The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 13 June 2019

Feather your nest Friday, 14th June, 2019.

What a busy week!  We had a few days of sunshine after rain.  So we got stuck into cleaning up dead trees and mess in the yards immediately around the house.   We did our own house yard in Spring before the fire bans came in.  Now we can get back to it.  We have had sixteen bonfires and some of them burned all day and all night.  A lot of the branches and logs are big and heavy.  I am bruised, scratched and tired and I have muscles on my muscles lol!  Every night I soaked in a hot bath with epsom salts!

As we do this clear ground is revealed and grass can grow.  It looks quite park like and beautiful.
In between burning the sticks and leaves we cut, loaded and stated for firewood.   

During the week I made apple crumble (still using up apples) and GF bread.  I made the most perfectly risen bread ever then I burned the top... but still salvaged it!

I also made GF Naan bread and froze a stack of spares.

I used up a big chunk of venison in a Tikka Masala Curry.  It was just beautiful.  That's to the slow cooker this was a big help.

Also made yoghurt for the week. (And some went into the Naan bread)

Lots of time went into the gang.  All seem to be doing well.  

It is a bit of a circus with three different feeding schedules and two formulas.  

When Dad comes over he inspects the calf and says she is doing well.  Also she chases cars but thankfully in the paddock not along the road! 

They all get on well together and play "you can't catch me" and run around madly in the sunshine then you see they have all gone to sleep in the sun snuggled up together.  Calling them scallywags would be an understatement! 

A big thing this week was achieving a goal we set for this year.  This was to install two new rainwater tanks in the backyard as the ones here are old and rusted out and leaking.   We had them on order after shopping around and finally the day came.  It involved a crane to lift out the old tanks and life in the new ones.  Removal of a rusty old tower with a small tank right at the top. Generally big mess and many guys here working on it.  To me this is a beautiful sight! 

There is only one thing better than new rainwater tanks and that is rain!  And it rained all night!  I think in the next few days we will have full tanks!  Clean. clear, pure rainwater!

On Wednesday I went to feed Chloe and Luke's dogs as they were away.  This turned into an adventure as when I drove in the driveway I saw a lamb on it's own in terrible condition.  I could see no mother and it appears deserted.  I left it for another hour while I did the dog feeding etc. (to see if a Mother might appear) and went back.  It could not walk or stand.  It was filthy and soaked wet through and shivering.  There was just no mother and it didn't get in this shape being looked after.   I couldn't leave it there.  It was in fact the saddest sight as I thought the last lamb was going to die but this one seemed beyond helping. 

This was how she looked when I got her home in front of the fire...

Now she doesn't look like this now and I hope she will soon look like the lambs above.  I hope next week I can show you how she is doing.   This lamb has been hard to get going. 

The sudden arrival of this lamb tested out my animal preparedness pantry.  It worked so well. I had the right sized bottle and teat, colostrum, blankets and everything I needed right there.  It was wonderful and easy!

Yesterday Mum and I headed off to see the girls.  Mum had not been well and so this was our first trip together again in a few weeks.   There was only one thing to do and that was take the lamb with us.
At one stage Mum was driving and I was nursing the lamb wrapped up in a towel and trying to get a bottle into her.   

I made a tray of biscuits for the girls.  Of all the choices they wanted Bunny Biscuits (like at Easter) so there I was decorating these at 9 pm Wednesday night!

So it was a busy week!  
Today I am trying to have a catch up kind of day.  There is a lot to do.  

I really hope you had a week full of opportunities to get ahead, add to your savings, pantry and preparedness.   It is so good to consider our week and be thankful for our blessings. 

Have a wonderful weekend! xxx


  1. Annabel your property is coming together so beautifully. It will be worth all the hard work and the effort involved. You wanted a country life with a large veg garden, a pumpkin patch, orchard and animals. You have all that you wanted. Well done.
    This week I discovered a bit more on the secrets of spinning wool. I am now concentrating on 'fast hands. slow peddle'. I have been going the other way around. My yarn actually looks like yarn. Woohoo.
    I discovered circular looms that you can do 'French Knitting' on and produce beanies from. So far I have made five beanies and am going to be making more very soon.
    The little girls have had a bit more added to their winter outfits. I must get these posted on Monday. The cousing of the DIL and partner to our sons best mate, is due to give birth at any moment. I have made a newborn beanie and have a couple of other gifts to send. They didnt find out the gender of their little one so we are all waiting to see if Garrett has a little sister or brother.
    It has been quite warm here and I have been planting seeds and seedlings in my garden. If everything comes up there will be no space and friends and neighbours will be being given lots of veg.
    Life is lovely and warm good.

