The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 6 February 2020

Feather your Nest Friday, 7th February, 2020.

It was a good week with a bit of this and a bit of that!  We had mild weather and this helps so much!

Some of the ways I got ahead, saved and built up my pantry included:

Each day I did some sewing, even if only for fifteen minutes. I am still amazed how this adds up!

I made some pretty cottons into pillowcases...

I have another one on the sewing table now.

And I got to the end of my Lavender and Rose supplies with more sachets.  I have lots now in my gift cupboard and they were so much fun to make.  I used up lots of pretty fabrics and laces in my stash.

My first of the season tomato plants have come to an end.  I spent a couple of days picking the last tomatoes and pulling them up.  This filled my wheelbarrow and I took it all to the chickens who had a marvellous time with it.   I have bowls of tomatoes to use up in the next few days.

I harvested Hollyhock seeds.  Some I planted straight away and some I saved.

The area is ready now for re planting.  Today I am going into town and will see what seedlings to get to fill it back up.   I usually mix herbs and veggies with a few flowers thrown in.

I harvested the last of the Parsley seed as well.  I planted some more and packaged some up.  The rest went to the chickens.   All the garden scraps, food scraps, weeds,  anything I can find goes to the chooks.  This saves so much on chook feed and they love it.  The eggs are so bright yellow.  Happy chickens are so lovely.  They make you happy in turn. Happy ducks are just funny!   If you have room and can have chickens I think they are a huge addition to your household economy.

Each day, along with gardening and some sewing. I worked a bit in my pantry.   It was such a mess that I could only cope with the bit at a time method.  But as always this worked.... or is working I should say as I am not finished yet.   Like if you repack your suitcase very carefully and skilfully you can get much more in it, I am trying to do this with my pantry!  For one thing I put all my cake tins in the cupboard and got them out of the way   I am trying to have only food in there.  Having other stuff can make you feel like you have a well stocked pantry because it looks full.  This has happened to me before only to realise not that much was actually food!  Kind of a false sense of security.
Anyhow I am chipping away at it and now have already found much more room. One thing I need to store more of is long life milk.  I plan on getting at least ten cartons today when I go to the shops.
I removed all empty jars to other locations.  I have jars stashed in all kinds of places including a big tray of jars that slide under the spare bed.
Also I added shelves to the kitchen.   They are not very organised yet but they just give me some more space and I had a spot next to the fridge with plenty of room.   So I will work on being this all stocked up now...

  I used a book to make chicken gift tags. I thought they would be good on a carton of eggs when I am giving them to someone or on a baked gift...

My lambs and calves have all grown.  This is Laffie my oldest calf.  Not really a calf at all anymore!  She is so loving.  She is pretty heavy now but still runs and leaps with excitement especially when she sees I have biscuits!  She loves to be patted and scratched.  She is just beautiful.

I can go to the fence and even if not one animal is around if I call they all come galloping.  It is a sight! And a sound like a stampede coming toward you!  This could scare someone half to death if they didn't know they were pets!  

Today I am heading in to town to stock up.  I want to look in the op shops for some fabrics.  I am more than happy to cut things up for the material.  Then I can get some more sewing done over the weekend.   

Tomorrow we will have our Vicky Challenge.  The subject tomorrow is saving in the area of gift giving.  You can still give absolutely beautiful and generous gifts but this is an area many of us can save a huge amount.  

I hope you had a good week.  How did you get ahead, build up your pantry and home?  
Have a lovely weekend! xxx


  1. It just amazes me that you talk about your garden ending and summer days are ending -when we have ice and snow here. I wish we had a climate more like yours - where we had warmer (than normal) days here all year.
    Sounds like a good week.

    1. Dear Cheryl, I cant even imagine the snow and ice. I would be scared! But then our real heat is very tough at times like this year when there we dead birds all down the driveway just from the extreme heat. It was distressing. So I guess we have to make the most of the climate and work around it. I do feel blessed though that I dont have to start again in spring... things just slow down over winter but they are fine when spring arrives. Right now I cant wait for autumn! With love

  2. Love your chicken labels and your preserving shelf looks great. Kathy, Brisbane

  3. Your shelves look lovely Annabel. They are the same as the ones I use for the stockpile. I love them because they're so sturdy and strong and can hold a lot of weight, and they're adjustable too. This week I've been knitting dishcloths and scrubbies and making cards, strawberry jam (strawberries were cheap at Pellegrino's), bananas were $1/kg so I bought heaps. We've all eaten them, and I've put some in the freezer for baking in winter, when we'll have an oven again. I counted 306 tomatoes - now for them to actually ripen, they are all green. Then I'll be drying some and making lots of sauce. I'll have more apples to stew and dry this weekend too. I made breadcrumbs with the crusts in the freezer and filled the container to the top. Chicken fillets are on sale for $4.99/kg at a local butcher so I'll be buying lots this afternoon. That's the cheapest they've been for over 12 months, so I can only imagine how much they're going to go up after the sale. Have a lovely weekend, and enjoy the cooler weather.

