The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Feather your Nest Friday, 4 December 2015.

This week I did a lot of feathering of the nest. December the first is my traditional day to put up the Christmas tree and decorate.  I did it over two days and also cleaned and fluffed around at the same time. This was good as it set the scene in the house and made a lovely atmosphere.
Twinkling lights in the evening, a lovely little tree, a big bow on the front gate and lots of fairy lights.
Even if you live alone, or like us have adult children, the Christmas atmosphere in your home is still beautiful!  It makes things feel special. Don't miss out on that!

My friend puts little gifts in the letter boxes of people who take trouble to decorate their houses to thank them. That is a good point. The effort people put in to making things lovely benefits others! It lifts spirits.

This is the wreath I made last year by breaking up a $3 Christmas tree and using florist tape to attach it to a hoola hoop....

Yesterday I baked Gingerbread biscuits and the smell of biscuits baking was beautiful too. I sent some to work with Andy for the man he works with everyday that is very nice.

I make this every year. It is a honey gingerbread. The recipe is here.

I baby sat. Harper has a pet possum which is very suitable as we have so many possums here..

Some of the ways we saved money or got ahead were:

The 1000 liter water tank arrived. This is the free one we were given after the rain barrels. It will be suitable to catch rainwater for the garden.  This is awesome!

I had a use it up leftovers dinner that was really good.
Also used up more from the freezer.

We are now picking cherry tomatoes and using them in meals. These were the very first ripe ones...

In the post office I found a bargain! So my collection for next years gifts has begun. I got three Sally Wise economical cook books for $1 each! I love getting ahead with gifts!

I studied the catalogues, made all the lunches and dinners (as usual), used household water on the garden and the normal things...

I have to add a chicken report. They are so friendly! One particular chicken comes and sits next to me on the outdoor seat. They also sun bake in a sunny spot and lay there doing nothing for an hour or so. They are so cute! Also they eat just about anything now and I don't think I will even have a bug in the garden again!

I am planning another show and tell post. If you have finished Christmas presents you have made or cooking.... please send in photos! The last show and tell post was a big success as everyone loves seeing what others have made! I got so many ideas from the last one. You can email me at  I love hearing how you made things and any details!

 How did you build up your home and save this week? It is getting busy and here it is also getting hot! But take some moments to spread some Christmas Joy.  xxx


  1. Hello Annabel. One of the things I love most about your posts are that they are bursting with enthusiasm and joy each and every time. My goodness, Harper is too adorable for words, isn't she? This is a lovely idea to thank people for making an effort. I must do that. We have lots of lovely gardens around us, and I think they'd be thrilled to know that someone notices their hard work. Our feathering this week included eating at home despite the temptations when out and about finalising gifts (and happy to eat at home I might add!), putting together rustic bouquets using Lilly Pilly cuttings that are so pretty with green glossy foliage and pink and red berries, and big fat satin bows, nestled inside cellophane printed with white hearts. We inserted sparklers into the bouquet and lit them for presentation. Everyone was so surprised and delighted, I wish you could have seen their faces! We wrapped lots of things for my family gathering tomorrow and practiced many Random Acts of Christmas Kindness, including giving two elderly ladies a lift home with their shopping. They were flabbergasted. We also used the money we had planned to spend on a treat of a sushi lunch, to buy nice tins of cookies and boxes of savoury shapes to put in the Foodbank bins at the shopping centre. $12 bought 2 tins of festive looking cookies and 4 boxes of savoury shapes. My daughter agreed that it made her feel really good, so I'm hoping to inspire more giving from her. We all agreed that we feel very uplifted by the spirit of the Festive Season here and can't wait for more opportunities to bless others and ourselves with small kindnesses. I'll send photos through of the bouquets for you to share. Lots of love, Mimi xxx

    1. Dear Mimi, I would love to see these bouquets! How beautiful. Also giving the ladies a ride home I think was wonderful. Something like that probably made their day. You have inspired me as I go out the door today.
      We can get so busy and fail to see things we could do for others. Good reminder.
      It has ben very hot here. Hoping for some relief today! Have a good week! With love, Annabel.xxxx

  2. Dear Annabel,

    You had a great week! Harper is so cute. The gingerbread looks delicious and the chicken is very pretty.

