The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Feather your Nest Friday, 12 May, 2017.

A week can make a lot of difference! Andy is at his new job and a new normal is shaping up.  I had many more savings and achieved much more this week.

I saved money and got ahead (caught up) in a few ways:

I altered some more scarves. Nanna Chel asked me about this. I just find most way too big and they drown me!  I have cut them in half lengthwise, sewn them together in a loop and hemmed the raw edge. Then I fold them in half with two twists in the middle. (like a figure eight with two twists) Then I wear them!

Lately I have made adjustments to a lot of clothes and accessories and it has expanded my wardrobe heaps for free.   

This week I tried something else with my sour dough starter.  We have curries and butter chicken often in winter and we love Naan bread. It is quite expensive in Woolies as it is sold in packs of two for over $4.   I read up on how it is made and noticed the recipe is pretty much just bread with yoghurt in it.  So I went ahead and made my sour dough sponge, then my usual bread recipe (which I use for bread, scrolls, pizza etc) and I added three heaps tablespoons of yoghurt.  I kneaded this and it became very smooth and silky... it took some extra flour.  
You let it rise as usual. Then you roll out portions very flat and fry them in a little olive oil in the frypan. Like a pancake! They puff up and there you have Naan bread! 

It was delicious! Also hot from the frypan it was so good!  I had two lots of dough going and divided each lot into 12.  So I had 24 Naan breads.  When I looked up the price for my Vicky Challenge I saw this just saved me $50.   I froze it in bags of two. 

I will never buy it again. It is literally child's play to make.  Why didn't I think of this before?  In a way the sour dough starter has saved me money in new ways every week since I've had it.
I am working on a tutorial for anyone interested in sour dough.  It is very handy as you never have to buy yeast again, you always have your own fresh yeast growing!

I made Butter Chicken and raita from mint in the garden.

My soup of the week was broccoli. I use chicken stock as my base. This was because broccoli was on the best special.

This week I finally printed a lot of photos, especially of Harper and Scarlett. I do not trust digital ways to save photos.  Did you know Memory sticks have a life of about five years for photos? After that they deteriorate. Don't get me started on "the cloud" etc!   
I then wanted some nice frames.  I looked in a shop that had giftware and so on.  I did find something nice but I needed quite a few so shopped around.  The one I liked was $30.  
Then I headed off to the cheap shop.  I found some I love!  Eight frames came in at $24!  What a saving that was!  

Aldi had towels in special buys. I got four bath sheets to go in our new bathroom for under $40.  This is well under half price I expected to pay.

I made a big slab of chocolate cake which became lunches and the fishing day picnic.

I packed Andy's lunch from Wednesday to today, plus coffee.  He took a pack to tea bags and things to work as they have a kettle and that is all.  Everyone there sends out for lunch. I even sent a cup, spoon, tea towel... everything!  I will get him to find out what everyone pays for lunch. At the last place it was over $20 a day. Hello! That's $100 a week on lunches! 

I wrote up my Vicky challenge and it came to a much healthier $544. 

I got ahead/caught up with all the Naan bread in the freezer and some portions of soup as well. 
We made a heap of progress on the bathroom.  I can't wait to show before and after photos.  Before was bad. During has been a shocker!  After is looking good!  We have a floor going in next week and Saturday week the bath and everything should go back in.  

How was your week?  I hope you found ways to build up your nest and get ahead.  Taking opportunities as they come, even small ones, really adds up. 
If you are doing the Vicky challenge how much did you save by doing things yourself? 

Have a lovely weekend! xxx


  1. It's wonderful to hear you sounding more like yourself Miss Annabel. You really did have a good savings week. I am thinking that some naan bread might be happening here. I made small buns for our last curry. We've not had naan bread so something a little different might be called for.
    Bluey has finished re surfacing the tables on the veranda. They look so lovely and are now making the little wire outdoor lounge look very ordinary. I am in the process of planning a re do. It will only be new cushion covers made from fabric in my stash. I'm looking forward to the end results.
    There has been lots of baking with fruit bread, cake and sourdough being made in double quantities. Some was left for eating and some frozen for later. All vegies from our meals have come out of the garden. Our neighbours are enjoying the abundance and we are enjoying the extra eggs and fish coming our way.
    We having a few hiccups in this household but we will come through it all. Life will get better.

