The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 11 October 2018

Feather your Nest Friday. The week before the wedding!

The week started in Adelaide where we were visiting the girls, working at the house that is for sale and getting some more plants and seedings for the farm garden.
This was so much fun!   Each week I have added everything I possibly can to the garden.  I now have a flower beds,  a herb garden and veggie beds.  
I had the best time at Bunnings getting some more pots in my blue, lilac, pink colour scheme.

I also had things I dig up, lots of veggie and herb seedlings and six standard lilac rose bushes!  Seriously this was so much fun.  It was three trolleys full of stuff and Andy had to go tot he van and come back to get more.  I loved it! 

We headed back to the farm.  As soon as we got there I was watering the garden we already have planted and then got working on adding the new additions.
We had this long thin garden bed between a ramp and a deck.  Roses were perfect for this space!  

As we sit on the deck or walk up the ramp there will be roses! 

I planted seeds I have been saving. Some were from Sewingcreations who sent me beans (several types) and some were from Jane who sent me giant sunflowers and beans.   So they are all in!   Also carrots in a sandy patch on one side.   I got all this in and we had two full days of rain!  It was fantastic!

With all the plants and especially putting in giant sunflowers I know the Cockatoos could be my problem.  I already have bunnies coming close.   We already have our owl and I added Harry... (The Hawke)

I like him!  He is always on the job and flies around in the breeze.

I also started a mint patch.  There is a garden bed near the clothes line.  So I planted lots of mint from Mum's garden and hopefully soon I will have an abundance like she does.

Now we are in the lead up to the wedding.  I can't show you anything until after the wedding though!  
I tried to do things early in the week that were just generally helpful. 
First I put on the slow cooker for the day with chicken and lots of veggies.   We had this as a casserole for dinner and it was so good as I worked outside all day and when I came in yay!  dinner was done.  What a relief this is.  Bless the person who invented crockpots.  
The next day the left overs became pies.  Out came the pie maker.  I got a lot of questions about this last week!   Mine was $29 (if I remember correctly) from Kmart (AU)  and it is not terribly spectacular but here it is...

I am very happy with this but if you have hungry teenage boys you can get a larger one that is Sunbeam which I believe makes deeper pies.   Anyway a lot of brands make them and Aldi also had a single large pie maker.

The thing is you have made you pies and gone on with other things before your normal oven would have pre warmed!  
I got 27 pies from my left over casserole. Ok, I did put on a lot as I planned the pies.  

I gave Chloe and Luke a dozen as they are in full wedding mode.   I served them for dinner and one lunch and froze the rest.   I got a bit fancier with some and added little leaves and roses...

I also made 36 full sized sausage rolls.  I am feeding the groom and his brother on Saturday and needed something I can warm then I will leave and the boys will take over our house.

Yesterday I headed off to Mum and Dads.  I made Mum a dozen Gluten Free scones and I made another dozen with sultanas...

All up I added a fair bit to the freezer! 

This week I continued on with my pushing the wheelbarrow up the hill to the shearing shed.  I got loads of sheep manure.  One time it started raining and Andy came looking for me and we pushed the barrow into the van and he drove me home! 

I was given three dozen lovely farm eggs.   

Yesterday everyone was helping with the wedding. It was a lovely day.  I can't wait to show you photos even from setting up!   Beautiful!

And..... the house in Adelaide is now under contract!!!   This is still subject to a cooling off period and the buyers finance.  So it is not really certain for two weeks.   But it is under contract!!! Thank you everyone who prayed.  We are praying now to get past the last hurdles!  This would mean so much.  It would allow us to do things we need here, we need a ride on lawn mover as the area to keep the grass down is huge, water tanks... many things.   It would also mean I can work on one house and one garden and not two! 

The birds here are used to us now and we are noticing so many new varieties.  There are Lorikeets nested in a tree out the front.  On Instagram and FB I posted the sounds of sunset here.  It is basically deafening!   Apparently birds have to chatter to get to sleep!  One night there was a pink sunset.  Then I could hear this loud "whoosh whoosh whoosh" sound.  I went out and looked around.  There in the very top of the big pine and gum trees were about fifty Ibis with huge wings spread out. They were like angels on top of the Christmas Tree.  All their wings were creating this giant flapping sound.   Then they settled there for the night.  I am always saying "Andy! Andy! Come and take a look at this!!" 