    I spent some time organizing my sewing room once again, as I had been pulling out fabric for sewing and decided it wasn't looking neat any longer. I, also, found a pair of rose patterned cream colored lace curtains from our previous home and since we needed some curtains on the side windows next to the front door, I cut them off, hemmed them, and saved by not buying new curtains.

    I made turkey bone broth from the leftover organic turkey bones we had after Thanksgiving. I let it simmer for about 30 hours, then strained it, and put it in the refrigerator. I have some organic beef bones to use out of the freezer, also, so I will do the same thing with those.

    My husband found some bakery pumpkin pies on sale for 1/2 off. The restaurant had baked too many pies that morning, so they were selling them for 50% off, so they wouldn't be left for the next day. Normally, we wouldn't purchase pies out, but they were so reasonably priced he felt we could put a couple in the freezer for 'just in case' company or need.

    I added to my fabric stash and my patterns this week, also. I purchased some heavyweight flannel, some heavy knit for dresses, skirts, and a couple of tops, and eleven new patterns. There was a very good sale at the fabric store and I had an additional 25% off for being a senior citizen. I spent $105 and saved $207 off the retail cost of all the patterns and yardage.

    I washed and folded the fabric I purchased this week and the wonderful bargain I found last week. The yardage from last week will make a very nice skirt, jacket, scarf and hat set and at the one day sale of $2.99 per yard, regularly $16.99 per yard, I felt very good about the savings. :) I try to buy heavier, quality fabric and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the sign above the suiting fabric last week.

    I still have a few things left to do on my list for this week, but since I haven't accomplished them yet - they don't count (LOL).

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Love and hugs,

    1. Dear Glenda,
      I am thinking that winter is your time to sew and craft as it is indoor time. You will be ready to go with lots of lovely fabrics! This will be very nice.
      Both the very hot and very cold weather is my time to sew as I need things to work on inside and be busy with. Sewing is a good one.
      It is funny and maybe the season but everyone is making bone broth. Probably after thanksgiving turkeys etc. Jess has a very good article on it. I really think this is such a nutritious and good thing.
      It was great that you could alter the curtains to be suitable. That was a good saving.
      Have a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxxx

  3. Annabel, Harper is beautiful! How fortunate you are that you live close enough to get to babysit her. We got our chickens and their coup winterized this week. It took us a couple of days as the coup needed some repairs and fresh straw needed to be strewn in the coup. We saved money by doing this ourselves.

    1. Dear Patsy, Thank you, I think shes gorgeous too. I know I am so lucky to be right near by. I spent a lot of time with my Nans growing up and now I look at that as one of the best things ever. I am very grateful.
      I always wonder how chickens survive the sub zero temperatures... but a clean coop etc is all a good job to get done. Have a good weekend! With love

  4. Annabel,
    Your house is so beautiful! I am so envious! With the work Rick has been doing mine looks like a junkyard right now LOL!! Little Harper looks like a doll baby such a cutie! We ate mostly turkey and one night I used up some potatoes and made scalloped potatoes so they didn't go to waste and I made bone broth from the turkey bones. I used more store rewards and got Mama a sweater for $3 and my grandson an outfit for 49 cents. I have bags of stuff to donate from cleaning out the closet. Since the wood burner is going I set the clothes drying rack back up and use it so I don't have to run the dryer much. We too cleaned out the chicken coop and winterized it. We have a heat lamp in there that helps keep them warm and they all roost close together. I have a skunk that comes at night for a bowl of cat food and Todd moved it's bowl and didn't put it back and boy did it let me know it wasn't happy! It sprayed the outside door! I spent a whole day cleaning it letting it dry and cleaning it again! P.U.!!! I have been saving the eggs so I can start baking soon for Christmas! A friend has invited me to lunch at her house and really I can't refuse, buuuuttt she is an awful cook and her house smells bad! Normally I would say a free lunch, but this may cost me a Dr. visit! LOL!! Oh that was so rude! Any advice on this on? If not I am taking an old purse with me and pray she goes to the bathroom! Grandbabies are such a blessing. I am glad you get to spend time with Harper!

