The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 18 December 2014

Feather your Nest Friday. 19 December 2014.

It's almost Christmas! There is so much to do!
I will have to miss next weeks post and will resume the following Friday for Feather your Nest Friday.

This week we enjoyed quiet nights lit up so prettily. Sometimes you hear people say Christmas is for children. I agree children make it special, sweet and exciting but Christmas is for young and old. There are no children here (anymore) and the lovely lights and tree are just glorious none the less. It is not a child's celebration it is the celebration of the birth of Jesus.  A time of hope and joy and we really need that! I hope the beauty of it leaves a tear in your eye no matter what your age!

This week I made coconut ice. I make this every year without fail! It is so pretty and makes lovely gifts. The recipe is here.
Each year I present it or wrap it a bit differently. This year I made it all palest pink, no white. I thought why not? It is a lovely soft pink milkshake colour. I serve it as sweets a couple of nights as well.

I filled up the car at $1.18 c per litre!

In the bathroom I made a shelf for looking after cuttings. With heat coming I decided I have so many cuttings that I will look after them better and made a propagation shelf. It has fantastic light and is the perfect spot. Once things have a root system I will use peat pots to get them to the next stage and plant them into the garden in autumn/winter.

I bought a small fan for the bedroom. On warm nights it;s the lack of breeze that gets to me. With a little breeze I feel fine. And often those nights are very still. We don't want the air conditioner on all night. Well, this little fan is wonderful. I sit it in the windowsill and it creates a gentle fresh breeze. On warm nights it has been great! So that relates to money saving and comfort as well.

One night I used up left overs, mainly from the freezer. Turkish bread, tomato paste, soft cheese, bacon... I added pineapple and grated cheese  and baked it like a giant pizza sub. It was yum and there were lots of leftovers. (which Andy took to work) I love dinners like that! Plus I'm making room in my freezer for after Christmas bargains (hopefully).

I have parsley, coriander and oregano going to seed. I pick big bunches of this and hang it upside down for our birds to eat. It is free food, good for them and they have a good fun time attacking it. They think it's Christmas!

I did some more Christmas wrapping. By spreading this out I do a better job as it isn't rushed. It all looks lovely. Making gifts look wonderful really doesn't have to cost more but it makes each one seem special. To me it shows love and care. Gifts don't have to cost very much.  Most of mine I have made them and the cards as well. So this would be my biggest saving over Christmas.

Today I need to face the grocery shops. Tomorrow we are helping Lucy and Kato move house! I am making rolls and a basket of goodies to feed all the helpers for the day. It will be so nice for them to be in a new home for Christmas. Lucy is in full nesting mode and just wants to get on with it!

What did you do to build up your home and save money this week? I hope it was a good week. I know there is so much to do. Plus it was a hard week for Australia and we weren't by any means the only ones under attack. It got into my dreams last night. But we can't be different we have to go on and hold our values close to our hearts and not let go. Maybe this makes building up our homes and making our homes safe, tranquil retreats from the world, is more important than ever. I think


  1. Here's how I feather my nest for Christmas!

    When is Laine going to begin writing again? Do you know?

    1. Hi Lori, I believe in the new year sometime. I am looking forward to it. I will let you know and I believe she is guest blogging for a friend too coming up. I will be sure to let everyone know as there are so many looking forward to this! Have a wonderful Christmas.xx

  2. Hi Annabel, this week I made hot compost pile as part of my permaculture course I am studying. Hot compost is supposed to break down really fast so it will be ready for use in my garden much sooner than normal compost. I finished making a pair of long PJ pants for winter, re-purposed from a no longer in use flannelette sheet. I baked matrimonial slice, ginger nut biscuits/cookies and tried a new recipe for easy peasy beef pie. Best wishes to you and your family a joyful Christmas and peaceful and prosperous 2015

    1. That is a really good week Sherri. Happy Christmas to you too and I hope 2015 is wonderful for you! xxx

  3. This week Annabel I caught up with reading that I was desperate to do, I have made exhaustive lists for Christmas and today I made a moist fruit cake. I have been looking around for ways to learn to crochet as your pile of fluffy (are they facewashers?) knits just makes me drool. For the mans mother/step father we have a beautiful platter and will load it up with a big chunk of said cake, homemade choc slice, I'm going to attempt your shortbread as well as your coconut ice. There will be some purchased chocs in there as well. Pull it all up into a large clear cellophane bundle with christmas ribbon to secure. Another family member is getting a set of seven nesting boxes, all filled with baked goodies and each container set one upon each other and tied again same way. All this inspiration from yourself and Mimi. Have been a bit slack this year due to incapacitation but next year want to make all gifts. You are very very inspiring. When I grow up I want to be like you lol.

