The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Monday 14 August 2017

Pantries and Preparedness. More "Make your own" mixes and money savers.

This week we have some more wonderful money saving mixes to help out your pantry.  Gardenpat has been making some of these mixes for over thirty years!  She has eleven children (grown up) and really knows a thing or two about building a pantry, saving and making the most of what you have!  I will let pictures speak louder than words....

Many of you know Gardenpat from her comments here and her quilts.  She quilts equal her canning! Or maybe more quilts?  She and her husband have a wonderful veggie garden, build things with reclaimed wood... they are so industrious.  I love hearing what they did in a week!  And they keep on learning and recently built a chicken house and got chooks too.

So when Gardenpat asked if I would like some of her mixes that she regularly uses I said yes please!
It is a bonus that I can also show you her pantry and some of her produce!

So over to Gardenpat...


  1. Your preserved food pantry is VERY impressive, Gardenpat. I love seeing pictures like these. Thank you for sharing the pictures and recipes.
    Another excellent post, Annabel.

    1. Thanks, Glenda! It's a constantly evolving pantry and I have been adding so much from so many "bluebirds" good ideas!!

  2. Hi! I have not heard of Skim Milk Powder. I would like to make up Moo's Condensed Milk. Do you think Nonfat Instant Dry Milk would work? Thanks for your help! Nancy

    1. Dear Nancy, Yes that would be fine, I think it is just the terminology that is different. I wouldnt worry. I will just use whatever powdered milk I have and test it out too! With love

    2. Nancy, you can use whatever milk powder you have. Skim milk is the name for non-fat here. I use it to try and keep the fat content down, but otherwise it doesn't make a difference to the condensed milk. Just a note: when you first make it, you'll think it is too thin. Let it rest for about 10 - 15 minutes and it with thicken up to be the consistency of commercial condensed milk :)

    3. Thank you Cath Armstrong! Nancy

  3. Thank you Gardenpat for the all the links to these mixes. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and think I will start with one mix and then work from there. The photos of your pantry make mine look rather pathetic. Oh well.
    Annabel I have been going through the MOO mixes on Cath's site and have written out a few. My next challenge is to work out a way that I can have these mix recipes easy to access.
    I currently have three notebooks where I have been writing down various interesting recipes, quotes and interesting information. Finding what I want can be a bit frustrating. So something for me to work on.
    The van is upacked reorganised washed and shiny, inside and out. Bluey is pulling up some of the pavers where the van sits under its shade sail. Once he has the pavers back down again we can move the van off the lawn and into place.
    Life is good.

    1. Jane, I have 3 different notebooks with tips/recipes, too so let me know if you come up with a better plan for access.

    2. Jane, I look forward every week to your comments and creative ideas that you post! You truly inspire me! The pantry mixes, etc. came a few at a time. I worked them into our everyday cooking/baking and then would try making another one or two new ones! Baby steps for me! I'm constantly amazed at all the amazing creative things that I am only just discovering that many of you have been doing for years!!

    3. I use 3 ring binders. I For recipes I have them labeled - soups and appetizers, breads, main dishes, desserts, etc. Helps keep them separate, kind of

    4. Jane, something that Rhonda at DTE suggests is creating a home journal - mine has a place for my budget, contact details (important ones like doctors, etc), bills to be paid, cleaning recipes and favourite recipes. I have it in a lever arch folder. I wonder if this might work for you? Melissa

  4. Great post Annabel! There are very few things that we can't make ourselves or substitute.
    Pat your pantry is a sight to behold! I love everything about food storage and you do it wonderfully! My new pantry won't be as large, but I hope when it's done you'll have a look.

    1. Vicky- thanks! Before the snow flys, we will have to get together!

  5. WOW! Not only the pantry, Gardenpat, but also your collection of mixes! It must be very satisfying to see all your hard work prepped and ready to go.

    Thank you Annabel for highlighting your readers skills.

    In the past, I've only used 'self-made' mixes when I've run out of (or been unable to buy) the commercial brands, but I can see if I organised myself better, I wouldn't need any commercial brands, plus I could eliminate many of the preservatives and colours found in the store bought while saving money.

    Thanks for the inspiring posts,

    1. Janine- thanks! My love and use of mixes came about for a few reasons. 1. Raising a big family meant we needed to stretch our $$$. 2. Raising a big family ( at times we had 3 under 3 years old!) meant that time-saving was required. 3. We wanted to have more control of what we were eating- ingredients, less preservatives,etc. 4. I'm basically lazy and I love convenience!!! But, I'm still cheap so I hate paying a fortune for convenience!!

  6. Great post, thank you Annabel and Gardenpat, and the sun is shining here today too. I love mixes. I started with taco seasoning (I think, it was a long time ago) and have gone on from there. These days I make the taco seasoning in bulk and store it in one of the really big Vegemite jars :) I agree that now is a good time to be building a pantry, especially of basic ingredients that can be used for multiple meals/dishes. It will save money, but if life goes pear-shaped it can mean the difference between eating well, eating at all or going hungry. I always say money invested in a well-stocked pantry is better than money in the bank (regardless of what Donald Trump may think!).