    1. Dear Jane,
      Yes it is coming together. And I already have good things to report next week! So exciting!
      Well done on the spinning. I found longer fleeces easier and it well brushed and nice and smooth then it feeds in nicely.
      I saw your first beanie I think. We used to do a small version of that and call it Tom Boy stitch. I think it would be a great way to make hats.
      How exciting on the new baby!
      I hope everything in the garden dos come up. Since it is warm I bet it does! You will be in for abundance! Have a good weekend! With love

  2. Annabel, you are amazing with those baby animals!!! I hope your latest addition survives, poor little thing … glad you showed up when you did. I would love to have rain tanks like yours, that is such a wise and prudent addition to your farm.

    1. Dear Patsi,
      The little one is still going. Am trying! When the tanks are full they are all our household water. When rain water is low then we go on to part bore water (underground water) and that isn't too bad. We have other rain water tanks on the sheds i.e. the shearing shed, hay shed, other sheds and houses. So it is amazing. But these will be best as perfectly clean inside and good for drinking. And it is raining so they are filling up!
      Have a good weekend Patsi! with love

  3. Poor lamb! I hope your attention pays off.
    Those water tanks are great! Well done.

    1. Dear Earthmotherwithin, It has been raining and lovely water is filling my tanks. When they are full I think I will celebrate! So far the lamb is doing ok. It is a slow process with this one but I am trying. Luke told me this lamb has no hope which makes me more determined! Have a lovely weekend! With love

  4. Dear Annabel, I have a unwell little lady on my couch who loved the photos of your growing tribe. Poor thing has been home from school all week, was going to go today but woke up with a really sore, infected throat and cried everytime she swallowed, so we were back to the Dr a second time for this week, this morning. He says this is end part of virus that began on Monday with fever, roaring headache etc. He said as she is 12 to give adult panadol 4 times today and to crush an asprin and gargle that. He said this was what was cheapest and best and that it worked for him last year. I have some oils burning also and have just given her a bowl of Nana's soup (which luckily I had in freezer from when her braces were tightened and she requested from Nan), it is ham soup and so good for her. I am making up jelly, custard and a few other things this afternoon. I wish there was two of me today. I am glad you went to your daughters when you did and saw the lamb and I hope this new little lucky one survives. Its been a topsy turvey week here wth sickness ansd trying to keep our little dog quiet with stiches - which come out today. I have been working on my big crochet rug for our King size bed, it is greys, white and browns, I was able to get some sparkly white wool to edge it. We were happy to receive a phone call from my daughters school yesterday saying we had won two prises in fundraising raffle - a quilt and a $250.00 gift card to a local club for meals. Both much apreciated. Have a great weekend. Love Clare

    1. Dear Clare, Wow! To win two prizes is amazing! A quilt is wonderful and meals out too, how nice. Enjoy and make the most of those!
      I really hope M is feeling much better. Sounds like she has been pretty unwell. Rest is best. There is nothing you can do really to hurry a virus up except to look after yourself. I am glad she will have soup as that is as you say good for her. Also I am glad my lamb adventures are entertaining her! So the latest is the new little one is doing pretty well. She is a terrible drinker so very time consuming. But still improving. Jellybean is good. She still wears her little jacket at night. But no she seems not so little with a new baby here! Jelly bean is doing very well!
      You did have your hands full this week Clare. I hope the weekend is a rest for you! With much love

  5. Annabel,
    I am pleased to hear your mum was well enough to go see the girls. How industrious you are! I love seeing your growing animal Nursery! Such a cast of characters and the newest addition must be so pleased you came along. Hopefully she survives 😰 No wonder you need those epsom salt baths!! Everything is looking just amazing.

