The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 22 August 2019

Feather your Nest Friday, 23rd August, 2019.

It has been a long long week.  My Dad hasn't been too well for several weeks and we have all been worried.  It came to a phone call  from Mum ,just as I was finishing my dinner on Saturday night,  to say "come quickly Dad is not too good".   In Australia "not too good" means REALLY BAD.  Dad's heart rate was only 32.   There were a series of dramas to add to it but soon he was on The Royal Flying Doctor plane to the city and he was given a pacemaker.  By now I had a lot of prayer support as I quickly posted in two groups, The Tuesday Club and The Women of Provers 31 group.  I really felt the presence of God all through this.  It was amazing.  There were a couple of crisis to deal with and the surgeon said it was the most difficult pacemaker op he ever did and they had so much trouble and obstacles to overcome.  But it worked!  So I am so thankful and grateful.  We are all home now including Dad.  Thank you to everyone who knew and prayed.  If I have not replied to an email, comment or message now you know why!  We were all very tired when we came home.  I still feel tired and am catching up gradually.

Despite all of this there was so much to be grateful for this week.  I was still able to achieve some things, some of which was on Saturday before the phone call.

In the city we had lots of long waits.  Mum cleaned out cupboards at one stage.  We all clean and cook when waiting or worried.  I came home with six bottles of wine (which I figure are possible gifts, contributions, cooking etc aside of drinking) and at one stage I weeded the garden and brought home several bags of thistles for the chickens.

My chicken feed bags get a constant work out as it doesn't matter if they get dirty you just wipe them out.

When I got home Scout went so crazy.  Then I did the rounds and visited everyone.  It was so nice to be home!  Laffie started running around leaping like a deer and being silly.  This is all good but she is getting so big I am about worried about being bowled over.   She was pleased to see me though!

On Friday we had worked on another area cleaning it up.  I took photos of how nosey the lambs are about everything you do.  

Everything is so darn interesting!

They all run up to greet me.  But little Blossom still wants me to pick her up. If you don't she gently pokes my leg with her little hoof.  Like "hello, I'm here"  so I pick her up and she isn't so small anymore.   Andy took this funny photo of me showing him the face she makes when she wants to be picked up. hahaha

All the clearing up has given us whole walls of stored wood.  We have sections, ready to burn areas and some that needs a year to dry out.

Wood to me is like the pantry, money in the bank and an emergency fund.  This means warmth, the ability to cook and boil water and many things.  I love a woodpile.

In Adelaide I picked a big bunch of mint from Mum's garden.  So I will make a curry soon and make a raita to go with it.  I love this.

On the way home from the city I did a big Aldi stock up.   Aldi is so much cheaper than the regional towns.  I took advantage of this and re stocked the pantry with all kinds of basics plus things like butter, meat, cheese.   When I got home I began unpacking bulk packs i.e. sausages into meal sized packs and freezing.   

We decided to get another freezer.  If we had a deer or sheep  come in we have no room to freeze it.  My freezers are not big and are full of ready made rolls, regular meat packs, frozen veggies,  breads, ready made meals... I don't have an inch spare.  I found a good place to put a bigger freezer with a re arrange.  So this is planned for next week.  I feel it is a good investment especially with the prices of meat and butter going crazy.

My vacuum stopped working.  I googled it and it said Vax machines cut out before overheating.  To clean all filters etc.  Now it is not long since I did that but that was it.  I washed everything and it was pretty disgusting.  It is some high efficiency filter system. So it needs doing really often.  Now it works wonderfully again!   I don't have a manual as I found it on the side of the road and the nasty people didn't leave a manual with it. haha!  (I BET they threw it out because it cut out like it did on me because the filters needed cleaning!)  At the time I looked the model up on the internet and it was a $600 vacuum!

Yesterday the calf and lambs all got out of the paddock as they beat me back to the gate. My fault.  I remembered Mum's trick to bribe them with biscuits.  Now they have never had biscuits (cookies) or seen a packet.  Yet when I took out the packet they all chased me.  How on earth did they know something was good in that packet?  And then they just ate their biscuits.  They didn't taste them to see if they liked them they all just went berserk like they had seen a convincing TV commercial.  Anyway now I know to keep a packet of biscuits on hand! 

