The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

The Christmas Challenge. Stamping.

Last week Phyllis (who is incredibly creative and versatile with her crafts) mentioned that she had a number of stamps and ink pads and was looking for ideas for what she could make using them.

Rubber stamps were a big trend in crafting a while ago and many of us ended up with some of these. I had heaps!  So of the designs didn't age so well and I donated those but others I still love!  I thought this would be a good time to get them out and make a few goodies.

There are just so many things you can use them for.  Lets brainstorm as we should put them back into use!

First of all I made a pile of gift tags.  These are always useful and also double as food labels.

My favourite stamps are crowns and chandeliers.  The addition of just a few dobs of sparkly glitter  (stick on dots or glitter glue) makes a difference! 

I am thinking stamping plain wrapping paper or delicate issue paper would be gorgeous.  Also something the kids could do.   A stamp in the corner of a paper napkin for a party... goodie bags and gift bags.

I stamped a pile of little white paper bags to use as treat bags for cooking gifts.

For a party you could have a theme... I am thinking I need to get myself a ballerina stamp...

Stamping works on fabric too.   You can make gorgeous ribbon just from torn strips of pretty florals or calico...

Of course you can stamp regular cards and envelopes, invitations etc.

Barb gave me these beautiful stamps.  I LOVE pretty envelopes.   The front of these look so pretty!   You could do seed packets,  envelopes to give cash or gift cards,  wedding stationary,  shopping lists, 
sticky notes...

I am working on making sets of recipe cards.  I really like recipe cards but I have just started on these with stamps Barb also sent me! 

When I complete this project I will show how it turns out.  

I would quite like to find stamps with herbs and medical bottles and write up the uses for essential oils and remedies for my medical cabinet.  Something to look out for.
Another possibility would be to stamp plain stickers to add to jars, bottles and baked goods.

My stamps will be out few a few days yet.  Today I am off to see Hilde and shop the southern area fruit and veg shops and op shops.  Also Aldi!  So I have a big day.

If you have uses for rubber stamps please share as I love it when everything old is new again and we can use what we have maybe in a new way!

Thank you Barb for giving me beautiful stamps... they are just right, the birds and birdcages are gorgeous and the mixmaster and cooking things are perfect for recipe cards and I thought if I get a plain hard cover book I would stamp the pages in the corners and create a cooking book or journal.

I hope your week is going well!  See you on Friday! xxx


  1. Thank you as you have given me some new ideas.. I have purchased several of many types and designs over the years at yard sales. Now I have some new ideas on using them.

    1. Thanks Cheryl, I think so many of us have them! They are a great kids activity too. When the girls are older I will teach them this as I bet they will love it! xxx

  2. Annabel those recipe card stamps are gorgeous. I am rather envious of those.
    I have a 'handmade by' stamp that I stamp material with to put on the back of the quilts I make as my label. My wrapping paper for Birthdays is a stamped roll of brown paper. I have different coloured inks and this gives the paper a bit of interest. I make blank cards but then have stamps that can be used for different occasions. Stamps are quite a versatile addition to our craft cupboard.

    1. Dear Jane, I love the sound of the handmade stamp on the quilts. Lovely. I could do with some different coloured inks! I have rather enjoyed this and I have always loved recipe cards so this is a project Im still working on! With love

    2. Jane, do you have to have a special ink to use on fabric that would withstand washing? I also like the idea of using stamps on fabric and embellishing with embroidery.


    3. Phyllis I use a special fabric ink stamp pad I bought at Spotlight. I use a laundry marker pen for writing any messages on the stamped label.

