The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 20 August 2020

Feather your Nest Friday, 20th August, 2020.

It was a better week.  Or I coped better.  I was very humbled by many replies, messages, emails, hand written letters and calls and the things some of you are going through due to lockdowns and quarantines etc.  I have no words to express how sorry I am for those separated from loved ones especially the sick and dying.  It turns out this is more common that I would have thought.   So this makes our situation look minor.    As for our situation... thank you to everyone who had suggestions.   All week the family worked on finding ways to keep Lucy and family safe and able to get medical help if needed.  And feel supported.  Dad came to see me.  He kept saying "don't worry, don't worry."   But he didn't say what he was doing...  I really can't go into that here but some of you were on the right track with your suggestions.   To further dishearten Lucy two of her farming neighbours moved out this week.  They cannot stay and continue to farm and have their children educated and have medical access so they left.   There are a lot of farmers in a desperate situation as of midnight tonight.

I decided to do all I could and pray hard.  We made the most of the opportunity presented this week to still see Lucy, the girls and Sidney.  I travelled down with two cold packs full of cooking.   The day before I made two big pots of spaghetti sauce then two large lasagnas.  

I did a tray bake of sausages and veggies and a potato bake. 
And cup cakes of course.

We had a beautiful time together.  Now to hope we find a way to do this next week. 

I did have days where worry and nerves got me.  I am hearing of just so many businesses closing. Due to the border closures even a key medical clinic had to close. The vet for many cannot go to the farms.  The local hospital is short of staff as nurses can't get to work.  I could just go on and on... I think is this Australia?
Now is the time for the full armour of God.   To pray more.  To really be thoughtful and prudent.  To use the skills we have learned and learn new ones!   When stuck I still think of Elizabeth Elliot's "do the next thing."  Yes... just do the next thing and then the next.  This stops me from being frozen and not knowing which direction to go.   

Some of the other ways I found to build up the home and our preparedness were:

In "buy swap and sell" I noticed a beautiful antique chest of drawers with the curved front.  I would call this Baroque style maybe but not sure if that is right.   I have always loved them.  It was $150.  Compared to what I have seen this wasn't too bad however I wouldn't pay that.   Then I noticed that add said "and also a Kelvinator Upright Freezer" and the price was for them BOTH.  Now I was interested! But you never know if an electrical appliance is any good and working.... so we went to inspect and when we arrived I knew the man selling it!    He was someone very nice from my old home town. So I had no worries with buying it!   
Now I have another freezer in my "collection."  Freezers have been very hard to get.  Many have searched for freezers and they are a rare species like caning lids and all things now so sought after. 
The drawers need some work and I have a plan...

I had to think fast about where to put this freezer.  There was no obvious place.  But I found one.  It involved moving a set of shelves out of the kitchen.  I unloaded that and re homed everything.  Once you start on a project like this it seems endless.    The shelves have become much better shelving for my laundry... where I also had to take everything apart, get the shelves in and re do it all.   But now I have a much better system and know everything I have (and how much) in the laundry.

Beautiful free little succulents came my way.  I am thrilled with them.   For now I quickly potted them up so they get root systems.   

I used paper cups to have enough small pots.

I put a big pice of corned beef in the slow cooker for the day.   It was so big it didn't fit so I cut it in half and made it fit!   Later I rolled one piece in cracked pepper and olive oil. I then baked it. Then you have Pastrami.   Andy loved it.  I stood and make a dozen man sized rolls with cheese and corned beef or cheese and Pastrami.   These went into the new freezer.   I use the plastic bag the rolls came in with a paper towel between each one.  These are so handy!

While the fire is still going I continued dehydrating herbs and veggies.  I am building a collection in my special cupboard.

We had rain.  Tuesday night we had a whole inch!  We woke up to a lake out the front!   We knew that the front paddocks can become wetlands in a good year.  But I have never seen this until now!   From the kitchen and lounge room windows we now see water and ducks.   I hope to show some photos next week.  And it is still raining!

I was given some lemons.