    1. Dear Jane,
      I hope the hiccups are nothing too serious. All your produce, cooking,swapping and making sound fabulous to me. Everything you have done with the sourdough has been turning out amazing! The Naan with dips and curry is so good. I had some just with hummus on it and yum!
      Have a very good weekend. I am getting my starter out tonight for some cooking tomorrow. With lots of love,

    2. Jane I hope life gets better really quickly for you.

    3. Dear Jane!!
      All I know is that, to cure hiccups, just drink up-side-down from the back of a cup. It works every time!!

    4. Dear Jane, thinking of you and Bluey, I hope Life is good for you both again really soon.
      Love Barb W .

    5. Thank you everyone. Poor Bluey has developed shingles and is going through a bit of a rough patch. The shingles are travelling a nerve line from his back, around his side and finishing on his operation scar line.

    6. Dear Jane I hope Bluey feels better soon, shingles are not good at all. Debbie xx

  2. Annabel, thanks for the instructions about the infinity scarves. I will have to give that a try. You must have been reading the Woolies magazine too as butter chicken is on the menu for us too as well as naan bread which I want to try and make a sourdough version of and did a search the other night for recipes. Great minds think alike. LOL!


    1. Well, Nanna Chel, today I enjoyed reading the Coles recipe magazine! I loved this edition -- a bit of pumpkin, a lasagna-style meatball soup, banana cake variations (like putting leftover bananas on top of the cake to bake!!), ..... the concept of woodfired pizzas!! Good food!!

    2. Dear Nanna Chel, Thanks to you with all my sou dough progress! I don't look for sour dough recipes. I use use any normal recipe and factor in that with a sour dough starter I will have a larger batch of anything plus more moisture and away I go. So far everything has worked out. This was so delicious and so easy and what a savings! What next? I have to think about what would be really useful.... that I haven't considered next. Maybe crumpets?
      I love the Coles and Woolies magazines... many good recipes and ideas in those! Have a lovely weekend! With love

  3. Annabel I am so glad things have worked out for Andy. Your naan bread sounds great.

    1. Sherri, I'm looking forward to hearing more about your homesteading!

    2. Dear Sherri, Thank you so much! I am with Rachel, homesteading adventures appeal to me very much! Have a good weekend! With love

  4. Dear Annabel, I am so glad Andy is settling into his new job and things are looking up for you both. I have had a good week. I shopped at the local growers market for fruit and vegetables this week and got bags full of vegetables for less than $40. There is enough to make three different pots of soup and as well I can make chicken and sweet corn soup so we will have a nice full freezer ready for when I get out of hospital. I culled more clothing and took some apart to keep the material out of.

    We cooked all meals at home and froze plenty of left overs for other meals. My eldest son is coming over tomorrow to garden for me and to throw out all my junk into a skip I have booked. He spent a full day here doing the garden and cutting down vines and once he finishes tomorrow I will have a full new garden bed to fill. I have been cultivating some hydrangeas and azaleas to go in there as there is no sun in that part of the garden so they will be happy there. This is my Mother's Day gift from my son and it is saving me hundreds of dollars by him doing it. Also I know he will do it the way I want it done.

    I am perpetually tired lately dealing with the pain and I will be glad to have the surgery. 5 weeks until surgery. I cannot wait. I am still losing weight and have shed 17.5 kg in 11 weeks. This will set me up for a great recovery.

    Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day .... God Bless

    1. Mel, you're doing a great job on the weight loss! Five more weeks -- and then, hopefully, you'll start to get a spring in your step!! Rest when you can.