So this was my week.  When I think how I expected it to turn out verses how it did turn out I am so grateful.  
Dad is doing pretty well.   He just wants to get back to work!  He is not very patient.  But his left arm looks a big mess as he had a big bleed and a lot of bruising.  That arm will slow him up a bit.

How was your week?  How did you build up your home and pantry, get head or save?  
Have a lovely weekend! xxx


  1. I am so glad that all went well with your Dad. God sure does answer prayer. Take your time catching up on your rest. Just being with all of your animals must be healing in itself. It is amazing how you are always getting ahead even with your Dad being sick. My Aldi's has been closed for a bit for remodeling and I sure miss it. Nancy

    1. Dear Nancy,
      I was very tired when I got home. It did catch up with me. Coming home from the city I thought this is my chance to go to Aldi. Im glad I did. the price difference is incredible. I also got some easy meals to help me get back on my feet! Have a good new week and thank you! Love

  2. Dear Annabel, so happy that you felt the presence of God through all our prayers for you all. Hope your Dad can restrain himself a bit and be patient for a little longer until he is well healed.
    Our little dog was beside herself when I arrived home from hospital on Sun evening so I understand how your pets reacted.
    Nothing more to add that I have achieved since my post on your last post. Graham is being wonderful, and I had extra groceries and some freezer meals put away, so we are coping really well.
    Love Lorraine xxx

    1. Glad to hear you have had the operation and are recovering Lorraine. Fantastic you have a husband who loves and looks after you so well.

      Prayers from us for your speedy recovery.

      Sewingcreations15 (Lorna)

    2. Thank you Lorna, I still have a long way to go, but I am so looking forward to working in my garden again and also caring for my chooks again, as I have not been able to do for nearly 12 months.
      I hope all is great for you both, I love reading about what you are accomplishing in your new home.
      Much love Lorraine

    3. Dear Lorraine,
      I hope you are doing better each day. It is so wise that you prepared meals and so lovely that your husband is helpful and supportive. It can vibe very tempting to over do it after surgery when you feel good but I know over doing it can feel so awful! So just go along at your won pace. There are so many things to do when resting. I think and plan when I cant do! Study up on your tube etc. Have a very good new week. With much love

  3. Oh, that all sounds quite stressful. Please give your Dad our very best wishes! I wonder how many freezers you have now, Annabelle? My freezers are often full too (I have one big one and one small one) so from time to time I go on a 'freezer drive" to use up what I have stored, and make room for new stuff.

    1. Dear Earthmother, I have two fridges with their freezer section but both not that much freezer room. We got the small chest freezer that was shared in Adelaide as no one left in Adelaide now. I thought this was so exciting. But it is full of lunches, breads, rolls, and ready meals. So now we got a decent sized freezer! So I guess it is two fridges and two freezers. I can shop weekly here if I want but the less I go into town the better. Rotating is the key and I need to be careful to do that. Thank you re my Dad. Have a beautiful Sunday! With love

  4. Oh my, Annabel!

    What a stressful, yet still productive week you have had. So glad that you are all home and that your Dad is seemingly doing well now. It will be a source of constant stress and monitoring though I am sure. Sounds like you will have to do that monitoring surreptitiously as your Dad doesn't sound like the sort of man who will take kindly to being fussed over and watched.

    Hopeful and happy thoughts for you and your family.

    1. Dear Lorax, Well you summed it up. Dad hates being fussed over and hates restrictions. So you can imagine...
      Thank you for kind words. I have hit Sunday planning a rest. And I am in bed typing! But I have a new baby! He came yesterday! But easy so far. ( a little boy tiny calf)
      Have a lovely Sunday there, and a good new week. With love ps Maria messaged you down below... v xxx

  5. I hope your Dad has a quick recovery from his surgery. Have you looked to see if Vax machines have their instruction manuals posted online? More and more companies are doing that these days. I do enjoy reading your blog!

