The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

The Christmas Challenge. Show and Tell for August, part 1.

This morning I woke up to no power and I thought no blog will happen today!  But it just came back on!  So far it has been a busy week and I am working on unpacking many finds from yesterday.  I went south on  a further afield shopping trip and saw my friend for her Birthday at the same time.  It was a really good day!  But more about that on Friday!

I love seeing what you are all making and creating.  Everything is beautiful so far.

First of all we have Suzanne.  She has been making Cherry Jam and look at her beautiful presentation...

This looks so stylish Suzanne and I love the way you did the labels! 

Jane is busy as ever!  She is working on two rugs for her parents new caravan.   These will be christmas presents. 

She has Fathers Day sorted as well as she made her Dad a hat and she found the gloves in her travels...

I really love this!  What a nice present for a man.

And since home from the trip Jane started on writing up new and often used recipes on to recipe cards.  

We got talking about this as I LOVE recipe cards.  Jane sent me a heap of pictures of how she made them and then how she is storing them to use and this is all so beautiful we are going to have a tutorial.  I need to do this. I made a set years ago but now I have so many recipes that are newer so it is time to do them again.  They are equally gorgeous at home or for gifts!

Kelsey made beautiful thank you cards ...

And a relative was having  a baby. Kelsey and her husband combined forces. Her  husband made a wooden box and used horse shoes (from the ranch) to make the handles!  This was all perfect as the new baby is a little boy and the nursery theme is COWBOY.  This melts my heart.   

Kelsey made a baby rug with plaid and horses!  This is just a beautiful gift.  The tags are just perfect too!  

Lucy decorated a light for Harper's room.   The cover was $1 in a cheap shop. Then she stuck on butterflies which Harper loves...

This matches the pin up boards she made earlier. 

We will go on with show and tell next week.  If you would like to share what you have been making please email me at I really love hearing from you. 

I am printing this while I can as the power went out again when I was about half way through! 

I hope your week is going well!  See you on Friday! xxx


  1. Dear Annabel and beautiful bluebirds,
    Thank you for another lovely show and tell post Annabel.

    Suzanne your j am looks beautifully presented and I am sure it will taste delicious too.
    Jane, beautiful work as always. The hat looks so cosy, that and the rugs will be well received I am sure. Also the recipe cards are great, they will be cherished in years to come I am sure.
    Kelsey, your thank you cards are gorgeous a nd the baby gift is so sweet and so well made .
    Lucy, the butterfly light is so pretty . I love butterflies but never would have thought to do that.
    I have been making cards and I am trying very hard to come up with other gift ideas. Thank you ladies for sharing your creative and beautiful work with us, you have all done a beautiful job.
    I look forward to seeing more beautiful work next week. Love Barb W.

    1. Dear Barb, Thank you for commenting on everyones work! We have lots of variety! I hope your week is going well, it is so cold and rainy here...and the power was out most of the morning. When I went out traffic lights weren't working either! Lucky the police had taken over! With love

  2. Annabel, you do have electricity woes down in SA not that things are rosy in Queensland as I just got the bill for winter and it is the highest it has been for ages and we haven't even turned on the heater this winter! A phone call to Ergon is coming up very soon I think. Love what everyone has been making. Such a clever bunch.

    1. Dear Nanna Chel, Summer is worrying me. They have masses of diesel generators lined up but Im not confident. Police were out directing traffic as the lights were out near us today also. Mainly I worry about the heat... I can survive the cold. thank you for commenting on everyones work! With love

  3. Dear Annabel,

    Thank you once again for showing the lovely work that the bluebirds have been doing. I love them all!

    Suzanne, I really love the way you have presented your jam with such pretty tops and labels. They look great!

    I love all your works Jane, especially the recipe card idea. I did this a few years ago, but yours look so pretty and mine were so plain lol. I am looking forward to the tutorial.

    Kelsey you have done a fantastic job. Cant help but fall in love with that cowboy gift!

    I would never have thought to put butterflies on a lampshade. It looks so pretty Lucy. Well done!

    Thank you all for the inspiration.

    Love Tania xoxo

    1. Dear Tania,
      Thanks so much for commenting on everyones lovely work! I am hoping to be able to make jam this summer and thought I will use Suzanne's lovely way of putting on the tables! With love and thanks,

  4. Hello Annabel and beautiful bluebirds :) .

    Wow everyone I just love all of your lovely handcrafts and cooking :) .

    I love the idea of the horseshoe handles on the baby box too, something we may be able to implement as we found a horseshoe.


    1. Dear Sewingcreations, I love the idea with the horse shoes also. And the cowboy theme.... With the farm I think I need to go looking for these kinds of items! With love

  5. Such gorgeous items featured yet again! It is like looking through the range at an exclusively "hand made artisan wares" store! These items are quite costly bought that way, but beautifully crafted hand made items are special to receive. :-)

    I love seeing what everyone has done. You are all very innovative and clever! The presentation is so stunning too. Well done everyone! Xo

    1. Dear Kaye, Thank you! I agree the presentation on everything gave it a very professional touch. I think that makes things really good to give. It kind of builds up our confidence to die the things we have made! Thanks Kaye, with love,

  6. Hi Annabel, I am in love with the cowboy gifts. What a great theme for a little boy. Colton's box will be a family heirloom and Kelsey's rug will keep the little cowboy warm and cosy,
    I have never had cherry jam. Looking at Suzanne's jam makes me want some. I cant actually remember the last time I ate cherries either.
    Lucy has her Mother's eye for beauty on a budget. It's the little details that take something plain and turn it into a piece of beauty.
    Life is good.