    1. Dear Vicky, You are always telling me stuff that is funny to me! Ok so I do not know what skunk smells like but I know its not good! And i know its hard to remove. This I know mainly from cartoons!
      mmm on the friend... I like to be polite and not hurt someones feelings. But I also like not to die. I would make some excuse and take your friend a Christmas card/gift or ask her there to your place or something but I would pretty much do anything to stay out of a house that smells bad and I wouldnt eat anything! I am easily turned off food and feel sick even if I THINK somethings dodgy... so its just awful. You will find a way around it while still being a kind and good friend. A kind and good friend is better than a dead friend! lol
      You got amazing bargains! Good shopping! With love

    2. Vicky I have friend like that, I get so annoyed because she works 2 jobs and her partner, who doesn't work does nothing.

      The place is truly awful, it has been a bit of a discussion point between my friend and myself and then myself and my husband, I think he worries that I am going to get sick going to visit my friend.

      One way around the food issue could be that you take something 'new' that you would like an opinion on and take the recipe with you to gift to your friend. A new version of an old favourite or something completely new but it will not matter what because you will know that it has come from your kitchen.

      Then all you need to do is worry about the bathroom and I think I would stop at a shop or somewhere that you know they have restrooms and use them then plan to do the same after you leave.

      This reminds me of what use to happen at my mother in law's house - one particular family use to come in and help get all of the christmas food ready - I would not eat anything that I knew they had been involved with and one day my mother in law asked me why and I told her - they would go to the toilet and never wash their hands then be straight back into putting their hands all over the christmas food.

      From then on she watched with an eagle eye and she made sure that they had washed their hands before handling the food.

      On another occassion we were all at my mother in laws for her birthday - anyway the table was groaning with food. Same family as mentioned above were also there - I watched not one but 2 of them take a piece of chicken start to eat it then put it back on the plate that they had taken it from.

      Now you know why I go in and do the Christmas cooking with my mother in law - I know that I am not going to get sick from eating it and also it takes the stress of my mother in law.


    3. Thank you Annabel and Lynette! I really don't want to hurt her feelings as she is a very sweet person just kind of nasty. She doesn't work, but housekeeping is not a priority for her. I can't get out of it without hurting her feelings so I'll just go and get through it. Thank you for the advice I will be as kind as possible and take some food with me!

  5. Hello Annabel, I have had you and your Dad and family in my prayers and thoughts. I hope things are going ok?. I agree that Harper is beautiful, she looks like a gorgeous happy Bub . What a bargain getting Sally wise cook books for $1 each Annabel, you have done well. This week I thought I would share what I have done to feather my nest , I have been posting on Saturdays on Wendy's frugal tasks post on her blog but here goes: I gratefully accepted some meals from my parents
    I gave my parents some mince and some chicken lovely legs that were in my freezer and in return they will make some meals for them and me.
    I made some more cards which I will post on the cheapskates club forum
    I bought the finishing touches of my nieces gifts for Christmas and spent less than $5 each for those touches and that was for 3 small gifts each.
    I will be decorating my unit mostly using Christmas decorations that were given to me or that I have bought on special.
    I washed my clothes in cold water as usual but also made sure I had full loads to take advantage of using the power and water to its fullest.
    I had morning tea on my patio instead of going out, I do this regularly now.
    I used various hints and tips from various web sites to save me time and money ( a little bit anyway) .
    I joined The Vicky challenge for next year and Caths cheapskates club 2016 savings revolution too, to really keep me on track I will do both!.
    I can't think of anything else for now Annabel.
    Take care Annabel, love Barb

    1. Dear Barb,
      I do some of the Cheapskates Club challenges too and many of Wendys on the $300 challenge. Somehow joining in with challenges helps me get more done, its good for me.
      I am kind of replying to several comments here... I am so glad about your card making! Also that you use them as gifts ie in packs as well as the soaps. These are all lovely gifts.
      You had a good week! I also have helpful and supportive parents and what a blessing that is in life.
      Have a wonderful weekend! With love,

    2. Barb, if you see this would you like to send me an email theres a reason and its a good one! xxx

  6. Hello. I love your tree ornament. All of it looks lovely. I think the letter of Thank You is a wonderful and thoughtful idea. I tried to be creative in using things I owned to decorate for Christmas. I am always tempted to buy new goodies for this time of year. I also have been creating meals from our pantry (we are liming our grocery shopping) We are almost at bare bones but I keep working with it and we always eat. But I am now seeing the gran importance of a Stocked Pantry. I didn't have a very good one and so this is making me work and learn ways to stock better.

