The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Amazing savings from small things (and card making).

I really love stationary and cards! I do write quite a few letters but also there are birthdays, thank you's and notes that mean I use at least a couple of cards a week (but usually more). Each week I write to Kath in the nursing home. Now her life has very little that is pretty so that is one card a week right there that I like to be lovely, cheerful and something special. This week it is my brothers Birthday as well. Anyway I use lots of cards!

Regularly I look at cards and writing paper in the newsagents. It seems to call my name as I walk past every week. And I get quite a few ideas from looking too and I take notice of the prices. The average card I seem to like it around $8. Even gift tags are still a couple of dollars and up to four dollars each.

The other day I realised my card supply has run low and I am scraping the bottom of the barrel. I remembered some cards I had seen on etsy that were just gorgeous and started to dream about these! Then went and had a new look and the fact that each card had a matching sticker that you put on the envelope just made me fall in love with them! I actually started to pick out what I would like to order. And within a couple of minutes I was up to over forty dollars. And I was just warming up!

This happens easily doesn't it! But I remembered my pantry challenge and the holiday we are saving for and 101 other things...

It was the stickers that did it.

Now, I have card making supplies. I buy blank cards for $2 for a pack of 6 with envelopes and I save books to cut up for images. I have a boxful of lovely things. And I had a brain wave that I could just cut out little matching images and GLUE them onto envelopes and that would be the same as stickers. What is the difference after all? So this weekend while it has been hot I took over the dining room table and began.

So far I have made 12 cards with matching envelopes with "stickers" and I have cut out images to make a few dozen more. At shop prices the 12 I've made would have cost $96 and they cost me $7 to make (2 packs of blank cards plus op shop rose book for $3)

These are the simplest cards I have made. Just a rose image, a dot of bling and matching envelope with sticker.  The old fashioned book of roses was a great find and has given me over a hundred  pictures for $3. Images that are too small will be gift tags or go on my envelopes.

I do make some for boys too. The men in my family all like wildlife and mostly are farmers so I made cards with eagles, ducks, deer etc. and have a supply of these.

It is such a lot of money when I look at it, to save or to spend. But $8 here and $8 there really adds up. At two cards a week if I was to buy nice ones that is over $800 a year. Imagine what I could add to my pantry for that! Maths always amazes me. How a small amount like this a week is $800 a year of $8000 over ten years just is mind boggling!

Making cards is not a new solution for me as I have made cards regularly for years (and have a posted tutorial here and lots of pictures of other cards plus my ruffled cards here here I like to make). But thinking how easy it is to spend lots of little bits and how they add up so quickly has me really appreciating what a saving this is. And it allows me to write a card and send it without thinking too much of the costs.

I decided to show my simple cards as there is nothing to them. Anyone can make them and in any theme you like. You could get the children making them as they love cutting out and glue!

I started a series of bird cards from a bird book I just love the images...

Just think of the images you love or will suit your family and friends. A book of ballerinas or horses or whatever is going to be loved by the people you are most often sending cards to.

Whenever I am away I take a box of cards and paper and write letters. As I make cards I think who will like which ones. My card box is my little box of gold. Last holiday I sat outside in the sun and wrote letters and popped them into cards and once a day walked to the post box. Heavenly!

When I visit Kath she has my cards around her room and I know she loves them. Plus they brighten up her little world.  They are my extravagance without being extravagant! I guess this way they are costing 
50 or 60c each at the most. 

During the week I will get a couple dozen more made, I might show some more on Feather your Nest Friday. 

There are so many things that we can make ourselves and actually enjoy the process too. Many things don't even require any artistic talent just are a simple process/production line. And the savings can be just huge! In the case of something like cards they can also be packaged up into groups of six and tied up with a ribbon to use as a gift. I have added a pen or stamps and then I have a present. For letter writers/card lovers this has been a hit. 

Now that it is Monday and I need to grocery shop I know I have the money I didn't spend on Etsy and will add something to my pantry instead! I feel good about that already!

