The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Wonderful news for fans of Laine's Letters.

As most of you will know I have followed Laine'e Letters since my daughters were little and they are both in their later twenties now. 

When I had my first computer I found Laine's Letters and just like that I had stumbled onto the most perfect blog for a Christian woman to read. Well, for any woman to read as the words were pure encouragement.

Laine became my friend, my Bible study, my encourager and she gave me a lot of conviction that what I was doing at home, bringing up my children was the most important and valuable work. The world does not tell you this. In fact the world tells you to give your children to anyone that will take them (including strangers amazingly) and go do something worthwhile! While I never believed that, Laine gave me the teaching to never waver under any of those kind of pressures. You know, the girls now say to me their childhoods were like a fairytale. So happy and wonderful. It was all worth it!

A few years ago on a savings forum I "met" my friend Helen. She just seemed so similar to me and we loved the same things. As we got to know each other Helen said how when her boys were little she read a blog called Laine's Letters! Well, from that moment I knew Helen and I were in the same "club" and we both felt the same way. We knew what we were talking about, we had travelled the same path!

This happened again when I met Kaye through my blog. She was instantly a wonderful friend full of encouragement and had brought her three girls up loving Laine's Letters.

It is so easy to talk to these two friends as we all had Laine's influence on our lives.

Now I have spoken many times about the thingsI learned from Laine. But it was more than learning it was friendship and encouragement. You felt as if you were getting  a personal letter every time you read a Laine's Letter. Of course Laine had no idea how much we loved her.

Earlier this year my daughter got married. This got me thinking a lot about the things Laine used to say about older women needing to teach and help the younger women. I was really lucky when I had small children I had fantastic women to teach me and help me. I have posted about them too as they influenced me so much.

So I went to Laine's Letters to study up from a new perspective. And the website was not there anymore!  I really felt upset! I posted on face book did anyone know where were Laine's Letters? I got an answer that lead me to the Wayback Machine which is an internet archive and ended up finding archived copies of Laine's Letters and recipes. What a relief.

In March I posted two blog posts about finding the letters and provided links to them. After that I had so many letters and emails from ladies who had been looking for Laine! 

But then the unthinkable happened. This link stopped working at all. And I could find no solution. Sad day that was.

All along, when I first posted about Laine and when I started my blog (which is less than a year ago) I thought "I wonder if Laine is out there somewhere and she will ever see or hear how much I talk about her and how much I loved everything she wrote?" I mean the internet is like that, you don't know where your words will end up. As Laine didn't know how far her words had reached either.

Well, last week the unthinkable happened. I got an email from Laine.
It was so unthinkable I didn't believe it. I rang Helen and told her to pray and I forwarded the email to her. And she messaged me back "It IS Laine" lol 

The excitement between Helen, Kaye and me has been ridiculous. And what to say to Laine? I had to really think about it! I have always wanted to write to her and say thank you, thank you for all your words, help, guidance, friendship, advice...  but Laine would not have ever known here we were in Australia waiting for her next letter to be posted and running our family lives fuelled by the inspiration she gave us. My girls had a better upbringing because of her.

Well, I eventually got my act together to take advantage of being able to tell Laine this myself.

The exciting news is Laine is working on getting all her letters back online! By the end of the year she hopes to have a new website up and running. AND she hopes to be writing again! I am so excited I can hardly wait! 

I know many people reading this will be excited. Like me you are probably dying to hear "what happened next?" and because we have all grown up with Laine our children are grown, we have probably mostly moved to the next stage, Grand children even...  I said to Laine I brought up my children with her. I want to go through the next stage with her. Be a Grand Mother and be prepared to be a Titus 2 woman with her. To have her alongside me again as somehow along side her I did better!

Another aspect is that Laine helped my budget. Laine never wasted anything. She fed and looked after her family and stretched her budget. I remember her saying she had $3 left to buy a gift for someone. And finding a suitable gift for $3 she did as staying within her budget was more important than anything. I always remembered teachings like these. Always.

The way Laine treated her husband, made their bedroom private and romantic.... these things influenced me so much. I have never forgotten.

Now, if you are a young Mum and don't know about Laine when the website is up you can see all this for yourself. Her words have not dated they will help you as they did me.

Or if you are my age and never knew of Laine hopefully her words will help you with where you are at now. You will see....

There are so many amazing things here. It is amazing to me that Laine has read my blog!
It is such a big thing and so wonderful to hear from Laine and brings me so much happiness to know the letters will be available again and to look forward to more. I feel very grateful as really it's an answer to prayer to have the chance to thank Laine.

To top it off Laine is writing a guest post for Bluebirds! I can't even say that without a tear in my eye.

If you have a message for Laine please leave a comment as I will make sure she sees them. I don't think Laine realises how many of us she helped and inspired! In fact I'm sure she doesn't.

