The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

The Christmas Challenge. Chandelier makeover and catch up.

Time to report on my own Christmas Challenge!  In our family we have most Birthdays early in the year.  So it has been full on keeping up with birthday presents.
My arm has given me trouble and I have been very slow with my crafts.  I am working on improving my actual present cupboard as it is a mess and I need a better shelving system. I am looking for drawers or pull out baskets I can put in there and organise it. It is hard to see what I have without pulling it all out. So that is on my immediate list.

One craft I completed comes from a road side find.  I love, love, love chandeliers. I can always have another one!  Andy saw two light fittings and told me so I ran around the corner to see and picked this one up...

I see a lot of light fittings with 5 or more "arms" but this was better than most as it features pretty shapes, scrolls and patterns plus eight arms.   And it is quite a decent size.
Ok not everyone would get excited by this!  But Andy knows me pretty well!

First I spray painted it white. I hung it up in a tree and gave it a few light coats.
Next I ordered two types of crystals on Ebay.  There are places that give you free postage and whole bags of amazing droplets of strings of crystals for about $12.  (I found this out when I added extra crystals to my hallway chandeliers.)

I increased the overall size of the whole thing by draping strings of crystals between the arms so they dipped down... and then hung single droplets from those.

I already had plenty of globes and when they were in Andy plugged it in and lit it up and it works!

It is going up in the lounge room.  I have been playing around with that room and it will be an extra thing I can do in there.

The whole thing came in at around $30.  Plus it was fun!

Chloe took home her little table top (like the one I posted last Friday) as I had painted that for her in palest blue.  She already had the base which has been sitting with no top in her bathroom. It was kind of a joke how the table would be more useful if she could actually sit something on it.  So now she can and I hope she sends me a picture of how it all looks.

Currently I am working a crochet edge around a lace table runner.  I have been slow as a wet week on that.  AND Cookie has me trying to paint birds nests.... I have one more item to collect and I will be ready for this challenge. I said to her that maybe my birds nests would be depicting a species of bird that makes really messy nests!  haha that will be my excuse.

 What are you working on this month?  Some of the US ladies are experiencing snow storms so if this is the case I hope you are warm, snug and safe and working away on lovely things. That is the ideal way to get through intense weather.
Here Autumn is just kicking in. This revolutionises things for me as the garden becomes less demanding and the football season starts. This equals rainy weekends crocheting, sticking my photos in albums, painting and sewing. I can't wait!

See you on Friday when I hope we will all have lots of good things to report! xxx


  1. Dear Annabel ! that chandelier if absolutely fabulous!Andy is a good man directing you to that find , and y0ur added talents have brought it to life. Just love it!Chandelier lover here though I dont havent any in this house , ceilings too low. Use to have two in the old house .
    keeping busy here with family , and in between meals and baking and some short travelling bouts, Im finally working on DGS's rug , the panels are finished and the ends sewn in, Now I need to edge each and then join , then the final edging so I need a bit more time to work on that . I find its fiddly getting the first panel edged evenly then Im off after that. Not as experienced as some ladies here :-)
    Hope the sick ones are on the way up to better health.
    Love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria!
      I hope you are well rested and back to your normal self!!

  2. Your chandelier sounds beautiful! I am going to look back at it when my eyes are better. What a fun roadside find. We haven't done anything creative around here this week. It is fun to hear about everyones creations though!

    Kristi here: I sent you an email the other day just so you would have my email. Let me know if you didn't get it.

    1. Dear Kristi, No I didn't get it. I just went looking incase I missed it or it went into my junk box but no... please do try again. Maybe I wrote the address wrong... Thank you!
      Dear Patti, I hope you will be back to crafting soon! The main thing is to get better and you are getting a lot of prayers! With much love Annabel.xxxx

    2. Prayers for Patti!


  3. Hi Annabel
    I am loving your chandelier make over, just beautiful as is very thing you do. I haven't commented this year but have been keeping up each week reading your posts, I may not comment very often but rest assured I am always inspired by the bluebird community talent. I have not started any craft or present's this year as we have been extremely busy at work and it has been so hot (hot flushes don't help)and I am tired when the weekend rolls around. Now the weather has started to cool a little I hope to make soap and start crocheting again. Blessings to all. Joanne Roberts


    1. Thank you, Joanne, for commenting! It's encouraging to hear how people are getting along!

  4. Annabel,

    I've been at Mother's since mid-ish-February and brought some handwork along:
    -- felt snow babies I make with felt, embroidery floss (facial features), pom poms (stocking cap tip) and polyfill
    -- embroidered "Happy Birthday!" cards, each letter a different color in the rainbow
    -- crocheted edges on white terricloth dish cloths, just because

    I was telling Cookie in an email earlier that Mother had a new ironing board cover that was ill-fitting. I bought her a replacement and thought the ill-fitting one would make great potholders. I will embellish each of the eight potholders with nine cheerful yo-yos and place aluminized fabric on one side. I'll either trim the edges with a handmade bias tape or with crochet.