I wrote up my week early as I had a day of appointments today.   But last night  before 10 pm my brother rang.  He was at Mum and Dad's and Dad had died.  It was sudden and I don't think he suffered any pain.  I knew this day would come and I knew it might be soon.
Last week Danny on Deep South Homestead had his Dad in hospital and he said he just doesn't want his Dad to suffer.   His words leapt out to me over and over all week I thought of that.  I don't want Dad to suffer.   Dad would never want to be incapacitated, stuck at home,  unable...   that would be suffering to him.   So I kept these words with me.  And I knew it was coming.  And Dad did not suffer.   He also had said, in a more recent near miss, that he wanted to die at home.   
He was also very happy.   He was over the moon with the birth of Sidney.  He got to see him.  He was so happy he completed his plan to provide for us all, for myself and Chloe and Lucy who he set up on properties to become theirs.  He wanted his Great Grandchildren to be secure.  He worked all his life beginning when he was about 11 and kicked out of school for being left handed and called stupid.  He taught himself to read and became the most widely read person I have ever known.  He helped many people in a private way so no one ever knew.  Some of these stories may come out now.
I have been incredibly blessed and my girls have been incredibly blessed as he was like their own Dad as well as mine.  I just could not have been luckier.  Dad was an overcomer. 
When Dad left from his visit he was confident he found a way to give Lucy and family access to medical help and all they need.   When he left I thanked him for coming.  I always thanked him for coming.  We always sat at the kitchen table (which he insisted I had to have) and drank from his special huge cup and saucer.  As he drove off he hung his arm out the ute window and waved.  I had a feeling then it might have been a wave goodbye.   So again I thought of "I do not want my Dad to suffer."

Another thing that has been with me all week is God is a way maker.  When there isn't a way it doesn't matter as God is a way maker.  I felt like some readers may need to hear that.



  1. Annabel, I'm so sorry for the loss of your Dear Dad. He truly sounded like the most special Dad ever. My heart is aching for you and all your family. My Love and Hugs to you all.

  2. Oh Anabelle I am so sorry. Praying for comfort for you and your family that only God can give. Hugs from Alabama, USA. Cindy

  3. Oh Annabel, my heart goes out for you all! It has come at a difficult time to say the least! Praise God he didn't suffer or linger, so wonderful that he got to see Sidney, and that he got to see you come back to the farm. He had such a loving family, he would be so satisfied and content knowing that. My thoughts, prayers and love to you all at this sad time. Go gently Annabel, regards Robyn xxx

  4. Dear Annabel I was so sorry to read about the loss of your dad; please accept my condolences and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. He sounded like a wonderful man .

  5. Dear Annabel,

    I am very sorry about your Dad. I see him as a loveable Aussie character, and treasure! I am also grateful that the Almighty is showing His ways in it all. Your Dad has been in our chookie prayers each evening, even when we’re exhausted!

    I know that His purpose that He has placed in your heart will carry you through, and that, as for the animals, He will give you the heart to keep going.

    Warmest regards,


  6. Oh Annabel, so sorry for you and the family. I have read a bit about your dad (after reading your aunts book) he was an amazing man who achieved so much for his community. He will be sadly missed by so many people. Prayers for you all love Kate

  7. Much love to you and your mum and family at this sad time, Annabelle.

  8. I am so sorry to hear that you have lost your Dad but I am also happy that he did not suffer and was so active to the end. Having just lost my Dad three months ago I know the huge place that they filled and is now empty. My Dad and your were the same age. Your Dad sure did leave a legacy for your family. Hugs and prayers for you all.

    Things are just nuts here, too. Mom had an appointment with her cardiologist on the phone. That is crazy. Didn't he need to listen to her heart problem? Mom's younger sister is in a nursing home and her husband was there too but died there two months ago so now she is alone and was just diagnosed with leukemia. She is alone and afraid. She keeps asking family to come get her out of there but no one is young and healthy enough there to care for her where she lives. So many sad things.

    We had a list of every day household items that we needed so we went out to buy them and had to go from store to store to store all over town to find what we needed but we did finally find everything. I was able to buy four dozen new pint canning jars for a pre-pandemic price. We had filled all of ours so this was a blessing. We are going to be more mindful of what we get rid of and consider whether we will need it later or can repurpose those items. We just need to think more like our grandparents.

    Have a good week and remember that we are all in this together and we care.

  9. So very sorry for your loss Annabel.

  10. Oh Annabel I’m so sorry for your loss but I am too so happy that he didn’t suffer. You were all so very blessed to have him and his wisdom is so evident in your words. Big hugs to you and your family xxx

  11. My heart goes out to all of you at this time. You had a wonderful dad Annabelle. Toni Meetze-Wood

  12. Annabel my very deepest sympathies to you and your family. How lucky for you to have had such a special relationship with your dad. Faith is such a comfort in these times. Take care of yourself. Barb xx

  13. Sweet Annabel I am so sorry for your loss and the loss your entire family is feeling. I am so happy your father got to accomplish the things he wanted and that he was home. He is truly HOME now and you will be together again one day.
    God bless you all.

  14. Dear Annabel,
    From having read all that you have shared about your Dad, he was a very special man . My prayerd and condolences to you and your family. With love Cookie

  15. I was saddened to read about the passing of your dear father, Annabel. I want to write something comforting but don't know what to say except that it seems that the Holy Spirit had you prepared for this and is with you comforting you. God's peace be with you in this time dear sister in Christ. Your Dad got his wish to die at home and as you say he didn't suffer. He also got to see Sidney which is a great comfort for you all at this time. I will add your mum into my prayers.
    All week I have been praying and affirming regarding Lucy's situation and the access to medical help, that our God is a God who makes a way where there is no way.
    Sending love to you and all your family Annabel, and to all the Bluebirds.

