The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Sunday 2 August 2015

An easy and useful project. Also easy gifts!

This week I made lovely vegie bags. You know all those horrible thin green plastic bags that you pop fruit and vegies in when buying them at the supermarket? They are such a waste and pretty yuk. These can be used in their place. But also they have other uses as you can keep your vegies in them at home ie hang up a bag of onions or garlic or even for air drying something like herbs or mushrooms.

I got this idea from The Cheapskates Club. This is the link to the instructions...

Re useable vegie bags.

Thanks Cath for such a lovely idea! As soon as I saw this I thought !!! I can make this, I have everything I need.

I had left over tulle from IKEA curtains and as far as I can see this is also the cheapest way to buy tulle by far. For $6 a set of tulle curtains gives you pretty much a life time supply of tulle!
Other options are to buy fine net, nylon sheers or lace curtians from the op shop. I have to say lace is a very pretty version of this!

They are so simple to make and would be a good project for a beginner sewer or a teenager at home.

The key element in making them for vegie shopping bags is keeping them light as air. Otherwise you will be paying more when the vegies are weighed. For these I used the tulle and fine organza ribbon. They are truly light as air.  And taking a photo of them is like photographing air! There is nothing of them!

I thought these would be a lovely gift for my friends who I know hate plastic bags and are keen recyclers. This would be another way to reduce waste that they would love. I have a few people in mind!

Then I decided I really needed to make lace ones. I went to the op shop and got a lace curtain (huge) for $5, brought it home and soaked it in laundry soaker and hot water. It came up beautifully. Once cut into what I thought was about the right size for versatile bags I started a production line.

As I made these I noticed they would also make lovely gift bags... I thought of using them as the wrapping of some of my kitchen themed and pantry themed gifts. It would be useful and pretty wrapping that could be re used in all kinds of ways.

Then I thought of how light they are to post and will make great gifts for those I post parcels to.

Or they would also make lovely wash bags for delicates!

Smaller ones could be filled with Bay Leaves for your pantry. (this cures pantry moth problems) So as one thing leads to another then I raided my lace collection and found some delicate wide lace my friend Sue gave me. I thought it would make a smaller version and sewed these pretty little bags..

These could also be for the wardrobe with bay, peppercorns and cinnamon to keep away silverfish/clothes moths.

Or could be used for fragrant herbs in your wardrobe or linen press.

So basically these have all kinds of possibilities! So simple to make and so inexpensive. A great way to reduce the number of plastic bags I use as well.  Also, I thought that I am always picking fruit and when I am out I have a way of coming home with a dozen lemons or some such thing... a few of these in the car would be really handy too and one hidden in my handbag!

Thank you Cath for such a lovely idea! So far I have made about twenty and am still going. I thought I would give them in sets of three. I have used up all my lace curtain and am still going on IKEA tulle. I think I have another eight cut out. They look so pretty, I love them!

While the sewing machine is out and the weather is rainy I am going to keep sewing this week. I have lovely floral sheets, a rose doona cover and plan to make kitchen towels from them. Tee towels (kitchen towels) are not usually very pretty. And nice ones are often really expensive. So I will make up a heap later after I have finished this project.

Have a great week! I am off to try and get lots done today, do my grocery shopping and hopefully find some bargains too. The weeks have been going so fast! xxx


  1. They are beautiful! Almost too pretty for veggies or fruit, but then again, fruit and veg are beautiful when you think about it so deserve a pretty bag ;-)

    I think they would look a lot prettier than the white net bags with pink zip we currently use for washing delicates in the washing machine!

    1. Dear Kaye,
      Thanks! Lots of uses!
      I hope you have a really good week! Monday has already zoomed by...With love,

  2. Those are nice and you're right they would be perfect for drying herbs without losing all the leaves! Sigh...another project on my list! Thanks for sharing it!

    1. Dear Kathy,
      I am loving them for my Bay Leaves. I can hang then on a hook and let them keep bugs out of my pantry or hang them in the kitchen and let them dry.
      Thanks for commenting! Love

  3. A wonderful idea Annabel and as you say people of all ages can sit and sew them. A lovely idea for gift bags, and also delicates as well.
    As you say the two huge curtains from IKEA for $6 is just a gift. The fabric is so soft and a lovely shade of cream.
    Thank you for a beautiful post.
    Love Helen

    1. Thanks Helen, I also love the soft color of the curtains. I cannot believe how many maters of tulle you get for $6. it is astonishing. I love IKEA.
      With love,

  4. After reading this post, I added lace curtains to my thrift store shopping list. What a great idea and one that I had never thought of!

