The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Feather your Nest Friday and the Vicky Challenge. Week 2.

How was your week?  It was good here with a bit of everything!  We had a big storm coming last night and pretty much as soon as it started the power went out.  Luckily it was at night and not too hot. I got out my new battery operated fan and turned that on and it was beautiful. Ahh preparedness!

This morning we just have rain and that is good. The garden and farm can soap up a lot of rain!

By contrast there was a fire near the farm during the week. It was a worry at first but it was soon brought under control. However the next morning this was Chloe's view...

It is out now. And raining as well just to be sure.

Some of the ways I built up the nest this week include:
I cleaned out my fabric cupboard.  I made ham bags for the fridge. Several old sheets that the material was not so good in I used to cover my Hydrangeas in the scorching sun. Some soft fabric I made swiffer covers and dusters. Then I made a pile of fabrics suitable for some projects plus a few things to mend. I will get to these on hot days.

I made pizzas for dinner, one to give away and for the fishing day picnic.
I made a big chocolate cake for lunches and the fishing picnic.

I did my grocery shop at Aldi.
We had a big potato salad and I picked parsley from the garden to sprinkle over the top.
My sister in law gave me about two buckets of figs. They are huge!

The first night I filled some with cream cheese and wrapped them in Prosciutto...

They go into the oven to bake and come out all caramelised and beautiful. I served with rocket and balsamic vinegar. They were so good. Tonight I am making fig pizzas with cream cheese. Tomorrow the ones left I will make fig and almond jam.  

I also got some peaches. They are not quite ready. After this rain I think next week I will have loads of peaches to pick.

I hope so! I have big plans. We will use a lot fresh and I will give the girls heaps.  Then I will make crumble (crisp) and stew some. I like to poach them whole as well. I check the tree daily to assess the situation! Once the birds get into them very much it is time to pick them fast.

We have been picking strawberries. These are in my herb stack a the back door.

Ive been making bath soak and the bath bags from muslin. Also rose petal face and body scrub. This has been so much fun but I will save for Wednesday! 

Andy caught Blue Swimmer Crabs. He shared the haul with his son so they had 6 each. This was his dinner for two nights.  He loves them! 

Between the crabs and the figs I was able to save the meat I have bought and freeze it. I am now well ahead and with pizza tonight from the figs even further ahead.

I have to show you some cuteness. Mums friend comes to see her with her babies with her. 

When I was little we had a baby Kangaroo that we bottle fed. It grew to over six feet tall!

Outside a window this week I noticed we have a nest! It is honeyeaters and I took the best photo I could but it is still a little fuzzy...

Yesterday they got out of the nest and sat on the branch. I look at them about 100 times a day! Poor Andy hears a running commentary of what the birds just did. 

My Vicky Challenge:
After huge savings last week that were due to a lot of DIY and fix it ourselves projects  I thought this week would be much lower.
Also I went into Lush and had a really good look. I counted way too low on the soaps I made. A medium soap in a slab in there is now $14. I was amazed by that but took photos to prove it!

Speaking of... I checked on the price of figs and they are currently $2 EACH here. They are sold in packets of two...

$4 for two figs.  I thought no one will believe this so I snapped! 
My sister in law gave me 68 lovely large ones. That's $136 in figs.
I made 32 bath melts/soaks. They are $9.95 each in Lush that is $318.40
10 tubs of rose petal scrub... theirs is $16.95 thats $169.95
The crabs were $44 retail.
The peaches $3.90 a kilo. 
I made the lunches and the fishing day picnic $150.
Six pizzas for entertaining, lunches, fishing day... I will count $100.

The total I wrote in my book is $922.25

Now personally I think some of these prices are ridiculous but I write them in as theses are the real retail prices and we enjoyed all this for free or for not much! 
I certainly saved on groceries this week.
Tonight we are having the fig and cream cheese pizzas and a salad.  
I don't even have to buy yeast ever again as I have the sour dough. 

