The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Sunday 25 February 2018

The World Within our Walls. Kelley's Inspiration Station.

Last week we saw how Kelsey had moved into the ranch and managed to add a woman touch and create for herself some areas to write, sew and have quiet time.  She took what she had and made it so lovely!

Today we are having a tour of Kelley's craft room. She calls it her Inspiration Station.
My craft room is my downfall.  I have cluttered myself out of it.  Most of my house is in pretty good shape but not this room.  When I don't know where to put something I put it in there.  And so I have made my own room unusable and it is certainly not inspirational.  Doing this also means the quiet and peace I should have from escaping into the craft room is ruined and it can't be doing my actual creativity any good either!   So I am currently working hard to make it over.

Kelley has created herself a very personal place to work.  Like Kelsey this obviously is a success as the things she makes are beautiful!
Kelley has explained what she did to make this room and her set up, the things she makes and how she uses them. I am sure you will find this inspiring...

- Spray paint the frame of a folding table, recover the top with pretty fabric, and top it with glass.
USE:  I love to craft, cut, glue, decoupage, hand-sew, sketch and draw at this table.
- Make slipcovers for ottomans using thrifted tablecloths.
USE:  Ottomans are great because they can be easily moved anywhere else in the house.  Even better, the slipcovers are washable!
- A floral tablecloth cut in half and thumb tacks make instant valances.
STORY:  This beautiful 1950s linen tablecloth was still in the package when I bought it.  The previous owner must’ve had a “someday” frame of mind, only “someday” never came.

- Pad an old bulletin board with a piece of embroidery.
USE:  This bulletin board has served two other family members and been in our household for nearly two decades.  It has cork and batting under my DIBBLE embroidery, making it a great place to pin ideas I rip out of magazines, or drawings of my ideas for future projects.
- Hang an old ceramic scissors holder as a flower vase.
USE:  It’s just too cute to put scissors in, wouldn’t you agree?
- Fill shoes with flowers as wall art.
USE:  I have a thing about shoes, antique shoes.  I love to use shoes as wall art!  Perhaps some very special feet walked in those shoes.  When I see them on the wall, my heart smiles!

- Display your handmaidens in a pretty, organized way.
USE:  (a) I nearly pitched this old thread spool holder, and instead, padded and covered it with fabric.  Since the tropical sun fades any thread I display, instead, this piece holds measuring tapes and embroidery hoops.  (b)  My broom and dust pan match my Inspiration Station!  (c)  A wicker basket holds felt rolls.

- Rip off an old lamp shade cover and stitch a piece of lace to it.
USE:  It shows a great deal more light with this prettier lamp shade.  I also decoupaged the stand because the old finish was faded.
- Turn a floral-beaded dress into a sewing machine cover.
I bought the dress at a thrift store, knowing it would make a darling sewing machine cover.  All the flowers are beaded!  It’s precious!
- Spray the wrought iron base of an old Singer machine and top it with a slab of marble, glass or wood.
USE:  I saw this idea in a magazine more than two decades ago.  I bought the old sewing machine for $35 and before you could say “sewing machine,” I had it unscrewed off of there!  Makes a great desk, too!  
- Fold a poster board into a dress as wall art.  Trim it with lace, buttons and pattern tissue ruffles.
HOW:  Look online at ideas for paper folding.

- Spray paint a desk lamp's base the right color.
HOW:  Tape off everything well before spraying.  Light sprayed layers, and several layers— that is the way to spray paint for a professional finish!
- Bookoupage a desk— decoupage using book pages.  Top the desk with doilies and a piece of glass.
HOW:  The more yellowed the pages, the better I think for decoupage!  I especially love to bookoupage with maps!

#6  Park a desk in front of a window-reflecting mirror or by the light of a sunny window.
ME:  I especially love to work during daylight.  At my desk is where I love to savor Wednesdays (“Quiet Day”), write, read, plan my embroidered greeting cards other projects, and all our beautiful days.

It hasn’t cost a lot to surround myself with pretty, useful handmaidens in my Inspiration Station.  Mostly, I have shopped my own house!  The “rubbish" one has could be repurposed into useful, dependable handmaidens.  Look again at it with fresh eyes!  

Thank you so much Kelley!  There are a  LOT of ideas in this post. I am pinching a lot!  The doilies under the glass on the desk and the recovered lamp are two I will use. 
Most of all I am just motivated that I need to keep going and get my own room into ship shape.  I made quite a bit of progress in the last couple of weeks.  A room like this is my dream.
Now I know a whole room is not possible for everyone.  But maybe a desk is in the way that Kelsey used a small space for her desk and made it a little retreat in itself.  Wall space can be used with very little floor space!   But to get these lovely spaces both ladies created them.  And we can too.  Even if it is your bedside drawers you can create something lovely, just for you.

