The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 13 August 2015

Feather your Nest Friday, 14 Aug. 2015.

I am quite excited today as its Friday and tomorrow I am presenting a work shop at The Cheapskates Club day in Adelaide!  I get to meet Cath, Wendy and Tania all in one day! My aim will be to save everyone who attends THOUSANDS of dollars over the next few years.

This week was really good and yesterday was the best day. I had so much luck!  I had a Target catalogue for a sale and yesterday was the first day. So I planned to go and do my grocery shopping afterwards.  In the catalogue there was something that I thought  would save me a lot of money this summer. So in I went....

My favorite item from Target is a pretty stretch knit and lace nighty I wear (night gown). It is lovely. They have it fairly often and bring it out in different colors. Years ago I had one similar from a lingerie shop that had been quite expensive. But the material in it wasn't terribly nice. And one day I saw Target had something similar and the fabric felt just lovely. So I bought my first one and it was about one third the price of my original one. Well, I LOVED it. Over the last five years I have had a heap of them. They bring them out in different lengths and designs. I feel comfy in them but they are super pretty.
Anyway yesterday they were all marked down to $10 and $7. And in about eight colors!  I pretty much stood there giddy with excitement! Especially as I am down to my last two and they are looking a bit sad.

I was thrilled! I stocked up!
In fact all up the things I bought... the nighties, a top for Andy, summer sandals... it all came to less that that original nightie. I had so much stuff. I am still smiling!

Some other ways I saved money this week:

I found a $6 pack of turkish breads for $1. It will make several meals.

Tomatoes and apples were on great specials. Both under $2 a kilo. So I bought up.

We had a creative meal of left overs.

I almost finished another Christmas Present. You can see me working through different color schemes... these are to match my friends kitchens. This one is a black and white kitchen.

I still have the black one to finish so you can see my hook and yarn. I will tie them up with a big black satin bow.

Also for my Uncles Birthday I made a garden bowl into a succulent garden. Using Shelley's idea that she told me a couple of Friday's ago I added a little sign to it... I love it! This makes the gift and a card all in one and is really cute! Thanks Shelley. 

Earlier in the week I made all those sausage rolls, banana cakes and muffins. (recipe was Monday) These made the week so easy. I still have an enormous number in the freezer.  Wonderful to have.

The cake I sliced and wrapped portions in non stick paper. A slice thaws out in minutes. Muffins that quite fast also. I can pop one in Andy's lunch box and it is fine by lunch anyhow. And perfectly fresh!

I built up my home by adding to my pantry and cellar.  I added meals to the freezer. And I learned to use a grinder for my dried herbs. I had always crumbled them... and it is too coarse. 

I hope you had a good week! We are all probably feeling the change in the seasons...

Here there are signs of spring everywhere! Blossoms on trees and flowers peeking out. Yesterday I saw this gorgeous tree on the way to Lucy's. Glorious! It was humming with bees.

(I don't know what it is, if anyone knows please tell me!)

I really love the seasons. They stop one thing from getting monotonous. I loved winter, being inside listening to the rain, hot stews and soups, crocheting a rug and it keeping me warm as I work on it. A rest from watering the garden.

Now I am looking forward to some sunshine again. I am thinking about what I will plant and all the fruit I might be able to collect and make jams and pies and wonderful things. Easy meals of cold meats and salads... 

We just need to get stuck into what the season we are in has to offer! We don't want to waste the blessings of the season. To me summer is the busiest of them all. It is our chance to put away a lot of fresh produce. I am quite excited just thinking about it!

How did you save money and feather your nest this week? xxx


  1. Annabel that plant is a Buddleia (butterfly bush) - it comes in a few different colours and attracts butterflys when the flowers are open.