    1. Cath if you want some of your tomatoes to ripen quicker pick some and put them in a brown paper bag and shut it and even faster yet you can put one of your bananas in the bag too and the gas from the banana ripens the tomatoes.

    2. Dear Cath, Oh I am glad to know you have these shelves. I am liking them! I just felt to use this space for good and it is a help.
      You had a very productive week. I see the prices at Pellegrinos and wish I was nearby!
      That is a great price on the chicken. We have to strike when we see these prices. Thank you Cath I did have a good weekend and started the new week off pretty well. I am behind and catching up with replying so sorry to take so long! With much love

  4. Annabel you have a real knack for taking a simple practical item and turning it into a beautiful treasure. Your unorganised shelves look very nice already. I love that you even have a tray of jars under the spare bed.
    This week has been a week of repairs and fixings. Bluey has been on the job, even when not very happy about it. He has replaced all the fly wire screens in the house. No flies is simply marvellous. He has also fixed our small second fridge. This didn't drain properly and lots of water and spilt liquids would accumulate in the bottom and get a tad stinky. The blockage has been removed and the fridge is a much nicer and food safe item to use.
    I have steam cleaned all the walls in the house. On days when I do things like this, I am so glad we do not live in a big house. All the switch plates and handles have been steamed. With all that is going on outside of my home, I want this small space to be a haven and a place of refuge. Thieves oil is in the diffuser wafting through the house.
    The veranda had accumulated a lot of bits. I am gradually returning all the bits to their proper place. The clutter is being tamed slowly. This is also happening in the food garden. I am following your ideal and doing 15 minutes a day in the garden. I am gradually turning it from a week patch to something that might actually be useful for growing food in.
    We have had glorious soaking rain. Not just a little bit but enough to really start getting the subsoil damp. Our farmers had their irrigation water cut off a month ago and their harvest outlook was grim. They are all smiling once more.
    Life is rainy rainbow good.

    1. That you Jane! You are smashing out so many crafts and savings yourself!
      I am really hoping the fridge is fixed and working well now. It is very good about the fly screens too.
      I was steam cleaning the bathroom today. That was a barrel of laughs. haha
      You had a busy and good week. I think you have more rain coming too from what I am hearing! I am so glad for you and the farmers!! With much love

  5. I'm about to make pillowcases too! I'm so fed up of them not staying on the pillow that I'm going to make my own, that actually fit, I'm currently knitting lace with which to trim them. Yours are lovely and so feminine.

    1. Dear Su, A knitted lace edging will be just lovely. I also find the bought pillowcases dont have a big enough envelope part... I make mind far deeper and this works! You can also add ribbons to tie them shut which is pretty too. With much love

  6. Dear Annabel,
    What a productive week you have had. Your pillow cases are so lovely as are the sachets. The gift tags are such a clever idea.
    You always have such good luck at the op shops and I'm sure this time will be no different. February is a month full of birthdays and anniversaries on my family and I've been very busy in my craft room making valentines and cards for the birthdays and anniversaries. Looking forward to tomorrow's Vicky Challenge post too. Wishing everyone a good weekend and if any in the US are in the path of the storm as we are I pray that you stay safe. Blessings, Cookie

    1. Dear Cookie,
      I did have luck at the op shop! I got some lovely fabrics at a wonderful price. This was because I have got to know the ladies as I am there so often and I asked about bedding (for the cottage) and fabrics. They let me go out into the back room and go through boxes and boxes! oh heaven! I was so grateful! It was so much fun too!
      I hope your new week is going well and full of savings! With love,

  7. Oh, those fabrics and trims, Annabel💖🤩 I love hollyhocks! My Grandma Florabelle used to grow them. You already know how I feel about Laffie and your herd ;)🥰😍💕❤️. Keep well, my friend. xxMary