  16. Hugs and lots of prayers Annabel ... there are just no words.

  17. It is so hard to lose a good father...I am so sorry. He did his job well.
    I had no idea how bad things were in AU with Covid, prayers for your country.

    I love your words and your works....I want to be more like you 🙂

  18. Annabel I wish you and all your family God's strength at this time of your Dad's dying. I feel from reading your post that your Dad was a very special man . The fact he saw beautiful Sidney born and safely here is so good.
    I watched my Dad die by inches and truly 20 years later I would wish for a quicker passing for him.
    I hope you all can focus on the life fully lived by your father. All the best.

  19. Annabel, what can I say but....Big Hugs! How wonderful that your Dad didn't suffer.

  20. Angela in Kentucky20 August 2020 at 18:52

    So very sorry to hear of your Dad passing. He is Home in Glory, I am sure. Your heart is broken but you know that you will be united again one day. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers.

  21. Oh, Annabelle, I am so sorry to read of your Dad's passing. He sounds like he was a great guy and I am glad he did not have to suffer. I have been working trying to get a few things made ahead in the freezer. Made up two 8x8 chicken strata and will be baking that along with Shepards pie tomorrow. Will add it to the sloppy joe mixture and the Zita in the freezer. I am praying for you and your family. Nancy

  22. Oh dearest Annabel, I have no words for your loss.

    I sit here in shock at the news of your dads passing. My condolences to you and all the family. I am pleased to hear that your dad achieved all he wanted before leaving this earth, and that he left on his terms. His family was his world.

    May God be with you in the coming days and weeks, may he give you strength to help you get through this sad time.

    Lots of love and hugs,
    Tania xoxoxo

  23. I am so sorry for your loss, Annabel. *hugs* Praying for you all.

  24. Annabel 💗💓💓💗. No one wants to lose their dad. At least your dad went in the way he desired, knowing he has done all he could for his family snd is happy about that. 💗💗

  25. Dear Annabel~
    God bless you and your precious family. Your love for your Dad came through loud and clear each time you posted of him. I pray that our heavenly father will comfort you, and I will keep your family close in heart and prayer. Lots of Love, Donna xo

  26. Oh Annabel, I am so very sorry to hear that your beloved father died. I am glad that your father was able to see his family well settled and that he was able to die at home without suffering. My love and condolences to you and your family.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Sending you a big hug and much love, Annabel.

  29. Oh dear - so sorry to hear about your dad - but what a tribute you have given him! My dad did have to go through a long illness which incapacitated him and believe me - he would have much rather gone like your dad - your prayer for him not to suffer was heard.
    Please take care of yourself, take some time to grieve and please know that people all around the world are thinking of you right now. God bless.

  30. Dear Annabel sending you much love. x

  31. Annabel, I'm so sorry that your father is gone. You may not realize it yet, but you are so lucky that he went fast and did not suffer. And he was lucky, too! Both of my parents died suddenly from first heart attacks. Although I didn't get the chance to say goodbye, they went the way we all hope to go...quickly. You were very blessed to have him, and you are still very blessed to have his memory. ((( Annabel )))

  32. Dear Annabel,
    I know you will all miss him terribly. What a wonderful life he had made for you all. We enjoyed hearing his wisdom and all about your kitchen table gatherings. Sending you much love and covering you in prayer.
    Love, Kaye xoxoxo

  33. love Annabel.
    xxx Heike

  34. Oh Annabel...your precious Dad...! My heart goes out to you and your whole family. He was such a loving and giving person. What a beautiful legacy he left! The best earthly model of our Father in heaven! I know he is hearing “Well done my good and faithful servant” now, and what a blessing he did not suffer. May you and all who love him have great peace and comfort. Much love, Teresa

  35. Dear Annabel
    I can't really reply to this post just now as I am in tears of hearing of the passing of your Dear Sweet Dad. Through the years I have been along your journey I feel I have also got to know your family so well.

    Be kind to yourself and I am so sorry to hear this news. It does sound like he was making plans to help you all. What a beautiful caring Man.

    Aly xxx

  36. Hi Annabel... I am so sorry for your loss of your Dad. He sounded like such a beautiful man who gave so much to so many people and touched their lives in many ways. Praying for you all. Ruth x

  37. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing such personal news with us. You have so many amazing memories to hold on to! Sending my best to your mom and your entire family.