As soon as the new website is up and running I will post links. I can hardly wait!

And as if to celebrate Spring has arrived and flowers are coming out in my garden! What a beautiful start to Spring I have had! xxx


  1. I am ecstatic that Laine will continue to bring us her lovely letters again!!

    The joy of settling with a cuppa and reading one of her letters is like a visit from a most precious friend. The wisdom and warmth just leaps out from the words from dear Laine. I am quite sure that there are many who, like me, testify to the impact that those letters have had and continue to have on their life.

    I have just returned from the 20 wk scan of my first grandbaby. Like you say Annabel, it is looking forward to our new role now as the "older Titus 2 women" with such privilege and knowledge we have gathered over the years. There is a whole new generation just waiting...

    1. I feel exactly the same way Kaye about the letters.
      What an exciting day for you too! You know I feel really ready to embrace the new stage we are up to! What a blessing it is really! xxx

  2. Thank you for sharing and please let me know when she begins writing again so I can share it with my readers!!!

    1. I will Lori. I am looking forward to it so much! xx

  3. Like Lori, my readers will also be thrilled! I will be linking this post!

    WHAT WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs and happy week,

    1. Thanks Kelley. I knew you would be pleased! Its really the best news I had all year so far...
      God surprises us sometimes. Well, a lot! Thanks for linking as it would be wonderful if a whole new generation had the help of Laine that we did! xxx

  4. I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! I recently posted if anyone had printed out her letters on a mothering forum I am on because I had thought about doing it for years, but never got around to it and one morning, they were no longer there. And I was so sad! For years I would wake up read my bible then follow it with one letter from Laine's archives. Oh how that put a spring in my step.
    Laine has encouraged me to rise early and spend time in His precious word which has enriched my relationship with Him and I will be forever grateful for that! I first heard about Laine in 2006 when I first married and then shortly after was expecting our first baby. She wrote articles for a Homemaking Magazine put together by Catherine and Blaine (I forget their last name and the name of the magazine, but it was a gem). Now we have 5 children and oh how I miss her words of encouragement. I am so ecstatic that she will be writing again and have another website!!!! Annabel please be sure to post a link for us when it's live.

    1. Katie yes I will post as soon as it us up. Plus whatever Laine writes for me as well! It is so exciting and something Im looking forward to so much. Plus Ill make sure Laine reads your comment as she will be blessed by it! Many thanks.xx

  5. I have never heard of Laine but it does sound like she has been very instrumental in helping you bring up your children. I was married in the 1970s so I had to get my help in bringing up mine from books especially Dr.James Dobson's. Young mums have so much information available these days via the internet. I do look forward to reading Laine's guest post and also her website when she gets it set up.

    1. You will love Laine Nanna Chel. Home wisdom doesnt really date so I have found her old letters are just as applicable now as back in the 90s when I was reading them. Good advice and encouragement are a real comfort especially when we are having troubles! I also had my Nan, she and Mum were always wonderful and gosh I needed them when I had babies! xxx

  6. Add me to the women so thrilled and heartened to hear the letters will be back. They got me through some very tough times early in my marriage and childbearing and every year or two I find myself hunting for a particular letter.

    It is a happy thing indeed to hear they aren't lost forever. Laine's words have blessed more families than she will ever know :)

    1. This is what I think too Taryl...I think Laine will get a big surprise at what a warm welcome back she gets. Its so lovely to hear from more and more of her followers. I feel like we all know each other! Many thanks for your comment.Love Annabel.xx

  7. That is excellent news, thank you for letting me know on my blog. I will announce it when it is up and running. I felt I actually knew Laine personally.

    I had been contacted to see if I had any saved "Letters" but I only have a few since I had a major computer crash a couple years ago and lost everything I had saved.

  8. How exciting to hear from a mentor. I will eagerly await further details so I too can read Laine's Letters. We all need encouragement in this sometimes hostile world. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Jan you will love them. Yes encouragement is very needed I agree... at every stage in life we need encouragement and uplifting. Have a lovely weekend xxx

  9. Another Laine's Letters fan here!! I hope she reads the comments here so that I can tell her what a dear friend she is to me. I am so looking forward to her guest post and also to being able to read online her beautiful letters. (You can be sure the first thing I do will be to print them out!) So, dear Laine, I welcome you back at any time!

    1. Thank you Florence I will make sure she sees your lovely message! xx

  10. I started reading Lains Letters a few years ago.Living on less money a women who fears the lord, Shared the link on her blog she had been reading them for many years.
    I was so blessed to start reading Laines letters. I was encourage by her love for the Lord her wisdom and wonderful recipes . I made her chimichanga recipe my daughter
    called one day when she was at work because she was going to make it for the family she was helping that is when I found out the letters were gone. I am so happy the letters will be back. It has been a hard year and I can not wait until I am able to read those letters again.
    Thank You,
    Patti from San Diego

    1. Thank you Patti... I hope the rest of your year is much much

  11. This is great news Annabel! I look forward to Laine's return. I used to read her letters many moons ago, so am looking forward to reacquainting myself again.