    N E W

    CHANDY! Chandy Andy is Annabel's man!


    1. Ha ha!! Kelley, crochet edges on your terricloth dish cloths sounds lovely! I might copy you!

  5. We have snow but not a storm so I'm happy. Your chandler is very pretty! What a great find and makeover! Well I was embroidering my pillows for my bedroom when the remodeling started. I'm a little worried because I no longer can find my bag that held it. I think it's in the garage. Hope it is! Have a great day!

    1. Ooh, Vickie! I hope you find that bag in good timing! You'll be so pleased when you do!!

  6. Annabel you certainly are a very clever and talented lady. Andy also has quite the eye for a good find. I love how you have taken a basic form and turned it into something quite lovely.
    I am now wondering whether your pushbike find is just a little bit sparkly?
    Life is good.

    1. Good thought, Jane! Is Annabel's bike sparkly?!!!!

    2. I would love to sparkle up my bike! I did order a lovely basket. I need that for sure. So it is getting a gradual "personalise" . Bluey could rig me up something so I could ride along with a chandelier over my head! haha! xxx

  7. I wished we had hard rubbish days. What a find and your restoration of it has made it look absolutely gorgeous. Haven't been doing much too humid and sticky hot here. I did manage to do some sewing repairs on a few things that needed it done. I have been looking at what to do next around the house that wont cost the earth to do. I did pick up another silicone mould for soap making at the op shop plus a cup saucer and plate for $1. So pretty happy with that find.
    Have a great week blue birders and good wishes of wellness to all who are under the weather at the moment. Hope you arm improves Annabel.


    1. Hi Janine!

      It wasn't so many years ago when it was exciting just to make a trip to the tip! We had some wonderful finds there!! Now things have changed; we don't need enemies when we have friends like these!!

    2. Dear Janine, Thank you! I love having a rearrange and organise as these kind of things can be zero cost but big impact. Also my craft supplies can give me things to make without spending but you should see my craft cupboard! Much has been op shop finds too. Im glad to hear about the cup, saucer and plate as these are harder to find now and I love them!
      Have a wonderful weekend! With love

  8. Dearest Annabel

    What beautiful work you have done in making over the chandelier, this week I am a little under the weather with a bug which is brewing. I have been plodding along slowly with symptoms which make me feel ill but not bad enough to keep me off my feet. I have picked up an extra shift this fortnight and I worked the public holiday, so I am looking forward to a little extra in my coming pay packet which is a bit of a relief. I have the next gift on my Christmas list planned and that is two beach towels for my DDs as well as Bond's underpants for DD17 as they are half price this week and she loves Bonds underpants and they make a great stocking stuffer. I am also planning on picking up a Reading Cinema movie gift voucher for them both for Christmas, then there is just a major gift each and they are done. Feeling happy that I have something started at least, though I am far behind on where I would like to be.

    Hope you continue to enjoy your week God Bless Mel xxxxxxxxx

    1. Hi Mel!
      I'm counting down the months with you! Look after yourself!!

    2. Dear Mel, I hope you are feeling better. Lucy had a bug, there is something yucky going around...
      Well done on the Christmas things. That gets you well ahead. Also on the extra shift, I know this will be a help. I wonder if you are affected by the penalty rate changes in regard to public holidays? I am glad this one worked out for you as that is a big help also.
      Have a good weekend Mel! With lots of love

  9. Dear Annabel,

    You are truly very gifted at making over your "finds". Andy is such a good spotter! You make a fabulous team! :-) I love what you have done with the light fitting to make your new chandelier! It will look fabulous up. What an addition to your Vicky challenge total as well.

    Love, Kaye xoxo

    1. Thank you, Kaye, for your heartwarming comment to your good friend!!
      'Blog secretary'

    2. Dear Kaye,
      Spotting is like a team sport! I have all sorts of people ring me up to say on whatever street there is something you would love! haha! And off I go! Sadly nothing this week! Have a good weekend Kaye, with love

  10. Dear Annabel,

    I love that Andy keeps an eye out for good finds. The chandelier turned out gorgeous. The draped crystals look fabulous.

