The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Monday 11 February 2019

The Tuesday Afternoon Club, 12 February, 2019.

What a fortnight it has been!  The Tuesday Afternoon Club has grown and grown.
Here I am posting for some of the girls that for one reason or another are not in the FB group.  For many of us this is a benefit of a double dose of ideas!

First of all we have Clare. She sent me a photo of her Melting Moments.  Her husband thought she had gone to the shops and bought them.  But no Clare has certainly perfected Melting Moments which she made for her parents visit.

Beautiful job Clare! 😍

Maria has been very busy.  She worked some crochet cotton wash cloths...

A gift box of scrubs and essential oil serum for a sick friend...

Quiche, meringues and CHOCOLATE CREAM!

Cherry cake...

A cake for a friend who visited...

Chocolate zucchini loaf plus cup cakes...

And there was more!!  Maria cooks often for her Grandkids and family. You can imagine how much they love this! 

Next we have Jen in NC.  She is in winter and knitting away!   Beautifully, Jen has made hats for her neighbour undergoing cancer treatment.

Then mittens,  a headband, scrunchies and embroidered kitchen towel with a red crochet edging.  Imagine all of these as gifts.  Just beautiful!

Jen your gift cupboard must be looking amazing already at this point!

And we have Cookie.  This is timely too with Valentines Day this week!  She made gorgeous cards...

And decorated gift boxes!   This is sometime I can really add to my own making list... 

We often have boxes that have contained something we have purchased.  With some decorating they can easily become keepsake or gift boxes!  They are just beautiful Cookie.
I always keep and redecorate gift bags or store bags that are basically the same but have a store logo on them.  They are really easy to turn into gift bags!   Now gift boxes are another!   Thank you for the inspiration Cookie!

Thank you everyone for sharing what you made!  Now I am off to post in the Facebook group. If you would like to join come over to The Tuesday Afternoon Club.  

I hope your week is going well!  We have rain! xxx


  1. Thank you Annabel for posting all of these lovely handcrafted items :).

    Wow they are all gorgeous and Maria you have outdone yourself with all of that lovely cooking and baking :).

    I will send you some photos of things I have been making too Annabel. It has taken us a while to get settled and get a few needed maintenance jobs done in the house before I got to sewing :).

    Have a great week ahead everyone :).

    sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

  2. Dear Annabel,
    Yet another beautiful array of things from the Bluebirds. Clare and Maria's baking looks so delicious. And Jen's knitting and embroidery just perfection.

    And thank you for showing my cards and boxes. I had so much fun making them. I actually constructed the boxes myself from cardstock and then decorating with papers that I had and paper roses that I made, as well as other goodies in my stash. There are great tutorials on youtube that show you how to construct a gift box from from card stock or water color paper should anyone be interested. They're quite addictive.

    It's been snowing all day here and won't stop until tomorrow, so lots of time to spend in my happy place (craft room). Blessings, Cookie

  3. Dear Annabel,
    The last two weeks seem to have slipped by me craft wise! I have been mostly in the kitchen trying keep on top of the garden produce, plus using things up. But I have joined Patsi's 100 day sewing challenge so now I have extra motivation!
    Well done on the cooking, baking and crafting ladies! Everything looks absolutely wonderful and is sure to go over very well.
    Maria and Clare, your photos make my mouth water! All of your goodies look delicious and pretty too.
    Jen, I always love to see your knitting. How kind to make hats for your neighbor.
    Cookie, you have excelled in your paper crafting. Your cards are beautiful as are the boxes you made over.
    Thank you for sharing with us!
    Love, Kelsey

  4. Lovely baked goods and beautiful crafts. I so enjoy seeing what everyone is doing. Thank you, Annabel, for posting to the blog, also. I am one of those people who avoids Facebook, but am so thankful to be included in the Tuesday group via the blog.
    Many blessings to all of the Bluebirds,

  5. Such beautiful items showing such care and love and I just love the little box filled with gifts of care! Baking for the family or friends, care package for sick friends, knitwear so exquisitely made and sweet Valentine cards of love. I just love that idea of decorating gift boxes Cookie. I never thought of doing that!

    Very well done everyone. It was a treat to see these. Love, Kaye xoxo

  6. Dear Annabel and Bluebirds, the photos are all inspiring. Maria I am just starting to cook - I always thought I wasn't very good at it, I can only hope to be able to turn out so many beautiful,things as you do. Jen, your work is amazing - I really love the blue hat. Cookie your Valentine cards are so sweet. Have a great week ahead everyone. Clare

  7. there are some beautiful gifts there
    lovely post
    thanx for sharing

  8. Dear Annabel and Bluebirders,

    What a lovely array of gifts! Those melting moments look to die for, and Maria, you are the baking queen!!! Cookie, your talent always astounds must take a bit of patience to make those boxes before you get to the fun part of decorating! :) Thank you everyone for your kind comments. I am having fun and definitely keeping motivated by have a deadline for posting here!!! Today we're having a snowstorm, so in between shovelling bouts, I think I will make some Valentine cards and do some embroidery! It is so fun to see everyone else's work!

    xx Jen in NS

  9. I am absolutely loving every ones work it is a pleasure to look at, I have knitted more washers, and the other day started back on my red and white hexie quilt.
    I have 2 birthday presents for this month, one sil and the other our eldest grandchild turned 18, so tis is a special one.
    All birthday presents this year are bath towels, which I will decorate to suit each child and adults taste

  10. Dear Annabel , thankyou for posting my cooking and makes , Im late here had a busy few days , although I must say I feel guilty for syaing that when I read how much many of you and Bluebirds are doing, I am a far slower worker .
    Clare's melting moments look so good and professional too, well done Clare!
    Jen your hats look cosy and well made , im sure your friend apppreciated your kindness makign these for her .
    Cookie , I love your cards and decorated gift boxes!Thankyoualso x
    Thankyou Lorna and Jen in NS for your lovely comments, and also from Kelsey, Glenda, Kaye,and Chookasmum , with love Maria xxx

    1. Dear Maria, When you see it all here you should realise you do a lot! And it makes a difference. To many that dont bake, rarely cook this is completely inspiring! To the families you are feeding this is blessing them in multiple ways as cooking says love too... Thank you for sharing your photos as I just love seeing them! With love

  11. Thank you everyone for your amazing photos and to all those who kindly commented and encouraged. It is wonderful seeing what everyone is making. I am busy working toward Tuesday next week! So many things that need some finishing off then they are done! xxx


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