    2. Dear Mel S., sending you and big hug and hoe the 5 weeks passes quickly for you . Well done on losing that weight to help you in your recovery to come.Love Maria x

    3. Dear Mel S.
      You have done so well with your weight loss ,that is excellent . Thinking of you and I hope everything goes well.
      Love BarbW

    4. Dear Mel,
      What a beautiful Mothers Day gift from your son! I bet he achieves heaps in the day! This is fantastic!
      Your weight loss is just amazing. Yes it will set you up so well for recovering from the op and getting back to normal. You are going to get very fit very fast as you will be speedy again! Imagine! Not long to go now!
      The soups sound fantastic. Soup is so good, it is filling and healthy. And economical!
      Pain is very wearing, lonely and depressing. Short times of it have been enough for me without really having experienced long term continuous pain. Having an end in sight is enormously important. Im so glad you have that to look forward to!
      Have a lovely Mothers Day! I hope by the end of tomorrow you will be thrilled with the garden progress and clean up. (love a skip!) With love

    5. well done on the weight loss Mel. Constant pain is exhausting, so rest when you can prior to your op.
      What a great Mother's Day present from your son, my daughters and their partners do similar things for me.

    6. Margaret, I hope you are doing well, too!! Thanks for commenting! You are valued!!

  5. Hi Annabel and Beautiful Bluebirds!!

    What a week!! I am wondering if you managed to set up a handsome tea basket with a cheerful homemade kitchen towel for Andy's work! I hope he thrives in his work there!! (I know my tea towels work really well! It's partly the absorbent chenille, and partly the colourful floral fabric and crochet!!)

    I am really impressed with your Naan bread industriousness! That's a wonderful saving, worthy of a Vicky challenge sticker! I'll be interested in reading your sourdough post! My next step is to use the old Australian yeast recipes made with lemon juice or wild sorrel. Of course, the old recipes just expect everyone to know all the steps from starter to bread, so I am keenly gleaning information about starters and bread making!!

    If I was writing up my Vicky challenge-style results for the week, I would include bread making, which costs less than bought bread, and is much, much more enjoyable! I usually make buns, which I slice horizontally for lovely toast/thick bread. I think it would be lovely cut into soft,
    scone-sized portions, and served with cream and homemade jam!

    Also, making dog coats out of end-of-the-road fabrics must be saving oodles over bought versions! It is very satisfying to see a loyal friend enjoying such simple home-stitched warmth and comfort!

    I don't know of any restaurant which would sell our home-cooked food, so that makes it priceless!! The firewood and kindling I prepare could be valued at ridiculous prices, and the coziness, warmth and light -- and cooking options -- that result are not to be swapped!

    So there, Vicky! How did I go?

    With warm regards to all,
    Rachel Holt

    1. Dear Rachel,
      You just gave me an idea! There is a fruit loaf you can buy here and one flavour it comes in is Apricot. Anyway the loaves are very small and it is about $5 a loaf. If I can find this I will take a photo. Anyway it is yum. I was wondering what to try next... you reminded me with buns... I will make fruit loaf! Why didn't I think of this? Also the health food shops sells fruit buns and they are very expensive. Yay a new thing to try! I never was any good with yeast cooking but the sour dough gives you mighty powerful yeast!
      Id like to see your dogs coat! That is so sweet!
      The cosiness and happiness you create is priceless! Add yummy food and it is perfect!
      We will say you had a massively successful Vicky challenge!
      I hope you are having a lovely weekend! With lots of love,

    2. Oh yes, Annabel, go for the apricot loaves! Andy will love that!!
      I think I am aiming for apple scrolls next! I used to take whole wheat date and mixed spice buns to the forests, loaded with butter! They were good!

      Thank you for your lovely reply!


  6. Dear Annabel ,good to hear about Andy and that your bathroom will be hopefully be finished next week.The infinity scarf idea I will need to reread Im a tad slow working that out haha.Soup looks yummy too , must try broccoli soup never thought of that.Could do with some of your chocolate cake :-)and the naan bread looks good. Id be interested in your tutorial so look forward to that .
    Its been a good week here overall.Our eldest son and wife and wee grandson moved back to here (NZ) and we are looking forward to seeing them tomorrow.Ive caught up with a dear aunt , had a lovely older friend visit,made a big sultana cake which was in hubbys lunches and mine. Made oaty chocolate chip bikkies, and fudgey ones , froze some and gave some to our daughter.Two meals sin the freezer came in handy on my busy days.I finished a crochet item for youngest grandson and now I can continue with next item that I started last month for older grandson.Rebatched a balm I made last month as it needed more coconut oil and gave a pot to friend who is not having luck with whats shes been using.And Ive rested more as insomnia has hit me once again this last week or two.
    Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful Blue Birders here[:-), with love , Maria xxx