It was a good week and we just feel at home now.  We continually work to try and establish our homestead.  We have so many plans!   But the garden has come such a long way in one month!  

I really hope you had a good week too!   How did you build up your home, get ahead, add to your pantry or save?  

Today we are setting up the last of the wedding things.  I hope and pray the weather is ok tomorrow, today is gorgeous!   It is such an exciting day and more exciting tomorrow! 
Have a wonderful weekend! xxx


  1. Dear Annabel,
    I just love reading about your new life at the farmhouse and seeing all the beautiful photos you post. You are achieving so much and it all looks fantastic. I hope Chloe and Luke have great weather for their wedding and it all goes to plan. I look forward to next week's post as usual. Good luck with the contract...I'm sure any prospective buyer wouldn't have second thoughts with such a beautiful, well looked after home. Won't it make life easier when you can just concentrate on your farmhouse?
    Best wishes

    1. Dear Del,
      Thank you! We did have good weather and a wonderful day! I will write some wedding posts soon. We are kind of in pack up and recovery mode!
      You are right... being able to concentrate on one house and one garden would be amazing. I could get a lot further! We are counting down. True signed and sealed is Friday week which seems FOREVER!
      Have a good new week! With love

  2. Annabel, your beautiful new home has come a long way in such a short time - congratulations to you, Andy and all your helpers.

    I'll be praying for perfect weather for Chloe's wedding day, though I'm sure no matter the weather, it will be a perfect day.

    Best wishes,

    1. Dear Janine, Thanks so much! We did have an amazing day! I will post the details asap! Thank you for praying!!! Wait until you see there are some amazing details that I think are from the prayers.
      Thankyou! With much love

  3. Hi Annabel only one more sleep to go! So exciting!
    It is wonderful to read how much you are enjoying making over your farmhouse and making it oh so 'Annabel'.
    This past week I made a couple of little outfits for the Granddaughters. Bluey posted them off today.
    I have been revitalising my sourdough starter. The liquid starter had gone beyond saving. I am so glad I had some dried in the cupboard. It has taken a bit of effort and consistency but it is now happily bubbling away. I'm thinking there might be some scrolls and possibly a loaf made this weekend.
    We have been getting some much needed rain this past week. So far we have been lucky and missed the massive storm cells. You can almost hear the garden sucking up the moisture. In fact we might have to mow soon. We havent mown the lawn since April as we havent needed to.
    There are seedlings and tomato weedlings popping up everywhere. No need to actually plant a garden here.
    I so hope your sunflowers all come up. They are such a pretty plant and always make me happy.
    Sending all the best, much love and big sloppy kisses to Chloe and Luke.
    Life is damp, green and good.

    1. Dear Jane,
      Here we are in pack up and recovery! We had the best day! I cant believe its over. Im working on the photos to share!
      I love your gorgeous sewing. How lucky your Granddaughters are!
      Having dried starter is a good idea. Dry some again when this is really abundant. It is so handy! I saw how it is looking good.
      We have rain again today and thats ok the wedding is over! So we are glad of it too!
      Plants that just come up are the best!!! I have parsley doing that in the old garden.
      I will let you know how the sunflowers go. I hope they come up... Im egging them on! Thank you!
      Have a wonderful new week! With love

  4. Dear Annabel, I will be thinking about you all tomorrow for the beautiful wedding. I bet it will the most magical and happiest of days. so exciting! I can't wait to hear about it next week. I am so impressed with how much you have achieved at your new house. You sound so happy and content. It sounds so wonderful. It is fantastic news about the contract on your house. Then you can really devote all your time and energy into your new home. Sending you love. Lots of love, Bridget

    1. Dear Bridge,
      I cant wait to show you! Since R will remember Chloe then he will be amazed how she grew up!
      Things went so well. We are tired now! It was a massive effort but it worked!
      Have a good new week! With much love

  5. Oh Annabel how wonderful your home in is under contract and you are enjoying decorating and gardening in your new home :) . I hope that the contract goes through for you so you have the additional funds to do what you want at the farm.