  7. Well done everyone, such lovely gifts, thoughtful, beautiful and useful!

  8. Dear Annabel & Beautiful Bluebirds!!

    It's all beautiful!!!!!

    Suzanne, your cherry jam looks like good, old fashioned cooking!! I am another who has never tasted it, and it looks very inviting! It's beautiful presentation!!

    Jane, you're still helping to make the world go 'round, with beautifully practical and colourful gifts! Practical items become a part of real stories!! I'm going to enjoy your recipe card tutorial, too -- "Miss Jane"!

    Kelsey, your family's gift-making is amazing!! I love it all -- your genuinely thoughtful cards, the very country-style timber box (replete with great handles!!), and your label ranch-stitched rug look perfectly suited!!

    Lucy, it is wonderful to see how you cherish your little ones with such soft, regal rooms! The butterfly lamp brings more beauty to your princess's palace!

    Again, it's all beautiful!

    Rachel Holt

  9. Dear Annabel,
    Another beautiful array from very talented Bluebirds!! Each gift so very heartfelt and beautifully presented. I love it all!!. Looking forward to Jane's recipe card tutorial and seeing all your finds on Friday. Blessings, Cookie

  10. This week has such a lovely mix of gifts!

    Suzanne your jars look so stylish, I'm sure everyone who receives one will be thrilled.

    Jane, you always have crochet to show, I love it! You must be a lot faster than me lol. I too look forward to a recipe card tutorial, my favourites are currently written on scraps of paper and thrown somewhere in the cookbook cupboard. It sometimes takes longer to find the recipe than make it!

    Kelsey, I think I've said before that I love how you coordinate gifts, but you have reached a new level with the cowboy set. It is stunning. I hope your own little man is getting a similar box :)

    Lucy, what a beautiful space you have created for Harper. The light shade must look gorgeous with the pin boards you showed earlier.

    I'm onto the quilting now for my sons birthday quilt. It's going to be a few days late. And this is where it becomes a bit more obvious that it's my first attempt! It's far from perfect, though I think I'm getting better with each line... I just keep reminding myself that he won't care about a few (or many) wonky stitches. And once it's done I won't be looking so closely lol.

    Thanks for such a beautiful post Annabel! I really hope your power situation improves before summer, it must be worrying.

    Jen in NZ

  11. What stunningly beautiful gifts and beautiful presentations! I would be thrilled to receive any one of them (no, that is not a hint - just admiration).

    Thank you all for sharing - I feel some ideas coming on. Hubby just found out that he needs $2000 worth of dental work. A handmade Christmas it is!

  12. Annabel I love show and tell! It is always so heart warming to see the busy hands of others.
    Suzanne your jars of jam are so lovely! Such yummy gifts you will be giving.
    Jane you always amaze me with your talent! You make the prettiest things and I love your recipe cards.
    Kelsey what perfect gifts for a cowboy theme! That was very creative of you and your husband and proves that the best gifts don't have to be expensive. You did a fantastic job sweetie!
    Lucy the butterflies are so sweet. One of those little touches that make all the difference! Fantastic!

  13. Really lovely gifts. That box with the horseshoe handles is an amazing idea.

  14. Dear Annabel,

    I agree with Vicky: I love Show and Tell!!! Everything is so lovely!!! I am just quickly popping in as I should be out picking peas!

    Lots of love,

    Jen in NS

  15. Lovely work from everyone as usual. I'm just finishing 2 baby blankets which i will try and send pictures of soon

  16. Dear Annabel,
    Thank you for another great show and tell! Suzanne, I must agree with the others and say your presentation looks fantastic. I'm sure it is equally as yummy. Jane, I am amazed at how much you get accomplished and I know first hand the quality of your work is very high! Lucy, what a creative way to dress up that shade. I bet Harper just loves it. Gorgeous room, too!
    Thank you for sharing my photos and to everyone for their lovely comments! I hope everyone has a good weekend.
    Love, Kelsey

  17. Thank you everyone for joining in and all the encouraging comments on the lovely work. xxx

  18. Y'all are getting a great head start. I applaud you!
    Please drop by and say hello!
    ஐღ Laura ღஐ
    Harvest Lane Cottage
    ...doing what I can with what I've got where I am
    on a short shoestring budget!


I really appreciate your comments thank you! The aim of my blog is the be a place of encouragement and happiness. Very rarely is anyone rude. Actually only twice so far! If you post a rude or aggressive comment I will read it but not publish it, thanks for

Spam is never published... if you are advertising a product or selling website your comment wont be published. I am inundated with stuff about drugs, horses and weird things! I am not going to publish this stuff! Thank you.