The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

The Christmas Challenge. Show and Tell for September Part 2.

This is our second week of sharing what we got up to in September!

First of all we have Kelsey!  Despite a small baby and a hurricane she still got extra stuff done!

This is a Lavender themed gift set Kelsey made...

How beautiful!  This is just stunning! So professional.

And here is a collection of items made, printed and from a sale that Kelsey had gathered together...

The recipe cards in there are Jes' Recipe cards. They are available to print for free on Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth.  A couple of ladies asked recently about Jes.  She WILL be continuing to blog after a short break!  This is the best news ever!  I think the world needs beauty and light which is what Strangers and Pilgrims is! 

Barb still made cards even though she has had a bad month with her health. 

Well done Barb! I hope you are feeling much better and October will be easier for you.

Cookie found a paint that replicates sea glass.  Oh the possibilities with this! 

Here she has changed plain glass jars with this paint then gone on and decorated them. So gorgeous!

And she made a whole quilt of scraps!  This is what I love about quilts... the actual original purpose of turning bits and pieces into something wonderful...

Cookie is also drying her Hydrangeas...

Beautiful colours Cookie. They also go with your sea glass!  I HOPE to have hydrangeas this summer! 

And finally her crochet... 

This is the seiche and pattern that Mum and I use so often. I love it!

What a good month Cookie!  I think I better get moving next month.... 

Tanya is someone new to welcome! She has her own goats and makes goats milk soap!  This one is covered in rose petals....

And she made beeswax candles...

This is how I like doing things, in a mass production style!  

She also made face washers with designs from her children.... 

What a lovely idea for a gift to Grandmas and Aunties etc...  

Thank you so much Tanya!  

Thank you all for sharing as it is so inspiring and a way for all of us to come up with new ideas.  

Next week we will be into October!  I am really hoping that I can get cracking and produce lots of things.  I am hopefully past renovating messes!  I also have quite a few good supplies lined up from some of my op shopping including beautiful things for card making.  

We have a tutorial by Jane to look forward to.  Wait until you see this! 

I hope your week is going well.  See you on Friday! xxx


  1. Such beautiful gifts there, Annabel and what good news about JES. I am so pleased to hear that.

  2. My goodness there are some very clever ladies within this group. Between cooking, preserving, crafting and homemaking I think we have all bases covered.
    Kelsey, a small baby and a hurricane to deal with, and yet you produce such lovelies. You are one clever lady.
    Cookie I would like to live closer to you to be able to share ideas. That would be awesome.
    Barb I have been unwell the last few days and have achieved a big fat nothing. Well done on getting such lovely cards made when not having a good time health wise.
    Welcome Tanya you clever chook you. You have reminded me that I have some candle making supplies left. Some candles would finish off a couple of my Christmas gifts just nicely. As a Granny I would love to get a towel with some grandie Art on it. That soap would be so luscious to use. What gorgeous gifts.
    Annabel I am looking forward to seeing what you have been up to other than all the renos. See you on Friday.

  3. Dear Annabel and Friends, well I haven't had time to do too much, but I love seeing what everyone has been up to. There's some great talent here! I am looking forward to finishing the year making candles, pillowcases, and some foodie gifts, but that will have to be next month I'm afraid. I think accepting lifes ups and downs means that we can make the most of the productive months, and lay low in the difficult ones, and know that we've still made a difference in the scheme of things. Much love, Mimi xxx


    1. Dear Mimi!!
      You have done something else, as well!! Remember, you have written beautifully relevant blog posts of your own, and they have been very uplifting! There are different types of gifts that suit different people, and your gift of time and sharing about real life are both courageous and priceless!! Keep being yourself! You are wonderful!
      Appreciating you,

    2. Dear Mimi, Renovating alone makes getting crafty things done really difficult. Hence my month hasn't been a crafty one either. You have some lovely plans lined up and I hope you get to do them. And there is still lots of time! I know end of the year for a year twelve student is so busy and I remember that time! Many late nights! With love

  4. So many marvellous presents!
    Handmade gifts bit any baughts ones, indeed

  5. I just love seeing everyone's goodies. I've been given a bottle of lavender essential oil. Now I have ideas of what I can make with it.

    Annabel, I'll send you some photos of what I've been making for my blog shop. I have a few customers who buy things before they even make it into the shop. I'm now dedicating every Tuesday to making crafts and cards.

    1. Dear Wendy,
      Lavender oil is beautiful! And I think you have lavender in your garden... so this themed gift could be great for you.
      I would love to see your photos! I am so glad the shop is going so well for you! It is fantastic! Well done Wendy! With love,

  6. Dear Annabel and Beautiful Bluebirds!!

    Annabel, I don't know how you keep surprising us with such beautiful shows and posts, week after week, with refreshing material!! Thank you!!

