The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Friday 3 November 2017

Prayer request for Jane and Bluey.

For everyone who follows you will know Jane and Bluey. I have had a message from Jane and she is in the hospital. She found Bluey unconscious and things are looking very serious.   If I get further news I will post updates in comments.  So this is a request for all the prayers we can get please. xxx


  1. Dear Jane,
    My husband & I have prayed that Bluey's life be spared - for your sake, and for His name's sake - through the atoning blood of Jesus (for us all).
    Warm regards,

  2. Dear Jane,
    My husband and I are praying for Blue. Blessings, Cookie

  3. Dear Jane

    You and your beloved husband Bluey are in our thoughts at this time of need
    Aly xxx

  4. Dear Jane,
    I have just prayed for you both and will continue to.
    So much love to you, Kelsey

  5. Jane I am shooting through all my best wishes to Bluey and you, hoping you are already receiving good news. Fi xx

  6. Praying for both of you.

  7. Dear me, Jane. I will certainly be praying for Bluey. What a shock! Thanks for letting us know, Annabel.

  8. Praying for Jane and Bluey!

  9. Absolutely will add them to our prayers!

  10. Thank you Annabel for letting us know.

    Both yourself Jane and Bluey will be in our prayers.


  11. Oh Jane, not the news we want to hear. Praying for you and Bluey. May God give you both strength to get through this, Much love xx

    Thank you Annabel for letting us know.


  12. Prayers said for Bluey and Jane.


  13. Jane - please know that we are praying for you and Bluey. Prayers for complete healing. Please God place your healing hands upon him.
    God bless.

  14. Jane, My thoughts and prayers are with Bluey and You. (((HUGS)))

  15. Jane, I will be adding my prayers with everyone else for you and Bluey. Paula in Kansas

  16. So very sorry for them. Sending prayers. Shirley Seatle USA

  17. Jane,
    Big prayers for Bluey and you. I have requested a prayer chain here.

  18. Praying for Bluey. Also for you Jane. God bless

  19. We will also be praying for Jane and Bluey 🙏

  20. Praying for Bluey, his medical team, and you as well, Jane

  21. Dear Jane,
    I am praying for Blueys healing in Jesus name. I pray that the lord would take away all Blueys sickness and bind up his wounds and heal him. I pray that the Lord that transcends time would meet your wear you are today Jane and give you peace and faith and supply all your needs.

  22. Bluey and Jane will be constantly in my thoughts.

  23. Jane, praying for Bluey and for you. Please keep us updated Annabel. Cindy Norred

  24. Oh no....I was wondering why I had not heard from her on my blog. Prayers for her and for Bluey. :(

  25. Jane I am definitely praying for a complete healing for Bluey.
    May the Lord lay His healing hands upon him.
    God bless.

  26. Dear Jane and Bluey and family ,
    I am so sorry to hear this news , you will all be in my thoughts and I am sending you hugs and best wishes.
    Annabel, thank you for letting us know about Bluey.
    Love Barb W.

  27. Thank you everyone! Jane has see all the comments and says thank you all so very much. Bluey is in a medically induced coma. They are searching for a blockage and infection at present. They are waking him up slowly so he will wake Monday. Jane has an hour and a half drive each way to the hospital. She says please thank

    1. Thank you for the update on what is going on with Bluey. Continued prayers.

    2. Thank you Annabel for the update. Prayers will continue for Jane and Bluey.

      Sewingcreations15 xoxo

  28. I am praying, Jane. I sat by my husband's bed for 10 days while he was in a coma in the last year. I know how you feel right now and will pray for all those things.

