The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Sunday 30 August 2015

The change of seasons.

We are just about to go into Spring and for a couple of weeks it has been obvious, the change is evident in it being lighter in the evenings and blossoms appearing on trees. Spring is a lovely time of year but I realised I have a bad attitude to summer and it was ruining my enjoyment of the new season. (Just because spring leads to summer!)

In the garden today.

Every season probably has things we love as well as things that are tough about it. Depending on where we live of course. I know many of you have cyclone or hurricane season, we have bushfire season. Probably the thing that I don't like about summer is we can get really hot days and nights. Adelaide will get quite a few days at 43 or 44 and sometimes 45. ( 45 is 113 I think)  Some nights it will stay around 30.
I don't like it! It is hard on people, animals, the garden and fires often accompany it. 
But where ever we live there are some hardships with seasons. We do not have to go through being snowed in or tornado's or anything like that as many people do. 

There are things I DO love about summer.  I love the beach, swimming, eating dinner outdoors on warm evenings. I love that it is fruit season and that I usually get free and cheap fruit and I will have days making jam, stewed fruit, pies, crumbles. I save jars all year waiting for this! That part is wonderful.

I do know that the change of seasons is a lovely thing. It gives us rest and variety. It literally gives us a time to plant and a time to harvest. My favourite is going into autumn. I love the colours and that is the nicest season here weather wise. Lovely days and cool nights. Beautiful! 

I don't want to have an attitude of not liking a season. I want to have an attitude of making the most of the season we are in.  
I loved winter and yet years ago I found the end of winter quite hard. I get a bit sun deprived and have less energy. But the last few years I corrected it by being outside as much as I can, taking some Vitamin D, throwing myself into absorbing crafts and making a lot of my presents for the year. Using the indoor time to do a lot of things I love to do. This made winter kind of snuggly and lovely. I have a mountain of presents made. It is the time to do it as once it is spring then it's time to be out in the garden and in summer we swim in the evenings, water the garden and are barely inside at all.

So each season has its good bits and things we need to be getting busy with. If we miss this opportunity we miss out. If we work with the season we will achieve heaps more. I wouldn't attempt to do the sewing I have been lately in summer when I am dealing with fruit. That would be nuts! I need to get the fruit preserved and with something like peaches you have to keep going until its done or they start to rot. There isn't time for anything else then! If I am busy with other things in  spring and miss planting then that would just be silly. We need to try and go along with the season and make it all work and take advantage of the time we are in rather than wishing for another time. Or worse complaining about it.

There is a lot of scripture on the seasons. Both the seasons of life and the seasons of the year. Basically we are unwise if we don't do the work that goes with the season we are in! If we don't plant in spring we will not harvest in summer. If we sleep through summer we will fail to make the most of the harvest. If we fail to get ready we will not be ready for winter. There is work to do in each season and a limited time to do it. We need to use the time wisely.
The only way is to embrace where we are, make a plan and get busy.

We can also do a lot for our own comfort by getting ready for the changes in weather. Last summer I bought a little fan for our bedroom and it was just lovely. It was a small thing that made us more comfortable.

In winter I bring out soft rugs onto the lounge and the end of the bed. It is a time of the crock pot running full of soup or stew.
In summer we have a lot of cold meat and salads, BBQ's and picnics. I love all these things. Packing up a picnic basket and going to the beach for dinner! Swimming at sunset. 

I know the US ladies are going into cooler weather and here we are going into official spring on Wednesday. Even though we are in different seasons we are adjusting to something new. After a lot of watering, jam making, fruit picking etc I know I was worn out and ready for winter and crafts! 
Now I have had a few months of winter I am kind of ready to get out in the garden and get planting.  I want to enjoy it and make the most of it!

There is something so lovely about gardening, seeing things grow and even the daily watering. I know it is good for me to be in the garden. I feel good, I sleep well.

I will not complain about summer... I will plan picnics, save jars, organise life so we go to the beach and make the most of the bits we love. I really love fruit picking and making jam! That bit alone is enough to make me thing too bad about the heat!

This weekend was sunny and a hint of what is coming. Everything looks like it is about to burst into flower. 

I need to get my recipe books out. I actually forget some of the good things I make in the warmer months. I need to brush up and plan. I have a rice salad we love that lasts for days in the fridge. 
There are a lot of things I make that are portable and good for packing a picnic. 
I think we have to embrace whats happening instead of swimming against the stream. Get ready and get the most out of it.
I really think I got the most out of winter. I loved it. 
Now to get the most out of beautiful spring and even hot summer!

