The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Feather your Nest Friday, 31st May, 2019.

This was a less frantic week (until yesterday) and I got myself into a routine of feeding the calf and lambs,  working outside on bonfires and the garden and inside on the usual stuff plus working on my pantry.  This was good!

We had a week of lots of rain and the grass has grown.  Once again we can look out over a scene of gum trees and green paddocks.

Laffie has grown and bellows at the gate for breakfast and dinner.  After she has her drinks she gallops and leaps around the paddock.

Lucy had given me 8 large bananas as they were over ripe.  So I made two huge banana cakes.  

Some of this to Chloe and Luke. Chloe slices cakes and freezes them for Luke's work lunches.

In town I found a heap of rolls and focaccia breads half price.  I brought them home and made them into lunches for Andy and froze them.

I planted a whole row of Hollyhocks in the garden.

When it is cold it is lovely having the oven on as well as the fire.  I made a big pot of pumpkin soup and a tray of Gluten Free Scones.

Each week I have eggs to use up.  This week I made two large bacon, cheese and onion Quiches. 

And later in the week I made a big tray of baked Rice Custard.  This is so delicious.

Dad gave us two old chicken sheds.  One arrived on a big trailer and we unloaded it and sat it next to the yard that Laffie is in.  It was going to take four men to lift it in over the fence since the gate was too narrow.  So it was sitting there and the next chicken shed is arriving soon.  I am so pleased about these!  I will have a shed to use for baby lambs and so many options for the second one!   
During the week Andy had to go to Adelaide and we had a big storm.  I spend that day mostly inside working on setting up a new pantry...  the animal pantry!   Suddenly I need a place to store bottles, teats, bedding, milk powders and so on.   There is a wall in the laundry that can take a set of shelves so this is going to become the animal supplies pantry.  Anyway, I knew it was windy but I got a surprise when I went to feed Laffie later.   The chicken shed had blown away!   I rang Andy and asked him if he wanted the good news or the bad news?   The bad news was the chicken shed blew away.   The good news was that it blew clear over the fence and was now in the yard we wanted it to be in!  Hahaha!  We decided when the next shed arrives we will sit it in the same spot and hope for wind!  How crazy is that!?  It is not really damaged it just needs straightening up and finally secured into its final position!

I continued working on the new shelves as now I can also put out there some other items like paper goods, candles, matches and so on.   I knew I had lidded containers suitable for it all as when we moved I had used tubs for so many things.  So I went through all my cupboards and set things up better.  This freed up all the containers I would need. 
Then it meant so many things could go out of the kitchen pantry and this would free up a ton of room in there.  So that was re arranged and it looks so much better.  And now I have more room to build that up.  Do you notice how when you move and organise things it has a domino effect?  

That was all going swimmingly when the phone rang yesterday late afternoon.  It was Chloe.  She had just come home from work and she could see a Ewe had died in the paddock.  When she looked she saw a little head pop up!  A baby lamb set there with it's dead Mother.  So Chloe asked was I at capacity here or would I take it?  So you know what happened next.  Off I went with a blanket and a basket.  
When I arrived Chloe had TWO lambs.  The second one was tiny.  She had found it alone sitting in the ashes of a fire where they had a bon fire the night before.  It seems it was looking for warmth as it was an orphan too.  It was a very sad sight.   So two lambs went into my big basket.
While driving home I was figuring out what to say to Andy as he was on his way home from Adelaide!

I had Colostrum formula so I started by mixing that up.  Meanwhile the twins are crying because their bottles are due too.  Then Laffie starts bellowing at the gate. ๐Ÿ™„

The tiny lamb was the much brighter and stronger.  She drank pretty well and wagged her tail.  I sat them near the fire to warm up and she was quite happy.

The bigger lamb laid flat on the floor as if he had been run over.  I thought he was dead a couple of times.  I put the teat in his mouth and he did not move, blink or suck.  In the end I put my hand around his mouth and squeezed his mouth together to squeeze the teat hoping some milk would spirt in his mouth.  After a couple of minutes of this he started to suck!  
I still thought he would not make it.  They stayed by the fire over night and I fed them three times then at 8 am.

This morning the little one is full of beans!  The bigger one is drinking and standing!   I have learned it is hard to tell but I am hopeful!