    1. Dear Nancy, Thank you! I did look up the manual. With this I took the whole thing apart and cleaned all the bits. Now it is going so well. Even though it was free to me I love this vacuum! Thank you so much! Love

  6. Dear Annabel, I'm sorry your Dad had to go through that and it is a relief to hear he is on the mend. I love your wood pile photo - it is reassuring to have these things ready for the future. Take care, Clare

    1. Thank you Clare. I am glad I am not the only one who thinks a wood pile is beautiful! xxx

  7. Pleased to hear your Dad has made a good recovery. It would have been a worry for you all! Yes my Vax does the same. It's better then the vacuum blowing up because the motor over heated!It usually over heats if something is clogged up in the hoses or somewhere. Mine takes about 20 to cool down, before it will start again. Regards Robyn S.A

    1. Hi Robyn, Yes I am really pleased about the cutting out now that I understand it. It is working so well now. So in the future I will clean it all more often. Vas is a good brand. Thank you re my Dad. With love

  8. What a worry, pleased to hear Dad is on the mend. Praise God for all his goodness.

  9. I'm praying for your dad and that he can get back to his normal routine glad the doctors were able to help him.
    I love that your lambs come out to greet you when you come home.
    They are so adorable!

    1. Thanks Vickie. The other day the lambs and Laffie all got out of the paddock. My fault. But the lambs are all AT THE BACK DOOR wanting me. It was cute when they were tiny now it is more like all these sheep looking in the window. haha! Then they followed me back to the paddock. What a circus! Have a good new week! With love

  10. Annabel I am so happy to read that your Dad has improved so quickly. How frightening that must have been for you all. I hope he manages to follow the doctor's advice and take it easy for a while, though from the stories you tell he seems happiest when he is busy! I also hope you and the rest of the family allow yourselves some time to recover from the stress and exhaustion. How wonderful that you have meals stored away for times like these.

    I love the picture of you and Blossom. She clearly knows what she wants lol.

    It amazes me that despite all the upheaval this week you have still managed to make the most of it. The freezer will be fantastic. I would also like to get one, but we have some other things that need sorting first.

    It's my son's 7th birthday tomorrow, he had a small party after school today and it reminded me of just how simple kids are. The most fun they had was playing musical statues, including my 11 year old. They played at least 10 rounds. I sometimes think that perhaps kids expect a lot from parties, like lots of organized games, big prizes, and excessive loot bags. Today was a great reminder that actually kids just want to have fun and a bit of treat food. I really enjoyed it as well!

    I hope you have a relaxing weekend and your Dad continues to improve.

    Jen in NZ

    BTW - The stack of firewood is fabulous!

    1. Dear Jen, Watch the buy swap sell sites. I am seeing fridges and freezers a lot. You never know!
      Thank you re Dad. He is not doing a very good job of following Doctors orders which is a stress. Mum isn't getting much rest. Ah it is hard when someone isn't well or is in recovery.
      I agree with your observation with the kids. I did a heap of fancy things and it turned out good old fairy bread was the most popular thing. That age group is lovely. About then we did pretend camping in the back yard with great success!
      I hope you have a really good new week. With much love

  11. Praise the Lord that your Dad is doing well. What a week you all had.
    Aaawww your babies missed you. That is so sweet that they were happy to see you!
    Sounds like a week of blessings. Keeping you and yours in my prayers.

    1. Thank you Cheryl, I really appreciate the

  12. I will be praying for your Dad and your Mum, too. It is so hard to have been through that as the wife. My husband was bummed that he was unconscious when he was transported in the helicopter. He missed his $29K ride. It is good that you could restock at Aldi and yay on the new freezer. Our grand dogs can hear a cheese package and come running just like your babies and the biscuits. I love the picture of you and Blossom!

