The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Tumby Bay.

We have been away on a little holiday. It was lovely! Recently I posted about the importance of little breaks and how they can be really inexpensive. This reminded me just how different you feel after a few days away! It is like a review. I walked into our home last night with fresh eyes and so many ideas! 

It was very relaxing. I had bid on a travel auction last year and this little cabin at the beach was $50 a night as a result. The thing was this little town six hours away is where my grandparents moved when they got married and where my Dad and uncles and aunty were born. I had been there once before and loved it. I feel really connected to this place. It is a tranquil little town, just lovely!

Everything is still there.... this is where my Grandparents lived, it is still in good condition and loved.

Both times I have been there I met an old man who remembers my Pop and the family. Pop died when I was four, he is the only grandparent I didn't have growing up. I do remember him though. He smoked a pipe, I remember that perfectly.

He moved the family to be manager of Elders in Tumby Bay. And the old building is still used.

Now we are talking about 75 years ago so its wonderful for me to find people who knew them and remember.

I know the beach and the jetty were big features of growing up there so I took a heap of photos of the jetty for Dad and my aunt. Some of it has been replace but some of it is original. The beach is just lovely with clear aqua water.

I took so many photos. I think I will make some into cards.

Down on the beach were Pelicans. They are so tame. I just loved them. Out the front of where we were there were about 8 who were kind of a gang, they hung around together the whole time. They would eat from your hand. They are HUGE.

Even if they were off in the distance we would wave our arms and they would all fly over. Andy has photos of me looking like they are about to eat me and my hair flying around as their wings hit me. lol But you know me, I loved them and thought it's like out of a movie to be able to wave and they will come to you.

Plus they had super nice personalities. Don't they look to you like some cartoon artist drew them and they aren't real? I would go back just to hang out with these guys.

Our time away did us both good. I love the sea. I have never lived far from the sea and being there does me good. The air makes me sleep so well. It is calming, soothing and beautiful.

It rained heaps and I don't mind as I love rain. I sat and wrote letters and I had my crocheting to work on. When the sun was out we went to the beach or I moved out into the sun and wrote. Coming home I walked in and thought gosh this is lovely and I have so many ideas accumulated from op shop magazines. I bought a million for 10c each and devoured them!

Back to normal today, washing and going to get some groceries etc. Then to get stuck into things! 

I hope you are having a good week. It is so much cooler! And there was an inch of rain here, the garden is really soaked which is wonderful. I came home with some succulents to plant too as little reminders of our trip for the garden.

For someone who just had a holiday I am so tired today! xxx


  1. Glad to hear how much you enjoyed your break Annabel. It looks a lovely little town. xo

    1. Kaye Im so glad Dads old house is still there. It was a little trip down memory

  2. Great photos Annabel, lovely memories too

    1. Thank you Karen! My trusty ipad is much better than my phone for photos! Helped by Pelicans who practically posed for the camera! xxx


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