So that was my week.  We had a Swap Party in The Tuesday Club.  It was so much fun and parcels have been sent out and parcels are arriving!   Thank you everyone who participated.  I hope many friendships are formed too.  And some of the swaps that took place are looking beautiful as I have seen photos of goods traded already.  Later we are planning a seed swap.  The main swap will be a regular event as well.  I love mail, both sending and receiving!

Today is Dad's Birthday so I am feeding the lambs just before I go and will be back within four hours!  

How did you feather your nest this week?  I hope you found ways to build up your pantry and preparedness, save and get ahead.  I love to hear how you did!   We can get so many ideas from each other but most of all we can encourage each other.

Today is our last day of Autumn! Winter tomorrow! xxx


  1. That is a great story about the shed, Annabelle! I love it!

    You are so busy with the animals! It must be great to have them respond like that to some kindness.

    I have been giving away our Meyer lemons by the bucketful.

    I am part of a group running a "Street Pantry" where we put food for those in need. This is such a positive experience -not everyone is able to feel secure about food, so we are building community by doing what we can.

    1. Dear Earthmother, Oh I love your street pantry! I saw a photo of your lemons. They look wonderful. I wish I was near by and could trade you. I would participate in the street pantry too. I could add eggs for one thing.
      So far the lambs are doing ok. I was very doubtful about the larger one surviving. I am not sure yet as the first few days are a big deal. But I am doing my level best for them. I get attached and heart broken and worried if they are not doing well this is my trouble...
      Andy was amazed when he saw the shed. Job done! lol
      Have a lovely weekend. With much love

  2. I'm so thankful/grateful you all are helping out these precious new lives, Annabel. I'm praying for them to thrive. Bless you for all you are doing for them! Amazing. That is so funny that the chicken shed flew over the fence for you ;) I do love hollyhocks - they're so charming and old-fashioned (and beautiful). I pray the Lord give you extra strength, time and energy as you care for these precious little ones as well as your family and farm.
    Hugs, Mary B

  3. That is a great story about the shed, Annabelle! I love it!

    You are so busy with the animals! It must be great to have them respond like that to some kindness.

    I have been giving away our Meyer lemons by the bucketful.

    I am part of a group running a "Street Pantry" where we put food for those in need. This is such a positive experience -not everyone is able to feel secure about food, so we are building community by doing what we can.

  4. Annabel, I just laughed out loud so hard when you said about the chicken shed. You could not make this stuff up! That is just amazing. ๐Ÿ˜‚
    I think it is really great that you have so much storage room in the house for all these extra pursuits that have come your way since moving to the farm. You must feel like you have multiple children to care for ๐Ÿ˜‰ pleased to hear they are all thriving and doing well.

    We have had winter come early. It has turned bitterly cold here but I love it. Soup and slow cooker weather and such.

    Hope your mum is doing ok. Hopefully she has been able to get some resolve with her issues.

    It always brightens my day to read your posts.

    Love, Kaye xoxo

    1. Dear Kaye, Thank you! Yes we had a laugh too. Really life is crazier than fiction any day!
      I do feel like I am Mother to all these kids! They re a handful. Respect to anyone who has human twins!
      It has turned cold here too. But I read the East coast is really having a freezing snap. Good weather to keep the stove on!
      Mum has another appointment on Wednesday. We hope they will move things along as she has been unwell a fair while now which is very wearing as pain is very wearing.
      You are sounding good Kaye I can tell a weight is off your shoulders.
      Have a wonderful new week. With much love,

  5. Annabel your energy levels are amazing! I told Bluey the story of the shed and we both had a good laugh.
    I love the idea of the seed swap. My seed supplies are getting a bit low. I may not have much variety to offer this time round, but I will have plenty of a couple of plants.
    I have been taking things easy this week, as I went to bed one night fine, and woke the following morning with a very sore back. I am on the mend but have enjoyed the guilty pleasure of sitting and doing nothing much at all. I have taken advantage of the need to sit and have been reading and researching for a couple of garden projects I want to start.
    I made a butterfly applique that I intended on putting on a bag for one of the Grandies. My intention didnt play out, as I fell in love with the flutterfly and have made a bag for myself. I added stiff pellon made for bags so it stands alone. I lined it with some satin out of the stash. I am in love with this bag.
    I added some eggplant chutney to the pantry. It isnt really to our tastes but we will use it. I love your suggestion of using it in curries. Bluey has purchased some stewing beef today and this might end up as a curry with the chutney in it.
    I hope that you dont get blown away with all the wind and that the lambs all end up growing up and part of their own little flock in your yard. We had the coldest May night on Wednesday with it getting down to 6.4C. The days are getting up into the 20'sC so we are getting some thaw out time.
    Life is chilly good.