    1. Dear Patsy,
      I love tulle and lace curtains. Also those old fashioned sheers... nylon with little flowers embroidered on. They are heavenly! I got some fine lace curtains to throw over fruit and tomatoes in the summer as I dry them. Also when I want to keep birds off my seedlings... many good uses!
      With love and thanks,

  5. They are so lovely!

  6. Annabel, this is a great idea!! Lovely bags with so many uses! I've made small lace bags to make sachets but you've shown so many more possibilities! Thank you. Love, Teri

    1. Dear Teri,
      Thank you! I can see you making these to hand and dry things in. Also to hang things that need air like garlic or onions maybe?
      I hope you have a good week! With love,

  7. I made some tulle bags for my fruit and veggie shopping last year - the ladies at the supermarket thought they were a great idea. But now I want some lace ones, so pretty! Mine are just plain white tulle - yours are so much prettier!

    1. Dear Jayne,
      The tulle are lighter so maybe practical for when buying and weighing produce but I have gone crazy on the lace ones for storage and drying, and other uses! I am still sewing them today! Lots of love,

  8. woohoo, great idea. I was so upset last night, we went up to the shops to get some fresh food after being away for a couple of days and I forgot my fabric bags. We took four of the rotten plastic bags home grrrr. But I love the idea of sewing bags for the veggies we buy. Great idea. Those little bags really add up, and I hate taking them. Will have to make some, never thought of it. You really inspire us Annabel. Fi xx

    1. Dear Fiona,
      I think nice shopping bags overall would be a wonderful gift. Usually they are not nice colors or fabrics... mmm ideas...!
      I am just going to keep six of these in my shopping day carry basket. It will help anyway with the plastics that accumulate at home.
      Thanks so much! Love

  9. Lace curtains from the Op Shop really come in handy don't they, Annabel? The bags look lovely I must say. I have used a lace curtain for bunting which looks very pretty.

    1. Dear Nanna Chel,
      Yes! I have some to protect plants from birds and bugs in spring, some to cover fruit and tomatoes drying in the sun... I might even use some on my windows!
      Bunting sounds lovely! very pretty! What a good idea.
      With love,

  10. They are gorgeous Annabel, just be prepared for some odd looks at the greengrocer or
    market 😊 I had a few when I first started making them, they are pink tulle, left over from a fairy party Hannah had one year. I've also used lace curtains and given them as gifts. I do love my veggie bags and not having bags full of bags in the kitchen.

    1. Dear Cath,
      Thanks for the great idea! We will start a craze. This has to be nicer than those horrible slimy green bags!
      Lots of love,

  11. Dear Annabel,

    Very pretty bags and a wonderful idea for fresh fruit and vegetables.

    I love to buy the cinnamon scented pine cones that show up in stores between Thanksgiving and Christmas and the lace bags would be a nice way to hang them about the house and in linen closets. I have some lovely antique lace and ribbon, so I know what I'll be sewing on sewing day this week :).

    Thank you, once again, for a beautiful post.

    Love and hugs,

    1. Dear Glenda,
      Thank you! I am really interested in what you are saying about cinnamon scented pine cones. I wonder if the pine cones I know and we have are the same as yours? I would love to see them as it might be an idea I could do... we sure have plenty of pine cones. At the farm there is a little pine forest... Maybe this is something I could do!?
      It is really fun to be using up bits of ribbon I have saved and laces.
      With love, Annabel.xxxx

    2. Annabel, I might have a suggestion for you in regards to the cinnamon scented pine cones. I gather pine cones from the side of the road or when taking walks and after they have aired out a bit in the garage (to get rid of any unwanted crawly "things") I bring them in, arrange in a basket and use my cinnamon fragrance oil on them. Smells heavenly!

      I have also been given store bought scented pine cones and just refresh them with several drops of cinnamon oil on each one.

      I'm sure you could do this with the pine cones from the farm. I bet they would look lovely hanging in lace bags like Glenda said! :)

    3. Sorry for the delayed response, Annabel. My back is meeting my front these days ��.

      As Teri mentioned, you can just gather pine cones, shake them really well to make sure all critters are gone, then use pure essential oil on them for scent. I usually add a small amount of an E.O. that has fixative properties, such as patchouli or myrrh. I don't add enough to change the cinnamon scent, but enough to help the scent remain longer.

      Love and hugs,

  12. great idea! I have a couple of plain ones but lace ones look so much better, cant wait till my hand is better and i can get back to doing crafty things or anything for yhat matter. Have a wonderful week Annabel

    1. Dear Debbie, I always think if my legs or feet are out of action thats ok as I can still sew, crochet etc. But having a hand out of action would be terrible! I hope it gets better soon and you can be back to normal. Meantime plan and dream about your new projects. Pinterest is my place to go to just for ideas and to drift away with possibilities. With love,

  13. Annabel, surely the supermarket staff would get a little smile from weighing the produce in these! Well done to Cath for the idea and to you for your ever wonderful re-interpretation of it. These are just gorgeous! Mimi xxx

    1. Thanks Mimi! I should actually use the prettiest ones and take a photo of the moment! Could be interesting! xxx

  14. So many lovely ideas for these gorgeous bags Annabel. They definitely would make great gifts.



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