  38. Dear Annabel,
    my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Love Lisa xo

  39. I am so very sad for you and all your family Annabell. You have often spoken about your Dad in your blog and he sounds like he was a Dad in a million. He cared so much for all of you and your happiness was his main concern. It must be a very hard time for you right now but the knowledge that he didn’t suffer will be a big comfort. The happy memories of him will last a lifetime. I know you were a daughter in a million too. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  40. Oh Annabel, I'm so very sorry to hear about your Dad on top of all the other terrible news of late - he must have known something to comment as he did - at least he didn't suffer. He will now look after you all from a different place. Hugs and blessings to you all. Pam xx

  41. Dearest Annabel, I'm a longtime reader (5 years), but have never commented. I am sorry to hear that your father passed, but so grateful to know he went in peace. God bless you all. Your mother and all of your family will be in my prayers.
    For your father: May you rest in the arms of the Lord who formed you from the dust of the earth. May holy Mary, the angels and all the saints welcome you now that you have gone forth from this life.

  42. I am so sorry to hear that your father has passed. Best wishes to you and your family, especially during these difficult, strange times.

  43. Darling Annabel, sending love and condolences on the loss of your amazing and wonderful Dad. Praying God's love to surround you all, especially your dear Mum.
    Thankyou for sharing him a little with us.
    Love Deb

  44. Dearest Annabel,
    What a lasting legacy your dad left. My heartfelt prayers and condolences to you, your mom, and girls.
    God's peace to you- Kathryn

  45. Dearest Annabel,
    I am so sorry to hear that your Dad has passed away. I know that he will be greatly missed by all of you. Hugs and prayers for you all.


  46. Bless you - I know how you're feeling. Good luck to you all. Eileen

  47. Oh,Annabel. Words are so inadequate.You, your whole family, but especially your Dad, have been such a comfort and anchor in the midst of this storm we're living through. Your Dad was a visionary - he saw ahead and like a true patriarch,made a way for his family, his whole family.It's so terribly hard but the joy will come when you're reunited in the Lord. Blessings and love to you, your Mom and all the family. Cari (South Africa)

  48. Dear Annabel,
    I'm sorry to hear your sad news.

  49. Oh Annabel! You are so brave!! You go through all this and still see the way Jesus makes a way where there seems to be no way. What a light you are, and I for one am so very thankful for you and how you shine His truth to all of us. I am so very, very sorry about your Dad. You are very right to see that he did not suffer. Hallelujah for that. But your loss isn't so quick or easy. Praying for you and all of your family. He is always faithful and will carry you through it all. Colleen C.

  50. Annabell my love and best wishes go out to you and your family. What an amazing man your dad sounds. The love he had for you all is obviously returned in bucket loads.
    Take care and know you are in my thoughts and heart.


  51. Dearest Annabelle, your post brought tears to my eyes. I can picture your Dad waving. You are in my thoughts and prayers. With love, Diann

  52. I’m sorry to hear about your loss. Your Dad sounded like a wonderful man who loved you all very much.

  53. I'm so sorry to hear of your sad loss
    Take care xx

  54. Thankyou. I needed to read that. God is a way maker. I've had a month of heartache and this bought comfort. thankyou x

  55. Thankyou. I needed to read that. God is a way maker. I've had a month of heartache and this bought comfort. thankyou x

  56. So sorry to hear about your Dad. Wonderful that he got his wish to be home.
    Michigan USA

  57. I'm so sorry to hear of your sad loss. Your father sounds like a wonderful man.It will be a comfort to know that he didn't suffer and was content with his life and family.I hope your mother is ok and you and your girls. He sounds like he made the world a better place for being in it. Love Ann xx

  58. Oh Annabel I am so sorry for your loss. Could this be what he mentioned as a way to get Lucy and the kids back on your side of the border by setting them up at your Mum’s in a caring role??
    I pray that God has helped you at this time.

  59. Darling Annabel, My love to you and your family. I had to read your words five times for the truth to sink in. May God bless and reward your father for all he did - what an amazing legacy he has left. I am in awe sitting here reading about him and his working for you all right until the end. I am so grateful he got his wish, no hospitals, happy at home. Amazing. Much love, Clare

  60. Heartfelt condolences, and virtual hugs; it is indeed a blessing that your father didn't suffer.

  61. Heartfelt condolences and virtual hugs; it is indeed a blessing that your father did not suffer.

  62. Dear Annabel, I am so sorry to hear of the very sad loss your dearly loved Dad. You really have written beautiful words about him and it shows the depth of love that you have had for each other. His love goes on. What a wonderful father, grand father and great grandfather he has been- truly an inspirational person. It is indeed a very sad time. I want you to know that none of you are alone right now. We are with you; we are praying for you all. I know it is virtually- but we are praying for you all. Lilly XX

  63. Dearest Annabel, sending you much love during this time of grief, and remembrance. How grateful to know your Dad did not suffer, and died at home. I think of you, your mom and girls as you adjust to life without your dad. God bless you all.