To do this we might have to have a big clean out, clear clutter,  re organise... and this is where The World Within our Walls is heading next.... cleaning and organisation!

Have a wonderful week!  xxx


  1. Kelley your 'Inspiration Station is truly inspirational. I love your term bookoupage, as it descrbes what you have done so beautifully. Thank you for sharing your beautiful space with us.

    1. Dear Jane, I knew you would enjoy Kelleys sewing room as you are such a sewer. I think we all gravitate to our sewing places and creation places! It is so nice! I hope you are having a creating week! With love

    2. Thank you, Jane. You’re very kind!


  2. Karen in Wisconsin25 February 2018 at 17:45

    Annabel and fellow bluebirds: I came across an online herbal medicine learning site and wanted to pass the info on! I had looked at a few different sites, but the cost of the classes just weren't in my budget right now. (Lots of medical bills for my son's brain injury). I came upon There are several classes, videos with different herbalists, etc. it's quite extensive and I feel that I will learn a lot! They have a special going on until March 1st. You can try Herb Mentor/Learning Herbs for $1 (US) for a week trial. You can cancel at the end of that week, or it's $7.99 per month. If you feel that you love the site right off, you can pay $77 for the year. All classes are included.

    I'm ready to expand my knowledge about herbs, essential oils, and homeopathy. It's so nice to find frugal resources to do so. I have really enjoyed reading this blog and being a part of the Bluebirds. Blessings to all!

    1. You may want to look into Dr. Christopher'S School of Natural Healing. They have a Facebook page and an email newsletter and is free unless you go to their classes. They have a radio talk show that can be accessed via their Facebook page. It is also free. I do both and it has been very helpful. In general you do not need to pay for such knowledge.

    2. Sorry for multiple responses but there is a wealth of free information on essential oils at If you read everything under the education tab you will learn so much and it is also free.

    3. Dear Karen, Thank you so much. I am the same, I just want to learn as much as I can. Thank you Lana for your suggestions. I have been reading the Hopewell oils newsletters and really finding them great. I will check out the Facebook page you mention also, many thanks! Love

  3. I Love the tablecloth turned curtains and the re-do of the folding table...fabulous.

  4. Wow!! I absolutely love this room of yours. I'm gonna pinch some ideas from you, too ;))

  5. I too have a craft room that had become hard to get into! Anything that I picked up that didn't have a 'right now' home ended up in there! After my last frantic search for an item I knew I had I sat down and made a plan. My craft room is not cute, attractive or lovely; it is however very organized. I have a 5 shelf rack for sewing, one for genealogy, bins for yarn and boxes for fabric, shoeboxes covered with contact paper for notions, canning jars for buttons (separated by color) and a few garage style storage bins for small screws that I use for pins and needles and beads. It was cheap and it is functional - and best of all I have room to work!

    1. Dear Kathy, Well done! It does seem that this room gets everything and easily gets out of control. I am in the process of doing what you have. I am getting there! Space is so important to be able to set up anything, cut out etc. Your room sounds wonderfully organised. With love

    2. Dear Kathy,

      I sure love all of your inspirational ideas!

      I too enjoy genealogy! I want to get some of our old photos framed and displayed eventually.


  6. Isn't it amazing what a few pieces of fabric can do to transform a room into a pretty room.

    1. Indeed, Tealady Bluebird! Look at things with fresh eyes, hm?


  7. Dear Kelsey your craft room is just beautiful !
    All the detail and co ordination .
    Love Maria xxx

  8. Dearest Kelley, what a dreamy space, and one within everyones reach with a little hard work and imagination. Just beautiful, and completely inspirational! Mimi xxx

    1. Dear Mimi, There is so much personality in this space. I love how we all have our own colours, styles and it shines through! With love

    2. Dearest Mimi,

      Thank you, my friend!


  9. Kelley your Inspiration Station craft room is lovely. I love all the bright sunshine just pouring in the windows. And you highlight my favorite colors :)

    The room is inspiring indeed! Thank you for sharing your many creative ideas.

  10. I love it all but especially the beaded dress sewing machine cover. I need to get busy on my space here!

    1. Dear Lana,

      Thank you, dear. My sewing machine handmaiden loves wearing her beaded dress!


