The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Feather your Nest Friday, 26 August, 2016.

I am very ready to have a sit down and look back at my week. Mainly because of the sitting down! I am tired!

Some of the ways I saved this week included:

I made three and a half dozen little banana cakes in muffin trays and another dozen giant sized ones.  I gave both the girls a tray of these and we all froze a supply.

Andy cleaned the gutters around the house plus the shed which was almost a whole days work.

I made trays of mornay,  two were gifts of help.

My herb stacks needed an end of winter refresh. I pulled lots of things that were past it out and added soil. Now they look bare...

I retained a few things. And planted seeds. First I put in radishes, sage and chives.

The radishes are up first...

Then I added basil as well. When this is fully producing it is amazing. I will show an updated picture when it is all growing. It is right at the back door and near the kitchen. I use so many herbs especially in summer. I water it with the water from the kitchen and the bathroom when we are waiting for hot water to run I fill jugs. Also left over water from cooking and from the teapot etc.

Our weather has been quite spring like although we have a few days of winter left. So it has been warm enough to plant.

I got some Turkish Bread for 90c marked down from about $5. They went into the freezer.

Also Andy made a new window as a window frame had damaged wood. I did the undercoat and top coats ready for it to go back in.

And I painted, sanded, cleaned and washed all week!
I have started a 100 day challenge!  The aim is to get the front of the house, bedroom, lounge room, the woodwork around our bay windows out the back and a mile of latticework inside out back fence painted.  This will take me to the beginning of summer and December. I don't want to be painting in December... it is a busy time already.
Along with painting you have to clean and wash surfaces etc so it fits in with spring cleaning very well. So it is my Painting and Spring Cleaning Challenge!
Each day I have to do something towards both. I am up to day 5!
I started on the front of the house and now there is enough paint to really see how it is going to look. This house has lovely wrought iron lace work and plaster mouldings. But they were a cacky colour and didn't stand out. Now as I paint them white they do stand out! It is so pretty!
To add to the challenge I figure that going up and down a ladder hundreds of times over the next months won't do my legs any harm so I might as well count it as a fitness and health challenge as well! So I am on a mission there too!
I can't wait to see what I can achieve in 100 days!  In this time there are other big things going on...  hopefully our bathroom is being pulled out and we are getting our solar installed.
There are going to be times it is a big mess and disaster.  But these are all things I have wanted for so long and I am so excited about!  Today is day five... and it is quite a nice day so I will be painting a bit more out the front this afternoon....

I got ahead by adding easy things to the freezer. (plus all the little cakes)

My pantry grew mainly in the first aid section and hygiene.  Each week I add something.

Chickie got the hang of laying eggs in an appropriate place!

How did you build up your home this week? A lot of us are in that end of the season time and this changes what we are working on and need to do.

Little bits really do add up! I felt I have some really daunting tasks but dividing into little steps makes it look possible. 
Looking back over this year and last year I can see that by working at things week by week you really make so much progress! Be encouraged that all the small steps or small savings really add up to something staggering! 

Have a lovely weekend! xxx


  1. You had a great week of pairing and cooking. Annabel have you ever used a paint sprayer? They make quick work of many jobs. The hardest part of spraying paint is the prep work. Taping off etc. You might check into that method you get the hang of it really fast.

    1. Dear Patti, Years ago on a big Queensland style house we used a spray gun and it was good. This work here would involve so much taping off I think anytime saved on painting would be spend taping. So I just use a brush and go along slowly. You are right about the prep work, the actual painting is the good bit!
      Many thanks, have a lovely weekend! Love

  2. The only thing I have been working on is getting rid of excess everything, except food. Our local Goodwill is loving me. As I get older the less things I seem to need. Have a great week.

    1. Dear Tealady, Decluttering is so good. As I am clearing shelves etc now much of it isn't going back. It can go. Some of the spaces I have cleared I notice look better empty! And this is a good way to donate to charity! Someone will be glad of our cast offs. Have a great weekend love

  3. Oh Annabel! I LOVE the 100 Day Challenge! I'M IN!!!!

    I just didn't realise I was doing it. Having taken your advice and 'hibernated' for the winter to recover, I got sick of waiting to spring into Spring and on Tuesday I started doing things. L-o-n-g overdue things (ashamedly not put off because of my surgery. Just not done, without having an excuse for not doing it).

    Serendipitously, that means I started 100 days before Christmas (for those who don't know me, I WAIT for Christmas impatiently and it comes on Dec 1st).

    I have no financial nest feathering to list. I have changed the way I run our nest though. On Monday I cooked all lunches and dinners and snacks for the week for all of us. I don't like cooking. And I don't like cleaning up after it so decided I'd just do it all in one day, leaving me all of the other days 'free' (ahem) to really get stuck in and organise here properly.