  64. Annabel, I am a long time reader but don't really comment.
    I am so sorry for your loss, I have tears streaming down my face. I never met him, but being able to read about him through your blog, gives us all a glimpse of what he was like. Sending you virtual hugs.
    -Kelly B

  65. Dearest Annabel I was so saddened to hear of your dad's passing but know he has been unwell on and off for awhile. My sympathy and love to you , your mum and family XOXOX
    IM sure your dad will be by your side as you continue ahead with whatever he has started and continue as he did with your own usual flare and strength .
    I love all your cooking for Lucy and the succulents look so sweet in their little pots, and the dehydrated food in jars is enticing me to try it . Umming and ahhing about the practicality of doing so with extra family living here has limited my time in the kitchen and space and storage are at a premium for now ,still I will research more meantime.
    Take care and look after yourself , with love and hugs, Maria xoxox

  66. Dear Annabel,

    So sorry to hear about your Dad. Praying peace over your family at this time of uncertainty

  67. Dear Annabel, your Dad must have been an amazing man. What beautiful words you wrote about him. I feel for you just now and pray for your comfort and peace. Yes God is a way maker.
    Blessings Gail.

  68. Dear Annabel, I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. From all your posts, he certainly sounds like a remarkable man who will be sadly missed. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Love from Del

  69. Hi Annabel,so sorry for your loss deepest sympathy to you and your family xx

  70. I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your dad, and thank you for sharing the lovely words. It sounds like he truly left a Godly legacy with your family and that is such a beautiful way to have lived a good life. Prayers for all of you.

  71. Dear Annabel, I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. My sincere condolences to you and your family. Love from, Jennie.

  72. Sending prayers for peace and acceptance. I loved your Dad from just reading about him. ❤️❤️ Matty

  73. Dear Annabel,
    T haven't commented in such a long time but have read all your posts and had to pass on my sincere condolences and prayers for you and your family regarding the passing of a man who lived his life to the full and loved his family abundantly. what we have heard of your stories your memories of him are amazing. God bless you all in this time. Bevo xx

  74. Oh Annabel, I am so very sorry ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))). What a blessing to have such a good man as your father! I will keep you and family in prayer.

  75. Oh Annabel. I am so very sorry to hear of your enormous loss. My heart just goes out to you and yours. He has left behind a wonderful legacy in your great family. I will miss hearing current stories about him but hope that you will continue to integrate him in your posts in the future. I will be praying for you and yours.

  76. Prayers for peace as your family goes through the loss of your Dad. I loved your Dad just from reading your blog. He certainly made a wonderful daughter! Blessings to you all.... <3 Matty

  77. Annabel you baking looks lovely and the succulents I am sure will thrive with the love and attention you will give them. What a blessing is the lovely Baroque chest of drawers and upright freezer were for that really low cost and what would be the odds you knew the gentleman who was selling them :) .

    So glad you got to see Lucy, the girls and Sidney too to give them one of your special care packages.

    I am so sorry to hear about your Dad and wish I could be there to give you a hug personally (pfft to social distancing). So glad he didn't suffer and he had clearly accomplished all that he had set out to do to make sure his family and grandchildren were safe and secure. Lovely he got to see Sidney and spend some time with him too and he is resting peacefully in heavenly fathers arms. You and your family shall be in our prayers.

    We also had lots of lovely rain that has filled our rainwater tanks and greened the landscape here.

    Last weeks Vicky challenge added up to $78.86 in savings.

    Internet listings -
    - Listed 20 handmade items on an eBay free listing promotion saving $33 on usual prices.

    Purchases -
    - Bought a 6pk of cream buns on markdown saving $1.80.
    - Saved $44.06 or 67.58% of the purchase cost on groceries using $10 redeemed rewards points, $10 off from our e-gift cards and combining half price specials on Old Gold chocolate, chicken kievs and 50c off per kg chicken drumsticks.

    In the gardens and sheds -
    - Shoveled some dirt from one large garden bed we are preparing to fill in part of the driveway that had potholes from trucks and machinery driving through during wet weather.
    - Dug out some marshmallow weeds from the base of one mandarin and a mulberry tree and put the weeds in the bin.
    - Dug out grass and weeds from around the base of a tree at the side of the home and weeded one side of the homes shrub garden beds.
    - In the firewood shed moved all seasoned firewood to the front of the lean-to shed on freshly laid roof metal we picked up from the tip for $1 - $2 per sheet. We now have room for the rest of the firewood we are about to split to stack it neatly in there.

    Thinking of you and yours at this time.

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

  78. Hello Annabel, So very sorry to hear your father passed. I know you will miss him so much. God says the number of our days He will fulfill. We take comfort knowing that God is in control. May He comfort your heart and help your family move ahead in this life with blessings and peace. God bless.

