The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

The wedding....

Last post I showed how we set up the farm for the wedding and the flowers.  It was all too much for one post!   Now for the bits you probably want to see!

Chloe had my niece Georga and Harper and Scarlett as flower girls.  Their role was very casual, throwing petals and confetti and dancing a lot in fluffy dresses!  They were so beautiful and good.

So here is the happy couple...

Chloe made her own headpiece and bouquet.  I loved both!

I wanted to mention... we had a beautiful fine day.  Before the wedding day and since it has rained.  We just had one shower of rain which was just before the reception began and everyone went into the marquee.  Then as Chloe and Luke came in they were framed by a rainbow right behind them!

Then the rain cleared and the whole evening was perfect still weather and just gorgeous to be outside.  It was amazing!   As it got cooler big fires in the fire pits warmed everyone and kept bugs at bay.

Chloe's dress was just her.   Really everything represented them both so well.

The Pastor who married them was someone very special to the family who also prayed over Dad 20+ years ago when Dad was gravely ill.  Dad survived and made an amazing recovery.   The doctors told Dad he was so incredibly lucky and if he behaved he might get another five years.  That is now over 21 years ago.   Chloe wanted him to marry them.  The service was beautiful and very personal.

We don't have the photographers photos back yet.  So these are just what I have so far!

Chloe made me flowers from my wrist on velvet ribbon to go with my dress.

The girls were SO EXCITED and they danced and threw confetti for hours.  They never wore out!  

I have to show Harper's hair. Not a curl was added this is just how it is...  

I cannot wait to see more photos.  There were so many special moments.  Scarlett crashed the dance floor (and started dancing) when the bride and groom were having their first dance.  She wasn't being left out.  Harper danced and danced with Mum (Great Grandma) and me... her dress twirled which she thought was just wonderful.  She thought she was a princess I think.   She is still talking about it all!

So many of you are good friends to me and have prayed for everything from our house sale to a fine wedding day!  This is so wonderful thank you.  This is what we all need.  We can have great friends and family around us but we can also have friends and Christian sisters far and wide and support each other.  
I hope your week is going well!   I will have a load to report on Friday!  xxx


  1. So beautiful! Fairy princesses everywhere (both young and young at heart)! So happy it was such a perfect day xxx Fiona

  2. Dear Annabel,

    What a truly Beautiful, beautiful wedding! 😍😍
    Chloe looks absolutely stunning and so very happy with her Lucky Luke! Keep the photos coming. The girls look like they had a ball. Harper obviously thought she was a little princess in a fairytale. 😊😉 This is just a wonderful occasion for you all and how great is the timing that you are there on the farm now to share the days ahead. Such answered prayers! Am so very happy for you all xoxo

    Much love, Kaye xoxoxo

  3. Well Annabel, how lovely everything looked and especially the bridal party. Thank the Lord the rain cleared for the wedding and that rainbow photo is just stunning. I hope you are having a well earned rest but I doubt it :-)

  4. Dear Annabel , I was checking in several times hoping this post would come , and voila! here it is!
    So pleased you all had a beautiful day and Chloe and Luke had such a special pastor for their ceremony.I bet your dad was very proud and happy about that too.
    It sounds such a relaxed and happy wedding and you all look beautiful! Love Maria xxx

  5. Annabel you are tiny. Your flowers were beautiful, your daughter was beautiful, your Granddaughters were beautiful. Wonderful.

  6. What lovely pictures! Outdoor weddings always seem so relaxed and happy.Chloe looked beautiful and she and Luke are a handsome looking couple! Best wishes to them both. Looking forward to seeing some more pictures.

  7. It looks like a wonderful day. What a gorgeous bride!!!!!!
    Everyone looks so lovely. Thank you for sharing the day with us across the sea.

  8. What a fairytale wedding! A rainbow just as they arrived looks likes God's blessing on the happy couple �� Such a lovely beginning for all of you as you start your new life on the farm! The girls are beautiful, and those curls �� Thank you for sharing their special day with us. I wish all of you love and all the best. Donna xxxx

  9. Perfection, Annabel! You can just see the joy shining through! One thing, though. You don't look any older than the bride - how do you do this??!!