    As of last night we had 16 inches of snow on the ground with high winds and lots of drifting. The weather service said we may have sporadic snowfall today, but I haven't listened to any news yet. Thankfully we haven't lost power, although some around us have. So far were warm and snug and well prepared in all the areas that we had on our checklist.

    While watching the snow I worked on a quilt that's a wedding gift for a while. I also have a quilt going that's called a "fusion" quilt which combines crochet and quilt blocks. It's finally finished and I arranged it a couple of days ago, let it sit to see if any changes needed to be made. So far none so I'll start sewing it together and crochet the edging around it. In keeping with the "use it up" format I found something I had appliqued years ago but never finished so it's on the finish pile of things.

    Kelley's potholders have greatly inspired me to make some myself.I don't know if they do this in Australia or other parts of the U.S., but it's popular here to have what's called an Alphabet Shower for the bride to be. Each invitee is assigned a letter of the alphabet and brings a gift that starts with that letter. We have MANY weddings to go to this spring and next month is one of the bridal showers and I was assigned the letter P. I'll be making Potholders, with matching Placemats, adding a box or two of Pasta, some Parsley seeds, and putting it all into a Painted Pot (flower pot). Everything is onhand so it fits into the "use it up" and it's Perfect!!! Blessings, Cookie

    1. I love the fusion quilts. My grandmother had one when I was a child and I have been thinking about making one. Did you put batting in between the layers of your quilt? I would love to see a picture of it. Christine

    2. Yes, cookie, dear. Christine and I politely demand an image of your fusion quilt progress. It sounds positively delicious. You know my e-addy!


    3. Hi Ladies,
      You can find the pattern for the fusion quilt on She also has a video there with instructions. I used fabric from my stash and there is batting inbetween the layers. It's been a very fun project. Hope this helps. As soon as it's finished I'll send Annabel a picture of the one I did. Blessings, Cookie

    4. Thank you so much Cookie.... I look forward to seeing this quilt I know it will be stunning! xxx

  11. I just love your chandelier what a great idea!i have a new member to the family a retired greyhound he is great company and he will be well loved.

    1. Welcome, retired greyhound, to the Bluebird family! That's sweet!!!!

  12. Wow, I love your chandelier! I need to move into your neighborhood, you find the neatest things!!! And just to let you know, that kind of thing excites me too! Lovely addition with the crystals, I would never think to purchase them separately!

    1. Dear Jes,
      It is really good fun finding things. Nothing good this week sadly, but very often and often enough to make it very interesting! Sometimes it is like winning the jackpot! With love

  13. Hi Annabel,

    What a score with that chandelier! And even better that it still works, but I know you would have used it with candles if it hadn't, and it still would have looked fab!

    I hope your arm is healing properly...don't push it! My crafting has been going slowly, too, though I'm just about done a pair of gloves for my mother-in-law's birthday, so feeling good about that. I am being very good and not starting anything else until they are is hard, as I am itching to start crocheting or knitting a blanket! (No pun intended. :)) Hoping also to get to some "spring" sewing and make a few pairs of cotton summer p.j.'s. Right now the table is covered with artwork, so I won't be cutting out today! :)

    Lots of love, Jen in NS xx

    1. Dear Jen, You are right, candles were my plan B!
      I love hearing what you are up to. I am sure your MIL will appreciate the work you put into her lovely gift!
      With lots of love,

  14. I didn't see my comment on Annabel's last post, so I think it might have gone missing! I'll just repeat what I said:

    Thank you all for your prayers and kind comments about my daughter's surgery. Madison is doing well and is even back at University! She has not attended every class as she seems to be quite tired, but she's trying, so I give her high marks for that.

    Patti, I hope that you get relief from your iritis and that the doctors are able to both determine the cause and provide a solution.

    Annabel, your sticky buns look amazing! My husband prefers sticky buns over cinnamon rolls, so these will go over well with him for sure! Your chandelier is gorgeous! I have a coat rack that hubby and I put together when we lived in Germany. We bought the main brass portion at a flea market and then bought the arms for the top from a boot sale in England while we were visiting my mom's sister and family. Our chandelier arms look a lot like yours, ours just have ladies' faces on them. I'll try to remember to take a photo to share it with you. I would love to find another chandelier as I want to replace the fluorescent light fixture in my walk-in closet with something sparkly and bright!

    My fingerless gloves are coming along well. I'm pretty pleased with myself as I'm a novice knitter but I'm getting better at different stitches and reading patterns. I belong to a knitting group that meets every Wednesday evening and the ladies there are all terrific knitters and are always so willing to encourage me and help me along.