    1. Dear Maria,
      Thank you and yes I am hoping for a pretty well finished bathroom next weekend!
      It will be nice having your son and family back there. We have Skype and texts and so on but it is not the same as being together and kids grow so fast. I am glad they are all back safe and sound.
      The choc chip cookies sound fantastic. That is something I haven't made in ages. Harper found out about chocolate so maybe I can do that now!
      (yes she likes it!)
      Insomnia is my number one enemy... if I don't do enough outside etc OR get over tired both seem to mean it is hard to get to sleep. I am awful without enough sleep. Have a lovely Mothers Day! with lots of love,

  7. Dear Annabel,

    All of your cooking looks delicious. I can't say that I've ever had butter chicken but it sounds scrumptious. I'm always amazed at the high cost of artisian breads both here and abroad, which makes it all the more wonderful to be able to do it ourselves.

    Sadly, winter has returned for a few days to the northeast U.S. and we're experiencing heavy rains, high winds, and cold weather including frost. So warming soup has been on the menu.

    As to nest feathering, We've had cream of zucchini soup which I had frozen last fall from the garden. Since it's been so nasty outside I decided it was a good time to bake and made 60 chocolate chip scones using almond and coconut flour, baked 4 loaves of bread, for the freezer, made lasagna using spinach and sauteed mushroom as instead of noodles, roasted a couple of chickens some of which went in the freezer, the usual fluffing and dusting and worked on things for the gift closet.
    Wishing all a Happy Mother's Day. Blessings, Cookie

    1. Dear Cookie,
      If I remember I will send you a very easy butter chicken recipe. It is so yummy and doesnt actually contain butter! Its creamy.
      Your burst of cold does sound like soup weather! It might be the last cold, I hear from Vicky that it will be planting veggies time soon at least in Ohio.
      Your cooking sounds just wonderful. What a good week! Very productive! Have a very Happy Mothers Day! With love,

  8. Annabel,
    It is so good to hear your life is settling down some and Andy is settling in at his new job. As everyone else, I cannot wait to see your new bathroom.
    As you know I have been traveling again this week. I am hearing more and more of our Op Shops closing because they cannot afford to stay open. Distressful when you think of it.

    I found a lovely winter scarf for a mire 99 cents and a muslin sheet for 99 cents that I will turn into non-paper towels down the road. A beautiful Fall colored tablecloth for $3.99 that will make this coming Thanksgiving dinner special. I also added to my craft pantry with 2 full spools of crochet cotton for 79 cents each and white twill tape for 25 cents. My personal pantry was added to with a Vera Wang purse for $2.99 and a new wallet leather wallet for 99 cents. It was wonderful to tell my husband I had just saved him over $300 by spending only $11.

    My husband is planning on going to our local hardware store today and as a Mother's Day sale, herbs and veggie plants are on sale, so I may be able to get this years herb plants at a discount.

    Have a Wonderful Weekend Annabel.

    1. Dear Rpsanne,
      Thank you! That is terrible about op shops closing down! They help so many people... partly the funds they raise but also the people who can afford to clothe their families because of them!
      I am glad you had good finds! These make a trip really good! I have lots of things that I think of the trip I was on and the op shop they came from!
      A Vera Wang purse is a fabulous find!
      I hope you get your herbs... I saw your banter and think its excellent. Fresh herbs are so good. What are left you will dry I am betting!
      Have a lovely weekend and Mothers Day! With lots of love,

    2. Rosanne, I just read your posts on your blog from a few years ago, and it was very, very interesting -- book reviews, dedicated kitchen work, herbs, preserving foods, .... I love it!!

  9. Dear Annabel,

    Just a quick pop in as everyone else has gone to the city for the day...lots of cleaning and sewing to do while they're gone!