    You must feel very special to receive such an email from Laine, you are very blessed.


    1. Tania when someone has read Laines Letters I feel like I know I would get on well with that person and we have tons in common!
      I do feel really blessed, I cant even believe it! Thank you

  12. Hi Annabel thank you for leaving your message re Laine on my blog. Am off to read more of your blog now 😊L.x.

  13. I found the wonderful news here tonight after doing an internet search because I found some printouts of old favorite Laine's Letters from the late 90's and beyond today. I am Laine's age and homeschooled my three children for several years. Her words of wisdom and her testimony inspired me so much and upon rereading them today, they stand the test of time. Laine, thank you and God Bless You! A few years ago, I discovered that you had adopted a baby girl and figured that you had begun a new chapter of your life that did not include so much writing. I feel that your writing was a treasure and hope that you or your grown children will preserve it. You are a blessing to my life and thank you for sharing and teaching. God Bless You and thank you, Annabelle, for sharing this good news! Leslie in New Mexico

    1. Thank you for your comments today Leslie and its lovely to "meet" you! Laine will love your message I am sure! thank you for your beautiful comments. xxx

  14. Likewise, Annabel! I consider my timing in doing the internet search for Laine providential and it wound up being a "two-fer" because I found you and your website! You are a very talented writer and your blog is so interesting and inspirational! :-)

  15. Dear Annabel, Im so thrilled for you and for Laine. I know you have mentioned her letters many times but I haven't gotten round to looking, until they had disappeared, so I too will be looking forward to Laine's letter to you here , love and hugs, Maria :-)

  16. I am a new reader here and look forward to reading your posts. I found your website when searching for any possible updated information about Laine and her letters. I am excited to tears to learn she will be writing and sharing again! She comes to mind often and even though I have not met her in person, she is a dear sister and friend in Christ. I was on her emailing list for many years and I have missed her very much. Laine and her letters have been a great source of encouragement and edification for me as a Christian women, wife, mother, and homemaker. Thank you so much for sharing this great news! Lynnea

    1. Welcome Lynnea! I am so excited too to see what Laine writes next! I am hoping to have more news from her really soon and the minute her new website is up I will let you know! Many thanks for your comment.

    2. Annabel, Today I began reading your posts. Your ideas are inspiring and the photos are just lovely. I plan on reading more when I have the time. I really like your elegant, simple ideas for making gifts such as pretty crocheted wash/dish cloth bundles, and fabric towels and pillowcases decorated with various trims. Thank you for sharing!

    3. Annabel, Today I began reading your posts. Your ideas are inspiring and the photos are just lovely. I plan on reading more when I have the time. I really like your elegant, simple ideas for making gifts such as pretty crocheted wash/dish cloth bundles, and fabric towels and pillowcases decorated with various trims. Thank you for sharing!

  17. I am a new reader here and look forward to reading your posts. I found your website when searching for any possible updated information about Laine and her letters. I am excited to tears to learn she will be writing and sharing again! She comes to mind often and even though I have not met her in person, she is a dear sister and friend in Christ. I was on her emailing list for many years and I have missed her very much. Laine and her letters have been a great source of encouragement and edification for me as a Christian women, wife, mother, and homemaker. Thank you so much for sharing this great news! Lynnea

  18. Welcome back, my friend! I've missed reading your writings online. This is wonderful! Thank you, thank you!

  19. Has Laine started writing again yet??

  20. Shannon Smith, Idaho5 July 2015 at 14:43

    I discovered your beautiful blog today while searching for Laine and her Letters. I began reading her letters in 1999 or so, when my 3rd child was born. I have kept her words close to my heart over the years and could kick myself for not printing them out! I now have 7 children, the youngest is the same age as Laine's adopted daughter. I am now saving the letters for printing. I can't wait to have a copy in my hands---and copies for all my daughters!!

    1. Dear Shannon,
      You will find the letters have not dated and you will love them again and again. I am sure they will bless your daughters too!
      THank you for letting me know. I wish more people could discover the teaching in these letters! With love, Annabel.xx

  21. I miss you Laine! You've been so important in my life. From my relationship with God to raising four children. You were there. Thank you!
    Laura Lane
    Carthage, Missouri, USA


I really appreciate your comments thank you! The aim of my blog is the be a place of encouragement and happiness. Very rarely is anyone rude. Actually only twice so far! If you post a rude or aggressive comment I will read it but not publish it, thanks for

Spam is never published... if you are advertising a product or selling website your comment wont be published. I am inundated with stuff about drugs, horses and weird things! I am not going to publish this stuff! Thank you.