  79. Annabel, I was so sad to read about the loss of your Dad. I went through this 11 months ago. We had had the most wonderful few days and he been to church with me on the Sunday. Monday morning I found him dead in bed a 6am. I can understand the feelings you must have at the moment. But I know my Dad has watched over everyday since he left me to be with Mum, the love of his life. Sending blessings Beverly in the UK

  80. May God be with you and your family during this time. May your father be at peace and his memory everlasting.

  81. Sending hugs and prayers over your loss! I love how you shared his farewell... he sounds like an amazing example and his legacy will live on... so beautiful.

  82. Sending good thoughts to you. I'm so very sorry to hear about the loss of your father

  83. Dear Annabel, I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. I am glad that you can take comfort in the knowledge that he completed his work. I pray for strength and comfort for your family.

  84. I am so very sorry.
    Prayers for comfort for you and your family.

  85. Dearest Annabel,

    I burst into tears when I read about your dad. Even though he has had several close calls over the last couple of years, it still came as a shock. I am so glad he was at home and that it was quick. He was certainly an amazing man and very loved. Please know that my prayers are with you and your family. Lots of love to all of you.

    xx Jen in NS

  86. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Your Dad sounded like a wonderful man and all of you will carry out his legacy. To not suffer or linger is a huge blessing.

  87. Oh Annabel, You have my deepest sympathies for the loss of your dad. I've always envied women that had a close relationship with their dads because I wasn't one of them. I'm sure that makes the separation harder. We seem to be in that *season* of saying goodbye to our parents as it has been common to me and my friends in the last few years. It sure isn't easy.

    Peace and blessings to you and your family.

  88. Praying for you and your family. So glad your dad didn’t suffer. You were blessed to have him in your life, your kids and grandkids lives, too! What precious memories!

  89. I am so sorry for you and your family. He sounds like such a wonderful man. What a wonderful legacy he left you.

  90. Dear Annabel, I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. From your posts he seemed like a special person that put his family's needs first. You and your family have my deepest condolences and prayers. God Bless. Erica, reader from Ohio, USA

  91. Oh, Annabel, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad. You two seemed to have a wonderful relationship and whenever you wrote about him, I always thought that he seemed like such a lovely man! May you and your family know the deep comfort of God at this time.

  92. Annabel,
    I was so shocked to read about your dad passing away. I always admired the relationship you two had. It was very rare and special. Something to be treasured. It always warmed my heart to read about the two of you sitting at the kitchen table together. My heart goes out to you and your family and I will be praying for each of you.
    You have the support of all these amazing bluebirds.
    Take Good Care!!

  93. Annabel, I sit here crying for you in NY. For the loss of your dad, for the worrying over your children and grandchildren. It had been a hard year and yet you still put love and kindness out into the world with you wonderful words. God is watching over you and your family now with your dad. God bless you.

  94. Oh Annabel, I am so sorry about your dad. He sounds like a wonderful caring person. I am glad to hear his passing was peaceful, and pray your family will be comforted.

    We have been quite busy here (Georgia, USA) preparing for what ever circumstances may be heading our way in another month or two, and I missed reading your blog last week. I did hear that there have been very difficult things going on in Australia, and wondered how you were doing. Stay strong in the Lord, and battle on with Him for your family!

  95. My thought and prayers go out to you and your family at this difficult time. He sounds like he was an absolutely wonderful man and all of you were lucky to have him in your life. Heaven gained a beautiful soul! If there's anything you need at all please don't hesitate to ask. You have many friends here willing and able. Big Hugs to You Dear, Patti Ann

  96. Annabel, from what you have shared about your father, I can tell he was a wonderful, hardworking, loving man of upstanding character. I am not going to say you 'were' blessed, I am going to say you ARE blessed. You will be able to keep your precious, tender, and funny memories of him for as long as you live. I am sorry he is gone from your presence, but he is alive in Christ. May God comfort your heart--and your mother's heart and all your family at this time and in the weeks and months to come. Thank you so much for your wisdom you have shared here on your blog over the years. Your dad is so proud of you!

  97. What a lovely memory that last visit with your dad will be!
    I'm sorry for your loss.

  98. Dear Sweet Annabel, I am so sorry. I am sitting here weeping for your loss. But I love your attitude. Remember that the best of who he was was poured into you and your brother and your children between you. He lives on and will always live on. Big hugs...

  99. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. I have read your blog for so long that I feel like I knew your dad from your stories. I lost my dad in 1999 and think about him everyday and say all his "old sayings". May your memories bring you comfort and my best to your mom.....