    1. Dear Jane,
      I hope your back is on the mend. I think you were wise to rest it. And research and planning can be very fruitful!
      I saw your bag. I thought it just divine. If you go out and about with that people will be stopping you and asking where did you get it. You might need a business card!
      Maybe also the eggplant chutney could be turned into a dip i.e. mixed with something... I think it would go very well in many meat dishes.
      It is pretty cold here tonight. You did have it cold! I am working tomorrow on making little lamb coats. This should be interesting!
      Dad was here today. He laughed about the shed too. He said they are nice little sheds. Then added "when you straighten them up anyway"haha.
      I think working toward a seed swap will be wonderful. I am much more conscious now of harvesting seeds and gathering whatever I can where ever I can. And the swaps have led to sharing skills and friendships (as you know) and I think this is so nice. The Sunflower Seeds you sent me last year became a row of sunflowers and I loved them so much. They looked so cheery and were kid of the firs thing people saw in our driveway. I thought of you every day as soon as I saw them. We can kind of share our gardens! So a seed swap could be amazing.
      Have a very good new week. It is the week of bonfires here I am hoping! With love

  6. That is crazy about the shed! I am reading it to my Husband and he is saying that it was God who lifted the shed over the fence for you. Oh yes!

    Have a happy weekend with your wee lambs. <3

    1. Thank you Lana the lambs are going pretty well. It is always worrying when they are really weak to start with but so far we are going well. Your husband might be right a neither the shed or the fence were damaged. I am only sorry I dint see it happen! These sheds will be such a help to us. A place to keep babies secure and warm.
      Have a very good new week! With much love

  7. Hi, Would your gluten free scones be what we call biscuits in the USA? If so, do you have a recipe posted anywhere for them? Thanks. Nancy

    1. Dear Nancy, Yes I think so. It seems to me our version is English and we tend to have them as a sweet i.e. with jam and cream. But as far as I can see they are like your biscuits and you more have them as a savoury i.e. with gravy? Anyway I love them! I have two recipes. You can google one just google The Bluebirds are Nesting, Hildes scones. This is good and easy. Just use GF Self raising flour. You want the mix to be smooth and soft. I always add half a teaspoon extra of baking powder as to me GF just might not rise so much. The other thing I do to get GF things like this to rise really well is add an egg but that is optional. My other recipe is 4 cups Gf self raising flour, one egg, 1/3 cup melted butter, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder. The egg really doesnt belong but it does help them rise. Cut them about 1 inch thick and bake in hot oven. It is good to bruch them with milk before baking. Sometimes you need a little more or less flour. I do it in the mix master with a dough hook as GF flour takes ages to get smooth as a dough ... so it breaks a lot of rules but it works and they re delicious. For a savoury one I sometimes add pureed pumpkin and or cheese, or chopped up dates, or cheese and chopped chives! Then they freeze well! So useful! I hope that helps. Love

  8. Annabel, I'm so enjoying your posts. I missed completely about your plans to move to the farm, but look forward so much to your updates each week. You are an absolute blessing to your family, farm and to us. Bless you, dear lady. Learning such a lot :) Mary L (SS)

    1. Dear Mary, Thank you! I would love you to see how we came here... it is here the whole thing was miraculous really. I am so happy here! Thank you for such a kind comment. I hope you have a wonderful new week. Already I know I will have a lot to report on Friday! With love,

  9. Annabel, Oh my Laffie, looks so healthy and happy. Your lambs get along with her well. But my oh my! 2 more babies to care for, they look so cute. I am so sorry though of how they came to you.

    You have been super industrious this week. Happy that the shed wasn't damaged in the wind and it is right where you wanted it to be.
    Love that you have a pantry building up for the animals, it will make things so much easier, next time and even now.I know there will be a next time. Though I think some dog food should go in there also, you do need one for the security of the chickens and lambs.

    My week has been a whirlwind. With construction going on, husband had a class, Holiday weekend, I truthfully had a time remembering what day of the week it was. We invited our elderly neighbors over for our family BBQ, the gentleman has Parkin's and early stage Alzheimer's, I do think his wife appreciated the invite most of all, though he did eat quite well. Three dessert after dinner.