    Here we have rearranged big heavy wall units in our dining and family room. It felt like moving house as they hold an extraordinary amount of storage. I have washed and reorganised everything so it gets better access and use. The big tv cabinet is now my pantry space. I love it but will need to make a curtain to cover the (now) open shelving in what was the tv space. I cannot believe how different everything looks even though I bought nothing! All the pretty china and glassware etc we are going to use more often. If it breaks, it breaks. More a shame to never use or enjoy these lovely things. I have repurposed items for a second life or use and sent some up to the op shop. It feels good to give it a big overhaul. I think winter can be such a productive time.

    I am tackling kitchen cupboards next if I have remaining energy next week 😂

    It is so nice reading everyone's comments and how they are managing.

    Love, Kaye xoxo

    1. Dear Kaye, A big entertainment unit would hold a lot. Another alternative is to fit it out with baskets. Then from the front you just see nice baskets and this looks really good. Finding exact right measurements is the thing but usually you can find them. I turned a cube unit into food storage this way.
      I think it is good to use the nice china too. They are beautiful and bring joy to every day! I love pretty cups and saucers and little jugs with roses and all of it!
      It sounds like a really busy but good week. A rearrange is a good thing. I love a good sort out!
      The baby lamb is doing fairly well. This one has been time consuming! We have had more rain into our new tanks! Have a good weekend! With love

  6. Dear Annabel,
    I'm going to try and comment again as a weird message came up. It was a really good thing that you came along the lamb when you did. Your loving care will go a very long way towards the survival of this precious little thing.

    It has been a very busy week here with annual doctors appointments and errands. We've had torrential rains almost every afternoon making it seem like the tropics rather than northeast US. During our errands we noticed how high grocery prices have gone on certain items and the fact that items we are used to having just aren't available.Just as a for instance we saw celery at $5 a stalk in one store, $4 in another, and fresh cream up to $6 a pint in another, radishes $3 for 8 radishes. Volatile weather and flooding has sure having a huge effect on our farmers and ultimately supply and demand.
    I'm grateful to have our garden, as well as veggies I planted in pots to enlarge it.
    I did manage to make some Father's Day cards in the midst of everything this week but that's about it. Next week looks to be another busy one out of the house. Thankfully, we don't have to go into the city to accomplish what needs to get done. We're also hoping for a couple of days without rain as we're waiting to get 3 windows replaced and it can't be done in the inclement weather. Even with all of the rain and busy-ness it's been a very good week. I'm looking forward to a restful weekend. My husband has requested that for Father's Day he'd like to go to our favorite Irish pub for dinner and to listen to the music. Amazingly, they also have a gluten free menu. Happy Father's Day to Andy and all of the other Bluebird Dads.
    Have a great weekend. Blessings, Cookie

    1. Dear Cookie, So far (Sunday now) the lamb is going ok. Gradual improvement anyway...
      Some of the English girls are telling me they have torrential rain as well! I am thinking prices of many things from meat and dairy to fruit and veg... anything corn related, is going to co up so much. Maybe eggs.. I am not sure if poultry is fed corn there.
      The pub evening sounds lovely and so good they cater for you. I recently found a cafe with a ton of GF options. It is a joy to get something from there!
      Our Fathers Day is in September yet I think Mothers Day is the same day for both. That is one of those odd things! I do hope you get your restful weekend and the new week will be good! With much love

  7. Annabel, Oh, I absolutely love how well all the animals get along with each other. Prayers your new baby will get stronger. How heartbreaking to find her in that condition.
    Your farm is coming along so well with all your hard work, you will have pastures growing in no time with all your clearing.

    We are busy here with the sun room construction, every day it seems there are things to decide on, little to big hiccups to deal with. As our contractor said, might have been easier to put in a small pond. Our walls are finally tiled in pantry, so another step closer to completion.
    Between running around with construction needs, home needs, even a trip to Sam's Club with a list from Son, it's his birthday and we are doing a pantry stocking present along with a grill, for obvious reasons but also if power goes out at his house, he can still cook.
    All of my flower gardens and bushes are growing so quickly I am behind on trimming, though I do it weekly.
    I have baked using up 5 apples, into 24 muffins and a large coffee cake. Made jam with 2 lbs of strawberries that froze in frig. Transplanted houseplants to freshen them up and added two planters on my front porch railings to make the house more welcoming, trying to talk husband into a glider or swing for front porch also and hanging baskets of flowers.
    Prayers are with your new addition to your animal family.
    May you continue to have such wonderful progress with your farm.
    Love, Rosanne