    1. Thank you so much for your help Cath. You have helped me heaps! I notice politicians and bankers would love us to put all our money into the stock market and banks etc. My neighbours over the road are Greek. From them I know the perils of everything in the bank and I have friends who lost so much in both the tech crash and then the 2008 crash.. so I have seen so many people who at the end of the day hold bits of paper that are worth absolutely nothing. Also I was brought up that gambling is a bad thing and my Dad even feels the stock market is a form of gambling. And that Superannuation is a way to basically make everyone participate int he stock market whether they like it or not. And so even that could go up in a puff of smoke really.... (hope I don't upset anyone... maybe we are just crazy!?) Anyway give me bricks and mortar, no debt, a great pantry and sensible supplies! And a garden and chickens! :) And with food prices rising as they are bargain priced healthy food is better interest than I can get anywhere. Did you hear there is a bitter shortage in Europe? Prices have gone up a lot here too. Right now my enchilada sauce is simmering and smelling amazing! Thanks for so much help, with love

    2. Annabel I was brought up to believe that "investing" in the stock exchange is a form of gambling too, so we don't. We are planning for our retirement, even though it's a long, long way off because we don't believe the age pension will exist, at least as it does now, and Wayne won't have anything other than the compulsory super. We plan to be financially responsible for ourselves in our old age, just as we are now. You've made my mouth water with that enchilada sauce, my boys love them, I may just swap our meal plan around this week and give them a surprise! Have a lovely week, Cath

    3. Could not agree more

  7. What a great collection of mix recipes!
    I will be using the condensed milk one for sure, and I made the enchilada sauce mix last week - after you posted it :) I've made a similar one from Pinterest, but I think it will be handy to have a dry mix.
    Thank you, ladies, for these great resources!
    Have a lovely week Annabel xx Fiona

    1. Dear Fiona,
      Last night I made the enchiladas. I used two of my dry sachets. To Vickys recipe I added two tins of crushed tomatoes and because I used powdered chicken stock I replaced the water... and let it simmer a good while. Well we LOVED it and the enchiladas were so good! So thats it now, never again will I buy jars! Very happy with this! Another thing I can strike from the list. And having the mixes made up make it fast and easy. Very happy, now on to try other ones! Many thanks Fiona, with love

  8. Thank you Annabel and Gardenpat and also Cath for some more wonderful recipes. Incidentally I do agree with you Cath about building a pantry is better than money in the bank and it earns us better than bank interest when the prices go up. At least that is what we have found.

    We have been building our pantries here for quite a few years and are happy so far with our progress but are working on increasing our flour and powdered milk storage. With us living in a very small workers cottage food storage can be challenging but we have worked out that 10lt round food safe storage buckets with tamper proof lids work well stacked on top of each other and use the tops of the 2 door pantries, fridge and freezers for stacking storage containers works well and takes up little room to store a great deal. By doing this we have managed to stock most grocery items for 3 - 9 months ahead and 12 months worth of personal care and toiletries.

    We have been making premixes for some time and started with a magic mix that makes puddings and white sauces which is really handy. Then we moved on to a pancake, muffin and scone premix. Looking forward to making the custard premix and others too.

    Tomorrow we shall try and pick up some oranges on special and juice them for our freezer and also zest them and freeze the zest for use in icings, cakes and cupcakes.

    Have a great week everyone :).


    1. Dear Sewingcreations,
      These buckets do stack well. They are very stable and fit heaps. I think they are great. Whatever is in them is safe and sound too.
      Now is the time for oranges here too. I need to make an orange cake! The citrus in Adelaide is a major thing it is everywhere! I also need to keep juicing lemons! Next week I have more lemons coming!
      I hope your week is going well. I love the mixes you are using, very handy and multi purpose. With lots of love,

  9. Thank you Gardenpat for your recipes.Thankyou also Annabel for putting all the work you do into this blog.
    I did my weeks shopping on Saturday Morning in one of the major supermarkets we have in the UK, and there were gaps everywhere. I heard a customer ask if there were any more "out the back" and the assistant said there was nothing out there. These gaps were not just for none essentials but for a lot of basics too. Frightening isn't it?

    1. Hi Kim @ Kim,Him Me ,

      We live in small country town and have been finding similar to yourself on things being out of stock in our local supermarkets too or alternatively very limited amounts.

      As my husband has injuries from an accident we have taken to ringing the stores a week before going shopping and ordering certain basics if there is any more than 3- 4 required.

      We find this works far better for us as we only shop every 6 weeks. Hoping this may help you to as a lot of stores now have limited storage spaces out the back and here anyway only stock enough for 3 days. We were told this by a supermarket employee and it is good information for most people to know.


  10. Thank you Gardenpat and Annabel! This is one of those posts that I will read and re-read for inspiration and knowledge!