    We had a quiet and uneventful week of just working around home but I am good with that some times. I put a few meals in the freezer for later. We had rain several times this weeks after a long time of dry weather so we are blessed.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Dear Lana,
      This trip on the plane was in the dark so Dad missed out too. My Nana went on that same plane years ago and she saw all the country side and loved it. I think I would NEED to be unconscious on a helicopter ride I am terrified of helicopters. Well not of them just being in one!
      Lana I will take a quiet and uneventful week anyway! Bring it on! haha! I am glad of the rain for you too. We got a little today also. Have a very good new week. With much love

  13. Dear Annabel, great to hear your dad is on the road to wellness,more prayers for that !
    Your hens look so gorgeous ,like a postcard ! ...this from a city girl too ;-). What a lovely welcome home you got.
    Look after yourself and all the best for your dad's recovery ,that means REST for you both , Love Maria xxx
    PS Hi to Lorax , if she sees this, been thinking of you recently x
    Lovely to see your face ,thankyou Andy for taking that photo hehe.
    Woodpile is looking very neat and orderly. Quite a few years ago I remember helping a girlfriend stack her wood after she chopped it , very precise it had to be ,stacked by me haha .

    1. Dear Maria,
      Thank you! I love my hens too. They are good therapy too lol
      You can come here and stack wood. It love it. Like a stone wall, how they al fit together! Have a restful Sunday! With love

  14. Dear Annabel, I'm so glad to hear your Dad is at home and recuperating. We have 2 freezers also. One for meat and one for fruits and veggies from the garden and packaged meals. Another freezer will be a nice addition. Have a nice weekend and try to get so rest!

    1. Thank you Laurie. I am so pleased now with this freezer. Even shopping I often look at things and think "no room" so now I have more options for picking up bargains. I did point out to Dad and Luke now I have a new EMPTY freezer and a deer would be nice in it... so I might get some venison.
      Thanks so much re Dad. He is over doing it but this is his normal and I just hope he keeps getting a bit better. With love

  15. Oh Annabel, I'm so pleased your dad is ok. I was following from the start when I saw the post in the Proverbs 31 group, and at that stage I had no idea what the problem was, you were on my mind so often that day, and I sent out many prayers. Then that night I caught a snippet on the news about a ute accident in Adelaide, and I was in a tizz thinking was it you or your husband!

    Anyway, all's well that ends well, his health should improve over the coming weeks, if he looks after himself. God is good.

    By the way, I can't help thinking that Laffie thinks she's a lamb with all that running and leaping! 😂

    I had a busy week. I bought 10kg of beetroot on sale for 99c a kilo and I pickled and bottled it. I got 19 big jars of beetroot stored away in the pantry now, so that will last us well and truely through the Summer and probably beyond. I'm thinking I might go back and get some more if it's still on sale to give as gifts or sell.

    I finished a big project in my garden. The grass had encroached on my established Orange and Lime tree, and I removed it all, and made a large rectangular garden bed around them with neat, spaded edges, then they got a feed of blood and bone, and chicken manure pellets, then I mulched them thickly with home made mulch (I have a small mulcher, and I mulch any yard prunings and use them in my garden) plus I had collected fallen leaves during Autumn, and I ran the lawn mower over these to mulch them up, and they made a great mulch too, then it all got a good soaking of water to nestle it in. It feels so good to have this job done before Summer sets in, all I need to do is keep a bit of water up to them, and whipper snip the edges from time to time to keep it neat. Hard but satisfying work indeed.

    1. Dear Cheryl, Oh my goodness, I didnt even hear about the ute accident. But no not us. Thank you so much for praying. We had many against the odds moments. And yet each were overcome. Amazing.
      Also I felt peace. This in itself is amazing.
      The beetroot was a great buy. It would be beautiful. In summer I love lamb, beetroot and feta. Just a combination you cant beat!
      Your orange and lime trees will be very happy! Good work! Good time to be mulching too. I need to be doing the same. I am inspired by all you did!
      I watered and inspected our recently planted fruit trees that Dad gave us. They all have buds and about to flower! I watered them as we had a fairly dry week. Next week I need to dig over some garden ready for tomatoes. Not long now!
      Have a wonderful Sunday and new week. With love

  16. Glad to read that your Dad is doing well.

    I am like you when we get to the bigger city in our province I stock up on bulk packs of meat, cheese and canned goods. The next day is spent breaking everything down and packaging into the perfect size for 2 people.