    1. Dear Rosanne, I think your gift to your son is just wonderful. A very good investment type of gift.
      I know renovations are so disruptive. I hope it goes smoothly from now on.Well done on the beautiful cake and muffins. I just love coffee cake!
      You did get a lot done this week. I hope the new week will be good for you! With much love and thanks for your encouragement. Love

  8. Oh Annabel poor little lamb looks so down and cold sitting in front of the fire and I am glad to hear it has pepped up a bit. Your rainwater tanks are wonderful and look to be about 5000 gallon tanks each which will supply you a lot of water. Your firewood pile must be looking quite substantial and I know you will be glad to have around the home cleaned for bush fire season.

    Our Vicky challenge added up to $97.85 in savings last week :).

    In the kitchen -
    - Made all meals and bread from scratch.
    - Made 2 x 1.45 kg homemade apple pies saving $18.55 over buying equivalent supermarket variety ones.
    - Made a double batch of chocolate chip & coconut biscuits saving $15.34 and a single batch of white sauce/pudding premix saving another $25.30 over buying it in pre-prepared packets in the supermarkets.

    Listings and finances -
    - Listed 10 items on eBay on a free listing promotion saving $16.50 on usual listing fees.
    - Claimed meal and travel allowances by sending away forms to DVA on all DH's medical appointments for the last year. This will go a long way to topping up our fuel budget for some time without money coming out of our normal budget.
    - Purchased a 48 pk roll of Emporia toilet paper from Aldi on super special saving $22.16 over purchasing the same brand in Woolworths.

    In the gardens -
    - Finished digging our fence post holes with our post hole auger for our kangaroo garden enclosure. It took 2 goes first one got us down to 40 cm and then the second session got the holes down to 60 cm after soaking the soil with water. Not an easy task and I might add since then we have muscles on our muscles too and been sore all week :0. Post hole augers are definitely not easy on the body in really hard soil like we have here.

    Hope everyone has got everything they wanted to do accomplished last week :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. Dear Lorna,
      I thought it was very good on claiming the travel allowance. Very often form filing out is off putting and I am sure many people just dont get to it. But it is worth it to your fuel as you say.
      The apple pies sound beautiful as do the biscuits.
      Haha I know the feeling re the muscles. I kid you not farm living is good for fitness! Those holes are tough to dig. As it turns out we are about to do a heap of digging too. Mind you our soil is quite sandy so it might not be too bad. The reason why I will save to next Friday but it is exciting!
      The tanks are 15,000 litres! It is big storage. We had the pads and space from removing the old tanks so we stuck to the same size and it saved us preparing a spot for them. Now to fill them!
      So it was a good week of getting things done for us both which is so satisfying and good. I hope the new week will hold more progress for us all too. With much love

  9. What a great week. Those rain barrels are nice! Fresh pure rain water is so lovely to have in hand. Nothing like God's water!!
    Oh that poor baby. The right person found it. I am sure it will be healthy and strong in no time.
    Love your little farm

    1. Dear Cheryl, Thank you! The lamb has improved a bit daily so I am getting more hopeful now. After drinking rainwater and washing your hair in it nothing else is the same. It is beautiful. Have a very good new week! With love

  10. You are Annabel the lamb healer! I love that. Such a great week you had! Have a wonderful weekend and rest!

    1. Thanks Vickie. I did have a fairly quiet Sunday and it was lovely. Now ready for the new week! xxx

  11. Your lambs make Hubby and I smile every week! I hope the poor wee one makes it. Glad to hear your Mum is doing better and those tanks are beautiful!