It was really a lovely week! So many nice things happened! The rain has settled in now without the wind so this is good.
How did you build up your home, save or get ahead this week?  
Little bits add up! 
I hope you have great weekend! xxx


  1. Dear Annabel and the blue bird crew ,
    Thank you for another lovely post today Annabel , wow what a great week you have had , such wonderful savings , it really does add up and the price shops sell things for and that some people will pay for things is amazing and mind boggling to me.
    I hope the farm stays safe over the remainder of the summer, bushfires are terrible .
    Those baby Roos are gorgeous Annabel and the birdies , oh how delightful they are!.

    My week has included: finishing off my craft area decluttering , in the process I found quite a few as new ( in their packaging) items that I will donate ( things that I will not use myself ) . I have made a few meals out of leftovers include a use it up sausage, capsicum, onion and other veg bake . I used some sour cream that needed using and some mayonnaise to make a sort of hot salad then turned it into a bake by putting cheese on top and browning it in the oven, this was a very yummy meal which actually did me for two or three meals.
    I also made a corned beef ( silverside) and vegetable pasta bake using some corned meat my parents gave me, some shallots from their garden and some leftover veg and some pasta, very nice.i am just heating up the leftovers of that for my lunch now!.
    My Vicky challenge week includes: staying home today when I could have gone to the movies and lunch with my mum, Sister and nieces. I just wasn't up to going and have saved myself $40 approx by not going . I have had the usual subsidised cleaning, shopping help and meal prep help this week which really is such a great benefit to me , approx $75 in savings compared to going through a private agency .I have saved money on takeaways or prepackaged food by having meals prepared for me , getting meals from my parents and using leftovers etc, I will count that as $50 savings.I have saved on transport by getting lifts with my Dad and staying home instead of getting a taxi to go out ( which is not really economical because I am usually out less than an hour) , saving me about $60 i was going to buy some clothes as I have a couple of $20 off vouchers for my favourite clothes shop. I have decided I have enough clothes for now saving me $40 at least ( as the minimum spend is $60 to be able to use the voucher which would come down to $40 after $20 is taken off) . I have banked $20 of grocery savings this week. So another $20 savings.i think that is it for this week Annabel, well that's all I can think of!, I really must start recording the savings as I go my Vicki challenge total this week is $285 , fairly small but a good savings I guess!.
    I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Love Barb W.

    1. Yum, Barb! You sound like my kind of chef - pasta bakes, sour cream, too!!
      Are there any leftovers?!

    2. Barb, I love veggie bakes. Yours sounds yummy! I think it is a great way to use up bits of this and that. Your Vicki Challenge total is great, I agree with you about writing it down as the week goes by. That is my downfall. I think I will remember but...! Note to self to do better on that front. Cheers Jo

  2. Annabel those figs look so delicious. I love figs but rarely have them due to the cost. I have two young fig trees in my garden and so far the few figs the trees have produced, have ended up bird food. I live in hope. There is nothing nicer than fig jam on hot crumpets in the middle of winter. Currently drooling at the thought
    The prices of handmade soap are simply amazing! I cant imagine even thinking of purchasing a single bar of soap, even such a large and beautiful one, for $14.
    I went on Etsy to see how much people are selling baby sun bonnets for. There was one where the maker may have used the same pattern as I did. The cost was $30. I also checked the cost of an iPad holder for the car. It was also for sale for $30. All of the materials came from the stash. I went to Spotlight with the DIL and just kept the mantra going that this was my use it up year. I left without purchasing anything.
    Our son fixed one exhaust fan and replaced another, bathroom and toilet. He also repaired a chain saw, serviced both generators( we are gifting him one), and fixed the whipper snipper. I so wish this gorgeous boy of ours lived closer.
    With all the work our son has done for us, my making things and Bluey doing his clever bargain hunter shopping, we have managed to save $580.
    Something extra that I have done this week is make Kombachu. The DIL brought a Scoby for me and I have been playing with this, making this lovely fermented tea . A bottle of this is $4 in our local health food store. I am enjoying this delicious, slightly fizzy fermented drink.
    Life is good