    1. Thanks Lynette! I don't think I have seen one before, not flowering at least. just gorgeous!
      Have a lovely weekend, love

  2. Annabel, I must say I love those nightgowns. I'll see if Target here have any. At that price, they're a bargain for sure! I've had a patchy week, but a pleasing one nonetheless in it's own strange way. I have reinstated my Friday Five Star Frugal linkup on my blog this week, so I'd love it if you'd share a couple of your lovely posts there. Today I found some divider baskets like yours, for the slow cooker as I was at IKEA buying new bed and furniture for my disabled sons carers. Gosh they're lucky...I have such good! Have a gorgeous weekend with the 'girls'. I know the participants are going to adore you..Mimi xxx

    1. Mimi these nighties are sooo comfy and flattering! (good combination...) I will be over to the link up!
      Have a lovely weekend! With love,

  3. Those nighties are just lovely, Annabel. It is wonderful finding things at such great prices isn't it?

    I had so many plans for this week, but have ended up taking care of my granddaughter the past 3 days. It has been truly exhausting, but wonderful at the same time having her here so long. My daughter has been sick. I'm out of practice! Been 15 or so years since I've done full mummy shifts with a baby! I am feeling my age now ;-)

    Have hardly spent any money at all this week. I used $6 of my Coles credit buying a few veggies. I bought a few trays at the fruit and veg $3 total. A few items at Aldi and NQR and that was it! We managed on about $20 of purchases for the week!

    I did pay for a haircut, $28. It has been 7 months since last time though! I have it short again now in preparation for Spring. Did heaps of washing and dried it all without need for the dryer despite a bit of rain throughout the week.

    Have a wonderful time all you Adelaide cheapskates at the workshop! xoxo

    1. Dear Kaye, I almost forgot to reply to you here!
      The workshop was wonderful! Lots to tell but will tomorrow! With love,

  4. Annabel, I just knew Mimi would love those nightgowns. LOL! Enjoy your workshop tomorrow and say hello to Tania for me. I was hoping she had recovered from the flu. We have a Keeping Backyard Chooks presentation tomorrow which will be great. I can't remember how I saved money this week apart from staying away from the shops as much as possible. ;-)

    1. Dear Nanna Chel, we must be so predictable! I often know just what Mimi or Helen or others will like.
      I loved meeting Tania. She is gorgeous. She has the lowliest hair I think I've ever seen! It was a great day, love

  5. I so enjoyed reading this post. Your new nightgowns are the style I like too.
    My son Jimmy likes and tries to grow succulents so I smiled when I saw your uncle in also a Jim.
    We may live on the opposite sides of this earth but I think we are kindred spirits :)

    I am very busy right now- my parents are selling their home of 45 years and moving to our town. Also my daughter goes back to work at her school after having the summer off. There is so much to do for them, my own home is just getting the necessities and my blogging has fallen by the wayside for a bit too

    Have a good weekend friend

    1. Dear Rhonda, Thank you!
      I hope your parents cope well with such a big move and that they love it. I will look forward to hearing. Having them near by will be wonderful.
      Yes sometimes life is crazy busy but I always think it is good when it is a good things are happening busy, thank you for posting, with love, I think we are kindred spirits too! xxx

  6. Annabel,
    I love your nighties it sounds like you got a real bang for your buck, great shopping! And the kitchen towels are beautiful! Such patience you must have. My aunt and uncle own a greenhouse and today I am going to pick up blueberry bushes they are giving me. They got damaged on the truck so they won't sell them so they are giving them to me. You should see some of the things I get that just need a little TLC. Your succulent bowl is terrific I like the addition of the sign. Have lots of fun at your conference I know they will just love you!

    1. Dear Vicky,
      What an asset the plants that are imperfect would be! That is fantastic! you are very enterprising and creative, I love that!
      The weekend was awesome! With love,

  7. That tree is just beautiful! I live in the US but it reminds me of a lilac "bush" that my grandmother had in her yard. It was so old and so huge that it looked like a tree.

    1. I think it is also called 'poor man's lilac' - I know that it is able to be grown in Queensland where it is hot and humid - lilac's just do not survive in those conditions.