    Mosquitoes have been terrible here after all the rain so our neighbor's boys constructed bat houses and they borrowed our tall ladder to put them up last night. We are all hopeful that they help.Our weather has been cool after the early heatwave so we have really been enjoying getting outside before the heat returns.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Dear Lana, It is lovely your husband enjoys the lambs and our antics too. We have bad mosquitos too for part of the year. I hope the bats will help. I do not like getting bites. They are disease carrying. We have an electric zapper device outside which works very well but only for a certain radius. Beyond that it is crazy!
      Have a wonderful new week, with love

  12. The country life is one adventure after another! Your little farm babies are adorable. I lived in the country for a few years back in the day and I was always busy with one chore or something - always something going on. Luckily I was much younger then and had the energy. My husband and I recently thought about getting a place with acreage, but then we began to think about chickens and a big garden, and clearing the land and maintaining it and got ourselves exhausted just thinking about it! We've gotten used to our suburban life and I think we're just going to stay put. If our grown kids lived nearby and could live on the property and help out it would be different. I'm glad I had the opportunity to experience the country life at one time though! Your work hard, but feel accomplished at the end of the day!

    1. Dear Kathy,
      You could have a little homestead in suburbia. I am not sure with where you live but we still kept chickens in the city and out veggie gardena and fruit trees etc. I like the food security and the joy of it all. I know several people who really have it all in their backyard. That can be a compromise! I love it here. And I have a new baby coming too! It gets more and more interesting lo! I hope you have a wonderful new week. With love,

  13. Heart warming and heart breaking post all in one. I love your flock/heard and always show them to Mike. Looks like a lot of us are praying for that precious little one you found and hoping for the best for it. Your naan looks so good! As does the firewood and wood pile. Those rain tanks are fantastic -- how rich you are! It's good to hear that your mom is geeling better. Kidney stones are just about the worst. Hope all of you have a good weekend.

    1. Dear Mary,
      The baby is doing pretty well! I am starting to get more optimistic. I do feel very blessed with the rain water tanks and the wood and everything. Thank you re Mum she is heaps better. Hello to Mike also! Have a wonderful new week! With love

  14. Dear Annabel,

    That little lamb must have a guardian angel who knew where to align the lamb and it’s saviour at the right place and time 🙏😍

    After having a nasty virus last week, which saw me confined to bed for days and then not able to do much when I did get up, I threw myself into work with gusto this week as I was feeling better!

    I cashed in some rewards points on my credit card and bought $200 worth of Bunnings vouchers, with that I purchased a complete worm farm, I’ve set it all up, and can not wait to start harvesting that precious worm tea! And it cost me nothing! I also bought some soil and compost which I used in the Orchard to top up soil.

    The paddock was mowed, the Orchard weeded, watered and mulched and everything looks so nice now.

    I made a batch of cumquat marmalade from the first harvest off my cumquat tree! It’s only been planted for about 9 months!

    I worked an extra shift this week, so extra money in the bank! And I baked some homemade goodies to fill our tummies and use up some old apples!

    I’ve had a great week, and I plan to keep the momentum going!! 😊

    1. Dear Cheryl,
      So far the lamb is doing ok... today I saw a lot of improvement so I am getting cautiously hopeful!
      I am so glad you are feeling better. I am so happy for you with the worm farm! Good investment. I think you had a really productive week.
      I also have apples that are getting old. I am planning some uses for them this week to try and keep up with them. I am not wasting any either. They can make so much! I hope the new week will be as good for you! Well done! With love

  15. Debby in Kansas, USA14 June 2019 at 14:03

    Annabel, I'll say it again... God bless you for taking care of those little orphans. I nearly wept when I saw that wee one.

    I can imagine how exciting those new water tanks are! And it's wonderful that you've already gotten some rain.

    Your posts make my muscles cower in shame over all the work you do. And you still make time to make such beautiful treats for your grands! Those bunnies were darling.

    1. Thanks Debby. It looks like by the end of the week I will have another new baby! I will leave this until Friday!
      I am so pleased about the tanks. They are huge. I had to convert to tell you but they hold apparently 8000 gallons combined. I hope that is right... we do litres. So they store a lot.
      Thanks for so much encouragement. My muscles got a slight rest today apart from helping Andy unload a trailer of wood. The exercise is kind of incidental but really adds up! Have a good new week! Love