  3. I love your stamping Annabel. In fact, stamping strips of old torn sheet for gift ribbon is one of my most favourite tips from you ever! I wrap soaps in plain A4 paper and stamp an image of a birdcage, fan, bird, crown, chandelier or a few pretty words on it. As you mentioned, a few dots of glitter glue or stick on crystals and you have a boutique worthy gift. I've also used stamps as a template for embroidery, but make sure the ink is as close in colour to your thread as possible. You can use them to impress the image onto home made soap bars, just do it while they're still soft and fresh to get the best possible result. You can stamp onto t-shirts and pillowcases if you colour the stamp with a permanent marker. Test on some scrap fabric first. They make pretty business/calling cards. How often to you go to give someone your phone number, and realise you need a pen and paper. Keep a dozen business sized cards in your wallet instead and stamp them with the image and write your name and number on them. I'll add more if I think of them. Love, Mimi xxx

    1. Thanks Mimi! The other one I love is the tulle for parcels. It just looks heavenly and is so darn cheap. The soap wrapping is a great idea!
      Also calling cards/business cards. That is brilliant! Thank you!xxx

    2. Oh I love tulle it is my favorite thing to work with from decorating packages and baskets, making pom poms decorating bucket handles and jars making bags for food gifts beautiful curtains or bed skirts and of course tutus, dresses and head bands.

  4. I have stamped plain cloth napkins using fabric paint. I did dragon flies and the turned put quite nice.

  5. Thanks, Annabel!

    Where have stamps been all my crafting life? I guess when I wanted an image I usually just drew it and enjoyable as that is, it's time-consuming. Stamps are so quick and easy. I have a blank recipe book which could benefit from a bit of decoration and I love the recipe card idea. Still toying with the idea of stamping fabric and adding embroidery, beads, etc. I see Mimi answered my question about the washable ink - use an indelible marker. So many good ideas. What fun!


  6. Your stamping is so pretty, especially with the touches of glitter! What a great idea.

    If you have any unmounted stamps, those are great for making pretty textured soaps. You just "glue" the rubber stamp, textured side facing you, to the bottom of the soap mold with a little dab of melted soap. Wait a moment for it to dry, then fill mold with soap and let set and unmold as usual. After you peel the stamp from your bar of soap, there is a lovely embossed design! This has been a big hit for gifts, and really fun to do.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  7. oooh, I LOVE your use of glitter glue on the stamped images. So clever, and makes something fairly simple into something rather elegant!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I love seeing what you are up to... always something clever and interesting.

  10. Just today I used up the last of one of the crown stamped gift tags that you gifted me Annabel. It looked very stylish as the only adornment to a black cardboard gift box.

    I am lucky to have picked up a number of stamps from op shops and am loving these ways to use them. Thank you everyone.

    I am wondering if anyone has a good supplier they use for the gift tags and bulk cardboard for cardmaking? I have tried finding a wholesaler but without much luck.

    1. Dear Lorax, I think eBay is your best bet. Etsy is awesome for this kind of stuff too but you have to watch postage... I am trying to get glassine paper bags, little ones and the choice of bulk stuff is amazing and cheap! It can take some searching. Also Ali Express... holy cow do some searches there! Truly amazing prices. I am so glad you used the cards and they were handy! With love,

    2. Thank you Annabel, I will look into that.

      For now I am seeing what I can do with bits and pieces that I have. I have a whole heap of sage green manilla folders that I no longer use so am thinking of re-purposing them....

  11. Lovely post as usual Annabel, your stamps are beautiful,love the gift tags and the plain white bag idea.
    Like Lorax I was wondering where you source these items is it art suppliers or do you use the internet? Thankyou again cheers Bevo xx

  12. Love the beautiful stamps...especially the glitter in strategic spots! Lots of love, Jen in NS

  13. Dear Annabel, Thankyou for the inspiration. I didn't have any wrapping paper appropriate for two year old boy present - you got me thinking, and getting out my stamps and using butcher paper from a recent move (that I'm sorry to admit I nearly threw out as I couldn't see a use for it ) and Voila very fun paper at no cost. Thanks again Clare T

  14. Thank you everyone! Time got away from me on this one. Thanks for all the ideas. I am still stamping especially working on rice cards! xxx


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