    So, with all of the food for the week taken care of (I can't imagine why I never thought to do this before. It's the best!) I have gone through ten years of the cherubs' keepsakes, awards, school work, writings and art and made up crates for each child with everything filed in chronological order. Instead of dispersed throughout the house in bookshelves, folders, bags and boxes. It takes up less room now that it is all centralised.

    And when they got home from school and asked "What's in the crates?" and were told, they squealed with delight and started going through them admiring and laughing at their former selves.

    So my 'nest feathering' was maintaining and revitalising our family history and memories. It will be an ongoing task for some time. But I've done a few hours each day and although it has been hard (and ashamedly dusty) work it has been a hoot.

    But back to the 100 Day Challenge. I am so motivated to have this done. Being 'out of action' until now has been so frustrating as I had such progressive plans for the year that couldn't be achieved. Very excited to see what I can get done in 100 Days. Then I can CHRISTMAS!

    Wishing everyone lovely weekends.

    1. Dear Lorax,
      We are on the same timing here. I decided too its near enough to spring and feels like spring so Im getting started! And this gave me the approx 100 days until summer.
      I am very glad you treated winter as a winter of healing. Really that is a wise investment. People seem to underestimate the value of that. Letting the body have time to heal, recover and strengthen is a long process and you just have to do that.
      I like your tactics re meals and lunches. That is good and sets up your week.
      The keepsakes, awards and so on... all that stuff can be enormous! So this alone is a good start to your challenge!
      My challenge has several things I have to do each day. Or categories I should say... and I write them down. I have a different colour pen for each challenge. In pink I write what painting I did, in blue I write what spring cleaning I did etc. then I can see my days and my enormous list of achievements. I know you like diaries and lists and stationary so this might appeal to you too.
      Some days will be better than others! I think if I am not doing so well I will just try to clean out a drawer or something... and the weather too is involved. I will wash my lounge covers and pillows and curtains (oh and doona etc) as part of spring cleaning but when the weather is properly sunny and a bit warmer. Anyway something everyday will add up! When my girls were teenagers in school holidays the great room change around was something they loved but in fact also spring cleaning, clothes and wardrobe sorting and a total refresh. They loved changed around fresh rooms and there I had two totally spring cleaned rooms. We all worked together but essentially I had two very invested in the project helpers.
      This challenge there are several things Ive asked Andy to do. If he takes care of those it is a big leap ahead.
      I am glad to have your company! I decided from what you said that each Friday I will post my seven days of challenge so if you want to join in with that I would love it.
      We will hopefully get to December with tons done and things will be looking good! The way things are going my house won't even look like the same place. The front is already showing that it is a total transformation! Very excited!
      Well have a good weekend and good start! With love

  4. Hi Annabel!

    Wow! Go girl! (to use old fashioned language!) I love how you are tackling those daunting tasks! Just reading about it just echoes how I feel over here!! Phew!

    You've heard of my major job list - as a lead up to wool spinning! Well, the lion's share is done. There is still plenty left to do, yet I am just going with the flow of things, and finding accomplishment that way. Things are getting exciting, and so they should be!!

    Yesterday, I saw a blue satin male bower bird standing in awe of the blue tarpaulin that was sitting over my husband's work. It was rather timid, but stood on a mower deck, then a tyre, and somewhere on top. I have to clean the viewing window again, and hope for a photo opportunity there. Some bird took a pink hyacinth flower, so I am wondering if I'll see a dried flower in a nest someday. It looks like I'll have to walk further afield to find a nest now.

    This was a week of many errands and some good rain. I reseeded the garden, and ordered other seed with my 'little house' tiny savings. One small package arrived this morning, and some of that seed is in the ground now. There is both culinary and medicinal seed, with some doubling as a source of cut flowers. I have to wait until summer to plant one lot, though! I have my seed potatoes in the light to grow more shoots. Soon I will cut them into thirds, let them dry for a day or two, and then plant them 10cm/4 inches deep and 30cm/a foot apart. About two weeks after that, I have to mound them up, and repeat that. I am learning. The rest is up to the Eternal.

    Have you ever licked a postage stamp? If you have, you have licked wattle, I have read. I hadn't known that wattle sap is the source for gum arabic! I have taken an interest in rotten old tree stumps, too, since they can be a source of pine tar and turpenes! Who has time for shopping anymore?!!

    I am looking ahead a way to, hopefully, having fun with some crochet edgings!

    Thanks a lot for your work. I don't know how you do it, but then I intend to look back on my projects and wonder the same. That's how one knows that a good job has been accomplished!

    With warm regards,
    Rachel Holt
    (& now for a late lunch of a tender lamb chop taken off the top of the simmering soup!)