    It looks like you are thriving on motherhood!!
    Your lavender-themed hamper and rose-themed stationery gift bag -- with credit to Jes for her measure of inspiration! -- are lovingly comforting and everyday inspiring!!

    Barb, I've been thinking of you!! You use beautiful colours in your cards, ...... and are those diamonds?!!!! Ha ha!! Wouldn't that be quite a card -- with diamonds!!

    Cookie, you keep us thinking about making life beautiful! Your crochet reminds me of someone else (starting with 'A') who crochets with a beautiful touch! It looks perfect!
    Your quilting is a reminder of the loving ways of making the scraps of life into colourful comforts, and aren't flowers a luxury to have inside!!
    Your painted jars remind me of the 'blue jars' that my parents have. Yours are softly presented, and I think your painted sea glass and milk glass effects are effective! Beautiful!!

    Tanya, welcome!!
    Your goats' milk soap and beeswax candles are such luxurious, practical items made from quality, wholesome ingredients! You have presented them really well! The glassware is all so stylish!
    Your towels with junior painting are precious!! These are heart-winning treasures!!
    Thank you!!

    Thank you, everyone, for making the Show a REAL Show!!

    Rachel Holt

  7. What beautiful gifts! Truly lovely and so coordinated! I bet that goats' milk soap smells divine!

    I haven't been able to accomplish much...even getting photos from my camera on to the proper computer to send to you!! I hope I will get a bit more organized for Christmas this next month, as it was pointed out to me by my daughter the other day that it is only 3 months 'til Christmas!!!

    I love to see what everyone is making!

    Lots of love,


  8. Such beautiful creations everyone well done I love them all :) . We have such a pool of wonderfully talented people here.


  9. I don't think my post worked so I'm testing. I got shipped off to some Google blogger site that I'm unfamiliar with.....

  10. Hello Annabel and Bluebirders,

    Such beautiful gifts - You're all amazing.

    I've been enjoying some much loved time with my DD. We don't get to visit more than once a year (if that) so the time with her here is precious. Normally, she lives in the Caribbean but was lucky enough to fly out before the hurricane hit, so has been here around 3 weeks.

    I missed commenting on Monday, but really enjoyed reading about preserving/canning and jam making. My Nana and mother both used to bottle fruit with the trusty Vacola, made preserves and a little jam. I loved their cauliflower pickles. Last year, when cauliflowers were cheap, I had a go at making pickles and while they weren't quite as good as Nana's they were soooo much better than shop bought. Both Nana and Mum would use wax to seal the jars and in later years, Mum just used to have the pickles really hot and poured into hot, sterilised jars which were closed immediately. Once cold, all the jars had a strong seal and nothing further was done. We never got sick and the food never perished. This was how I made my pickles.

    Once DD has found a new job and moved on, I plan to get to some Christmas sewing and cooking - it's almost Christmas cake time isn't it Annabel?

    Have a great week,

  11. Everything is so gorgeous and inspiring! Thank you all for sharing! Also thanks for the sweet mention Annabel... You are a beautiful soul :)

  12. Dear Annabel,

    I always love seeing what everyone has created.

    Kelsey, you never cease to amaze me with all of the beautiful things you do.

    Barb, your cards are always so beautifully elegant. I hope you're feeling better and whatever has been going on is a thing of the past.

    Tania, welcome. Goat milk soap with rose petals. So luxurious.
    Very clever using your children's artwork.

    Annabel, thank you for showing my things. The afghan was the first one I attempted. I love the pattern. So easy for a novice like me to accomplish with a wonderful result and so fast to make. I'm looking forward to Jane's tutorial. Blessings, Cookie

  13. Dear Annabel,
    Thank you for sharing my photos! Everyone's work is beautiful!
    Barb, that is such a lovely card. I love the colors you chose and the heart adds something special.
    Cookie, you are just so talented! And to complete all of those projects with the month is outstanding. I especially love your painted jars.
    Tanya, I am so glad you have joined the show! Your soap looks so luscious, and even better that you used milk from your own goats. I know a lot of work must have gone into that. Your candles look wonderful! I've been wanting to try making beeswax candles, too. (I see you used some of JES's labels!) And how precious a gift it would be to receive such personal towels. They will be treasured I'm sure.
    Annabel, thank you for sharing everyone's creations. I'll have more to show next month. It seems I've lost my mind and signed up for the farmer's market next weekend. I suppose I am thriving, Rachel!
    With love, Kelsey

  14. Thank you so much everyone and for all the encouragement to our contributors! So many good ideas here! Now onward to October! xxx

  15. Amazing! Thank you ladies for sharing. Such an inspiration to the rest of us.


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