    We missed the snow accumulation, receiving only light snow, but last week there were tornadoes close by that took out many homes (Oak Grove, MO). It's been bitterly cold this week but by the weekend, the temps are supposed to be back in the 60s! Be still my heart! I am not a lover of cold and snow.

    I hope everyone is having a productive week and doing well.


    1. Dear Jeanette, I think the comment is there as I remember how you said your daughter had a low grade fever and I was concerned about that. I am amazed that she can go to classes at all so she is doing very well.
      Your coat rack really interests me! I would love to see a photo.
      A chandelier in a walk in robe would be gorgeous. I think it is Colette who has one in her walk in pantry. Ohh! Lovely! I have one in my bathroom which I love.
      Being in a knitting groups would be wonderful! I hope to see these gloves too. My daughter loves the kind of ones you are making. They mean you can keep working or knitting or whatever.... we call them wristlets...
      I am glad you are not experiencing the really heavy snowfalls but Tornadoes close by would have been terrifying! Its terrible people lost their homes.
      The sticky buns glaze is delicious. I was picking it off the baking paper! When warm it was gooey, when cold it was like toffee almost.
      I hope your daughter can rest and improves daily. With much love

  15. Your chandelier turned out nicely! I have been watching for a freebie to do this with for a while, but haven't found one yet. Instead of inside however, I want it to hold candles and be hung outside on our porch. I have finished several rugs made out of plastic grocery sacks, and after people figured out what I was working on, they have been saving them for me, so I have material for many plastic crocheting projects. Now to learn some other stitch... I also finished a rug for my bathroom made from worn out jeans. The ladies in my bible study generously gave me all of the jeans they had that could not be worn anymore. Several said "I hated to throw these away, but didn't know what to do with them" well I did! I am taking the rug to bible study next week to show them what their generosity created! It looks very similar to this and was free!

    I also made these with the inseam pieces for a set of coasters and a trivet.
    I hope these links work and can inspire someone else.

    1. Hi Sarah!

      The work with denim - seen using the links you provided - looks very practical AND stylish! I hope we see your work in Show and Tell! How satisfying!!

    2. Dear Sarah,
      I looked at the jeans rug and love it! Well done! These are great ideas and as you say many of us have denim and it is lurking in cupboards waiting for a new use! Thank you so much for sharing this! With love,

  16. Hi Annabel!

    Your whole story of the chandelier find and renovation is brilliant!

    I've been thinking -- well, we already have two lovely lights there! ..... Maybe our bowerbirds would like a chandelier????!


    1. Thank you Rachel! In my last house I used an old chandelier and hung it in the chook house, I thought you would love to know this! xxx

    2. Ha ha, ha ha!! It would be worth doing just for the laugh!

  17. Beautiful chandelier and what a bonus that it works as well. You do such lovely crafty things. Can you imagine the price of that in a shop. Hundreds id think. It's raining here today and cool. Has been hot and clammy. Hope your arm improves quickly Annabel. Fiona xx

    1. Dear Fiona, Oh yes I forgot I could include it in my Vicky challenge! Thank you so much! I am glad for you about the rain and cooler weather. Beautiful! Have a lovely weekend! With love

  18. Hi Annabel,
    I love your chandelier! That was a great find and made over to be even more beautiful! It is cold so in the house I stay!

    1. Thanks Vicky! It was another thing achieved off my long list! xxx

  19. Just unbelievably beautiful Annabel! I have 2 to make over (I've had them for a while...$5 each on eBay!), so you've inspired me now! Welcome to retired greyhound darling doggies and best wishes to Jeanette's daughter. Waving to all...Mimi xxx

    1. Dear Mimi, This is a good way to do it! You have control over the size and also the drop so that they are right for your ceiling and placement. I am amazed how good the crystals are and how inexpensive. All mine were free postage (China) where as some were expensive and tons of postage. Also arrived pronto. They make a spectacular difference! I know you're going to have fun with this! Colours are an option too! (i.e. black!)
      I love pet adoption stories... this is how we end up with pets... rescue! With much love


I really appreciate your comments thank you! The aim of my blog is the be a place of encouragement and happiness. Very rarely is anyone rude. Actually only twice so far! If you post a rude or aggressive comment I will read it but not publish it, thanks for

Spam is never published... if you are advertising a product or selling website your comment wont be published. I am inundated with stuff about drugs, horses and weird things! I am not going to publish this stuff! Thank you.