    Another bit of good news on the home front here is that we saw a property to buy we had been keeping our eye on on the internet for about 4 - 6 months that was reduced by over $50 000. We put in an offer on it and our offer for less and was accepted, we have signed a contract and have conditional finance approval from the bank. We will find out whether we have unconditional bank finance at the end of next week. Keep us in your prayers everyone.

    Not a lot done this week with racing backwards and forwards to solicitors, the bank, getting quotes on car, house and contents insurance.

    We did manage a few things though being-
    - Banked more money into our home deposit savings account.
    - I listed more items on eBay using a free listing promotion.
    - DH managed to get 2 pairs of dress pants from BigW for $93.90 less than the usual place shop he buys them from and they are about the same quality :).
    - We washed all washing in cold water, hung it on the clothes line to dry and used saved grey water to water the household lawns with.
    - Used saved shower warm up water to water the fruit trees and new seeds planted in the gardens.
    - Cooked all meals and bread from scratch.
    - We picked a heap of thyme, French and English lavender from the gardens and are now drying it to sell and some for the home.

    I hope everyone has had an equally wonderful week :).


    1. Oh my goodness! That is so fantastic! I am only just catching up, sorry...the wedding had me on the hop.
      I am so pleased about this and the price ... it is nerve wracking really making an offer... but it was ACCEPTED!!!!
      Like us you are waiting on cooling off periods, finance and so on. I will pray for yours along with ours.
      With such a significant week you also achieved additional things!
      Some of your seeds are now coming up here! I will think of you every time I am in my garden.
      You are set for exciting times and I am so happy for you! The work you put into a property... well now it will be yours forever and this makes it so different. It is amazing. I love good news! I hope this week also goes well! With much love

    2. Thank you Annabel and I knew you were frantic organising Chloe and Luke's wedding and it appears from your next post that it all went so well. I am really happy for you all.

      Will be praying for you and your DH that all goes smoothly with the contract on your house there too.

      Glad the seeds I sent you are coming up in the garden it is kind of sharing the love of all things frugal from afar :).

      Yes cooling off periods and other wait times but we are champing at the bit wanting to know we have the finance so we can move on with our plans. We are looking forward to setting up our own home and permanent gardens although we will be sad to leave these ones too.


  6. -Ahhh, beyond excited for you all. Can't wait to see the wedding photos! God Bless you all, for the finalising of the house sale (yay!!) and the wedding (woohoo!!).
    The ibis sound incredible. I listened to the video you put up of dusk at your place, then went outside of my place and listened to 3 crows carking. I know which I prefer ;-) I'm not superstitious but my Irish grandmother was somewhat and 3 crows hanging around her house would've caused quite a lot of anxiety. It did make me shiver just a little.
    Deb :*

    1. Dear Deb, Thank you... some photos are up now... just of setting things up and flowers so far.
      I do not like crows.... I feel the same. We have them here. They are first on the scene of anything dead or even sick in the paddocks.
      I am glad you listened to my evening birds. I am amazed how noisy they are but this abundance is so nice, it is reassuring that the world is beautiful and good. The ibis have not been back yet. I would love to get a photo so I keep listening for them!
      Have a good new week! With love,

  7. Annabel, what a busy and exciting time for you and your family. All the best to Chloe and Luke and I am sure they will have a perfect day. You have achieved so much in such a short time and I do hope the cockatoos don't bother you too much as they love our macadamia and pecan nut trees and make such a racket sometimes :-)

    1. Dear Nanna Chel, Cockies are noisy that is for sure. I have mystery fruit trees I need to check as people have told me they have no fruit. But they have been covered in blossoms... so maybe it is just the cockies eat it all before it develops... so I am trying to see and we could get nets maybe...
      I would love to have macadamia and pecans! How beautiful.
      Have a good week! With love

  8. You are definitely in a busy and exciting season! So many memories are being made that you will cherish for ever. You'll always remember what the farmhouse used to be and all you've done. Then the upcoming wedding. I hope they have a wonderful day.