  8. Those nighties are just beautiful, might have to have a look at my local target.
    I've made a cake this week and some biscuits ( some for us and the rest in the freezer got cooking later on. I'll try the scones this week :)
    You will have a great day with the cheapskate group today it would be great to be able to join everyone.
    Enjoy your weekend Annabel xx

    1. Dear Debbie, Thank you! The Cheapskate Day was fantastic! I loved meeting Cath, Wendy and Tania.
      Well done on the baking. It is so nice to have some things frozen.
      Lots of love,

  9. Annabel, what good bargains you found! I do not have a target near me and the drive to get to one would make the 'sales/bargains' a loss, but so glad you were able to take advantage of them. That's what we do isn't it, take advantage of what is near us so those sales/bargains are truly bargains! I love those towels and the color scheme would fit my kitchen perfectly. May I asked where you found fabric? I must learn to crochet enough to do some of those. I will put that on my winter to do list. Speaking of seasonal to-do list I am currently compiling a 'fall to-do' list and will start an after Christmas 'winter to-do list' as well with those crochet edging towels as my first item on the list. I also plan to do some baking this week for an upcoming event. I do hope you will do a post on your workshop. I have thought about it several times today and prayed that all went well.

  10. I love a good bargain! Your nighties are lovely and I'm so happy you were able to get them at a great price. I had some good buys this week:

    1. Dear Terri,
      I think you may have sent me the wrong link even though I love the pineapple cake!
      I am glad you found some bargains during the week! With love,

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. The nightie are lovely. I love a great bargain. I had some good buys myself this week.

    1. Dear Teri! Ah I saw it was the wrong link! Thanks for trying again! Teri those feather filled pillows are gorgeous and such a bargain. I liked your title... choosing to save. We need to choose to save. It is wise! With love

  13. I agree with you about the nighties. I have not long made a few out of gifted stretch fabric, or I would be buying some myself. Hope you have a wonderful time in Adelaide.

    1. Thanks Jane! I am hope from the Cheapskates Workshop. It was wonderful and I met such nice ladies and also Cath and Wendy of course. Also Tania from One Contented Homebody. I felt as if I already knew them though! It was very encouraging.
      It is lovely you made nighties especially with fabric you were given! This is more clever sewing than I do currently! I hope you are having a good weekend! With love,

  14. Annabel, I tried posting earlier but evidently it didn't come through so I'll try again! If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! I love the towels. I really want to learn to do the edging. I'm going to put that on my 'learn to do' after Christmas list... I just really do like that look! I hope you will do a post on your workshop. I would have loved to have been there! Been a busy week at my house as we have been butchering chickens and building up the meat part of our pantry. We've also been adding jar after jar of home-canned chicken broth to our pantry as well. We are in such a busy season ... those winter months are looking kind of inviting right now as we are so thankful for our blessings but are looking forward to a less busy season!

    1. Dear Patsy, How funny how we are in different seasons. What you are doing sounds very appealing to me as we are in those last days of winter. Yet I was so glad to see winter and get into my crafts and present making and have a break from watering the garden etc.
      It is wonderful about all the canning. We absolutely do have to take the opportunity while we have it to deal with all this produce and make the most of every bit.
      When I was little for many years Mum and Dad bred and dressed ducks. I remember the production line and the out the back laundry filled several feet deep in feathers!
      Later they kept turkeys, now they have ducks again. Dressing and cooking ducks is still going on.
      The edging is very easy... I do have a tutorial here on that... but you can make up your own. Being only two rows it is quick. It also has the effect of making towels etc last longer as it strengthens them hemline.
      Have a great new week! With love,

  15. Hi Annabel...enjoy your blog as always....I don't go to Target often even tho we have one here...I have some v comfy...long t shirt nighties...from Coles Mix brand...soft, were well and comfy and v reasonably priced Jan

    1. Hello Jan, thank you!
      I love a soft comfy nighty! I must have a look,mour local Coles is a really small one but I will look further afield.
      Helen also told me to look in Kmart as they have lovely things lately. It is surprising what nice things we can find. Many thanks,

    2. Hi Annabel,
      I have been reading your blog for some time and always enjoy your ideas,recipes and pantry advice .I look forward to each new instalment.Thank you for all you do and all you share with is most appreciated!!! Regards Helen

  16. Hi Annabel,
    I have been reading your blog for some time and always enjoy your ideas,recipes and pantry advice .I look forward to each new instalment.Thank you for all you do and all you share with is most appreciated!!! Regards Helen


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