Have a wonderful week. After a really hot weekend we have much milder days to look forward to! xxx


  1. I had a neat experience with cars making recently. Mt oldest grandchild is turning thirteen and since she lives 1,000 miles away, I wanted to make her a pretty card to tuck in with her gift

    I found out her party theme was animal print so I prayed and asked God to help me find washi tape in animal print. Something I had never seen. Not long after that, I was running errands with my husband so I ran into the craft store for one sheet of animal print paper. I thought I might as well check their washi tape and there in the clearance section was one package left of thin washi tapes... a leopard print and a zebra print! On clearance no less. It was like He saved that one package until I got there! With them, I also made a bookmark for her new cookbook I gave her.

    She loved them! Isn't creating wonderful?

    1. Brenda I love leopard print! I have noticed that very soft fleecy fabric/polar fleece comes in some fabulous animal prints. This makes such an economical rug or blanket as it is sold by the meter. A blanket stitch around the edge or a crochet edge and its a great rug! That could be a very inexpensive but gorgeous gift for your grand daughter. Except you are coming into spring... but then it might be on special because of that!
      Crafting really does give amazing gifts for affordable prices! Thank you so much for your

  2. I love this post, Annabel! You've inspired me to give card making a try and the savings are just my 'cup of tea!'

    1. Thanks Patsi! I am inspired by you to put added effort into my pantry. The savings on some things like these are the chance to invest more in preparedness!
      I have some cards in mind that you will like, Ill find them and post a link on Wednesday.... pantry themed cards! xxx

  3. Dear Annabel,

    "It was the stickers that did it."! If it is at all possible with you all the way there and me all the way here, well we've been cut from the same cloth! I have collected cards and stationery my whole life. My poor mom and dad could never find the scissors, tape, or glue as I always had them. They finally learned to just check my room first! Sometimes I even thought I had a weird gotta-have-pretty-paper-sickness or something. Then I discovered Scrapbooking and card making and if I was sick...there were a whole lotta others sick with me LOL! Your cards are gorgeous! You encouraging us to be creative is wonderful. The savings are in fact huge, and I love that you are still making cards for Kath. Your previous posts about card making encouraged me to find pretty images as well, something I never did before and it is so much fun! There is something so special about handmade cards and tags made with love.

    Thank you for this beautiful post! Xxx

    1. I am laughing Colette... When I was little I had everything going in bed... including sewing and knitting. I stabbed myself and was bleeding several times and was banned from sewing in bed. That was harsh I thought. I was about 5. I hope you have shops that supply inexpensive blank cards, here it is cheap or $2 shops and things like that. I am always watching in op shops (thrift shops) for books. Old knitting books have funny vintage pictures, but whatever theme you want they are there!
      This is such good fun for the kids too as they are capable of making great and funny cards as well and are quite proud of them.
      I hope to get heaps more made this week and fill my precious box with them. Just looking at my stationary makes me happy. Im glad you liked my cheats stickers! xxx

  4. They look fabulous Annabel. I love how you have made a matching decal for the envelope! Great ideas. I must look out for old books at op shops or garage sales. I saw a bunting made from old children's books I loved. I'm thinking your ideas for old fashioned children's cards as well. Amy unearthed from her room around 30 plain white cards with envelopes given years ago by her craft loving friend. Amy was not interested in craft back then, but we have plans for using them this year thanks to your inspiration! Thanks for the ideas. I love your tutorials and ideas.xo

    Brenda, you have given me bookmark ideas with the washi tape. It was wonderful to hear how the provision came. It occured to me recently that the little cardboard dividers in boxes of tea bags should make good bookmark bases. I've started to put them aside as useful materials. ;)

    1. Dear Kaye, You have just inspired me... imagine Peter Rabbit or Jemima Puddle Duck or Winnie the Pooh cards! Ohhh I am looking for some of these books for baby cards and bunting! Kaye bunting in these would be gorgeous!
      Tell Amy I say start making these as gifts for Emily!
      The tea bag dividers are just lovely for bookmarks! What a brilliant idea! mmm ok we will be busy. But think of the savings and pretty things! xxx

  5. Dear Annabel, how simply beautiful this is! You are right...we just need to try things, as even simple things, handmade are beautiful. The bird cards for men are really effective aren't they? I loved hearing about Kath and how she saves your cards. Thank you for another wonderful blog post. Love Helen

    1. Thank you Helen! I went to see Kath this afternoon and decorated her pin up board with flowers and butterflies! An improvement! xxx

  6. Annabel, these are so gorgeous. You have such a sweet way with things. I know the cards you gifted me to send on to others were greatly loved and saved as artworks. I love them

    1. Mimi I have the same "disease" every card I put my hand on is that price. But some are good for ideas though! Thank you.xx

  7. Lovely cards, Annabel. What glue do you use to attach the gift paper to the card as it would need to be stuck on well, wouldn't it? I haven't made cards for years but have some vintage rose scrapbooking paper which would be nice on a card. You have some very creative ideas. Thanks heaps.

