The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Keeping track of your "earnings".

One of the greatest deceptions of all times is whatever it is that makes women think they aren't "contributing" financially as stay at home Mums. Apart from the obvious ways you are contributing in taking care of everyone and taking care of the home in so many ways, the massive amount of money we save is just mind blowing!

I say so often that I can save in a day much more than I can ever go out and make in a day.

Yes, we need an income for our household. But often a second income comes with child care costs, work related costs, travel costs and then a list of expenses associated with no longer having time or spare energy to shop, cook, clean, make things and so on.

There is a thread, on Simple Savings, a savings site I belong to, run by Mimi. She highlights how much she was able to save the household in a day by her work at home. I join in with this and we guess how much this and that would have been if we had bought the item that we just made or cooked and how much we would have paid for someone to do things. 

Between the two things.... one, all the extra expenses of working and two, all the savings you can make, often the actual profit from working is very little. Now not always, but often.

Add to that, when you save a dollar you have a dollar. When you earn a dollar you have maybe 75c. (as you are taxed on earnings) And that doesn't include what else you need to take out... )(petrol, child care etc)

I have had similar inspiration following The Prudent Homemaker. She posts each week "Last weeks frugal accomplishments" and lists what she did through the week that saved her family money. Then followers post their own as they join in with her. It is fabulous to read! Well that woman's work is priceless and beyond imagining what it would be worth in dollar value!

So, I have begun trying to track my savings and the ways I build up the home just as I try and track and think about the things I have to be grateful for. And we all know how much just that improves our lives and what a difference gratitude makes!

So this week I have :

Helped my husband with our kitchen renovations. From our quote doing this ourselves has saved us about $4000
Repaired a cardigan rather than buy a new one... saving $50?
Made all our own meals on the BBQ rather than takeaway saving ??? (a lot probably)
Worked on crochet wash cloths (see last post) toward my present cupboard. Saving big dollars!

You get the idea... Many days I think of what I achieved and I know unless I worked for NASA I could not earn as much money in the day as I saved by my work. 

If you ever feel you are not contributing financially try this. It is wonderful to realise how much our work is worth. Having said that the greater value is in just being there as much as you can with your children and family, creating a warm, safe and happy home. A peaceful sanctuary from the world. How we need this.

Instead of "my frugal accomplishments" I am just naming my list "ways I built up my home this week" and where applicable I am calculating the money saved. 

Where the idea came that makes Mothers feel they are not doing enough came from I don't know but it is a lie. Time is easily stolen from us and what is precious lost. The work we do is so valuable. You are worth more than rubies and I want you to know it!

My photos are of a little project... I love anything architectural and I found old windows on the side of the road. Some have clear glass and I am making them into rustic frames for Lucy's black and white wedding photos. I am so excited with them! 
But these have textured glass and one has the most gorgeous worn old mirror. I think it was a mirror on a bathroom cabinet in it's day. I just love it. I have added transfers from Arwen Moore Design Studio, they are very reasonable in price. 

My plan is to use them as props ie on a table with roses in a vase in front of them, on a mantle piece with candles... wherever I can work them in!

They were filthy and pretty grim. Anyone seeing me load these into my car probably wondered!

But I love their shabbiness and age. To me it's so romantic!

Have a lovely weekend. Keeping warm is my mission, it has been so cold and wet. I will be snuggled up inside crocheting if I have my way.xxxx


  1. How beautiful! And couldn't agree more on counting savings as you know! Great post

    1. THank you Mimi. SOmeone earlier today said how they wish they had a savings buddy. Its true if we have friends trying to do the same thing we can help each other and egg each other on. But it is very possible to have online savings buddies and the same effect, which I have, thank you! xxx

  2. Annabel, I just love the window frames, and in particular the one with the old mirror. It is fantastic! :) You have such an eye for these things and could easily sell the items you salvage and give a second life. Just gorgeous! xo

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  4. Beautiful! I also have an old medicine cabinet door on my coffee table with candles and frou-frou on it which was left in the shed when we bought our house. Kindred Spirits! I have also struggled with home vs. work costs, have done both and home won out!! Yes, it is a lie that you can have it all! God bless you.
    xoxo Marybeth

    1. Dear Marybeth,
      I agree with you. It is a lie we can have it all, certainly having it all at once is impossible. We have to choose what at this time is the most important thing. I have found later there is a season for this and that anyway. I love the sound of your medicine cabinet door! Thank you and have a lovely


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