The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

An easy project... adding a trim.

Following on from my ebook we are working on Christmas and gifts. I hope between the book, the time was have allowed and the ideas each week that I post, that this is the best and most economical Christmas ever!

Today I'm talking about trims and braids. This is a super easy craft or sewing project. As really you can take something ready made and by adding something to it make it into something special.

I have sewn braids on to tea towels to make them lovely for my friends kitchens. But braids and trims can add something to cushions, hand towels, table cloths, napkins, pillowcases... so many things!

One of my first sewing projects I ever made was cot sheets and I edged them with a braid with little ducks along them! It was so easy but looked so nice! Strictly straight line sewing!

Most of this work would be lovely for a young girl. With a little assistance they can create all kinds of presents and have a great time doing it (and learning!)

Like all projects you have to keep an eye on the costs. I have collected braids and trims and bought some from Spotlight. On a project like tea towels you can add trim just to the bottom edge. This will look beautiful and be enough. In a couple of cases where I have heaps of trim I have sewn right around the four sides.

I've found lots of trims in op shops. I always watch out! Many times they are old fashioned rick rack braid which is lovely. Also many cheap shops have laces and trims and I always go through them. I have also cut trims from bedspreads, lace from curtains etc that I have  bought in op shops and ended up with vast amounts for a couple of dollars.

My tea towels are being teamed up with crochet dish cloths in kitchen themed sets... all the things I make end up kind of going together and they work out as themed gifts... (usually!)

Again knowing your friends kitchen colours is the thing! Some of my friends are internet friends so I just have to ask! I have two friends who have red in their kitchens and I found red pom pom trim!

And a family member with yellow...

I have neutrals still to go, having trouble with that one!  

Other years I have also made my own tea towels using vintage materials. They are the best! But this year I am short of vintage materials as I made pillowcases with them!

The sky is the limit with this. A row of little trains across the top of a little boys sheet or a row of chickens on a baby towel. Or beautiful ribbon or lace around a pillowcase for a girlfriend or your Mum...  It is such easy sewing and can be stitched by hand, you do not have to have a sewing machine.

It is worth asking Mum and Nan and older people if they have braids in their sewing collections. Many times people keep all these things and no longer use them and are thrilled someone might make something with them!

Whenever I make gifts like these I make a supply for my own kitchen. Beautiful tea towels have so many uses. Covering a picnic, wrapping around scones, keeping food warm, lining a basket... as well as drying dishes!

And I make some extra sets for unexpected gifts. Some things are fairly basic and are going to come in handy at some point so a few extras are likely to be a money saver.

In my last post I mentioned save an old Christmas tree if you have one or see one for a beautiful craft I have coming up. Add to that save and collect any pine cones, interesting gum nuts or cones from other trees. Mostly we can pick these up for free. So watch out as they will give you free craft materials in a few weeks time!


  1. What good ideas you have, Annabel. Just adding those beautiful trims makes such a difference.

    1. Thanks Nanna Chel. Crochet edgings coming next! xxx

  2. Gorgeous Annabel!

    You have my brain ticking over now with so much pretty stuff on show. I have my mum and mother in law on the lookout for me. MIL has already given me a heap of vintage lace and my mum works in an op shop in a country town, so she is going to snaffle anything suitable that comes in too. Happy days :)

    1. Tania country op shops are the best! I have found a few sewing baskets full of cottons, embroidery threads, lace and trims. Treasures! A little bit of lace can also trim a hankie. Good luck I hope your Mum has great luck with what comes in for you. Its kind of exciting... (I did two op shops today!) xxx

  3. Adorable work Annabel! I had a find with some trim from the op shop the other day too, so you've given me some lovely ideas. Thankyou!


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