    1. Dear Mary, I am so glad you said this about your Grandma! You told me her name before and I loved it and asked if it would be ok to use it for a calf... and not offended or anything... and then I forgot it! I will write it down now. It is lovely! My next girl calf will be Florabelle. And knowing how you love animals I know you will love this now! Dear Laffie brings me so much joy. She had her pat and biscuits today! With love,

  8. Oh my goodness those sachets are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and love the chicken tags you are always so creative. Aww the cow is beautiful. Anna In Ohio

    1. Dear Anna, Our Vicky who started the Vicky Challenge is also in Ohio!
      Thanks so much! With love,

  9. love the lavender sachets, what fabric did you use & how could i make them so that they could be refilled?
    love your blog, it's so very practical & full of wonderful ideas
    thanx for sharing

  10. Annabel, what colour hollockhocks do you have seeds for? I have heaps of red ones if you want any as long as they can be sent to SA. I also have a two toned white and pink one but no seeds are forthcoming at this stage. I would like to plant some other colours as well.

    1. Dear Nanna Chel, Thank you for the seed offer. I dont think they allow them to be sent from QLD to SA. Yet I think the other way around is ok. Pink and white two toned sounds lovely. If you would like some parsley seed or pale pink hollyhock seed I am most happy to send some. With love

  11. another question, you mention a cottage you are doing up/renovating, is there somewhere on the blog with photos? i would love to see the little cottage you speak of so fondly.
    thanx for sharing

    1. Hi Selina... because of your comment I have taken some photos... I will share in an upcoming post. Then as the year goes on I will share what we do. Then hopefully the finished cottage. Right now it is a dump. lol It is not glamorous or stone or anything. But it has a sweet little veranda overlooking a lovely view. I think I can make it nice! The sachets were an old nylon fabric with flocked flowers. I do sometimes see this in old curtains. Organza would work. So would fine laces. I do not make them refillable... if I want to add fragrance I will add some fresh essential oils to them. I find curtain fabrics in op shops are a great source of pretty fabrics for things like these. I hope that helps. With love

  12. Everything is just lovely and I am in love with those chicken tags!

    We had bad storms, tornadoes and flooding today. Our property was spared but there is damage all over our county and many without power. It will be days before it is restored for most because power poles are snapped off at the ground.

    1. Dear Lana,
      Thank you! Yikes you had bad weather! I am glad you were spared damage and hope your power is on. There is some severe weather happening in Australia too. Have a good weekend Lana, With love

  13. Hello Annabel~
    I so enjoy all of your posts! So many kindred spirits from all around the world. A happy sisterhood of homemaking :) I love looking at everyone's projects and savings. Hoping to get a few Valentine gifts made this weekend. Planning a table runner and a couple of pretty tea towels. Enjoy your trips to the Op Shops, I'm doing the same this weekend. Love, Donna xo

    1. Dear Donna,
      Thank you! Yes it doesnt matter where we all live we are all sisters with so much in common. I hope we might get to see your table runner and cards! oh and the tea towels. I hope you had op shop success! I had some... with fabrics mainly and this was a big help! With love

  14. I love reading your blog. We recently moved to 55 acres. Lots to be done, but this week our first chooks came to live with us. I love to read what you are doing. Very inspirational. I used to blog - something I would like to start again.

    1. Dear Marg,
      Thank you! Now you moved to your land it would be beautiful to blog about it as both a journal and a way to encourage others to do the same. I really feel we all need a little bit of land to be able to be a bit self reliant at least. If room for animals it is even better! I remember when I began to get chickens! I was so excited! They settled in fast! What we did in the first year was huge and each day was an adventure! I am really happy for you! It is so wonderful! We can encourage each other Marg. With love

  15. Laffie is beautiful!! Your sachets and pillow slips are beautiful. Your chicken tags are so cute and will be perfect for a gift of eggs or baked goods. I love how your shelves are organized and I'm looking forward to seeing you fill the shelves with canned goods. Building up my store of canned goods with items on sale this past week.