    1. Jane,
      Applause, Applause for no purchases at Spotlight. I know what you mean about the prices on Etsy. The tea cozies I made for Christmas were going for $27. How wonderful to have a son who can do so many things. Blessings, Cookie

    2. Jane,
      What about the big mower?!

    3. Rachel the big mower still works but is parked at the back of the shed. It will come out again one day.

    4. Kombachu! I want so badly to start making it.

    5. Hi Jane, What is a Scoby? (Pardon my ignorance). Well done on the Spotlight trip. I do not think I have ever been as strong as you were in Spotlight. This is my year of "use it up" too. Reminding myself of this is going to be a real focus/challenge this year. I WILL do it! Cheers, Jo

    6. Jo a Scoby(symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) Is a glutinous mass, also known as a mushroom, that helps plain old sweetened black tea ferment into a most delicious probiotic drink.

    7. Thanks Jane... I wondered too. All I could think of was Scooby Do you know the cartoon. lol
      Now it makes sense. Thank

    8. Jane, maybe you shoud sell your “use it up” stuff on etsy 😀

  3. Annabel, all that fresh fruit, what a blessing! I thought the prices in our area were high but the prices you've shared are worse than ours hands down. So glad you were prepared for the power outage! Looking forward to Wednesday when you share your bath bags. You inspire me!

  4. Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to reading your blog this year. I hope you are well x


    1. Hi Michelle!
      I'm really looking forward to reading the blog, too!! What adds to the enjoyment is seeing the comments, replies and photos (of preserves, produce, home crafts and gifts being made, for example) of readers such as yourself! Welcome, Bluebirder!!
      - 'blog secretary' (that's because I love this site so much, and I'm learning to crochet!!)

  5. Annabel,
    You did some great work and saved a lot. I have a fig tree and it produces tons. But we do not like figs. I know.. Sad.
    I made all our meals from Breakfast to supper at home. This is a big deal. Smiles. I scrubbed our master bath all down. Organized the cabinets, donated clutter, put up 11 bags of 2 cup portion turkey bags for the freezer. Added a little Valentine decor.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Dear Chrissy, Well done on making all your own meals that is a big saver. The turkey sounds wonderful!
      I am not sure the price of figs where you live but you may be able to sell or barter or gift them so they might still be a huge asset to you I hope.
      With love

  6. Hello Annabel, I was wondering how I can send you photographs of a few things I have made as gifts towards next Christmas. Do you have an email address I can send them to.
    Thanks, Marilyn.

    1. Dear Marilyn, Absolutely! It is I usually put it up once a month for show and tell but you can email me anytime at all and I love to see photos! Well done on getting off to a good start! Love

  7. Hello Annabel, those kangaroo babies are simply cute ! I'm keen to get your scrub recipes and bath bags ! A battery powered fan wow I've never heard of that ! Where did you get it and how many batteries does it take ? Preparedness is the word that will sum up my year ahead. I'm stocking away emergency money. You never know when you will need it as the a.t.m may break or your card may go missing etc. I really want your quiche recipes and dough as well. Just gorgeous and inspiring as usual. Love, sonia

    1. Dear Sonia,
      I never knew of battery operated fans either except maybe for tiny little desk ones. I got one on Amazon that takes D batteries. My Mum have me a larger one which she got from a camping shop. You charge it up on power then it can be run without power for hours. It is excellent. Then I saw Aldi had them in a medium size as well! Of course with Aldi that might be sold out now until next time. But a very handy thing to have.
      I will post my dough recipe soon, I am using the sour dough starter. I never do quiche the same twice I don't think, but I will attempt to take notice and write down something coming up for you. With love

    2. You can get fans that run on 12volt from hardware stores. These also run on the same rechargeable batteries as cordless tools. We've got one for when we free camp in the caravan.