  100. Dear Annabel,
    I'm so very sorry to hear about your Dad. he sounds like an amazing person and a blessing to you all. Holding your family in prayer that God will comfort you.
    Blessings, Laura

  101. Dear sweet Annabel,
    I am so sorry. As I sit here tears are running down my face.
    With my mom we knew and it was still surreal. Annabel it talks about your dad in proverbs.A wise man leaves a legacy for his children children's
    You and your family will be in our prayers. Sending virtual (((hugs))) Be good to yourself. I am so glad your dad did not suffer. What a blessing that your dad came by for a cuppa and got to tell you not to worry.I love that he worked on a plan so lucy and her family could be safe. Heavenly father I ask that you would pour down mercy and Grace on Annabel and her family.I pray that you give her strength to make it through this season
    and when she feels like she can't walk that you would carry her.
    Much love,
    Patti from San Diego

  102. Oh Annabel, I'm so sorry for the sadness and suffering you and your family are going through now. I'm thankful Heavenly Father answered your prayers and that he did not suffer. I know he will guide you through this time of sorrow in helping you be strong for your mother. My father just recently passed. I know your sorrow and the steps you have to muddle through. I know you will feel as if you're walking in a different world than others at this time. Know that your Heavenly Father is with you and is there to provide comfort. I sometimes go to my dad's garden and just talk/cry to my dad. It helps me to continue to help my mom and be strong. My husband is there when I'm not too strong as I'm sure yours will be also. I know that families can be together forever and I hope you know that too. Sending much love and prayers for comfort. You are a blessing to so many of us. Take moments to care for yourself as well.
    Love from Melody in OR

  103. Annabelle--Your post reminded me of the last time I saw my dad. We went back at Christmas from Alaska to Minnesota. I remember waving as we drove away, sondering if I would see im again. But he told us for years, "I'm ready, but not in a hurry." I still miss hime 30 years latee, but also feel he's not suffering and probably playing cards with siblings who have followed him. I'm looking forward to seeing him with a perfect body. He had polio when he was 9 months old, so walking was a struggle. Let yourself grieve and trust that God's timing is right. Blessings,
    Alaska Gram

  104. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad Annabel. You lost a great man in your life and his legacy will be remembered for many generations with his gifts of love and land to you and yours. Prayers for you and your family.

  105. Sorry to hear the loss of your father and farming national treasure. He has left behind a wonderful legacy. Take solace in his many legacies. May God look after you and your family and provide comfort for your Mum.

  106. Please add my sincere condolences to all the others at this awful time.

  107. Dear Annabel, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad. May your sweet memories bring you comfort. I will pray for you and your family during this sad time.

  108. Dear Annable,
    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. At least you and all your loved ones have lovely memories of your dad which is wonderful. I lost my dad suddenly when I was 21 and I couldn't do much for him while he was with us. In your case at least you don't have regrets as you have taken care of your dad as much as you could. Please make sure your mom gets what she needs in these hard days - company, love, care and everything her heart needs to keep her internal warmth after losing her soulmate. I send you my heartfelt condolences and a big hug. Please take care and stay safe.
    With love,

  109. So sorry to hear of the loss of your darling Dad Annabel, he sounded like a wonderful man who took such good care of you all. Glad he got to meet Sidney. Thinking of you all at this time. xx Sapphire

  110. Dear Annabel, I am so sorry for your great loss. I’ve been reading your posts for years and feel as if I knew him, through your writings. I know how special he was to you and you family. You are in my prayers. Beth from Washington State

  111. Dear Annabel, I am so very sorry for your loss. I feel like I knew him through your writings over the years. I know how special he was to you and your family. I am praying for you and your family. Beth in Washington State, USA

  112. So sorry for your loss. Your father seems to have been an outstanding man, my prayers are for you and your family. God is with you.

  113. Hi Annabel,

    I just popped in to say I have been praying for you and your family and that you are able to find a solution. I'm so deeply sorry for the loss of your beloved Dad xx

  114. Dear Annabel, So sorry to hear your sad news. You and your family are in my thoughts. Take care of each other. Stay safe. Jo

  115. Dear Annabel - so sorry to read of your Dad's passing. I've been thinking of you all day. What a wonderful relationship the two of you had - the image of him waving goodbye from his ute is a lovely one and I hope all your beautiful memories help you process his loss as gently as possible. xx

  116. Dearest Annabel,I cried when reading your post that your darling dad has passed away .
    My love and prayers to you and your beautiful family at this very sad time .

  117. Dear Annabel, I have followed and read your blogs for years. I almost feel as though I know you and your family. I do feel I know your heart. I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet dad. You have had such a rough time of late...that seems like almost an understatement. Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and my prayers today and from here out. Much love and friendship from the southern U.S., Kim Creasy

  118. Sending hugs and sympathy...I understand the loss...Hugs-Jane in FL

  119. So sorry to hear of the loss of your father. It is not easy to lose your father but such a blessing that he did not suffer. I lost my father recently and was so glad he didn't suffer and was able to be at home. God bless

  120. Dear Annabel. So very sorry to read of the passing of your Dad. Hugs and prayers for you and your family. Janette

  121. Dear Annabel,
    So sorry for your loss. Dads are special and your blog posts show how much you loved and cherished him. My condolences.