    1. Dear Farm Quilter,
      Thank you so much! I am so glad you were able to add to your pantry! I am working on it too. Soon I will have apples to work on and I think Quinces. Maybe figs! I will work with whatever comes my way! With much love

  16. Hi Annabel, Sorry I have been so tardy in giving you th heads up with the hollyhock seeds
    The weather here is now lovely but the previous several months horrible with all the dust and smoke and I have had lot of issues with my asthma
    I have absolutely millions of seeds, some I have in mixed lot and the other are in colour lots eg pinks, whites reds, and very dark
    I am happy to send to who ever would like seeds. I know that you and Rachel want some and I would like to send some to Nanna Chelle, but there is so many more.
    wWe had a lot of hot windy weather and when we harvested the seeds, in a few days we had some rain, not very much but enough to make the fallen seed germinate.
    So friends if you want any seeds I have them, and if you would like to give Annabel your addresses privately I know that she will message me with them
    Love Lorraine

    1. Lorraine,
      I would love some pink seeds and some mixed. If you are a cardmaker I have loads of lacey diecuts to top cards with that I could send you in trade. Cookie

    2. Dear Lorraine,
      It is wonderful that you save seeds. They are very helpful and good gifts. Seeds in the stores are now really pricey too! I will send you Cookies mailing details. Thank you so much for your kind offer! With love

  17. Hi Annabel
    What pretty things you've made this week! Anyone would love to receive them.
    When we kept chickens we designed and printed labels on our computer and stuck them on top of the eggboxes. When we gave them to friends they loved the personal touch.
    Really looking forward to the Vicky challenge post about making gifts - I'm still trying to gain more confidence in this area.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend

    1. Dear Penny, Thank you! I think a label on your egg cartons is lovely!
      Penny confidence is a big factor with gift giving. I think confidence and presentation. Look at home things are packaged for ideas. Cellophane bags are one of my big helps in this area. They look crisp and professional for food or for something like pillowcases etc. With love

  18. Dear Annabel, and Bluebirds from far and wide!!

    Reading through this post, seeing the beautiful, beautiful sachets, and then reading the excitement in the comments thus far is beautiful! The joy of making life beautiful, wherever the Almighty has us, is a real purpose for life!

    Thank you, all!


    1. Dear Rachel,
      We can make life beautiful! Small little ways to make life lovely! Flowers never fail in that way. Also dont you think an attitude of thankfulness makes a difference. We can be happy with an ordinary day! It is beautiful! With love

  19. What pretty fabric you used for your pillowcases and sachets. I love the pastel colors and small prints.

    The chicken tags are cute. I enjoy chicken "art". Prints, paintings, knick knacks, and collect them.

    Laffie the calfie has the sweetest face ever.

    1. Dear Susie, Thanks so much! I love chicken everything! I would love to find more nice chicken fabric...
      Laffie is a really gentle girl. I gave her some biscuits today and a rub on her head. She loves it! With love

  20. your fabrics are beautiful Annabelle! I love it when the animals come running -kind of scary and fun all at the same time!

    1. Thanks Vickie! I love farm yard and baby animals ... to me they just a cheerful! Thank you! xxx

  21. Your sewing is beautiful Annabel! What pretty pillowcases, and a huge boost to your gift cupboard with the lavender sachets. I haven't used my sewing machine since we moved, but your sewing makes me want to! I have done some repairs on the second hand uniforms I bought my son, not fun sewing but useful lol.

    Your shelf photo that you describe as not yet organised made me laugh, as to me it looks perfect! I need to do a major rearrange in our kitchen, I was not the one to unpack the boxes in there when we moved and it needs some order. It is a shambles!

    I have ordered lots of small toiletries to add to our gift cupboard, they are mainly boxed sets and were reduced by 70-90%. Some will be split up for small gifts for teachers etc, and there is lots of kids stuff too.

    First week of school is finished and everyone is happy. And exhausted! It will be a relaxed weekend here. I have some goals for next week, mainly around organising the house and unpacking some of those last pesky boxes. I like to do this when everyone is at school so I don't need to consult anyone 🤭

    Have a lovely weekend
    Jen (NZ)

    1. Dear Jen,
      Being able to alter or repair is a huge saver. You might find uniforms in the op shops there or maybe families advertise uniforms that their kids have grown out of. I always watched for school uniforms even if I had to put them away for later.
      My shambles is in the actual pantry! But it is coming along. It just takes time. Also in a new house sometimes you have to live there a bit and then you change things a little to work better.
      Well done on the boxed sets!! This is what I do, split them up!
      I am glad school going back has gone well. If school goes smoothly life is good. You are making good progress settling in and unpacking! With love,

  22. What a lovely week your pillowcases and sachets are beautiful! And your pantry is going to be as well. Having other items mixed in that isn't food can be a bit deceiving if you don't have a lot of pantry space.
    Nothing exciting here this week, but I have been working on some little crocheted hearts and flowers and doing really good at making do. Haha I may have to change grocery shopping from once a month to once a year! The issue with the truck still isn't settled so I'm still not mobile much yet.
    I have learned I'm very patient for the most part.
    My ladies will be so happy come Spring and there is lots of goodies for them again. They did enjoy some kale snacks I got as a free sample though.