  8. Hi Annabel and Nest Featherers!!

    It is refreshing to see Annabel's joyful snaps from her week, and I can only imagine what similar snaps would cover the weeks of every reader that visits here! The two joeys are really cute!! (Annabel, my husband says they ought to be weaned by now!! I think they're just practising being cute and loving every moment of it!!)

    As I go through my weeks, I enjoy the surprises I find in the bush environment around me. One day, it might be the delicate fragrance of small pieces of dried hoop pine sap. Another, it might be the astonishment of seeing a giant earthworm preceding heavy rain. Sometimes it is a pleasant shock to see a crop on a tree, and, at other times, it can be touching to see a long awaited plant unfold its first two leaves.

    We are getting ahead simply by working at a variety of tasks on a daily basis. There is fencing. There is weeding. There are normal tasks and handcrafts. Along the way, friendships make the way so much richer. There are wonderful challenges ahead, and pictures to snap!

    As we share these nuggets of beauty along our paths, may we all find direction and comfort in walking by the staff of our Good Shepherd.

    With very warm regards to all,
    Rachel Holt

    1. Such an encouraging comment, thank you! So many weeks I find myself at the end of the busy-ness wondering where the time went because I didn't get to this project or that one. As you said, much of it goes to routine tasks like keeping the home or putting meals on the table. But those daily tasks do make our lives, and those of our families, rich, and it's a blessing to be home to see it.
      Gratefully, Leigh

  9. Dear Annabelle,

    What a wonderful week you've had. Baby kangaroos are so cute especially wrapped up in blankets. I'm suspecting that they have somehow been orphaned since they're not in the wild? I dearly love figs. The ones we get in the U.S. in my area are quite small and called Black Mission figs. They're delicious and expensive during their short season.

    I sometimes can't believe what is being charged for items on Etsy and places like Lush. How blessed we are to have creative minds and hands.

    Seeing all of your pictures of summer has me missing warm weather even more and getting my hands into the soil planting things. However we are enjoying the peaches and berries that I froze last summer. They are like a little bit warm sunshine on very frigid days.

    Wishing everyone a beautiful and productive weekend. We're expecting "light" snow again, so it will be a sit by the fire one for us. Blessings, Cookie

    1. Dear Cookie, Yes the kangaroos are rescued orphans. Many get hit by cars and the joeys are found in the pouch. So these are very luck and spoilt.
      Enjoying the summer fruit now in your winter is a good reminder to me to be freezing as much as I can! With love

  10. Dear Annabel, you have made huge savings this week.

    I couldn't believe the price of figs the other day in Woolworths. $56 a kilo!?! I am so glad that my friend supplies me with figs. They are just like the ones you showed. They are not quite ready yet. I have a fig tree, but they are the white variety, still yummy and usually I make jam with them. The same friend gives me peaches when they are ripe or we go foraging for them along the country roads. My nectarines are almost ready to pick too.

    This week I have been nurturing my sourdough. Tomorrow I hope to bake my first loaf from the starter. I made flat breads the other night with some of the mix.

    Sold a lot of eggs this week. Our girls are laying really well.

    Made yoghurt.

    Also made muesli for the first time. Just threw in a bit of this and that and mixed in some molasses for flavor. Yummo!

    I am picking lots of vegetables at the moment. Especially zucchinis.

    Made ratatouille using vegetables from the garden.

    Made some healthy bliss balls.

    And I made some of your soap! It turned out really well. I am going to try another version using the caustic soda soon, probably on Sunday afternoon.

    Wishing you have a lovely weekend,

    Tania xx

    1. Tania when do you add the molasses in your muesli making? Do you bake it to make toasted muesli? I have never thought of adding molasses(which I love). Thanks for the idea.