What is it like where you live? What are the best things of the season? And what is the important work that goes with the season?

How can we make the hard parts of the season easier or safer, healthier, happier? 

Be like an ant and get busy on what we need to be doing. There is a season for everything.  Grasp every opportunity. Make hay while the sun shines :) xxx


  1. Annabel, last year spring started here with a heatwave but it looks like we will back to our normal mild spring weather once again this year thankfully. Spring ended up being hotter than our summer which was quite odd. Yes, it is wise to work with the seasons and plant at the right times so that you can harvest before it is too late. Planting season is a little later here as there is still a chance of frosts but knowing what you can grow in one's area and when to plant is good knowledge to have. I hope you have a milder summer as I watched those dreadful temperatures you had last year and wondered how you coped with them. If it gets too hot here we go to a cool shopping centre or the movies. LOL!

    1. Dear Nanna Chel,
      Funnily my best planting season is just after Christmas so I do a second round then. It just grows faster than the spring planting.
      The news have been beating up heat stories as several people said this to me but last summer was the mildest one I ever have been through. However this kind of makes me think oh no.... about this one as we are kind of due! A few years back we had 14 days of 43 and 44. That was a snicker, maybe ten years ago now. Anyway I am not letting myself not enjoy spring and the nice parts of summer. Well, trying not to!
      Have a great week! With love,

  2. Annabel I love winter too! Most people I know think that's weird lol. I have also been making things over winter, and although I have made a lot I haven't crossed many things off my Christmas list. Realistically, here in NZ it may be the last day of winter but the cold is likely to stay for a while longer! So I have set myself some reasonably ambitious goals for September in terms of Christmas gifts, as I know we will be outside more and more as it heats up. I did see some freesias growing next to my driveway which smell amazing, that's a definite perk of spring coming!

    1. Dear Jen,
      It will turn out well if you have just a little bit more cool weather and you have more things to make. Our seasons are a bit funny too ie March is hot and like summer when it should be autumn. We just have a slight delay there usually.
      I am on a mad dash too with Christmas presents. Also in our family there are a few birthdays between now and Christmas then a whole heap in January. So I am always trying to get those done as well.
      I am so glad you enjoy winter and turn it into a productive time... I really think that helps me enjoy it much more.
      With love,

  3. Hi Annabel (and everyone else).

    It is funny that you say that you don't enjoy Spring to the full because you know that it means Summer is close. I also 'don't like' Summer and realised that I did this too. A couple of years ago I made a list of the things that I DO like. For one....and this ONE is more than enough all on its has Christmas! But yes, there are other wonderful things about Summer on my list.

    I am spending today preparing for the first day of Spring. I always like to see in a new season with a celebration for our home and those who live in it or drop by. Today I will remove the last remnants of our Winter decorations and tomorrow will spring into Spring to surprise the cherubs with when they arrive home from school.

    Spring is a beautiful time of year, in spite of....and because leading into Summer.

    1. Dear Lorax,
      I know that we both love a bright and shiny new year, month, season, diary!
      I think it is beautiful to actually celebrate a new season. I am going to try and do this. As it turns out today is the most gorgeous sunny perfect day so I hope tomorrow is the same. Now I feel like spring cleaning!
      And yes Christmas! I also love Christmas and New Year. And the days in between are the best days of the whole year for me. I plot and plan and review, which I love.
      Ok, I welcome spring and even summer! With love,

  4. Hello lovely Annabel!
    What a wonderful post! I am in the States and at the end of September we will officially herald the arrival of Fall. We have had cooler than normal temperatures this August here where I live on the East Coast. I am looking forward to pulling out my autumn decorations and putting away my red, white, and blues!