    God bless.

    1. Dear Jackie, It is quite a big job doing all the repacking and freezing, labelling etc. But wow it is worth so much. It took me a few days. I attended to the things that needed to be used or frozen first. I was surprised how many meals we actually got from some packs. So worthwhile. Thank you so much re Dad. He is going along ok and difficult to get him to rest! With love

  17. Oh Annabel, I’m so glad to hear your Dad is ok. Thank goodness for the Flying Doctors to get him the help he needed quickly. Wishing him all the best for his continued recovery. Love the photo of you and your baby Blossom, just gorgeous!! Kelly xo

    1. Thanks so much Kelly for both kind comments! xxx

  18. Ah, firewood stacked up for the cold--it really is better than money in the bank for keeping warm and making ya feel secure. Not to mention all the hard work it represents and the cost of having wood delivered and stacked.
    Your girls (chickens) look so good and happy. Looks like Andy loves your babies, too :). You've got Blossom's expression down :D. Don't know who's cuter, her or you. I love how she rubs your leg to get you to pick her up in your arms. She knows that's where she belongs. My baby boy, Markie-dog, does the same thing...or rests his sweet little face on my leg.(He's blind and deaf) Boy to they get into our hearts.
    I'm so, so thankful your week turned out good.
    With love,

    1. Dear Mary, Thanks! I think Blossom is cuter though!
      Your Markie is beautiful. Anyone reading... Mary sent me a photo!
      The joy animals bring is amazing. The more the better! I am amazed your dog is blind and deaf. You must be an angel to him. With love

  19. Annabel I am so glad you father is okay and doing well after the operation, what a scare!. You still got so much done and like you I love seeing a good wood pile and ours is growing also. Animals just know when their humans need some attention too and can pick up when we are worried that is why they greeted you so warmly and wanted cuddles :). We do the same in picking up whatever we can while in town as the prices are cheaper on some things at Aldi than our local supermarkets here too.

    I didn't get a chance to comment on your saving on laundry items but thank you I got a lot of good ideas from it Annabel.

    Our Vicky challenge added up to $199.62 in savings last week :).

    Blessings & service to others -
    - We met a local couple who own 112 acres of land here 5 mins from home who said we could cut as much firewood as we like for free. That indeed will keep us in free firewood for many years to come :). That will be a huge savings in our budget over buying it or sourcing it on road verges from lightning struck trees.
    - We helped at the RSL club to make salads for a function there on Friday and Saturday. It was a great fundraiser for the club and was really successful.

    Finances, internet listings and earnings -
    - Paid an extra $175 payment off our home mortgage to save both interest and time on the loan. We are now over 7 months ahead on our mortgage payments.
    - Listed 10 items on eBay on a free listing promotion saving $16.50 on usual listing fees.
    - Made $10 from the sale of a homemade journal cover on eBay.

    Home Decorating -
    - I sewed another set of curtains from fabric I purchased for $3 a metre from Spotlight saving $$21.20 over buying them in the shops.
    - Took back a curtain we purchased to Bunnings for a refund once I realised I had ordered enough fabric for all the curtains.
    - DH put up the curtain rod holders and curtain rod for me and we hung the curtains and I put on the curtain rod ends.

    In the kitchen -
    - Cooked all meals and bread from scratch.

    In the gardens and firewood stocking -
    - Put up recycled heavy duty chicken wire around 3/4's of the garden beds to keep out the kangaroos saving us $161.92 in buying the wire new and hiring someone to do it for us.
    - Trench composted vegetable scraps, fruit peels and crush egg shells in the garden beds to add nutrients to the soil.
    - Split the rest of the firewood we got free from a lightning struck tree on the side of the road with our log splitter and stacked the firewood in the lean-to shed for more firewood supplies.
    - Used water pumped from the grey water tank to water fruit, berry and ornamental flower gardens around the home.
    - Used grey water from our hand washing bucket to water shrubs in gardens around the home.
    - Saved shower warm up water was used to fill hand washing and cleaning water bottles around the home.