    1. DearVicky, I hope the truck will be fixed soon! I know that caused you problems this week. While you look forward to spring I look forward to Autumn! I cant wait! Are you starting some seeds inside to be ready? That could give you a head start. I am hoping you have a massive garden and harvest this year! With love

  23. Annabelle, I love reading about your life in Australia. I'm from Michigan! I love your animals, especially that beautiful Laffie. You've also inspired me to make my own candles and try my hand at pillowcases. Thanks for sharing you beautiful life!

    1. Dear Ellen, Thank you so much! I am so happy to hear you feel to make candles and pillowcases. Both make lovely gifts but also nice for your own home. Wendy in the Tuesday Afternoon Club adds a little pocket to the pillowcases for children to put little toy in. I love this and the girls used to have pillows and blankets with pockets. They loved pockets! Thank you for such a kind comment. I am glad you love Laffie! With love

  24. Dear Vicky!

    I love it - shopping once a year! It’s amazing how stretching, and enriching, these times can be!!

    I love, too, that your ladies were able to eat kale snacks! You’ll get the goodness through the eggs! Ha ha!

    You go, girl!!


  25. Hi Annabel, your pillow cases are lovely.
    It was so good to read about your garden. I wasn't able to harvest any veggies last year due to lack of rain. I so miss home grown tomatoes. So many of my garden plants and trees did not survive the prolonged drought. Even my elderberry tree died, as did my lychee and starfruit tree. I am waiting to see if the mulberry and apple trees pull through. The mango trees have just managed to survive.
    The good news is that we started receiving some rain last week and now our dam is nearly full. So I was out in the garden this morning re-configuring my ornamental gardens to take advantage of any plants that may start coming back now we are receiving rain.
    I hope you have a wonderful week.

    1. Dear Sherri, So many people have had had bad seasons ... Australia for lack of rain and in USA they had too much! I am so sorry you also lost trees. I am so glad some rain has arrived for you! The dam filling back up is wonderful! I know we here in lower SA are lucky in comparison to other areas but last Autumn was dreadful and the landscape depressing! I hope you can get your garden back up and running and more rain comes... which I think so from what I have seen of the forecast! With love

  26. What a week it's been...Weatherwise we've gone from frosty to hot to stormy and flash floods and now sunny and cold. We welcomed grandbaby number 12 Wednesday night. She's a beauty and her big brothers (5 and 3) stayed with us for the two nights. I am tired but exhilarated all at once, lol.
    Your comment about the false sense of security with so many non-food items in your pantry rings with truth. I have only three closets in my house and one was a pantry and linen closet all at once. I decided in December that this would not do and removed all the linens...and boy did that closet suddenly seem poorly filled after all! Now it is 90% food items and 10% paper. John has had a wonderful idea of using a small bathroom entry that is narrow and long with three walls turned into extra overhead storage. It will be enough space to store about a year's worth of tp, which isn't loads for just two people but it's SPACE.
    A good week all in all.

    1. Dear Terri, Congratulations! It is absolutely amazing you have 12 Grandchildren. You are blessed!
      I am interested that you sound the same thing when you removed the linen. The idea to store tp is very good as this is bulky yet needed! Space is a good thing and finding some more like this is really handy! With much love

  27. Dear Annabel and Bluebirds, I love those pillow cases with the lace! I also love the lavender sachets...they are so pretty and add luxury to the very day. Those chicken labels are lovely too. I love how you are organising the pantry. I had a good week. I found a wooden train set for $6. It is wonderful. My husband also picked up a month's worth of meat from a bulk butcher fora good price. This helps so much. It is a big job, but worth it, as grocery prices have become ridiculous. Lots of love to you, Bridge XX

    1. Dear Bridge, Oh the wooden train set is a beautiful find!! I will tell you what we used to do with my little brother. With a train set we would collect rocks and sticks and all kinds of stuff and stick branches with leaves in play doh and make a scene like a rugged terrain for the fire engine. Then we would have dangerous situations like a cow on the tracks! And so on and so forth. A dinosaur on the tracks is also interesting! haha! This is good if the bulk buy of meat is a saving!! I find I often have to stand and divide up a big package of something into small lots but this really saves. I know what you mean about grocery prices... Lorna is also in QLD she just said she saw cucumbers for $14 a kilo! We have to get very clever with our shopping now. But we can do it! With love

  28. Annabel your rose and lavender sachets are divine as is your pillowcases :) . Great minds think alike as we have reorganised our kitchen as well to make it more user friendly with all of our appliances off the top of the kitchen cupboards onto shelving in the kitchen.