    I love all the seasons and the changes they bring. I can't even pick a favorite :)

    1. Dear Jenn,
      I am glad you love all the seasons and enjoy them. I think the US ladies decorate and celebrate the seasons far more than mostly we do in Australia. Here Christmas has loads of decorations etc but it is not really common to have seasonal wreaths and mantle decorations and things that I see in US blogs and magazines. Well I love it and am trying to do the same. Just now I can feel the spring cleaning bug kicking in too!
      Thanks for your comment Jenn, Love

  5. Waving madly to Lorax!!! Hi Annabel, what gorgeous photos today! So much PINK! Well me, I love every season for one reason or another. What I don't like is when the season drags on....typically when the Summer heat just never seems to end, and all I want to do is drag out the snuggly rugs and light the fire, or when Winter sees us shivering into mid-September, and I'm thinking the reverse and wanting to walk around in short sleeves and floaty boho! Spring days like today just beg you to be outside enjoying the world around you, for us Summer is definitely beach weather, and even when that's not possible, what's not to like about a tall glass of iced water with fruit or edible flowers in the ice cubes, and a silk and sequinned fan with which to cool oneself. I find I can be quite the 'lady of the manor' in Summer with my aforementioned floaty dresses, flowers in my hair, pretty sandals and sequin and lace fans in every room, in every handbag, and in the car as well. Many people eye my fans off most lasciviously, and I have to laugh because anyone can have them for $2 from the discount stores these days! One lady working in a book store in Noosa last Summer, just about begged me for the one I had in my hand, as the air conditioning had broken down and she was sweltering. I gifted her the one I had, and made do with the light breeze on the beach. Autumn always seems productive for me, and I do lots of 'squirreling' of supplies and gifts as the Weather turns cooler, and then Winter of course is for Snuggerising and sewing and baking and loving the family well. It must be gorgeous where our U.S. ladies (and even you Annabel!) are now with the foliage all turning to gold and red...sigh...Love, Mimi xxx

    1. Dear Mimi,
      I think I need some of the pretty fans. I will start looking.
      Also I love pretty blingy sandals, painted toenails, flowy dresses and such things.
      I understand what you mean about the dragging on... maybe thats the bit I dont like too. Well today was glorious and now I am a bit excited and thinking of all the lovely things ahead.
      With love,

  6. It's so strange that you are going into spring and here in Texas we are going into fall. I love fall but I know winter is ahead. And as you kind of dread summer, I dread winter because I am so very cold-natured and winter just hurts this body. But soups and a fire in the wood heater and especially my electric blanket make it pleasant. Love your writings and your beautiful ideas. Blessings, Sharon D.

    1. Dear Sharon,
      Thank you so much! I love fall too, we call it Autumn. It is beautiful. I imagine Texas to be hot. Actually I imagine it to be a lot like here as we have a cattle farm and I think you have cattle ranches.
      Yes it is different here and at Christmas time it is summer and usually pretty warm. I have never seen a white Christmas!
      But the change of seasons are something we all know and there is something nice in a new season. I am planning spring cleaning for one thing as of next week!
      Thank you so much for commenting and your kind words. Love

  7. Even though Meteorological Fall starts tomorrow here, it is hot and humid this week. I am not fond of heat. Autumn is my favorite season but like you with Spring, I have to enjoy the present season without thinking of ice and snow to follow!

    1. Dear Brenda, A lot of us love autumn! It is beautiful. Well just enjoy it and I will enjoy spring. Then we will make the most of what comes next!
      With love,

  8. Annabel,
    We have a week of high 80'sF here. Fall is my favorite with the cooler weather and all of the pretty leaves and colors, but I enjoy each season for what it has to offer. Summer for my garden and hanging clothes on the line. Spring for the new growth that appears and Winter because that is the season that I get to "rest". I love all of your pretty flowers. It looks so peaceful!

    1. Dear Vicky thank you! You have a good attitude. Making the most of each season and everyday!
      The garden is just coming alive! I am loving it! I have planting to do too and new pots to fill.
      Lots of love, Annabel.xxxx

  9. Dear Annabel,

    I definitely prefer Autumn and Spring, as it does get very cold, windy, and snowy here, during the winter. Summer has been rather pleasant this year, actually, as the temperatures have stayed in the 70's and 80's (F) most of the summer. We rarely get high 90's anyway and only a few days of low 90's usually.

    This is the first summer in this house and the deck is totally surrounded by elderberry trees, which shade it nicely. I wish you were close by as I would be very happy to share the loads of ripe elderberries hanging from the branches at the moment. I am trying to figure out a way to keep them until I can process them. This week isn't the best for that type of work with all that is going on.

    I look forward to Autumn every year; the colors; the chill in the air; the sense of nesting for winter; and the flavors of the season. In Spring, I look forward to planting and the hope of growth for the garden. Summer's are rather hectic and a time for getting everything done in awareness of the cold weather coming in winter. Winter's are very long and very difficult to get out and around in here.