    Every time you post a photo of one of your chocolate cakes, my mouth starts watering! :) I agree with you wholeheartedly about the photos. My hubby and I were just talking about methodically going through our photos on the computer, being ruthless and just printing off the good/momentous ones and then putting them in an actual photo album. I feel that it's probably less likely I would lose my photos to a fire than to dated technology (and no more access to the photos). Besides, I never look at the photos on the computer anyway!

    I loved the photos of your crochet from Wednesday!!!! I am about three-quarters of the way thru my dress and I think today I can finish the shirt I am making for my daughter's birthday (while she's away)....

    I am glad things are going well with Andy's job!!

    xx Jen in NS

    1. Dear Jen,
      I can see you had a good day of things to do while able to get on with things uninterrupted!
      Another thing about photos... is to frame some you really like or have a photo wall or inspiration board. Also frame them for family and Grandparents etc. This all means they are spread amongst a few houses and people. This is kind of insurance! They make lovely gifts for the immediate family. I have quite a few that I see everyday. I would prefer them over art work as they mean more to me and they make me happy everyday! I have one of Lucy when she was about five, hardly any teeth just gaps, wearing a fairy costume with wings and a shower cap. I don't know why she was wearing a shower cap but all of this added together and there is our little dog at her feet and she has this huge happy smile. Well it cracks me up and I remember it all so well. I see this everyday! Precious moments!
      I would love to see your dress too when you are finished! You are clever!
      Thanks so much Jen and Happy Mothers Day! With love,

    2. HiJen,

      Sounds like you're​ making hay while the sun shines!
      In answer to your question about reenacting, it's Civil War and WWII. We're on the brink of high tourist season
      And there are encampments and programs just about everywhere. Happy Mother's Day! Cookie

  10. Yay for life calming down! God has smiled on you and your husband this week!

    Much feathering happened here this week. We have an Amish scratch and dent grocery store about 30 minutes away, so I took a morning and went, and was rewarded big time! I bought 6 banana boxes (those really big cardboard boxes they ship bananas in)full of shelf stable foods, 1 and 1/2 pounds of turkey lunch meat and 4 pounds of deli sliced cheese (they have a full service deli) and 8 64oz bottles of 100% juice for the kids for $150!!! I was so excited about all of the different things I found, I had to call my husband at work and ask if what we could afford all my finds! We had eaten our pantry down very low over the last few months to pay some expenses, and this was a great chance to start building it back up in case it happens again. Also, a grocery store on my husband's way home from work has strawberries for $.99 a pound right now, so he is going to stop and buy 30 pounds for me to put in the freezer (and we'll eat some too of course). He will stop again on Monday so I can get 30 more. This grocery store does this every spring with strawberries and summer with blueberries, so I always have those 2 fruits in my freezer. That is less expensive than buying the already frozen fruit, and we eat more in desserts and smoothies by always having it on hand. WE also make fruity pancakes, syrups and jams with it. I don't know how to figure it all up for a Vicky challenge, but I know we did really good!

    I hope all of you have a very nice Mother's Day this weekend. You all work so hard for your families. The weather will be gorgeous here so we are going to take advantage of our zoo membership and pack a picnic to eat there for a wonderful (cheap!) day out. Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Dear Sarah,
      I love the sound of your scratch and dent Amish store! Wow! I wonder if you could go there regularly, once a month or something.... it got you so far ahead and caught up! I know the size of banana boxes! Anyway I am so pleased for you!
      The strawberries will also be fantastic! What good planning!
      Lets just say your Vicky challenge was very good!
      Your plan for Mothers Day sounds like it will be so nice. Have a beautiful day!
      Thank you for sharing this Sarah, I am so glad you had such a good week of building things back up. So nice to hear! With much love

  11. I love Naan bread and homemade is so wonderful. You are so right about how easy it is.
    Love how you are re-working clothes. That is just so neat.

    glad things are working out with Andy's new job and you are getting back into the swing of things.
    Can't wait to see the remodel!!!