    I used up eggs and milk by making a bread pudding with leftover stale homemade bread and a batch of croutons that didn't last very long, well they made a good snacking item.

    I used up some scraps of cotton yarn by crocheting coasters for my husband's water glass near the sink. I keep a coaster under it and under the soap dispenser, hoping they protect the countertop some.

    We didn't go to Aldi till yesterday and though there wee only a few sales, we didn't buy much but our bill came to $28, indication of rising prices even there.

    Plus over the weekend my husband and I worked constantly morning till evening on our garage, it was never painted since the house was built in 1990. It needed a lot of work, husband went though a huge pail of compound, he put at least 2 to 3 coats on where needed and every time he sanded I followed washing up. while he painted I scrubbed the tool racks on walls, they were suppose to be white but over the years they surely weren't any longer, I also scrubbed the doors and we both swept. I washed all the tools before they were rehung and hooks. Wasn't going to let a tool dirty up all my work. It looks 100% better than when we started. Plus more protected from the elements.

    So we had a productive and fun week all rolled into one, as my mud pit of a hole may get back filled today, then sun room construction is on hold till one company can come to cut into basement. Hoping I can get a few things picked up down there before construction crew has to work in the rooms.

    Hoping your next week goes smoothly.
    A Very Happy Birthday to your Dad!!

    1. Dear Rosaane, You worked really hard and I saw the results. The garage looks wonderful and is so organised.
      My shelves are set up and I love them. I have quite a few things stocked and now have a list of things to collect. I am going to town tomorrow and I need to get a lot more animal bedding.
      It is always a circus with renovations. The mess is always more than we think. And the disruption. But it will be lovely when it is all done.
      I hope your new week gets well with lots of opportunities. I am hoping to get lots done too! With much love

  10. Annabel you have had a busy week and you have so many baby animals to bottle feed. What a stroke of good luck that the wind blew the shed into the fenced area you wanted it in and not further away :).

    A friend emailed me about an orphaned redneck wallaby where the mother had been killed. As DH used to be a wildlife carer we were able to give her instructions on what to feed it and where she could get the food from. As it is fully furred and left it's mothers pouch and can eat grass with a little macropod food pellets it should do just fine until it is bigger and can make it on it's own.

    Our Vicky challenge added up to $833.28 in savings last week :).

    In the kitchen -
    - Cooked all meals and bread from scratch.

    Finances and listings -
    - Listed 12 items on a free listing promotion on eBay saving $19.80 on usual listing prices.
    - We paid the monthly interest charged by the bank on our house mortgage as well as the usual fortnightly payments. This will save us time and interest on our house mortgage.

    Purchases -
    - For the medical kit and advanced stocks we purchased 60 x 15ml ampules of sodium chloride using a box discount plus our 15% off pharmacy membership discount saving $24.85 on usual prices.
    - We also purchased for the medical kit 40 surgical/dust masks on eBay for medical and gardening needs saving $35.20 on usual prices. Due to increasing dust storms we will wear these if there is dust storms outside as well as use them for any work that involves a lot of dust.
    - DH with the garden money he earned purchased 5 L of two stroke oil saving $15.46 on buying other brands or smaller containers.
    - purchased 2 x 3 pk of croissants on special saving $3 on usual prices.
    - From another op shop we found we purchased for DH 2 x near new wool jackets with dry cleaning tags attached for $3 ea and a pair of jeans $1 for garden work and myself a warm long dressing gown $2, a long near new wool jacket for $3, a cable knit cream cardigan $3 and a skirt for $2 for a total of $18. This saved $484.97 over purchasing them at new prices :). Oh and I have converted DH to enjoying going op shopping too.

    House maintenance -
    - We cleaned out our roof cavity ready for us to put in our wool insulation batts saving $250 over hiring a trades person to do it for us.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful frugal week ahead :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. Dear Lorna, We have many Wallabies around here. Ours are Swap Wallabies or Black Wallabies I think. Very dark in colour. It is wonderful you could help that lady. Our local vet sells Kangaroo products and many wildlife feeds as they must get a lot of requests and injured wildlife. I am so impressed your husband has these skills and that is very handy to know. Sometimes having someone to ask is the biggest help.
      Lorna I admire your work and consistency. It interests me about the medical items you stocked up on. One time I noted in the local chemists that they had on hand about 50 surgical masks. I asked if they had more in stock out the back and of course no. So I realised should there be an outbreak of anything the first few customers that rushed in would get all the surgical masks as who would buy one? And so surgical masks would not be available to most people in an epidemic or whatever. So after that I bought several lots of them and we have at least a hundred stored.
      It is wonderful about the wool jackets. Now doubt they would have been very expensive. They were all good buys!
      It is great also about the insulation. And I like to know too that up in the roof is clean. We checked ours right away and were pleased to find it in really good order.
      Enjoy your Sunday and have a great new week. We look to have a week of some sunshine and after much rain this will really help the grass to grow. When it is too cold and wet there isn't much growth. So I am so pleased and we are planning to get our bon fires burned starting tomorrow! It is a huge amount of clearing and I am excited. Things will look wonderful I think! Good to have goals for the week and I have many! With much love