    1. Thank you Vickie! I am glad now I took "before" photos as already you wouldnt know the place! Imagine in another year!
      They did have a wonderful day! Thank you! xxx

  9. Dear Annabel,
    Love seeing all your pics of the farm, and adore your garden colours (purple, pink and white are my favourite garden colours). Wishing you all the best for Chloe and Luke's big day, hope all goes well.
    Love Lisa xo

    1. Dear Lisa,
      Thank you! I love shades of blues, lilacs, pinks... I like monet kind of soft colours... so far they are working out well. And then I had random things come up and some things here... agapanthus (BLUE) then iris (blue!) and then Bluebells! How lucky is that!!! They all fit in so perfectly.
      Thank you so much... it did all go so well. Starting to share photos now! With much love

  10. I am enjoying reading all about your adventures Annabel, you certainly are getting a lot done. And maybe your house will be sold already, that will definitely be a relief!

    You have me interested in those pie makers now, they really do look like they could be quite useful. Might just go take a look at Big W tomorrow to see if they have any...:-)

    All the best to all of you for the big day tomorrow. It was perfect weather here today, so hoping you receive the same tomorrow. It will be a beautiful day no matter what...Beautiful bride and lots of memories, oh and photos! :D

    Cant wait to read your next post!

    Lots of love,

    Tania xxx

    1. Dear Tania,
      With all your fruit plus Grandkids... well I can see you smashing out a lot of pies for everyone! They are very economical and freeze... so I can see this working for you!
      The weather was good! We were sooo blessed! Thank you so much! With lots of love,

  11. Dear Annabel,lovely to see how your garden patch is coming along , and very quick at that .Love where the roses are, I would never have thought to put them there, which has now given me some ideas :-)
    My week has been minding grandchildren , and catching up in between.
    Btw the piemaker is NZ$29 here , when I bought mine last week.ON a roll now that I know I dont have to use pastry every time.
    My time has mainly been revolving around the kitchen and we've made Christmas decorations , that was with master 4, and next week we will decorate them and thread ribbon through .Made gingerbread with 4, 5 6 yr olds , not so successful but Master 6 took what wasnt eaten , home.I should have made your recipe Annabel but did not have enough butter . Also made some yummy banana, date and choc chip muffins.

    It is hard to believe the wedding day is almost here,such a busy year we are both having with our families .Wishing your family a beautiful and sunny wedding day , and look forward to seeing all the photos.
    Lots of love , Maria xxx

    1. Dear Maria,
      I really was unsure about that narrow strip. It seems a dumb area and had FILTHY pavers there which made it even worse. Now I think I will love it!
      I am going to try impossible pies (no pastry) and eggs and bacon etc. I see a lot of people put eggs straight in there too.
      The wedding was beautiful! You will be seeing photos shortly! Thank you so much... we did also have good weather... so grateful! With love

  12. Oh how wonderful that your other house is under contract! Moving and selling (or buying!) a house is always so, so stressful, and there's no relief from it until everything is signed and DONE, but getting there is just such a process. May everything go smoothly for all of you!

    Your yard sounds like a magical place. Ibises, lorikeets... That just sounds like a dream to me. :)

    1. Dear Stephanie,
      Yes it has been a huge job and stressful. It also seems like FOREVER since we started preparing to move and the other house for sale. It was just enormous. So it will be such a relief when its over! And so good to be able to just focus our time and energy here.
      Now that you mention it I guess not everyone has birds like this in their yard! Tonight was an Egret!
      Many thanks! With love

  13. If I had seen that pie maker in the store I would have thought it was very silly. But seeing how you use it, it looks quite useful and the hand pies look beautiful!