    1. Hi Maddie you had a great week. You are probably too busy just now but when you want if you comment on the crochet you mean I will know which ones. Then I can tell you the name of the stitch and the yarn. You tube is the best way to learn unless you have someone close to get you going in which case get started. Seriously you can learn very quickly. I still go to you tube to learn new stitches. It is really fin and relaxing. I can recommend you tube teachers if that helps.
      Your cooking and wrapping sound lovely. I would love to see photos! The set of nesting boxes is a gorgeous idea. It would be worth a fortune in a shop! I think you are doing an awesome job! I start on next years presents in January so maybe we can go along together on that!
      Have a wonderful Christmas and thanks for all your lovely comments, love

    2. you too Annabel have a lovely Christmas and yes I'll try and start in January too. xx

  4. Your coconut ice looks great Annabel, they would make lovely gifts. The hearts add that special touch. I like visiting here and seeing the pretty things you make.

    My nest feathering was very much in action this week; I have started to clean out, and by clean out I mean CLEAN OUT! Out with everything I do not use or wear. I have culled my wardrobe, I have had clothes that I haven't worn for years, but no more am I going to have so many. I emptied kitchen cupboards of everything that just sits there waiting to get used. I have cleaned out my utensils and cutlery, down to just what I need. I Cleaned out my plates and cups to just what I need. Linen cupboard cleaned of everything I don't use. Now I have started, I will keep going, I am being ruthless! The spare room looks like a bomb has hit it. Hubby says wait until after Christmas to finish, which I will probably do now as Christmas is so very close. I need to find the bed in the spare room so my parents can sleep in there Christmas night lol.

    A busy week ahead for all of us so I wish you a lovely Christmas and New Year, May God bless you abundantly xx

    1. Tania you are on a roll! I think de cluttering has a really amazing effect on things... somehow you just feel better. Especially clothes that are never worn I think. Maybe its a great time to do it, like the new year will be fresh.
      Thank you for all your support and friendship. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and we can go through next year together encouraging each other. Much love,

  5. This week we left Kosrae, FSM (Sunday) and arrived Monday on O'ahu, Hawai'i, USA. Our party of four have all been hacking, nose-blowing, and head-aching. We left Thursday and arrived Friday and have laundry to do and re-packing before returning to Manila Sunday evening. Away from my nest practically all month again.

    Love my life!

    Hugs and happy weekend,

  6. Hello Annabel! This is my savings for last week. I'm finishing off this week's savings at the moment. Like you I'll take a break until after Christmas.
    I read down through your last posts and I just love those little canning jar gifts wtih the bows and pictures on top. I also wanted to share that I was reading a 1935 magazine with a photo of a pantry and it had the loveliest tins such as yours on the shelves! You are 'behind' your times my dear, something I am slowly doing my self.

    1. Terri I have two friends with red 1950s style kitchens! it is so sweet and romantic! They are winning me over to red and gingham etc. It is funny after all the expensive plastic products they are losing popularity. I never liked plastics much. I am very interested in your DIL's teacup and teapot lamps. Could you get a photo some time as I would love to see this!
      Have a wonderful Christmas and New year. Love Annabel.xx

    2. I will try to remember to photograph the lamp she gave Mama. She promised to make me one from a few of the items I gave her. She just painted the vanity I gave her for granddaughter Hailey's room. She and Jd stay busy making things for their home. Very talented young woman with great taste.

  7. Dear Annabel, the hearts look so lovely , and Id like to join you as well for starting in January! Have a fab Christmas and a good rest with Andy and family xox Love Maria

    1. Thank you Maria! You have a wonderful Christmas with your family! I know you will be busy. I hope its beautiful! xxx

  8. Lovely post. My Mum is in Australia staying with her brother for a long holiday. I am so sorry for what has been happening there.Loss and crazy seem to land everywhere these days. Thank you for sharing your home at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. xo

    1. Thank you Katherine. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and your Mum is enjoying her stay. Thank you for everything this year and I hope you have a great 2015! xxx

  9. Hello Annabel, I have recently found your blog and just love it. I feel like we are kindred spirits. Thank you for sharing this thoughtful blog xo

    1. Hello and welcome Rosemary! Thank you so much. I am very glad to meet a kindred spirit! Thank you for commenting I really appreciate it.xx


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