    2. Annabel that is also another reason for stocking up on the surgical masks is in case of illness or an epidemic of some kind. The sodium chloride ampules are salt water for wound irrigation and cleaning and go with our field dressing packs in case of deep cuts or puncture wounds since we use chainsaws and the like. This way we can clean and dress any wounds and we also have sutures here as we are both medically trained to stitch wounds.

      The nearly black wallabies you have there are swamp wallabies which are almost black with a bit of brown fur on their bellies. They are so called that because if they take fright they emit and spray a horrid odour (sort of like our version of the United States skunk :) ) so you don't want to scare them accidentally.

      The other wallabies that are red brown are called rednecks if if you see them. Both the rednecks and swamp wallabies are both very friendly and we have a little swamp wallaby that eats grass under a tree near our back patio at night.

      I hope this helps you identify the wallabies you have there.

      Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

  11. Goodness me, Annabel, you will be overrun with lambs soon. LOL! Did you ever imagine life would be like it is now? I love the story about the chicken shed. Yes do put the second one in the same spot and pray for a storm. Ha ha! Have a lovely weekend and I hope you do get to have some rest at some stage.

    1. Dear Nanna Chel, No I didnt fully image all the animals. It kind of evolved. I saw I had spaces like little shed and house paddocks that were EMPTY. I knew they needed life in them. Now they are full of life and it is lovely. There are moments when everyone is bleeting or bellowing at once and I have to figure out the order in which to do things! But it is really lovely. When Andy saw the chicken shed in the right yard he was amazed as it had to go up a fair way to clear that fence. It also didnt damage the fence! Job done! Have a lovely weekend! With love

  12. Annabel, your life is such an adventure, I love reading your entries! You will soon have your own collection of animals without having purchased any of them. I had to chuckle about the chicken shed, at least now you don't have to work out a way to get it over the fence!!

    1. Dear Patsi, This is a very good point. I have animals everywhere and never purchased one. Now this is strange... but Lucy said to me when they moved that she would really like some pets for the girls and what should she buy? I agreed that kids should have animals. I said wait and I thought God will send the pets. Next thing Harper has fallen in love with an unwanted dog and they are given that. Then next thing the dog is pregnant and they have nine puppies. Then next... someone deserted a pregnant cat and she has four kittens. Lucy and family take them all in. Next thing.... there are several orphan lambs and they come in.... all these animals and not a cent... then I said to Lucy to say "thank you God for sending me all the pets but you can stop now" haha
      So I think if anyone feels they can care for animals just ask and they will come. There are so many that need a home or help. And they add so much to your family. I see myself doing this annually but right now I feel at capacity! I hope you have a great new week! With much love

  13. You have become a truly legit farm!!!! How wonderful. You are officially the animal whisperer!!!!!
    I love how you help the babies and they have such a good chance at a great life. Thank you.

    1. Dear Cheryl, Well I really like that our little paddocks around the house are full of life now. They kind of sat idle and I always thought I hope one day there are full! So far the babes are doing well! The really weak one has really made an amazing recovery. I feel like I am running sheep intensive care. But they are so loving. It melts my heart. I hope you have a very good new week! With love

  14. Wow Annabel, what a week you have had!

    I can see your own hand raised flock of sheep on the horizon. Thank goodness you are there to help rescue those babies. They are all so cute!

    Well that is one way to get the chicken shed in place haha! That is so funny!

    Have a beautiful weekend and Happy Birthday to your dad, hope he had a wonderful day.