  122. So sorry to hear about the passing of your precious dad. What a wonderful legacy he left for you all. May you rest in the arms of the Comforter. I needed to be reminded that God is a Waymaker...thank you for that.

  123. Dear Annabel, I am so sorry for your loss of your Dad. I know he was a very special person. Grace and peace to you, your mother and your family, Celie.

  124. So very very sorry to hear about your Dad. Thank you for sharing stories of him on your blog. Praying for you and your family during this difficult time, and for God to make a way for your daughter and her family, your whole family, to be safe and able to have and do what they need. Waymaker - this is the second time today I have been reminded about God’s ability to make a way. The first was in a text from a friend, “remember we serve a mighty God who has been making a way when there didn’t seem to be a way since creation.” Love and prayers, Amy

  125. Dear Annabel and family. Wishing you God's nearness in this time of saying goodbye to a much loved husband, father and grandfather and father in law. What a blessing it is to know that he is now with our mighty Father in a new and perfect body!

  126. Sending heartfelt prayers for you and all your family! I loved your posts about your dad (he reminded me of my father and grandfather) and I admired him from afar. Being loved by someone so caring and giving is such a blessing. I know the loss is so deep and pray for your peace and comfort during these difficult days.

  127. Oh gosh Annabel, I’m sorry to hear about the passing of you dad! You have written about him often over the years, it was obvious you were very close, and reading between the lines I know he adored you and was proud of you. What a year!! 😘

  128. I am so very sorry about the loss of your father. Mine just passed in March, at home with me caring for him, just like he wanted. It is so hard, but our fathers had wonderful lives and families that loved them and benefitted from their wisdom. My prayers are with you.

  129. Dear Annabel,

    I am so sorry to learn of your dad's passing. Having read all you've written about him, he sounds like a lovely man and a wonderful father to have. Holding you and your family in my heart.

    Hugs <3

  130. I was so very sorry to read that you have lost your dad. Praying for you all at this very difficult time. He sounded to be such a truly family orientated and good man, and I send you deepest sympathy in your loss.

  131. I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Annabel. I lost my Dad suddenly at the age of 70 just two years ago, and while I still grieve his loss I'm just so glad he went quickly and didn't suffer. He was a mover and a shaker too, and wouldn't have done well being incapacitated or restricted in any way. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you move through these difficult first days, weeks, and months. x

  132. Dear Annabel,
    My deepest sympathy for the loss of your precious father. He leaves behind a great legacy. My thoughts and prayers for you and your family. GOD Bless all of you. With love and hugs.
    Cindy ( Texas, USA )

  133. Sending you warmth and comfort in these days ahead; and a gentle peace in your love for and memories of your Dad. Take care, Annabel.

  134. Our lives are not shaped by what we carry with us, but by that which we leave behind in the lives of others. I believe your Dad and other family members are a part of a rich tapestry that has no end. You are part of this tapestry which has broadened with your blog. He was so proud of you Annabel and though I never met him, my life has been touched by him through you. He is a part of you and will remain with you in your heart, through your daughters and grandchildren. I believe in life that things don't get easier but that we get stronger. The Lord promised that He would never leave or forsake us; do what you do well and run to the Lord. I have read your blog for years but this is the first time I've made comment and I do this in the hope that you find some small comfort in it.

  135. Annabel,I am so very sorry to hear about your Dad's passing. Sending prayers for you and your family.
    Lorraine (Wasatch Front, USA)

  136. I am so sorry for your loss. That was the most loving and touching tribute for your dad. What a wonderful legacy he has left.
    Elle Webber

  137. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers at this time.

  138. I cant thank everyone as I would hope to. Thank you for the beautiful messages and I have read them all. I am working on my Friday Blog Post now. I truly have felt held up in prayer as I found strength I didnt think I could have. It has been a week of many blessings and seeing and hearing how Dad got things the way he wanted them. Thank you so much to you all for prayers and messages. I appreciate both so much. Many of you are great friends and we have known each other for a long while

  139. I'm so sorry for your loss. And so sorry I wasn't able to express my condolences sooner.
    My family is praying for you and yours. May God continue to hold you up!
    Love and blessings,

  140. Praying for God’s comfort. Gail

  141. Hugs from Texas, and I am so sorry for your loss.

  142. No words but tears with you and hugs for you & your family. What a wonderful tribute to your Dad, and how blessed you were. Praying that God holds you close during this bittersweet time.


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