    2. Well done Tania I know you were keen to give soap making a try! Now you will be hooked!
      I hope you might have had more rain too! xxx

    3. Dear Jane, I just stir some molasses at the end of adding everything else. Give it a good stir to make sure it is mixed together properly. I store my Muesli in the fridge to be on the safe side. I dont like to bake it as I feel it kills the nutrients. xx

  11. Nice to hear from you the other day! Sorry I haven't visited much, our computer crashed (and I just got it back) and we still have family visiting until Saturday... I have been reading though though my small phone :) I love what you are doing with all your free food Annabel! We have 3 fig trees and so those are most interesting to me right now! I also planned on doing some preparedness posts this year and will link to your wonderful series as well. We can learn so much from one another! We are prone to storms in our area and electricity is not something we take for granted either! I hope you have a lovely weekend my friend! Love, JES

  12. I love your blog but could you tell me what are ham bags for the fridge.

    1. Yes... we buy ham on the bone and slice it up ourselves. It needs to go into a fabric wrap and so you can get cloth bags called ham bags. It keeps much better this way than in plastic. My last ham bag was worn out so now I have some new ones from some fabric I had. They are pretty too! I hope this explains it!xxx

    2. You are a dear. Thank you for such a quick response. My name is Beth and I am from Masontown, Pennsylvania. I love your blog you have given me so much inspiration from it. Thank you is never enough!!

  13. Dear Annabel,

    I'm glad someone asked about ham bags, as I had never heard of them! :) Aren't prices at the store getting absolutely ridiculous?!!? And the other thing is how everything is so overpackaged!! Remember when you could go in and just choose one or however many of produce items and bring them home without a plastic or styrofoam tray and plastic...even mushrooms are now shrink wrapped in a sturdy plastic box, instead of being placed into a paper bag from bulk. It's ridiculous! All that said, I wanted to mention how fabulous I think it is that you have FIGS!!! That is something we can only buy dried, here, as they don't grow anywhere near us! I think I've eaten a fresh fig ONCE in my whole life, but I do love them dried.

    It's been back to "school" here this week, as my hubby just went back to work from Christmas holidays on Monday, so it seems like that's "all" that's been done around here, but I really need to write things down, as I know a lot has actually been done...I just can't remember it all!

    I hope you have a lovely weekend! xx Jen in NS

  14. Love your posts! Wow! Are the prices really so much more in Australia than here in the states? Love seeing the pics! I often wonder how do you all afford to even live over there, and then think ... If you are able to do such a swell job of saving, and economizing, I certainly should be able to do so as well. You all are so inspiring!
    We have Aldi here in the ststes and its so much cheaper than the regular grocery store!
    Thanks so much!

    1. Dear Tootles,
      I guess it cant be everything but when I see what you pay for chicken and eggs and produce etc I nearly have a fit. Eggs are $5 a dozen to $8 here. Chicken is somewhere around $4 a pound depending on what part etc. Also I think electricity and water are very high... but then I think medical is less, again that would depend but I am hearing of medical insurance of some of the ladies that seems impossible for anyone to afford and that is one thing I don't have to worry about. It is interesting seeing the differences and they are big! We have to navigate around the circumstances around us. Hence when I get free food like this I make the most of it. Today I am making jam! I agree about Aldi. They are wonderful and the produce is beautiful at a fraction of the cost of the other supermarkets. They have helped us so much. With love

  15. Dear Annabel,
    You have had an amazing week! I smiled at your battery operated fan as I was thinking, Annabel has no fear for her household! She is prepared!
    You had great savings as well. I agree, the prices of some things are ridiculous but people are still willing to pay them! Your soaps are gorgeous and I can't wait to see your rose scrubs on Wednesday.
    This week, I have been feeling more like my normal self after two difficult months of "morning" (read: all day) sickness. I have started again with my usual household duties and it feels so nice to be able to clean, do laundry, prepare meals, etc. It is just the basics right now but that is a huge accomplishment compared to what I have been doing. Feather Your Nest Friday was one of my motivators, as I want to start reporting again. I have tackled one room/area of the house each day this week in addition to laundry and things are shaping up.
    For the Bluebird Aunties, I reach my second trimester on Monday! I heard the baby's heartbeat again last week and everything is looking good! My clothes are getting snug, too. In good ole thrifty fashion, I visited some thrift stores and was able to get lots of really nice skirts in bigger sizes with elastic waistbands. I bought about ten, and for the price I paid for them all, I could not have purchased the fabric to make even two of them. I was really happy with such bargains.
    I hope everyone is doing well. I am sorry for such long silence on this end. Annabel, thank you for sharing the picture of the Joeys. They are so cute!
    With lots of love, Kelsey

    1. Kelsey, we've really been missing you - knowing you have more important things on your mind!!!! The baby bluebird is famous!!