    1. Dear Patsy, Thank you! I knew you would love this! I hope you have good finds with your thrift shopping this coming week! With love

  11. Dear Annabel and Gardenpat

    Thank you so much for sharing the recipes and the links. I've never bought prepackaged mixes due to ingredients that I have allergic reactions to. Some of these recipes will come in very handy in the days to come.

    I loved seeing the pantry pictures and all of the home canned goods. Beautiful.


    1. Dear Cookie, It is true this is a good way to know what ingredients are on things. I am allergic to oyster sauce and fish sauce... so there are some things I am very wary of. Anyone with allergies has this same problem.. so many flavour bases etc have goodness knows what in them!
      I love pantry photos too! Happiness to me! I hope your week is going well. with love,

  12. Thanks for the links to all the shelf stable supplies. I would REALLY like to get a source to make my "Dynasty Brand Cantonese Fried Rice" seasoning mix and "Dynasty Brand Chinese Stir Fry" seasoning mix. Does anyone have anything like this to help me out with? I have so far been unsuccessful in finding anything or making anything at home that taste as good as these.

    I really need to remix up my cream of anything soup mix. I use lots of that one and have been happy with it for years. I am just out of the premixed amount in my container. ;)

    1. Dear Cristy, I do not know these brands and someone else might help better but if I am stuck I read the label listing of ingredients. They are usually in defending order of amounts and it is a recipe of sorts. This can give you clues. I am finding both the cream of chicken mix and the french onion mix so useful. In fact.... the cream of chicken mix I have used in fried rice. I used soy sauce and chicken stock powder as my basic friend rice... which I love.
      I am working on that post... about families and pressure and saying no... it will eventuate some time soon! With love

    2. Annabel, thank you so much for all you do on this blog! I am really grateful for that upcoming post about families and pressure and saying no. I really need some help with it. :)

  13. Dear Annabel, Thank you for another wonderful post on making our own mixes! And thank you for sharing pictures of Gardenpats pantry/food storage and links to more mixes. I love seeing pantry pictures!! :)

    We have been busy filling our pantry with garden veggies. I've canned and also froze green beans, we are drying zucchini and made 6 quarts of a tomato-zucchini sauce base(for the freezer) that will make yummy stews and soups
    this winter. I also love having all the dry mixes in my pantry! Have a wonderful pantry filling week!! Love, Teri

    1. Dear Teri,
      I am so happy hearing you have had lots more veggies to fill up the pantry and freezer. I thought you would like seeing Gardenpats pantry as yours is quite similar and just seeing a pantry like this you know the work that went into it.
      Today I picked up some nice jars at the thrift store... this will help my spice and mixes pantry no end! With love and thanks,

  14. Thank you for all the wonderful recipes, Gardenpat!

    We were able to buy a good number of pantry items with sales and coupons last week and are well stocked right now. As often happens when an item runs out the Lord provides a way to restock it.

    1. Dear Lana, I am glad your pantry is well stocked! I have inched ahead with mine. I am on the watch for a little cupboard for my spice cupboard.... so we will see if one turns up! With love

  15. Thanks so much Annabel for featuring Gardenpat's amazing pantry and the many links to the mixes she has provided for us. I think I had a little pantry envy just looking at the extent of her wonderful pantry. Something to aspire towards on a slightly lesser scale. I so wish we built basements here in Australia!

    Thanks for Cath's recipe links as well. I must try out that instant custard! 😉

    1. Dear Kaye,
      Thank you! And thank you for your comments to Gardenpat. I love seeing pantries! Basements really good be fantastic. Also for the fact they keep cool... we could really do with this in Australia. Ideal for food. On the custard I am thinking to make custard tarts. These could be really gorgeous, giftable and so inexpensive. I have got on really well with the mixes. Last night I made Vickys enchilada sauce and it was fantastic! Best enchiladas Ive ever made! So thats a win! With love

  16. I'm so embarrassed! Somehow I missed seeing this post! ☺️ Thanks for all the kind words of encouragement! Funny to remember that when Dave and I got married 46 years ago, I didn't know and wasn't interested in anything kitchen related!!! Oh, how things changed!! Lol!!

    1. Dear Gardenpat, Thank you so much for all your help! This has been fantastic! Well you sure learned a lot in those 46 years so far! I added the second email to the first, above, so that they are all together. I found some more jars today at a thrift store so I am set to make up more mixes! Thank you so very much, with love Annabelxxx

  17. I make apple crumble topping mix, Cath's instant powder mix, taco seasoning mix, gravy powder, white sauce mix, dried seasoned bread crumbs, hot choc drink mix, sweetened condensed milk and French onion soup mix.

    1. Dear Wendy, Crumble topping mix is a great thing to have on hand! So many things can go into that! This is an area of so many savings! I need to try the gravy powered one... thank you! With love

  18. These mixes sound very interesting, and GardenPat's pantry is amazing!!!!

    xx Jen in NS


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