    I appreciated your post as it gives real food for thought as to appreciating each season as it comes. This applies to seasons of life, also, which is something that has been greatly on my mind lately.

    I love the beautiful pictures of the flowers in the post.

    Love and hugs,

    1. Dear Glenda,
      The first season in a new house is a bit of a discovery ie how cool it stays and so on. Your deck sounds lovely!
      Just put those elderberries into the freezer until later and then deal with them. I have done this then made jam later and its been fine. There are times when we just cant be doing these things.
      I hope autumn is lovely for you and more restful than summer.
      With lots of love,

  10. HAPPY SPRING Annabel!

    I appreciate all the seasons although I have complained a bit about the winter cold dragging on this year. I heard on the radio that it has been the coldest winter in twenty six years. I knew it!

    It is looking a lot like Spring here at the moment. The temperature is rising steadily and it wont be long and the heat will be here. I used to like Summer, but not so much these days. I find thinking of different meals so they don't get repetitive a challenge during Summer. Hopefully I can come up with some new ideas this year.

    Spring brings thunderstorms and rain. I think we are going to have some today. It is overcast already like a storm is brewing.

    I am thankful for all the seasons. Autumn is my favourite one. Thankful that I am around to see them when so many are not. Thankful for all I am blessed with when so many have nothing. Just purely thankful...

    God Bless your day,

    Love Tania.

    1. Happy Spring to you too Tania! What a lovely comment. Yes I am grateful. There are many blessings in each season.
      We have had some rain and Im good with that as it is good for the farm and the garden.
      Maybe I will share my summer meal plan? I had not thought to do that but I will be going through my books and making a list. I think you would like similar food to us.
      I really enjoy getting stuck into the seasons "things" and spring cleaning is next! And planting.
      Thank you for such a glorious comment, I loved it. Love

  11. Lovely post Annabel. Last week i started putting away all the winter rugs and throws etc. ready for Spring. I also decided to be more like the American ladies and decorate for each season. In a week or two, the hat rack will have all the winter hats, coats and scarves removed and our summer ones will go on. This will serve 2 purposes, the summer hats will actually get used and it will make the area look much lighter.
    I have started working on my herb garden and when the weather warms up a little more I will be planting tomatoes and lettuce for summer salads, can't wait for home grown food. Yesterday I picked up 9 large lemons from under 1 of our village trees, these will be sliced and frozen for summer drinks.

    1. Thank you Maggie! I am wanting to do the same thing. The US ladies re decorate and have themes on their mantles and doors and really that is lovely.
      Your herb harden will be lovely. I love mine and its near the back door so I go and snip herbs so often. Its enjoyable and really healthy. I probably use many more herbs this way than if I had to buy them.
      Lemons are so useful. I still have a basketful to use up and will probably freeze lots of them for the same use as summer drinks.
      HAve a wonderful week! Love

  12. I used to love summer. this year, not so much. It has been fire season rather than summer season for those of us in central and eastern Washington state. This is a little off the topic, but I would like to thank the Australian firefighters for going to my hometown, where my 92 year old mother still lives. The fires there are awful, and most likely won't be out until we get snow. We are hoping for an early winter and a lot of snow. Anyway, normally I love Autumn. The colors, the harvest, football, the cool sleeping weather, everything about it. Hope your spring is beautiful.

    1. Dear Nancy,
      Oh I agree when extremes hit a season like fires or severe storms and lives are lost and the hardships of that then it is a whole new matter, it is just terrible. We know fires. If you wanted to google Ash Wednesday Fires Australia you will see one of the fires I lived through and my family fought.
      The Aussie firefighters have found some huge fires. I am so glad they came to help and that you said this thank you!
      I hope the weather cools and the fires are out soon.
      You would be thrilled to see autumn after all of that.
      I hope it is a lovely autumn and a rest for everyone. With love,

    2. Nancy, you have to love the camaraderie that exists between firies all over the world. Hope your mum is ok.

  13. Dear Annabel, Happy Spring to you, Annabel and all you lovely Australians ladies!! Love the beautiful flowers in your garden!!

    I can "feel" Autumn in the air! We had a good rain yesterday, we so need it! I'm so glad you wrote this post. I've needed a little boost when it comes to seasons, both with weather and seasons in life. It helped me tons, so thank you!!