    1. Thanks so much Cheryl! It is so nice to have a good week! I am glad I look back over the week as I appreciate it more. Have a lovely weekend and Mothers Day! xxx

  12. I haven't done the Vickie Challenge in awhile, but today John took the mower deck off and carried it to town to the body shop The guy there charged him $10 to repair it with a weld. Honestly, he looked up the whole thing online looking to purchase it and it was $800. That's a pretty awesome savings. My post is up on my blog

    1. Dear Terri,
      What a huge saving! I will come over and see what you have been up to..
      Have a very nice weekend! With love

  13. How wonderful to be able to make the bread you love at home! I am just so happy abut Andy's new job!

    I am counting a $6000 savings after we had our regular maintenance done on one of the heat pumps and found we had a relay switch about to go bad which would have burned up the unit. This happened exactly that way on the other unit two years ago and then we were out thousands. It cost only $131 to have the repair done before disaster struck.

    Our two year old granddaughter swallowed a penny last night and had to have an emergency procedure to have it removed from her esophagus. Today it is as if nothing happened. Thanking God for doctors and quick healing.

    1. Dear Lana,
      Oh my goodness what a fright with your Grand daughter! I am so glad she is ok.
      That is a good illustration of how maintaining something is better than preparing it. Wow! Prevention is better than cure! What a big expense to have averted!
      I hope your Granddaughter recovers fully and fast, with lots of love,

  14. Dear Annabel, Thank you for another lovely weekly catch up / nest feathering blog post . It's so good to hear that things are going better for you and Andy . I cannot wait to see photos of the finished bathroom . My week has been rather quiet but ok all the same . For my vicky challenge I :
    Received 3 meals from my parents $30 savings.
    Made 3 cards , $15 saving
    Cut out heaps of die cut embellishments using my sizzix big shot machine , a pack of embellishments can be expensive and these are like nothing you will buy as they are cut from die cut templates , I am counting $15 savings .
    I received a notepad of pastel paperweight I can use for craft , I have seen these in shops , I am counting it as $5 savings.
    I received some shallots/ spring onions from my parents garden , $3 savings.
    I had a physiotherapy appointment for free at the local hospital . Private physio is expensive so I am saying $60 savings.
    I saved/ put away $20 for Christmas , $20 saving .
    I had meal prep for 2 hours this week , saving me from going out for dinner or getting takeaway . I will count it as a $35 savings.
    I am now on the safety net for medication , meaning I get all my medication free. I got 6 scripts filled this week ,a savings of about $40 .
    I bought two gifts that were marked down , a saving of $15
    I had two hours subsidised cleaning this week , a $40 savings compared to what I would pay privately.
    I bought some of the soap free body wash I use and as well as saving $5 on the regular price , I got a bonus pack which included a 250 ml bottle free so I am counting a total saving for this product of $12
    I saved $25 on groceries and banked $15 so a $15 saving .
    I received transport from my Dad this week , saving me about $40 on taxis .
    I had a doctors appointment, he bulk bills me . Saving $70
    Total savings this week of $415 .

    1. Dear Barb, What a good week! It was good in savings and also in help. I hope the physiotherapy will be good for you. Also it is really good you are saving for Christmas and made so many savings on groceries. This all adds up a lot!
      Recently my doctor bulk billed me also. I was so pleased as it was a big saving. Medical bills and prescriptions etc all added up when I was sick.
      Have a really nice weekend Barb and thank you so much for sharing your week! With lots of love

    2. Let us know how the physio goes, Barb! It sounds good!

    3. Barb,you are doing so well on your savings ! Love Maria x

  15. Dear Annabel , oops I forgot to put my name on my comment , love Barb W

  16. Hello Annabel, Haven't had time to read all the replies to your post, I always like to read up what people are up to as well, but do agree with the first post from Jane, that it is wonderful to see you back to your normal self, the Annabel we all love.
    I am impressed with the naan bread, it is terribly expensive and it looks just scrummy. I am getting the butlers pantry built in the next fortnight and can then start stockpiling and being more organised and I can't wait to try out heaps of new recipes, including getting into sourdough at some point. You are very inspirational. Just got home from work and from looking in on my son who had surgery today, he was out at 5am and not home till late afternoon and it's such a relief to see him safe and well. He has about 4-6 weeks off work and I am looking forward to spoiling him a bit.
    Hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day tomorrow.
    Fi xxx