    2. Thank you, Rachel! It's so good to be back! Love, Kelsey

    3. Dear Kelsey,
      I am so glad you are ok. I admit to being worried. It is awful to be so sick and I hope now you will be at the end of that and able to enjoy the next months and play getting ready for baby!
      I am glad you can see this time as just a season. Soon you will be in a lovely nesting season then a new baby season! It is very exciting!
      With lots of love,

    4. Welcome back Kelsey. It is so good to know you and bubby bluebird are doing well. Your thrift shopping will see you looking smart and within budget for some time yet. So good to hear from you again.

    5. Kelsey,
      Bluebird Aunty I like that! It is wonderful hearing that little heart beat isn't it? I am glad to hear you are well and I do hope we will get to see this baby bluebird!

    6. Lovely to hear from you Kelsey , and to hear you are feeling much better for the months ahead .What a good shopping spree you had getting all those skirts , it will give you plenty of variety :-)
      Take care, love Maria xx

    7. Hi Kelsey,
      So glad you're feeling better and that all is going well. How exciting to hear baby bluebird's heartbeat. Glad you're back. Blessings, Cookie

  16. I love the ideas you have for fig meals. They all sound divine!

    This week, I feathered my nest by organizing and cleaning my laundry room. It sparkles now and makes me so happy.

    I was able to hang a load of clothes on the line this week. It's a rare occurrance for me, but I am glad I had a chance to do it.

    I hope to make some blackberry jelly today with the juice a neighbor made up and then froze. She decided that she didn't want to bother with it and gave it to me.

    I am still struggling with cheese. I'll have one success and one failure, it seems. But the skill is worth the effort to me so I soldier on.

    I'm starting to get some direction about what I should do and what I should leave. There are so many options! Thanks, Rachel, for the prayer you prayed for us Bluebirders. It helps my heart today.

    1. Cristy,
      Direction and a plan go along way and you will get there. Keep us informed on your cheese making that is a great skill to have and bravo on the jelly! Excellent!

  17. I can't believe the price of figs! Yikes!
    Everything you made looks lovely and your plans for your summer produce sound grand. I think good food adds so much to one's quality of life. To that end, I did some stock-up cooking this week.
    Perhaps my favorite project, in the spirit of your use-it-up challenge, was turning the last of my melt & pour glycerine soap into a couple of toy soaps. I used little plastic snakes in them and the result was squeal-worthy cute. My daughter fussed over them so much that I may have to get some more soap and use one of the remaining toy snakes from the multi-pack to make her one. I also made progress on my New Year's goals.
    Have a nice weekend, ladies!
    Blessings, Leigh

    1. Dear Leigh,
      I love the sound of your toy soaps. I think getting to the toy is good incentive for the little ones to remember to use it!
      Love, Kelsey

    2. Hi Leigh,
      Thanks for answering my question re: the oatmeal and honey. I did google Ivory Snow to see if the ingredients were the same as barred Ivory and they aren't. Unfortunately the Ivory Snow Flakes are more of a detergent. Have a good weekend. Cookie

  18. Hi Annabel
    Your soap you posted on Wednesday has turned out so beautifully! I was just wondering about the lux flakes, are you able to buy them in bulk in Australia? I have only been able to find them in 700g packs in NZ. I'm looking forward to seeing how you make your other bath gifts as well, they will be lovely I'm sure!

    We are moving next week so I'm not sure when we will have the internet in the new place, hopefully it is an easy installation!