    Sorry I am late to reply this week but our yard was flooding and we have had to dig a trench to make the water subside away from the back of the house. I am thankful to say we have now got it to drain away :).

    Not much shopping done here as I have undertaken a low/no spend challenge with the Cheapskates club for February.

    Our Vicky challenge added up to $99.10 in savings last week :).

    Internet listings and finances -

    - Listed 10 items on an eBay free listing promotion saving $16.50 on usual prices.
    - Paid an extra part payment off our mortgage.

    Hair cuts -
    - DH cut my fringe saving approx $20 at having it done at the hairdresser.

    In the kitchen -
    - Blanched and froze 5 bunches of silverbeet giving us 6 more meal sized portions for the freezer.
    - Cooked all meals and bread from scratch.

    Pantry stocking -
    - On half price special bought 1 x 500 ml of mouthwash and a 460 g tin of milo saving $6.50 on usual prices.

    Home deep cleaning and organising -
    - I deep cleaned all the tiled splash backs with methylated spirits in the kitchen and they are really shiny and clean now.
    - DH deep cleaned 2 sets of metal venetian blinds in the kitchen and 2 windows in the kitchen with 50/50 mix of methylated spirits and water and they are so clean and shiny.
    - I deep cleaned all the metal tap ware in the kitchen and shower downstairs.

    In the gardens -
    - Picked 5 bunches of silverbeet, 2kg of cucumbers and 150g of cherry tomatoes saving $52.60 over buying them in the supermarkets.

    Have a wonderful week ahead everyone :) .

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. Dear Lorna, Can you even believe you have this much water? But now one extreme to another!
      I have a lot of tiles to clean in the cottage. Thanks for mentioning the metho to get them shiny I will do that!
      Your garden is now producing so much! The timing is good as just ever fresh thing is going up in price so much! That is fabulous!
      I hope the flooding doesnt become a problem there and the garden is ok and that the drainage works well! With much love

    2. Thank you Annabel the trenches held up to the deluge of 104.4 mm of rain last night and we saved flood water coming into our lower level of the house :). We also had 8mm the day before and another 10mm the day before that. We are truly wet and the seasonal creek at the back of the property sounded like a waterfall flowing.

      Most welcome on the methylated spirits trick and we use a 50/50 water and methylated spirit mix to clean them.

      You are so right about the vegetable costs skyrocketing in the shops. They now want $14 kg here in the supermarkets for cucumbers. I almost had to scrape my jaw off the ground when I saw it.

      Have a great week ahead :).

      Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    3. Lorna that is sooo much rain! I have never experienced anything like that! I mentioned seeing a small bunch of asparagus for $11. Your cucumbers win though! This is no joke!

  29. Annabel, your sewing projects and the chicken gift tags are all so lovely! I am going to keep an eye out for nice old books with an idea for that. We had a quiet but lovely and thrifty week:
    *I enjoyed getting to select the first round of books from other libraries in our state through our local tiny library. That will be so fun and a bit money saving since I will be able to give up the annual paid membership at the larger library.
    *My husband turned a free pallet into a compost bin so I can start building compost for our raised beds.
    *I’ve been doing some of the usual things like trying to stick to the budget to get money into savings, using pet food and packaging bags in place of trashbags, wasting as little as possible both in food and just in general daily living, and staying home a lot.
    *More on my blog!

  30. Dear Sonia,
    Thank you so much! I saw about the storm and heavy rain! I hope you did not lose your power. I am hearing many did. And now more rain coming I think.
    Well done on your job applications!! I am praying the right job comes and it will be the right place for you!
    I love the sound of that tart! Yum! I will try this! Thank you! With love

  31. Everything is beautiful that you have crafted. I adore those chicken labels! My kids grew up in an agricultural club 4H. We had so many bottle babies and we loved each and everyone. It is so nice of you to encourage and give us a glimpse inside of your farm and Australia.


I really appreciate your comments thank you! The aim of my blog is the be a place of encouragement and happiness. Very rarely is anyone rude. Actually only twice so far! If you post a rude or aggressive comment I will read it but not publish it, thanks for

Spam is never published... if you are advertising a product or selling website your comment wont be published. I am inundated with stuff about drugs, horses and weird things! I am not going to publish this stuff! Thank you.