    1. Dear Tania, I will end up like your Mum and Dads place with lots of different animals and mostly reduced. I loved your post on your parents place! I wish they were neighbours! So lovely.
      It has been raining a bit more and much colder. All the babies seem to be doing well! Have a good new week! With love,

  15. Oh Annabel, you are a wonder! I can picture all of your posts as a Hallmark TV series - especially the shed flying over the fence! All those four-legged babies are so blessed to be in your loving care. Plus we all get to learn so much from you. Thank you for all you do! Blessings from the Pacific Northwest USA

    1. Dear Shirley, Thank you! We all had a good laugh about the shed. I wish I saw it in flight!
      The babies are doing well. It is much colder here so I am keeping them very sheltered at night. I think you would think our cold is mild through as we do not get snow or anything... I hope your new week is off to a good start! With love,

  16. Dear Annabel,

    What a menagerie! If there were ever any doubts, you are DEFINITELY a farm with a capital "F", now! :) Fingers crossed for all those little critters! Love the story about the chicken shed, too...what luck! Farms are busy places. Can't wait to see your hollyhocks when they come up. I've tried and tried and though I see houses around here with them, I've never been able to get them to grow! You've reminded me to try again, though.

    Going to try to do something with the garden, if possible, tomorrow. It's just been so wet, and now showers are in the forecast for all of next week, too! I'm hoping to at least get in some raspberry canes that are getting way to big in their pots, and hopefully lettuce, radishes, and onions. I think even that much is pretty idealistic, but aim high, right?

    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

    xx Jen in NS

  17. Love reading about your days and your farm babies . Don't know how you do all that you do....You are a amazing woman.What a wonderful event with the hiken house being blown over the fence.... That's Gods hands at work my friend.

    1. Dear Tammy, Thank you! I did think the odds of the house ending up in the right yard were very slim...! I cannot wait to get the next shed and secure both so they can be used to keep animals safe. The twins are ready to be outdoors more but still we have foxes so night times are dangerous. I will use on shed to keep them safe at night. Thanks for such a kind comment, With love,

  18. Debby in Kansas, USA31 May 2019 at 14:46

    I have so enjoyed your stories about your petting zoo!! Bless you for taking such good care of those babies. My friend called me this morning and I could hear a strange sound in the background. I said, "What did you rescue?" (She lives in the mountains of Montana). As close as she can figure, some flying bird of prey picked up a gosling, but dropped it near her cabin. She hiked about a mile around looking for mom with no luck. It was okay, but had some claw puncture wounds that a local vet helped her treat. Now, little "Ryan Gosling" lol is living in a playpen in her home. He follows her all over the house and squawks when he can't see her. I told her about your little animal farm and she said that sounds like a bit of heaven to her. Unfortunately, the babies she generally encounters have big ol' mamas with them....Grizzly bears & Mountain Lions, with the occasional mountain goat.

    1. Ryan Gosling! Oh that is so good! Poor little thing having puncture marks. It is absolutely amazing it is alive! She must live in amazing place!
      The gosling will just love her. They are very attached. My Nan had a duck she had from the moment it hatched and it loved Nan. Basically a bad accident happened. Nan was looking at a hatching egg in her garden. She had picked it up. Then the phone rang and this is back in the days people ran to the phone if it rang. But without thinking she still had the egg in her hand. And she dropped it! Incredibly the duck survived and hatched right there and Nan became its Mother. Well it was a wonderful pet. With a rocky start to life. Pets seem to come to us I think. I would love your friend also! I would love to see a photo of the Gosling if at all possible and I very much hope it survives and grows well! With love

  19. God bless you Annabel, rescuing and caring for those sweet little orphan babies. The world needs more like you.
    Love Lisa xo

    1. Thank you Lisa what a nice thing to say!xxx

  20. Dear Annabel, Amazing photos as usual. The shed story is really amazing - so good and handy! I had a good week, right now I can't think of many achievements lol, I best start jotting things down. Love Clare๐ŸŒป

    1. Dear Clare, If I didnt jot things down I would get to Friday wondering what I did but knowing Im exhausted lol. In fact we do some much but if someone asked me what have I been doing I used to say oh not much. I know you do a lot too! So Jellybean is going along ok and drinking her bottle... just to update you both! With love


I really appreciate your comments thank you! The aim of my blog is the be a place of encouragement and happiness. Very rarely is anyone rude. Actually only twice so far! If you post a rude or aggressive comment I will read it but not publish it, thanks for

Spam is never published... if you are advertising a product or selling website your comment wont be published. I am inundated with stuff about drugs, horses and weird things! I am not going to publish this stuff! Thank you.