    Hope everyone had a productive week and will have in the weeks ahead. Needless to say Annabel your Dad will be in our prayers for a speedy recovery.

    Sewingcreaions15 (Lorna).

    1. Dear Lorna, It is absolutely wonder about the firewood! That itself is worth a fortune. Also I might be nuts but I enjoy going to get wood. Often Andy cuts and I stack. If we went far I would make a picnic out of it and enjoy it so much! It is good also you have a place to stack firewood and keep it dry.
      Is your Wallaby still coming around? Good on the fencing. I love my animals but they are not allowed to get into my veggies!
      Well done on the curtains! You must have things looking very nice by now as each week you have been doing something towards the house and lots towards the garden.
      I hope you have a brilliant new week. Thanks re Dad. What a week. He is going ok but is a stubborn farmer who doesnt care for rest. You get the picture... With love

    2. Hi Annabel yes I have a husband like your Dad who wanted to split firewood with a wood splitting axe with a broken rib :). I snuck out while he was asleep and split it all by myself apart from 3 logs that I bounced off. Thank goodness for the invention of log splitters which save a lot of time and effort. We also cut firewood together with DH cutting and I stacking although another large chainsaw is in the wings to be purchased so we both can cut firewood. Next time we cut I will use the small chainsaw to cut the smaller branches while DH works on the larger ones.

      The swamp wallaby which we have worked out is a male on closer inspection, still comes around and it takes food from our hand and lets us briefly pat him now. He loves apple cores and has a delighted look on his face when he eats them.

      Recently we have had redneck wallabies with babies and grey kangaroo mothers with babies too all eating our grass in the yard. Once we get the back gate back up the larger kangaroos won't be able to get in but the little wallabies jump the fences.

      Have a great week ahead :).

      Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

  20. Dear Annabel,
    I am so glad your dad is ok. I didn't know this was going on but was worried when I saw Lorraine's comment. I will be praying for a smooth and fast recovery.
    I love the sight of your wood pile. I remember when my MooCow started to get too big for me to play with her! She would still want to chase me and leap around and try to push against me. This was not done aggressively, but still just a bit dangerous! Eventually she had to go into the pasture with the other cows but she would always pick her head up and moo when I called to her.
    I had a good week. It started off with visiting with my parents for my dad's birthday. My mom sent us home with leftovers that we enjoyed the next day.
    I hosted two friends for lunch this week and we had a lovely time. One of my goals is to improve in the area of hospitality and have people over more. I know I just have to get over my own insecurities and fear of things not being "good enough".
    We ate all meals at home again (except for the meal at my parents'). I baked cookies and brownies, and I also made a list of prices for the pantry staples I use the most. I did this by figuring the price per ounce, then seeing how many ounces of each thing made up a cup (by weight, not volume of course.) So now when I make something I can see that a cup of flour is .21 and so forth.
    In trying to make as much of my own as I can and avoiding the stores, I made my own crackers and mayo. Colton said I made a big mistake because after he tried my crackers, he said we are never buying crackers from the store again lol.
    I also made my own deodorant this week. So far it is holding up to the extreme heat we are having, haha!
    I caught up on some housework. I moved some of John's things to the attic that had been sitting up in the loft.
    Colton sold 6 dozen eggs to the guys.
    We canceled our Netflix after finishing a show we started.
    I cut up peaches for the freezer.
    I washed all of the baskets that I got at the thrift store bag sale. I like to do this with second-hand baskets to remove any dust or thrift store gunk.
    I think that is about it. My list was shorter this week, but I know I was busy non-stop. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
    Love, Kelsey

    1. Dear Kesley, What a nice week! Thank you re Dad. He is home now. He is not a good patient and is impatient. But he is going ok.
      I think your friends would have had a lovely time. I find people seem to love the simplest home cooing. I usually put flowers on the table and my pretty china. I make pots of tea and coffee. Also I have had friends over to make cards or just sit and knit and chat. I am glad you did this and it was so nice.
      Six done eggs is amazing. I wish you could charge Australian prices for them as it would be at least $30 but could be much more for pretty ones!
      You are doing well because of your list! It was a very good week and I am taking notice of what you said about the cow. Yes they are big and strong. We have to watch once they get big. This will be even more so as today (Saturday) I got a new calf and it is a boy! But right now he is tiny and adorable! Have a very good new week. With love

  21. I am so glad that your Dad is doing very well.

    I've been wondering if Laffy would be too rough as she (he?) gets bigger...Please do be very cautious. And what is the brand new calf's name? I know you didn't mention it in this post but I saw you had another on Instagram. Will these cows (and lambs) just be pets or are they meant for future meat production or milk?