    Autumn is "pumpkin" season to me! I love pumpkin, winter squash "anything"! I realized seasons are an attitude, at least for me. With summer ending, I will miss fresh veggies and harvest time. But each jar I fill, gets me that much more prepared for winter! Our mountain trees are turning beautiful colors!

    I'm so glad you are having nice weather and can get out and work in your garden! Looking forward to many more lovely pictures!

    Have a good week! Love, Teri

    1. Dear Teri, I understand the feeling of change in the air. Things feel different!
      You have made the most of summer that is for sure. Hopefully pumpkin season might mean you can fill more jars? I love pumpkin too. I notice here it is mainly a savory thing and there you use it as a sweet quite a lot. Pumpkin scones are one of my loves and pumpkin soup.
      Thinking of you this week... Love Annabel.xxxx

  14. Oh Annabel, I did grasp every opportunity ....... 3 dogs sitting in the sun with glowing happy faces and everyone else at work ........ I got back into bed. Filled the hot water bottle and heated the two electric hot water bottles (my best purchase ever!). Took my book and read for about half an hour then fell asleep. Slept for two hours, it was bliss.

    But must say your post is timely, we are here in the new fresh season - Spring. It is truly a beautiful time of year. I have rhododendrons that are about 30 foot tall (guessing) and camellias the same and they have been in glorious flower for a few weeks which told me spring was coming, grass has suddenly shot up and got greener and it's all so lovely. And yet it hasn't even begun. Not much preparing or crafting here at the moment, just keeping my head above water with my new job. Love your post as always. Fi xx

    1. Dear Tania,
      That sounds lovely! I have an electric hot water bottle too. I love it. If I get out of bed in the night I put it back on the charger for a quick burst! I am addicted to it now.
      Please take photos as your rhododendrons sound the largest I would have ever seen. How beautiful to be surrounded by all of that!
      Thank you so much! I hope your week is a good one! WIth love,

  15. I loathe Australian summers. No matter where you are it's either so hot you can fry eggs on the footpath or so humid you fee like you've just stepped out of a shower. I absolutely love autumn - cold nights and bright, sunny, warm days. You can sleep at night and still get outside during the day.

    I've had a lovely time the last three days. I've been out in the garden, weeding and digging in more compost and planting the seeds for our summer food. I even put the washing outside this morning and it all dried! First time since May that I've had washing on the line. It put such a smile on my face to see it flapping in the breeze.

    Now I'm just busting for daylight saving to start - I just love those long summer evenings :)

    1. Dear Cath,
      I forgot about daylight savings! I love it. I love the evenings and how much we get done, gardening, watering, swimming etc. Also I love things dried in the sun. I was my donna and pillows etc in the heat and they dry perfectly and are so fresh and lovely.
      I really love autumn too it is the easiest in many ways. Well now to enjoy spring and planting! With love,

  16. Good morning! I just got home this week and knew that a peek into your blog would help jump start my mind to get back into the homemaking groove. How I have missed it! Looking forward to this season and its opportunities :) Thank you!

    1. Dear Jes, welcome back! I have been over at your blog a lot. Things to do with citrus especially as I have had lemons like you wouldn't believe!
      Thank you so much! We are just into spring and all that involves, spring cleaning and planting etc. With love,

  17. We are in that awful part of summer here in the SE USA. Hot, dry. hurricane season at it's peak. If I don't get out there and water every morning than I have wilted plants. But, this morning while I was out running an errand I noticed that there is some variation in color in the tree line and that means fall is coming. It is starting to feel chilly eating breakfast in the screen porch some mornings. I hope we do not go from hot to cold without nice weather for a few weeks like we sometimes have. All in all though I will be glad to see the end of hot weather for sure.

    1. Lana I think autumn is glorious and like a rest from watering which gets to be a lot of work here. I would not like hurricanes either!
      It sounds like change is on the way. We can see and feel it here too. Spring and autumn have a lot of nice things about them!
      With love

  18. Good morning Annabel, I have featured this post today on the Art of Home-Making Mondays. Have a lovely week :)

    1. Dear Jes, Thank you so much that is an honor!
      With love,

  19. I love what you guys are usually up too. This kind of clever work and coverage!
    Keep up the wonderful works guys I've added you guys to
    my personal blogroll.


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