  29. Praying for Bluey's healing and Jane's safety as she drives to/from the hospital, in Jesus' name! Hugs, Teresa

  30. Jane, sending my prayers up for you and Bluey.

  31. In my thoughts and prayers. Mary x

  32. Thanks for the update, Annabel. I will keep praying for Bluey and Jane as I have been concerned for them.

  33. Just logging on to check in on poor Bluey. It is good they have a plan but rotten to have a three hour round trip to the hospital. Be safe Jane. Fi xx

  34. Thinking of you at this very difficult time Jane, I hope you have some answers soon. I hope you have people closeby to support you as well as all the love and prayers from your online friends.
    Jen in NZ xxx

  35. Dear Jane, Bluey and family,
    I just wanted to send more love , hugs and best wishes. I don't pray very often but I will be praying tonight and asking that Bluey makes a full recovery. Thank you for the update Annabel, I am very worried for Jane and Bluey and family.
    Love Barb W .

  36. Continued thoughts and prayers.
    Melody in OR

  37. Dear Jane I am praying for both you and Bluey, may the Good Lord's healing love descend upon Bluey and heal him in both body and spirit, and may he also keep you safe as you travel to and from the hospital. I am sending loving hugs to you xxx Chookasmum.

  38. My dear Jane, May God bless you, wrap His loving arms around you, give you peace and strength, and safety as you travel back and forth. May the God who Heals Us lay His strong hand on Bluey and heal him. Amen.

  39. My dear Jane, May God bless you, wrap His loving arms around you, give you peace and strength, and safety as you travel back and forth. May the God who Heals Us lay His strong hand on Bluey and heal him. Amen.

  40. Praying for Jane and Bluey. That had to be scary! Praying for a full recovery and safety for Jane while she travels.

  41. Dear Jane,
    Prayers will continue for you and Bluey.
    Love and hugs,

  42. Praying for you both!

  43. I am praying for healing for Bluey and protection for Jane as she drives to and from the hospital. Best wishes Lyn

  44. I don't post but I follow along with the blog and look forward to new posts, jane's replys are one of my favourites. I hope she is ok and that bluey is recovering. I am thinking positive thoughts for her.

  45. Update ... I am just going to post what Jane just said:
    Annabel and Patsy can you please pass on my thanks to everyone who took the time to send up prayers. I truly believe these have helped. Bluey's fight and stubboness have given him a chance but divine intervention is showing with just how rapidly he is coming back to us. So thank all who thought of us during our time of need.

    Thank you all!

  46. Thank you for the update Annabel. I have been sending my prayers up since I read what had happened early yesterday morning.


  47. Such good news, Jane. We will keep praying for a full recovery for your Bluey.

  48. Dear Jane, sending prayers for Bluey's healing, sorry Im late seeing this , Ive been away . Lots of love and hugs, Maria xxx
    Thank you Annabel for the updates .xxx

  49. I just logged on and and my heart dropped at the news However I really know the power of prayer and the wonderful members of this group praying for you combined with Blueys amazing fighting spirit so I should have expected your amazing update I am thrilled with the improvement and will be adding my prayers to yours love Shelley

  50. Oh dear! Just catching up with this Sunday evening. Dear Jane my prayers are with you and Bluey.

  51. Thank you for keeping us all updated Annabel

    To Jane and Bluey so wonderful to hear of the improvement. At this difficult time Jane thank you also for taking time out to let people know what is happening. Power of prayer is the way to go. Take care of yourself also

    Aly xxx

  52. Dear Jane,
    Just want to let you know I am keeping you and Bluey in my prayers throughout each day. May God heal Bluey and give you both strength in body and in spirit during this time.
    Love, Kelsey

  53. I just checked in on a whim...Dear Jane, I am praying for you and Bluey!!! Lots of love from NS


  54. I am so sorry that I just read this. I will be praying for Bluey’s full recovery. Massive big hugs and live to you Jane as well. Lots of love, Bridge

  55. Prayers from South Georgia USA.
    xxx Michele

  56. Still praying for Bluey and Jane. What power pray has, and just how much it is multiplied when so many of us are praying xxxxx
    Much love

  57. Prayers from Melbourne for Bluey to have a quick recovery and for Jane to find comfort and strenght whilst going through this with him. Anne

  58. Hoping and praying for Jane and Bluey that today has been another better day xx


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