow I am just amazed at those beautiful gifts. You ladies are so talented. Annabel I hope you have recovered from your spider bites and are feeling a lot better now.

  6. Soooo much talent, creativity, and hard work to make so many delightful gifts! My skills are nowhere near those shown, but I'm inspired to get some practice in to learn!

  7. Hi Annabel,

    I left a comment, but I think it disappeared when I hit "Preview". I just wanted to say Wow! I LOVE the little Jean Greenhowe dollies...I'm sure they will be well loved! And I simply don't know how Jane manages to churn out the volume of beautiful things she does!! (And I'm so glad to hear that Bluey is doing better, Jane.)

    All the gifts are amazing, and what a variety!!!

    Lots of love,

    Jen in NS


  8. Hi Annabel and Beautiful Bluebirds!!

    Jane, that lid with the sea shells and pearls jumps out at me! It is particularly beautiful, and well captured in your photo! You have a series of lovely things - the pretty furniture renovation by thriving Bluey and Fraser Island Katie!! .... luxurious satin pillow cases using resourcefulness .... elegant tea set candles .... pretty and practical patchwork bags! They're all lovely items to enrich lives!

    Lynette! Ha ha!! At last I can see your beautiful knitting!! Your work is so fine and pretty! I love your knitting! The detailed work, and the efforts invested, are amazing!! I hope we see more of it!!

    Fiona, you are playing the game very well!! The woollen fabric, alone, is beautiful, and pink!! Your embroidered hot water bottle covers will be fit for a king!!!! The colours in this, and your Noah's ark rug, are so rich and vibrant - very warming!! The animals would be proud of your heartwarming activity here!!

    Teri, you have worked so well with the soft, pastel pinks and sparkly, lacy features! There's ribbon there that also looks frilly! Lovely!

    Jeanette, that black button in the centre of your crochet flower matches so well with the telephone, suggesting a story! It's a stunning picture of touching, beautiful crochet! Thank you!

    I have enjoyed the Show, everyone!

    Rachel Holt

  9. Hello Annabel, gorgeous photos, and I agree with Jen, I do not know how Jane makes so many things. She is very productive (jealousy here).
    You also do so much, I am usually dizzy reading what you have been up to. You are right that sewing or craft = happiness.
    I am dedicating the better part of today to sewing. I have just made and embroidered a cute little teddy bear bib with the name Cooper on it for a neighbours new baby. I bet Harper liked her new doll from Lynette, which one did she get?
    Good luck at the dentist Vicky, hardly anyones favourite place, and sometimes I reckon the bill at the end hurts as much as the work done.
    I had a facial again yesterday Annabel, I bought a trio of them, have had two and one more to go, bit of pampering. It's been a few years since I have had a facial and I really enjoyed it. I found this lady has much better skills and hands than the one I used to go to in Templestowe, she was a bit "slap it on and let's get it over with". Looking forward to the final one.
    Anyway I hope everyone has a good week, I will be at work tomorrow so will look forward to a morning tea break and check in to your blog.
    Fi xx

    1. Fi...Those have got to be the most beautiful hot water bottle covers I have ever seen!!! xx Jen in NS

  10. Beautiful, clever and lovely gifts ladies. I love how everything has practical applications.
    When I get worried I need to distract myself. This is when trees get pruned, the garden gets weeded or the craft room is used and abused. February was the driest and hottest on record, so it was too hot outside. The craftroom was my place.
    Yesterday we got good news from the surgical team. Bluey's scar swelling is actually a hernia. The pain was from either doing too much or eating too much. If his lifestyle is impacted on too much by the hernia over the next 6 months then a decision will be made as to the next step.
    Thank you so much for your prayers and friendship.

  11. Hi Annabel and Bluebirds,
    We're still under tornado warnings and are experiencing severe thunderstorms, but I just couldn't wait any longer to see the Show and Tell. Everyone's endeavors are so beautiful, and beautifully done.

    Jane, I was happy to read that the news was good. Sending prayers for Vicky. Just heard another rumble of thunder -- better close everything down. Blessings, Cookie

  12. Dear Annabel , thank you for another lovely show and tell . The bluebird crew are so talented and creative, I love everything. I have been very slack in the craft department, I hope to make some more cards in the next few days or so . I look forward to seeing next weeks photos . Love Barb W.

    1. Dear Barb, Thank you! I am behind on replies! Have a lovely weekend! With love

  13. I have been busy working so I haven't completed much the past couple of weeks. But I am getting so great ideas. My daughter is busy making up a baby bundle for her boyfriend's Mother who is pregnant with lots of bits and pieces placed in a baby bath. It has been fun helping her do this.

    1. Dear Janine, I love the idea of the baby bath being the hamper! With love

  14. These photos showcase some outstanding talent. I am impressed and inspired.
    Thanks for sharing all these, Annabel.

  15. So many pretty things!!! My compliments to all!

    I've had a crazy run-around week and I'm just getting caught up now. (Is it possible to be tired of laundry and grateful for many clothes at the same time?!). Tonight I will finally be able to sit down and do some embroidery. I'm embroidering veggies on flour sack towels. Carrots right now!

    1. Dear Debby, I love the sound of your flour sack towels. And some embroidery in the evening after a long day is lovely. As we have hit autumn I am thinking of embroidering some wool blanketing I have. With love Annabelxxx


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