    1. Dear Fiona, It is the generous sharing of everyone here that makes this blog and I am very grateful. Apart from a willingness to share tips and recipes etc on any subject everyone rallies in support of each other. Its what keeps me going.
      I realised since SS days there are those who read and a few who are willing to comment and others that contribute and help. While Im grateful for readers and hope they are helped and encouraged somehow I am REALLY grateful for those who help. Thank you for always being so kind and generous to me right since day one! You, Maria, Mimi, Lynette... all from the original group... well I really appreciate that!
      I am very glad your sons surgery is over and things went well. Happy Mothers Day to you Fi! With lots of love,

  17. Dear Annabel and friends, What a great week you have had and Andy finding a job would be a relief. Makes life so much easier when there is an income coming in. Hoping jobs come our way soon.
    The naan bread looks great and that will be on my list next. Fruit bread is a favourite here and gets made often. I just add mixed spice a little extra honey or sugar and sultanas when I'm mixing the dough. Crumpets are on my to do list as we love crumpets. I have made them with yeast so sourdough crumpets next. Sourdough is so easy and we just love anything made with it.
    Hope all the mothers on here had a great day yesterday and hope everyone has a great week.
    Debbie xx

  18. Dear Annabel and Blue Bird friends sorry I am late, been a busy couple of weeks.

    Annabel you will be so glad when the bathroom is all finished and you can get the house back to rights. It will take some time though because, as you know, building mess seems to find the best places to get into.

    You may have a new career at Andy's new work place, lunch lady. You would make a killing even if you charged 1/2 the price of what they pay now. The coffee could be taken care of with the addition of a coffee machine to the small kitchen area.

    I hear you on the 'new normal' - looks like I will be 'home alone' for 3 days this week and again next week - means that I can get some deep cleaning done without getting in the way of my husband and his working from home.

    Last week I had to have a small surgery done which required me using a sanitary napkin - not having used them for a long time I had trouble working out what brand to buy - ended up going for the cheapest and lo and behold found out that they were rather tricky to unwrap. My suggestion to anyone who is going to put sanitary napkins into their first aid kit is to have a good close look at the brand that you are thinking of buying - you may need to unwrap them with one hand and that was not going to happen with the brand that I purchased.

    The procedure was done at a new local medical clinic that has opened up here. Saw a wonderful older lady GP who attended to my problem there and then. Pity she is only there while they are getting on their feet.

    We popped into Golden Circle again and picked up a few more things - what I went in for they had sold out so I will keep my eyes open to see if they appear again.

    I received a 'phone call to do an extra shift in the shop - just as I arrived home from having my small procedure done. Decided that I could manage it and went up to the shop the next day. Ended up working on my own. It was a cold,wet, gloomy day and not many people around but I still managed a reasonable amount of takings. I ended up working on my own so had lunch at the front desk. Closed early because the afternoon got worse and there were no people around. Once again I ended up fixing up problems.

    I banked 3 cheques from the shop for over $130-. Did a top up grocery shop at Aldi - was going to do it this coming Friday except we are not sure if my husband will be working from home or not.

    My concession to my illness is to have my husband bring the shopping into the house.

    I have finally worked out an answer to my lack of bench space in the kitchen - IKEA have some chopping boards with 1 edge on them - they can be flipped over and put over the sink area with the edge coming down the front of the bench space - chopping boards were on a $5- savings for IKEA family members - picked up 2 so saved $10-, ended up costing just over $38- to give me more bench space when I am baking.

    Annabel I hope that your results have been good and it is just a case of 'overdoing things' after your bites.



    1. It's good that you're back, Lynette!

  19. The naan bread looks fantastic! I make my own in a similar way. I hate that the bought naan bread can have a shelf life of +18 months when you buy it - how many preservatives must be in it?? Homemade is way nicer!

    Cheers - Joolz xx


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