    Have a lovely weekend

  19. I love the type of figs that your sister in law gave you! I wanted to comment on your pretty soap, and how I try to make replacements for the Lush products, since they are so expensive! Andrea

    1. Dear Andrea, Thank you! Feel free to share anything you have made that worked out well as I am doing the same. This weekend I have made bubble bars but I wont know if a success until they harden and I test them out! Many thanks, Love

  20. My husband came home from the hospital this week after 16 days and 10 of those in a coma. It is sooooo good to have him home. We have a lot of strength building and recovery ahead but after being told that he would never wake up I am grateful for every minute. I never went even 24 hours without talking to him in 40 years before this.

    1. Lana,
      God Bless you and your husband!

    2. Dear Lana, just wanted to wish you and your hubby the best as he recovers back to better health , must have been a big fright to you both.All the best , Love Maria xx

    3. Dear Lana,
      Thank you for sharing this precious miracle. My God continue to bless you and your husband as his strength returns and his recovery continues. Cookie

    4. Oh Lana, what an ordeal you have been through. That is such good news your husband is home with you. Sending you love. Bridget

  21. We've been cold so long, I've almost forgotten what fresh from the garden fruit or veggies look like. Freezing rain is expected tonight. But we are as prepared as one can be.

    1. Brenda -its suppose to be summer here but its wet and gray outside and very windy 16C.I hope you get a weather break soon but meanwhile keep warm and toasty. Take care , with love Maria xx

    2. Dear Annabel ,those figs are huge! Joeys are cute , cake looks yummy, and inspired me to make a banana cake today , with lemon icing.
      Ive made Wool Wash, Miracle cleaner and wipes,soap as you know I had a hit of trouble with , think my gas hob is too hot and quick but googled some help and think rehashed they will be okay.
      Made glutenfree chocolate mini cakes for a friend coming for lunch.Lots of other little jobs here and there , and have been avoiding the shops well next to normal anyway. Making lunches and dinners and avoiding any takeaways, which is the temptation at the moment. Im trying to use up what is here too , like others have mentioned they are doing.Also avoiding shops and those temptations that are not far from home.
      Welcome to the new ladies :-) with love Maria xx

  22. I loved everything about this blog post but am fixated on those cute little joeys! I would love to be able to work with a rescue place to help them. :)

  23. What adventures you have! I've never eaten fresh figs!! Love to read your blog!!

  24. You have been a busy little bluebird!
    I loved the photos of the joeys! The only place we get to see them is the zoo.
    We traveled to Colorado to help our daughter-in-law and granddaughter. DIL became sick while visiting her family over Christmas. We decided to drive, but had to be watchful of the weather, not wanting to travel through snow and ice on the way. We made it safely there, got snow tires on our son's car and settled in for some very cold, snowy weather with temps of 0 degrees F. Next, we had extreme winds with gusts of 101 miles per hour. The weather was much warmer, but they had a wind advisory telling people to shelter at home and not go out unless it was an emergency. The electricity also went out for most of the day. We all had warm clothing. The gas stove worked and we dug out flashlights. It was much warmer that day, as well.
    In between the snow storm and wind, we were able to go with our DIL to her doctor. She got referrals to a couple specialists.Prayers would be welcomed. We were also able to take her out for a birthday dinner. Granddaughter and I made a birthday cake.
    It was nice seeing our granddaughter playing with the doll blanket and pillow set I had made for her. We got to spend extra time with her since school was called off one day because of low temperatures and two days because of wind and wind damage.
    There was still a wind advisory when we headed home, but it was much better.
    Yesterday, my older daughter called to see if I would like to go to the produce event where you get up to 60 pounds of produce for $10. We had fun getting a lot of tomatoes, squash, peppers,etc.
    Our citrus didn't produce much this year, but we are enjoying some and have also received some from our neighbors.
    I must stop now as I have written a book!
    Wishing you and the bluebirds a wonderful week!
    Love from Arizona,

  25. That view in the farm is beautiful, Annabel. I love the sound of the figs! You always achieve so much. You inspire me, Annabel. Thank you! Love, Bridge


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