The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Friday 9 September 2016

Jane and Bluey.

Many of you feel like you know Jane and Bluey as they have become such a part of our little community here!
So you know Bluey has been in hospital and Jane has been giving updates.

Yesterday Jane messaged me and said she isn't going to be up to posting for a little while and that Bluey now faces a major operation and weeks more in hospital.

We need prayers for Bluey.  He has a lot to get through.

If you will pray for him or want to leave Jane a message I will make sure she sees them.

Thank you so much.



  1. Am praying for this family.

  2. Dear Annabel,
    Please let Jane know that I will be praying for her and Bluey. Please keep us posted as to how they are doing.
    Love and hugs,

  3. Dear Jane and Bluey , sending you both hugs and healing. Praying for Bluey that his operation goes well and his health is restored in full. Lisa

  4. Sorry to hear this news. My thoughts and prayers are with Jane and Bluey. Xx

  5. So sorry to hear this Jane. Will keep both you and Bluey in my prayers. Thank you Annabel for letting us know.

  6. All the best Bluey and Jane! Hope all goes well for you Bluey.

  7. Hi Annabel, Am just now catching up on this weeks posts and was quite taken aback with this news.
    Please pass on my thoughts and prayers to Jane and Bluey. I hope all goes well with Bluey's operation. Also, take care Jane, and don't forget to look after yourself - you'll need to be fit and healthy to help in Bluey's convalescence.
    All the best,

  8. So sorry to hear Bluey has had a further set back in his health. Will be praying for them both.
    Love, Kaye xoxo

  9. Sending you hugs and prayers You are both so special and I always enjoy reading about your adventures. shelley

  10. My prayers join with yours for Bluey, Jane, and all medical personnel who are involved in his care. Cookie

  11. Thinking of Jane and Bluey and praying for you both.
    Rebecca T

  12. Praying for Jane and Bluey and for God to put people in their paths that will help them through this situation.

  13. I have been reading about them both in the comments. I'll be praying for both of them during this time. Vickie

  14. Sending my prayers for Jane and Bluey.

  15. Prayers for health and healing for Bluey. I always read comments here and feel like I know everyone. Hope all is better soon.

  16. praying for you both, I love reading what you are both doing.

  17. I will certainly will add Jane and Bluey to my prayers.

  18. Please let Jane know I have been praying for Bluey.I also will
    be praying for Jane. I agree for Blueys healing in Jesus name.
    Strength and wisdom for Jane and that God would set people in there path to lighten the load.
    With much love.

  19. Annabel, I, too, will be praying for Jane and Bluey.
    Love, Teri

  20. I will also be praying for Jane and Bluey, Annabel. I hope the operation goes extremely well and they get a good report.

  21. My thoughts and blessings are with Bluey and Jane. Hope he would be blessed with a speedy recovery after his operation. Best wishes to both of them with love.

  22. Annabel, thank you for putting this up. It gives me the chance to pray for Bluey. I will definitely pray for Bluey that the operation goes extremely well. Massive hugs, Jane. Love, Bridge

  23. Dear God, please guide Jane and Bluey at this time and let them know the strength of the love that surrounds them from all who are thinking of them.

  24. Annabel thank you for sharing this need. My family will be praying for Jane and Bluey. We will also pray for any and all healthcare staff, doctors, nurses, etc. that administer care to him, and pray that all decisions be made for his best recovery in Jesus' name.


  25. Dear Jane, I am sending good vibes your way for Bluey!! Lots of hugs from Nova Scotia. xx Jen

  26. Thank you for sharing this, Annabel! I will join in praying for Bluey and Jane.

  27. Jane,
    Many hugs and prayers for you and Bluey. We will miss you greatly so know that we are sending you a great big hug!

  28. Dear Jane I hope you find comfort and strength in knowing that all these loving people will be praying for Bluey and yourself myself included.Jo

  29. Sending thoughts for healing and strength.

  30. Thank you for sharing this need with us, Annabel. I will certainly pray that God will heal Bluey, that the Doctors who operate will by guided by God and that Bluey will be protected from all infection. I am also praying God will give Jane strength to cope with all that is ahead. Best wishes Lyn

  31. Thank you for sharing this need with us, Annabel. I will certainly pray that God will heal Bluey, that the Doctors who operate will by guided by God and that Bluey will be protected from all infection. I am also praying God will give Jane strength to cope with all that is ahead. Best wishes Lyn

  32. Thanks Annabel for letting everyone know. Hope that all of our prayers are answered and that Bluey's operation goes well.


  33. thank you Annabel for the opportunity to send healing thoughts and prayers to both Bluey and Jane who are an important part of this community. Bluey, get well soon, you are needed! Remember how powerful the prayers from everyone here to Annabel's dad Tom late last year - the same power is coming your way. Fi xx

  34. Dear Jane, wishing you and Bluey all the very best . I am thinking of you both and sending hugs . Love BarbW

  35. Prayers said for Bluey and Jane. Please remember to take care of yourself as well, Jane and I hope to see you back soon! Love, Jeanette

  36. Prayers for Jane and Bluey and that Bluey's healthcare and prognosis are good and Bluey quickly recovers.


  37. My thoughts and prayers are with Jane and Blue, I hope his operation goes well.

  38. What a difficult time for you both Jane, I always enjoy your comments and love that you sign off with 'life is good'. I hope Bluey's operation goes well and wish him a speedy recovery. Look forward to your return, and hoping to see 'life is good' again soon Jane.

    Jen in NZ

  39. sending prayers for Jane & Bluey

  40. May the Lord lift you both up.

  41. Thanks for this update Annabel.
    Prayers and love to Jane and Bluey for healing and recovery,Love and hugs Maria xxx

  42. I hope that Annabel and hers are also well as it's been awhile since her last post. I'm new here, but I noticed as I was reading back that she's very regular.

    1. Yes I was wondering the same, we miss you Annabel, hope all is ok .

  43. Dear Jane and Bluey,
    You have both been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be during this difficult time. I hope all goes well and pray God would strengthen you, both physically and spiritually, as you look to Him. Annabel, thank you for letting us know so that we may pray for them.
    With lots of love, Kelsey


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