  16. I just love reading all about your 'new' life on the farm. How lovely it all is!

    1. Thank you Terri! I am loving it so very much. I hope you have a wonderful new week! xxx

  17. Annabel you are the animals angel right now! Those poor wee creatures would not have survived without you! What a great, although I'm sure 'exhausting' week. I had a big week at my out-of-home job, and that too was exhausting but rewarding. I also managed to make Amaretti for a colleagues baby shower, cottage pies for home, and a gluten free lasagne for son who is visiting tomorrow. My She Shed is finished and I am gradually unpacking and finding the right space for everything, and I'm really looking forward to sewing again! A lovely week for all, and I'm glad your Mum is doing well. Lots of love, Mimi xxx

    1. Dear Mimi, Persoannly I cant wait until you are sewing again. I know it will give me inspiration. I love your pretty pillowcases, they are an all time favourite. Also looking forward to seeing more of your special craft room. It sounds amazing and I saw your mannequin! Gorgeous! It sounds a busy week for us both! Have a good weekend! With love

  18. I get such inspiration and delight reading of your life on the farm. Oh Annabel, the time has flown since we both moved! May God bless you even more and those wee darlings you have adopted.
    Much love

    1. Thank you Jenny. Yes goodness... you, me and Roseanne also... we were all waiting on hoping and praying for our homes! All together! It isn't even a year and look where we are. God is good, so good. xxx

  19. wow, i finally caught up had to go back several pages too! my you have been very busy but that's what it's all about on a farm, even a little farm! glad you are enjoying it! just don't forget to take time out for yourself to slow down for at least a day.
    wonderful post
    thanx for sharing

    1. Dear Selina,
      I did have a very quiet and nice Sunday! It was lovely and a perfect sunny day too. I think I can have a fairly slow Monday too (all things going well...) and maybe get some sewing done. I really hope so!
      Have a beautiful new week! With love

  20. So happy to hear of your "mothering" tales. Glad the new pet pantry is working well. I'm so inspired! I did a similar thing w/ organizing our laundry room when we moved to this house last year. I bought just what I needed and knew exactly how I wanted to set it up. Works like a charm! So blessed to have had a small fund to buy bins and shelves.

    Sorry to hear about your mom being unwell. Your parents are both such balls of energy, I forget they are near 80!

    A local food pantry had extra ears of corn. I was blessed w/ 42 ears! My kids are enjoying summer break on the bike trail. They picked 32 oz. of mulberries, and some cherries for pies. A large artist canvas was passed on to us at church when we were helping w/ clean-up after an event. My 12 yr. old daughter painted a lovely floral spray. It now hangs in the girls' freshly painted room. The painting is the first thing you see as you enter the really draws you in! The 5 girls love their "new" room. I was also able to pull some fabric from my stash for curtains. The curtains compliment the room color so well, you'd think they were matched ahead of time. :) God is so good.
    I finished weaving 2 chairs for my porch. My husband found the metal chair frames w/ torn wicker in someone's trash pile. We cut the wicker off. I wove stone and pale gray macrame cord for the seats & backs. Very chic! Only cost me $16 total. :)

    Blessings to Annabel & all you lovely Bluebirds!
    Thanks for your inspiration,

    1. Dear Leslie, I am so glad you have shelves and bins also. What a help good storage and organisation is! I love it.
      Thank you re Mum. She is so much better.
      Leslie it is good about the corn and I have heard the corn crop will be bad this year so to have corn is great. Mulberries are so beautiful. So are cherries. Full of goodness too!
      It is lovely your daughter painted that canvas! She would have enjoyed that and now you have a special artwork.
      That bedroom is sounding lovely. How beautiful to have five daughters.
      I am so impressed you wove chair seats! That is amazing. Well done! What a good week! I hope this week will be great too. Already this week is off to a good start for me so far at least! With much love,

  21. You are sure acquiring a bunch of animals. You have such a great soul to help all of these little ones. The cookies look so cute. I am glad your mom is feeling better.

    1. Thank you so much! I just acquired another animal I think! I will know by Friday anyway.... Thank you re Mum also. It was so nice to be able to go down to see the girls with her. I hope you have a good new week! xxx

  22. You have a kind and tender heart Annabel. THank you for all that you do and all that you share with us.

    1. Dear Veronica, Thank you so much! My week has been another busy one so lots to report tomorrow! I hope it has been a good week for you! With love,


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