    1. Dear Katie, I did see them in the stores and online and thought they were stupid! haha! Now I can have pies cooked and ready before the oven would have pre heated! World of difference. Plus this leads me to use up many more left overs, I am amazed! So I had to learn a new thing ... next fruit pies in summer I think!
      Hope you have a good new week! With much love,

  14. Praying for smooth sailing right to closing on the house and beautiful weather for tomorrow. Excited to see the wedding pictures!

    1. Dear Lana,
      Thank you! I am hoping very much about the house. It will be Friday week before we know for sure... ("pending finance" clause).
      I posted some getting set up for the wedding photos today... more to follow! With much love

  15. Oh so exciting!!! All of it!!! I hope you enjoy every minute of the wedding!!!! Blessings to you and the happy couple! XOXO

    1. Dear Holley, I enjoyed and appreciated everything. Then I was exhausted lol! Now I am kind of reflecting on how lucky we were! And looking at photos! So nice! Many thanks! With love

  16. Hi Annabel
    Wishing your family the happiest of days tomorrow, I hope Chloe and Luke enjoy every moment!!

    So exciting that your house is under contract. I'm sure a bit of a nervous time as well. I hope it all works out for you.

    My kids and I have been weeding during the school holidays (quite a big job due to neglect lol) and we are ready to do some planting. I am not a gardener at all, so will start with some basic vegetables and hopefully have some luck!

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow

    Jen in NZ

    1. Dear Jen, Thank you! Well I hope the plants will go well. I think mainly it is getting them established and daily watering that is what makes the difference. Just now we have rain so I can have those days off. But when its warm and especially windy then small stuff needs a couple of waters a day. Until it gets bigger anyhow. We are going ell BUT the test will be true summer heat and I hope I dont lose the lot then!
      We did have a great day, so lucky! Thank you! With much love,

  17. You just sound so happy Annabel. Rural living must agree with you:-) I laughed when you mentioned about the noisy birds at bedtime. When it's early summer and the days are longer, I love to go bed before it's dark and listen to all the birds. I always think of it as them saying "goodnight" to each other. May God bless your coming week as you all prepare for Chloe and Luke's big day.

    1. Dear Marie,
      I would love to know what the birds are talking about but they sure have a lot to say! Thank you for your good wishes, we did have a beautiful wedding! With much love

  18. Such wonderful news and such splendid things going on! I so enjoy reading about all your adventures, Annabel!

    I was inspired to order a Sunbeam pie maker. It only makes 2 at a time, but that's perfect for a quick meal for my husband and me. Looks like you can cook other things with it, too.
    Can't wait to try my new gadget.

    Wishing all the best,

    1. Dear Phyllis,
      Thank you! Well you will enjoy the post I put up today re the wedding flowers, decor! I think it is just you!
      Also do try quiches, eggs and bacon, fruit pies etc. It is so these all freeze! Oh also impossible pies and spinach etc... endless really.
      Hope you are having a good new week! With love

  19. How excited you sound over everything and little wonder...It's like falling in love isn't it, having a new house and garden to pour yourself into.

    1. Dear Terri, Yes it is so much fun! Each day is an adventure. I am enjoying it all. Have a wonderful new week! With love

  20. Dear Annabel,

    What an exciting time you are in! Was so pleased to hear your city home is under contract! Will keep on praying it continues on smoothly. I have enjoyed reading about everything happening there are playing the videos too. The bird sounds and one taking a dip at your mum's place brought a smile to me. 😊

    Hope it is wonderful weather there for the big occasion. All the happiness in the world to dear Chloe and Luke. Xo

    Much love, Kaye xoxo

    1. Dear Kaye,
      Thank you! Yes it will be great to sell the house. It will allow us to do so much more and also have so much more time.
      We were very blessed with the weather, it was amazing. Since we have had storms and rain! I am kind of in recovery mode today. The photos are coming in too and they are amazing. Thank you for your prayers. With much love

  21. That is wonderful that you have a contract on your house. Hope it all goes through smoothly for you. That will be lovely for you and Andy to be able to move forward with your plans and things you need for the farm. You have achieved so much already - I'm in awe! Wishing Chloe and Luke every happiness for their wedding day and their life together going forward as husband and wife. Hope you all enjoy the special day celebrating with them! Cheers, Kelly