    1. Nanna Chel I use a gluestick. Plenty of it, especially getting the edges and corners. Runny glues seem to not dry flat, look bubbly... not good.
      Except for the ruffles.... they require a line of craft glue.
      Thank you! Big money saver and then you can be generous with fancier cards, which is why I do it as I love sending pretty things.... xxx

  8. Lovely cards Annabel. Perhaps I will be inspired one day :) Kaye I have saved those tea bag dividers for the same reason but haven't quite got round to it.

    1. Thanks Barb! Thanks also for the email... will reply soon! xxx

    2. Hi Barb! They are nice and flat for books. I'm using some plain, but am sure they will make nice bookmarks or perhaps even gift tags for large gifts?

    3. Gift tags are a great idea Kaye. I used to do lots of crafty things when I lived near you and yet that was the busiest time of my life! I'm hoping when we finish renovating here that I can get out all the art supplies and start a few projects :)

  9. Hello Dearest Annabel, I have just caught up with your blog & had a smile a mile wide when I saw the beautiful cards you've been making. Gorgeous! Don't forget to add some glitter glue to the roses & such (I think I sent you some?), they will make it look like "dew drops" & add a little sparkle to your creation (& lets face it, we can all do with more sparkle! LOL).

    I have a beautiful image of Kath's room at the nursing home looking so pretty, she must feel the love every time she opens her eyes in the morning & closes them at night.

    Sending you big hugs. With love, Susan xxx

    1. Dear Susan thank you! These are the least fancy cards I have ever made. You know me usually ruffles, glitter and goodness knows what. But I though these anyone can do if you can cut and paste! The ruffles ones are my favourites.
      I have the gorgeous supplies you gave me out spread over the dining room table... oh what fun. Hopefully Friday I will post some more cards.
      In Kaths room I added flowers (roses) and 3 D butterflies to her pin up board and a few things to try and brighten her room. Well she thought it looked lovely. What we can do with paper and pretty things!
      Ok you have talked me into adding dew drops to the flowers! (tomorrow!) xxx

  10. How lucky are the people who receive your cards Annabel. They are simply gorgeous and Kath is indeed lucky. Can't comment more at the moment, suffice to say you are so inspiring to me.

    1. Thank you Fiona! I know you have your hands full and a few things going on! Thank you for commenting though! xxxx

  11. Annabel, you make such beautiful cards. The ones you've sent me have stayed on my bedside table for months they are so lovely to look at.

    I'm gradually getting my card supplies. I have the cards and envelopes and bought some small paper doilies from Kmart. I have lots of ribbon and pictures to use. I sure wish I could find magazines like you do at the op shops. I'll keep looking.

    1. Wendy if you tell me what images you really would love most I will help you look. I go to country ip shops that are so cheap.. and have old books. Be specific... ie I like soft colours, roses that are paintings.... bird paintings...old fashioned ballerina paintings... etc. I will keep my eye out for you. Old maps are great for mens cards

    2. Thankyou Annabel. I love all the flowers I've seen on your cards as well as soft colors and pictures of country style furnishings etc. Not big on birds as no one in our family is into them. The maps are a good idea.

  12. Your cards are beautiful!! I would frame them if I were to receive one as beautiful as yours. :)

    1. Tracy thank you. I am currently reading your encouraging homemakers series and really enjoying it. I will give a link to one of them in a coming post. We cant encourage home makers too much! Many

  13. Beautiful cards! Where oh where is Laine??

    1. Thank you Becky! I hadnt heard from Laine for ages and I had an email yesterday! The website is being worked on and things are looking good so hang in there its going to happen! xx


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