  10. Such a lovely couple, congratulations to them! (My four year old daughter made me scroll back up and said, "Oooh, pretty! I like her dress!") I'm so happy they had a wonderful day, but there was never any doubt that it would be, with all the work all of you put into it. Well done, and may their life together be just as beautiful. :)

  11. Annabel, Thank you! Oh so amazingly beautiful!!! I'm so happy for all of you! What a special and wonderful celebration! Hugs, Holley

  12. Debby in Kansas, USA17 October 2018 at 13:27

    So gorgeous! It all looks so pretty. I'm am awed by the bouquet and hairpiece. Wow! I think days like that go all too fast! I look back at our wedding (nearly 25 yrs. ago) and feel like it couldn't have lasted more than an hour.

  13. Magnificent, blessed, beautiful, magical, exciting...this is LOVE on display and the gift of our Father to His precious girl and her man. It has been a privilege to pray for your needs, Annabel, and I am more than grateful for the times you have held me in prayer. Yes, this is family, sisters in Christ far and wide upholding each other in prayer. And then the wedding - we see the fruit of those prayers and our own faith soars as we rejoice in God's provision. xx

  14. Thank you so much for sharing these photos Annabel - what a wonderful day for your family. I am in awe of Chloe's talent for the bouquet!! The girls look like they had an absolute ball. Beautiful photos!!

    Best wishes to the happy couple
    Jen in NZ

  15. Just beautiful! I see so much joy and wonderful memories being made. Thank you for sharing your wonderful day with us all.

  16. Annabel, congratulations to Chloe and Luke! Chloe looks absolutely stunning! So, so beautiful! Hew dress is beautiful and I am in awe of her headpiece and bouquet. She is so artistic and creative (just like her Mother). The girls look gorgeous too. I love how the Pastor married them, that makes it even more special. Thinking of you all and it is so wonderful you are on the farm too now. Lots of love, Bridge

  17. what magic Annabel, you look beautiful, would love to see a more detailed pic of your dress, it’s gorgeous what I can see. You and Chloe are peas in a pod! She looks exquisite. So happy, relaxed, graceful and Luke looks pretty handsome and pleased with himself. Harper and Scarlett are too cute for words. The whole wedding looks like the sort of one you’d go to and then say “oh damn” I don’t want it to finish. Thanks for sharing and hope there’s more photos to come. Fi xx

  18. Beautiful everything looks so lovely I love that the pastor who prayed for your dad was able to perform the wedding a true blessing. Sharlene

  19. Dear Annabel,
    Sooo beautiful, all of it. All the very best to the happy couple.
    Love Lisa xo

  20. Thank you for sharing your daughters wedding with us. They are a beautiful couple and the little girls are just gorgeous.

  21. Beautiful, Beautiful family! I wish the happy couple and Harper and Scarlett all the best !!

  22. Chloe looks amazing. The girls look so cute and you look beautiful. The rainbow was perfect timing. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Thank you for showing us. I'm sure the little girls slept very well for their mom that night.

  23. What a beautiful wedding! Chole's dress looks like a dream, like a fairy princess dress. Incredibly beautiful. May God continue to bless you and your family.

  24. Dear Annabel. I've commented twice by mobile, but I think they've disappeared into the ether! I just wanted to add that Chloe looks like an Angel, as do Scarlett and Harper. Weddings are such fun for kids too! What beautiful memories you have all created. We had a Bush Wedding, and it's still remembered fondly twenty years later. I'm sure Chloe and Lukes will be too. Mimi xxx

  25. Dear Annabel,

    Such a beautiful day for you all. So glad it went well, and it sounds like it was a lovely happy day of celebration. The bride and flower girls looked so beautiful.

    Time for you to enjoy your new surroundings a whole lot more, and get cracking in the kitchen and garden :)

    Lots of love,

    Tania xxx

  26. Oh Annabel, Everything was so beautiful and Chloe is such a beautiful bride. I am so proud that it didn't rain during the wedding. I love the way you decorated with flowers that you could pick yourself. May God continue to bless the wonderful couple. (Thanks for sharing with us). Cindy Jane from Alabama, USA.

  27. Everything was so beautiful and meaningful! Yay for a happy day!

  28. Congratulations from California. Everything looked magical. My two daughters are recently married. I know the love and sweat that goes into weddings. Your daughter has a wonderful gift arranging flowers. Wishing lots and lots of happy years in the future. God has blessed you indeed.

  29. Breathtakingly beautiful wedding! The dresses, the flowers, the darling couple! Many many blessings on your dear sweet family! Much love, Teresa

  30. Thank you to everyone! I have no hope of catching up and replying properly so thank you for such kind comments. xxx


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