    1. Dear Rachel,
      I am cheering you on to get photos of a Bowerbird. I would love to see one. And I would be forever finding blue shiny things to leave out for them! Love that!
      I also can't wait for you to be spinning! My Nan got so good at it and her yarn was so fine and consistent. That takes practice! She knitted so much with it. She used natural dyes to dye it too from beetroot to onion skins...
      I will be looking forward to photos of all of this if you will take them!
      I am glad your jobs have progressed and you will be able to do this soon. Now hoping your seeds come up for you!
      With lots of love,

  5. Oh my goodness you are a busy lady. Good luck with all the painting. My arms and shoulders are feeling sore for you already.
    This week has been spent looking after Bluey. He has been on a nil by mouth or clear fluid diet since he was admitted to hospital last Sunday. I've taken him in some chicken stock which has given him a bit more nutrition than the watery brew the hospital provided. He is up to his second procedure today as the first did not work.
    I've finished cleaning out and emptying the caravan. It is now cleaned out top to bottom and ready for our next trip. I still have the car to go.
    I've begum adding to the store cupboard once more. This week I purchased jars of pasta sauce, tinned soups and lavender oil.
    Have a great week Miss Annabel. Your support this week has meant a lot to me.

    1. Dear Jane,
      What a week you have had. But then what a month you have had!
      The stock you made was probably the healthiest thing Bluey could be having. He must be really dreaming of solid food by now! We are all hoping this procedure is successful and he is on the mend. I have thought of you every day and hoped that the Doctor has got this worked out. We need Bluey back home making good things again!
      Thanks for the updates and I hope this weekend is a real turning point. With love,

  6. Hi Annabel,
    Your home will be gleaming for Christmas after your 100 day challenge with all the sprucing up.
    The banana cakes and mornay were a nice addition from the kitchen. I've always loved your herb stacks, and really want to get one started this spring.
    I wish you well with the bathroom reno. We're on the downhill now with our bathroom and laundry renovation, and you're so right about the mess. I've waited almost 30 years for them, a little bit of mess is nothing as I'm starting to see the beautiful swan emerge.
    This week I had a bit of a cookup by making 2 bar cakes (one for now, one for later), 2 spinach lasagnes, apple and sour cream slice and a batch of ANZAC biscuits. My DSIL made us a tray of cannelloni which saved cooking dinner a few times.
    We added some extra shelving units to the pantry. This gave me a chance to give the pantry a good clean up and bit of reorganisation.
    Gardening wise, I got stuck in and pruned the bougainvillia.
    With a couple of wet days this week, we've started to copy our slides into digital format...not rushing this, as it will be a wet day fill in.
    Have a great weekend,

    1. Dear Janine,
      I hope I feel that way about things after 100 days! New things always seem to crop up. But so far so good.
      I started my herb stacks all from pots I found on the side of the road. One has a half wine barrel for the bottom which I already had. They produce such a lot. Its surprising. And take up not much space.
      Your cooking sounds beautiful. And the extra shelves in the pantry and clean out is great.
      That was a really good week! With love, Annabelxxx

  7. Hi Jane!
    It is so good to hear from you!!!!! I have been thinking of you, and praying for Bluey. Please tell him that he is being missed, and I'm sending you both my warm regards!
    You're both special!!
    Rachel Holt

  8. Many Thanks Rachel. He's in Nambour and I'm still in Hervey Bay. He's hoping to be transferred back to the Bay tomorrow or the day after. I want to be there with him but he wanted me to stay home. Have to give into them every now and again. He has been one sick puppy. In fact my daughter and I were teasing him that he should now be known as Kevin the Minion as he had gone quite a bright shade of yellow.

  9. Dear Annabel.

    Yikes, I did it again. Anyway, your challenge is very motivating. I have much to do here to get ready for fall and winter. Mostly it's been about stocking the pantry. However, there are other things that have been neglected so they will need to be taken care of.

    The banana cakes look so yummy. The herb stack, so decorative and useful as well. I'm looking forward to seeing it all filled in with greenery.

    This week I continued to harvest the garden and did some dehydration and canning. Decided to go back to the orchard and get some more peaches to can. I planted a fall garden and the green beans are now in flower so I'm hoping for a goodly amount.

    I started the crocheted edging around a cardigan sweater to update it by giving it a little more length. It's so much fun to do. Thank you again for the tutorial. I baked 36 scones. I found some super fine yarn that had 410 meters per skein on clearance for $2.97, regularly $7, in shades of pink and gray with a metallic thread running through it so I bought a couple of skeins, cleaned the garage and found things that we had forgotten about and put them in the donation pile. Wishing everyone a beautiful weekend. Cookie

    1. Dear Cookie, Dont worry, I saw what happened and then this comment appeared!
      You have had so many peaches! I would go back for more too! Well done on all your work last week. Canning and dehydrating will give you lots of food to put away.
      I can't wait to see your cardigan! And Im coming over for scones! The yarn sounds just lovely! I hope you are enjoying your weekend as I am. With lots of love,

  10. Annabel, I am sure you are tired as I feel tired just reading about all that you do every week. Don't overdo it though and rest when your body tells you to. It is a good time to get stuck into projects before the heat of summer hits.