    1. Thank you Kelly! It all went so well. We are now in recovery mode lol. Thanks re the house too... I am so much hoping to be able to move on as you say and get things we need for here. xxx

  22. As I write this Annabel it is 2,15pm eastern daylight saving time here, so I guess that the wonderful moments of the wedding are about to start,
    Huge congratulations to Chloe and Luke, may they have a wonderful life and future together, much love.
    Annabel, you are exhausting me with your energy, but what wonderful results.
    Love Lorraine

    1. Thank you Lorraine for your encouragement re buying our home last week and I hope you and the family are well and your renovations are progressing.

      Annabel I forgot to say in my comment above to congratulate both yourself and DH and Luke and Chloe and wish them the best for their future together.


    2. Dear Lorraine,
      Thank you so much! I just posted a little about the wedding starting with the flowers... I exhausted myself with this lol! With love

  23. Oh Annabel, I just love the joy and excitement that comes through your posts! I am so looking forward to seeing the wedding pictures. I know everything is gorgeous!

    Thank you so much for sharing a picture of your pie maker! I will be on the lookout for one. Just need a good GF recipe for dough and I'll be all set.

    We had a storm come through the other day and we lost power for about 9 hours. Thankfully ours is back, but my mom and dad (and several others), are still without. My oldest is home from school for a few days, so I'm very excited about that! This week I canned 5 1/2 quarts of chicken and a quart of chicken broth and added them to the pantry.

    1. Dear Jenn,
      I just got my first wedding post up! It was a beautiful day.
      Jenn use the Maggie Beer recipe. It works perfectly. I love it.
      I hope your parents power was restored. Nine hours is enough! It is amazing how hard things are without electricity.
      Well done on the broth. A very good thing to have in your pantry! With love

  24. Good luck with the wedding I am sure the Gods will smile on you with beautiful weather for a perfect day.
    I to have a pie maker and yes they are great. Before I got mine I used to make apple and meat pies with my sandwich maker. They weren't really deep ones but they did the job. Just remember to cut the squares of pastry a bit bigger so you get a really good seal.

    1. Dear Leanne,
      Thank you for the tip on the sandwich maker. They are so useful... I cooked hamburgers etc in them too. I need a new one of those.
      We did have a wonderful day! I just posted a little about it with a long way to go! We were very blessed! With love,

  25. Congratulations on your new homestead! I am enjoying your sharing of the evening song.

    1. Dear Laurie, thank you very much! I am glad you listened to my little clip! Like an orchestra! At Mums it is like this only it is main frogs! Its amazing! With love

  26. What a busy week. Good luck with the wedding, look forward to the pics.Love the look of the pie maker as it would make things easy.

    1. Thanks so much Mandy! First pics are up today.... it is going to take a while to get them all posted! But it was wonderful! xxx

  27. If I had seen that pie maker in the store I would have thought it was very silly. But seeing how you use it, it looks quite useful and the hand pies look beautiful!

    1. Well I did see them and I did think how dumb! But now I realise I can have pies made and cooling before I could have had the main oven even heated up! This means I bother to make pies even if I have just a little bit of left over casserole or roast... where as before I thought I needed more to make it worth while. So its really good. In summer of course this will apply to fruit that needs using up too! xxx

  28. Thank you for sharing a picture of your pie maker. I am going to add that to my list. I can see how useful it would be to have chicken and meat pies in the freezer for a quick lunch.

    I enjoy sitting outside just after dusk in the summer and listening to the birds. Once they quiet down it's time for tree frogs and crickets. They are pretty much gone for the season now.

    I hope they wedding was beautiful and you are now getting some much needed rest.

    1. If you get a pie maker they are fantastic to make quiches as well and great without using pastry if you like. Leanne

    2. Dear Wendi, Once it is summer I am also thinking of all the fruit pies!
      I love evening/dusk. It is sooo peaceful. Being outside then is perfect for me. In summer this is when I will water, its lovely.
      I did have a rest this morning! I needed it! It has been flat out! Thank you so much, love


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