  11. I loved the redo of the folding table. I have one downstairs that needs some TLC. I may have to borrow your idea. My sewing room is also a catch all for everything. I have been working at it but it doesn't look like I have made much progress. Beautiful room Kelley. Paula in Kansas

    1. Dear Paula, I think it is so much nicer than I would ever think of for a folding table! I am chipping away at my craft room too! We will get there! With love

    2. Keep plugging away, Paula. Annabel’s right: You’ll get there!


  12. I am in awe of all of these beautiful rooms and spaces. What a blessing for Kelsey and Kelly.
    Blessings Tanya xxx

    1. From beautiful Kelsey inside her spectacular creative space and from me here on Guam, thank you, Tanya!


  13. Kelley, wow your Inspiration Station is magnificent. I love how you have transformed everyday items into something beautiful! That folding table is so pretty and is definitely one idea I am going to copy; I also love doilies, so that was such a clever idea :) I am so impressed with what you have created from things that you already have. It looks so tidy and organised and I bet is a very calming space. Thank you for sharing. Love, Bridge

    1. Dear Bridge,

      Thank you for your kind comments!


  14. Kelly what a lovely space you have created. It is wonderful to have a space that is full of inspiration and a place to just dream and create.
    My current space of inspiration is sitting in the front yard and watching the birds and squirrels play and sing and standing at my kitchen window enjoying the beautiful blue sky,the hawks flying higher and higher. The beautiful sunsets as I do the dinner dishes. We are working towards having a beautiful welcoming home. Little bits at a time. Currently we are working on the front and back yard. Last week we were given more plants. Today we were given pavers but did have to pay to have them delivered. We are praying for more free plants and outdoor
    furnishings and shade. It is fun to see what God provides.
    Much love,

    1. Dear Patti,

      I love your current creative space, too! On Guam, no squirrels. On Guam, VERY few birds, thanks to the brown tree snake.

      Now, sunsets, we have those beyond breathtaking measure! When I set up the coffeemaker for tomorrow, I can see the moon at my kitchen window.

      One year ago we drew our swords and began doing battle with our own front lawn. Weeds should be spelled with 489,642 E’s in there, but there’s not enough room in this Comment space! Every Tuesday -read ALL day- I worked on that front yard. Some weeks we squeezed in another day and my husband and I did battle with the backyard.

      Our philosophy and conviction is that the appearance of our “Welcome” is a witness to how we feel about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. One year later, before I launch out for my morning walk, I stroll the entire perimeter of our rental’s lawns and can be heard to mutter, “Thank You, Lord, for this beautiful yard. All our hard labor in the sweltering sun paid off. Just look at it!”

      Like you, Patti, I choose “free” any day for the yard. In no time, new plants can be divided because they’ve grown so full and lush. This week I snipped off some Plumeria Pudica branches and spaced their little starts along the backyard fence. Before you know it, they’ll be flowering and bringing tropical delight to the eye!

      Amen: It is fun to see what God provides!


  15. Dear Annabel,

    That’s so true that an entire room is not available for everyone. We’re all in different seasons of our beautiful lives. While you and I are empty nesters, Kelsey requires a nursery in hers. The world within our walls is ours and there’s no other place like home.

    Even if it’s a little corner with a folding table parked in it, it’s amazing what a little spot will do for our creative moments. Keep plugging away at it! Before you can say, “If I painted this whole house, I can create a special space,” it will happen! It will!


    P.S. Thanks for the “feature.” *wink*

  16. Dear Kelley,
    Wow, your inspiration station is inspiring indeed! I love all of that light pouring into the room. That is something I lack that I'm looking to improve upon. Someday the walls will get a nice coat of white paint, but that's just not doable right now.
    I really like your creative decorating, and how things were carefully chosen to reflect your style and things you enjoy. Your makeovers are fabulous! I also like the baskets you use to hold things- those are on my list for my cube shelves to hide scraps, bits and pieces, supplies, etc, the things that don't look organized. I've also taken note of the lovely vases you have used to hold your pencils and scissors. I'll be thrifting for those now!
    Thank you for showing us your beautiful room!
    Love, Kelsey

    1. Dearest Kelsey,

      Thank you, sweetie. I’m so happy you have a space in which to create, dream, craft, sew and sew and sew! The s p a c e !!! Phenomenal!

      When there was no $ or time for paint, I washed the walls. I’ve been there! Just the gift of attention to a space reaps heaps, as Annabel says.

      Aren’t baskets wonderful? I know of a mom who covers her disposable diaper boxes with fabric and bookoupage and organizes with them as “baskets.” Genius!

      And truly, thrift stores and garage sales are the way to go! For vases, I love glass jars, too. Tie a ribbon on them or dress them in fabric, tada! Unique and all you!

      Thank you again for your kind comments, Kelsey!


  17. What a blessing to have such a beautiful sewing room to work in! I don't have a sewing room, one end of the kitchen table serves as my sewing area but you've got me thinking how I can work more efficiently in that area.

    1. Dear Patsi,

      Look out! She’s a woman with a plan!

      Thank you, dear.


  18. Dear Kelley, love your own space for your crafts, very inspiring
    Lorraine xxx

    1. Dear Lorraine,

      You’re very kind!



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