    1. Dear Terri, Thank you. Laffie is a girl but now I also have a little bull calf as of yesterday. I agree with what you are saying. When I was in primary school there was a farm over the road and the farmer had a pet bull. He had it many years and the man was pretty old. Everyday he handled that bull and one day it killed him. Also I have been in a vehicle charged by bulls with Dad and terrified. A bull dented in the passage door where I was siting. So I am very cautious and as they get bigger will draw a line.
      Laffie I think will grow up and we might get a calf from here. Both calves are Black Angas. The new calf is a boy and called Loui. Some lambs will be forever pets/lawn mowers. So might go back into the farm herd. A bull I dont know yet. I will see what Luke things. But meanwhile he is adorable and I love him! With love

  22. Dear Annabel, I am so glad to hear that your Dad is home. I will continue to pray every day for him that he makes a full recovery and that he is out doing what he loves soon. Take it easy, these things can really shake us up and it is so hard to come down after such a traumatic time. I am sure being in the peaceful farm, with the animals is helping though. Beautiful photos! Sending you lots of love, Bridge X

    1. Dear Bridge, Thank you I really appreciate your prayers. Very much.
      Yes you are right it is hard to come down back to normal. Thank you! Love

  23. Hi Annabel

    So glad that your dad is doing well and was caught in time. What a stressful time it would have been for all the family. Nothing can keep a good man down.

    This week saw DD9 in for her first operation at our local private hospital (thank goodness) we have been waiting privately for more than a year and got in within a month. Unfortunately we had an unexpected overnight stay due to some complications with surgery as we live just that bit far out of town still, but we are mending and have a few more days of school (thumbs up for her, thumbs down for me :) need to do housework)

    Laffie is growing so quickly and is so gorgeous.

    You do such a wonderful impression of Blossom

    Hoping to get more things done later in the week

    Take Care
    Aly xxx

    1. Dear Aly, When your child has surgery it is so stressful. I am glad things are ok now but I am sure at the time the complications were upsetting. Main thing is it is over and she is ok. Thank goodness.
      I hope things are going smoothly now. Sorry for the slow reply! I am catching up. With love

  24. Dear Annabel, I am glad to hear that your dad is doing well. I hope you can find time to look after yourself! You've accomplished so much whilst under stress; as always, you are an inspiration! Be well,

  25. Hi Annabel,
    So glad that your Dad is home and improving all the time. He sounds like an "impatient patient" just like my Dad after he got his pacemaker. My Mum was worn out trying to get him to rest. Love the wall of wood, it looks so good.
    Your animals are so cute.
    Congratulations on getting the new Freezer so quickly. Hope you get it filled soon.

    1. Dear Kim, Your Mum sounds like my Mum exactly!
      Thank you! Love

  26. Hello Annabelle,
    Although we didn’t know the drama that was happening, we can pray a praise prayer 🙏🏻 for His care of your dear Dad and the skill He gave the surgeons hands. I know how hard it is to see your parents so unwell. I enjoy hearing about your days and it spurs me on to be more efficient with my simple life desires. Have a great week.
    Blessings Gail.

  27. Dear Annabel,

    I am so happy to hear that your Dad is home and doing well! I love that photo of you and the little look like a very glamorous shepherdess! Once again you inspire me with all your hard work. In fact, I am off to wash the filters in my vacuum right now! Love, Jen in NS

    1. Dear Jen, Thank you! The first time I washed all the vac it was disgusting! Eek! Now I do my hand held vac really often and this one better be more often but wow it is like new! With love


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