    1. Dear Nanna Chel,
      Today, Sunday, I am having a bot of a rest. My challenge went well so far. I am already dreading summer! I need to think about enjoying Spring and this time which is really nice though.
      Have a lovely new week, with love,

  11. Dear Annabel,
    Your 100 day challenge is very admirable. I need to do something similar :).
    I honestly didn't get that much done around here this week, other than planning some more painting, and go to Doctor's appointments with John. That will probably be the norm for a while.
    I plan on doing some cooking today and bake John a cake as it's his birthday. I want to do a deep clean of the kitchen, also, as John plans on starting the painting in there this weekend.
    I did some chalk painting this week, trying a new brand. I certainly won't use that brand again. The stink was horrendous, so I won't deviate from Annie Sloan again. I like the colors that were offered in the other brand, but oh my goodness, the stink of the chalk paint.... It is advertised as no odor at all. It smells like something died in it.
    I hope to have more accomplishments to report next week.
    Your baking always looks so nice, professional, and delicious. Nice looking eggs, also.
    Have a blessed weekend.
    With love and a big hug,

    1. Dear Glenda,
      I hope your cake turned out well and John had a lovely birthday! It is great he will be painting and is a good painter. i hope it all looks lovely.
      Paint can be off. I really wonder if there was something wrong with it. That sounds terrible! I would return it even if you used a bit.
      Have a good week Glenda. With love

  12. most of this weeks nest feathering occurred yesterday. DD has moved in for a few weeks while she finds somewhere to live after leaving her partner. So yesterday we finally bought a mattress for the spare bed, cleaned up the tip which was the spare/craft room, and now it looks great. That is until you look at the shelving unit, stuffed with on the go knitting projects, fabric waiting for a cutting out session, books etc,. Then there is the wardrobe which is full if stuff DH doesn't want to get rid off, and presents for the grandchildren for Christmas, Easter and their birthdays.

    1. Dear Meg, It is lovely you can help out your daughter and she has a room with you.
      I recently spent weeks sorting our spare room and know all about the projects and craft supplies!
      This is the nature of spare rooms I think. But so good to have! With love

  13. Annabel,
    No feathering here just more mess making! LOL You will be getting Spring and I am ready for Fall and cooler weather. I like your 100 day challenge! That is a great way to get things done. I will join in as soon as I can.
    Jane-prayers for your Bluey and yourself.

    1. Dear Vicky, At least its a productive mess! It must be totally different there preparing for winter. Not getting snow really our winters are mild compared to yours.
      I like spring but am not keen on summer. I need to just focus on spring and enjoy it! Have a good new week! Love

  14. Hi Annabel, do you freeze your banana cakes already iced? I'm never sure whether I can freeze iced cakes.

    1. Dear Grace, Yes I do. This icing is lemon juice, icing sugar and milk. But as far as I know any icing works. So they are ready to go when you take them out of the freezer. It works perfectly! This makes it very handy, with love

  15. Thank you! I'll keep this in mind as I work to stock the freezer up for lunch boxes 😊

  16. Hello Annabel, my husband was out of town for 5 days and I was so off routine while he was away. But I did get several sewing projects accomplished.
    I should do a 100 challenge. We have lots of spots on the walls (from grandchildren) that need touched up. I'd also like to clean all the baseboards and shampoo the bedroom carpets.
    It's so odd reading about seasons being opposite of ours in the USA. We are enjoying the last of summer.

    1. Dear Rhonda,
      I got on well my first week of my challenge... I can see progress and if I x this by 20 I should have done a lot!
      Well done on the sewing, I will come over and see what you were up to! Have a great new week, with love Annabel. xxx

  17. Dear Annabel, thank you for another great blog post. You had an excellent week.
    My week included:
    Gratefully receiving meals from my parents
    Made 2 cards for a friend.
    Harvested a few strawberries
    Had my subsidised cleaning and subsidised social support ( for errands and shopping)
    Saved on taxi fares by getting a ride with my Dad .
    That's about all I can remember for this week Annabel.
    Your banana cakes look beautiful Annabel.
    Have a great week Annabel and everyone . Love BarbW

    1. Dear Barb,
      I hope you have another good week this week! If you have lots of savings it will help your holiday and I am saving for mine too. And it is almost spring so we might get lovely weather. Many thanks Barb, love


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