    1. Dear Chrissy, The ornament was a gift from a friend. I love it!
      I spent all year building up my pantry. I think its such a good thing to do and hope you have the opportunity to do the same. Specials, free fruit etc all helped. And even now I would rather buy 10 cans of tomatoes or something than Christmas decorations as I thinking keeping building up the pantry is more important. I have done it little bit by little bit and saving in one area and using that money to add something...
      Thank you so much. Have a lovely weekend! With love

  7. Your granddaughter is so adorable!
    My eldest daughter and I have been making fudge for Christmas gifts! My children attend Awanas Bible club and we like to gift all the volunteers with a treat. I had fun packaging it up yesterday. I turned it into a math lesson for my four year old son...he would count the candies as I put them in the bags. Then I would ask him to count the bags. :)
    Today I sewed up a cute purse for a 4 yr.old girl and filled it with: homemade crayon disks, small notepad, toy, nail polish and lip gloss. Spent $2.00 total. My son was so excited to give it to her and had a blast at the party. So thankful I can sew! I would not have been able to purchase such a bag on my budget. God is good!

    Still praying for your dad.

    1. Dear Leslie,
      Sewing is a wonderful thing. There are so many gifts you can make apart from clothes and household things as well. Your gift sounds lovely!
      I like the maths lesson! This is so sweet. Fudge is a great gift. Also I think it is great to thank the volunteers. I am sure they will love it!
      Thank you for your prayers. Dad is doing well but I worry as he pushes himself too hard. So thank you. With love Annabel.xxxx

  8. Little Harper has the sweetest face ever! She is just adorable. xoxo

    The Sally Wise books were fabulous bargains Annabel!

    I have almost qualified my Coles bonus points offer for Christmas, and I used the bonus points coupons and some I already had to accumulate 20,000 by end of the promo period. This equates to $100 of free groceries, so am pretty happy with that, as points can continue and be redeemed whenever. I have stocked up a lot so that December /Jan I can keep out of busy stores as much as possible. Woolies have given me $30 of free dollar rewards. Not even sure how it works, but think it is off next grocery order. I don't know about anyone else, but I think their new scheme is about as clear as mud to understand! Lol! I will believe it is free groceries when I get it! :-) Hopefully I will get some free meat for Christmas with it.

    Other than that, finishing buying for Christmas was the main objective this week. It was super busy this morning, and can only get worse! I was so encouraged by the Vicky challenge, and even though I did not record actual "earnings" this week, I was more aware of how doing all the little things all add up. It encouraged me every day!

    1. Dear Kaye,
      You did well! You do so well with the grocery dollars.
      When we work out the numbers in the Vicky Challenge I think we will be amazed. It is a big encouragement! All this adds up to so much!
      I know what you mean about busy. This time of year always is and thank goodness for getting stuff done ahead as it is too busy even then!
      Have a lovely weekend! With love

  9. Annabel, Harper looks like she is wondering what on earth is my Nanna doing! Such a little cutie. Not long till I see my not so little baby who will be travelling on his first birthday. Hopefully he will be as good a traveller as his sisters have been. I am going to sew the girls up some animal themed skirts with matching tote bags for them to put their bibles in for Sunday school. I am also sewing curtains but ran out of the curtain fabric I bought at Spotlight last year and wouldn't you know it...they don't have any more so have to improvise with adding a contrasting colour. That is what you get for procrastinating. LOL!

    1. Dear Nanna Chel, How exciting for you that everyone is coming! I love the sound of the little skirts and tote bags. They will love the animal themes.
      That is typical with the fabric. I contrast should work though.
      Have a good weekend. It would be a good weekend for sewing here as its hot so indoors things is the only way to go. With love,

  10. Oh my goodness Annabel, Harper is just lovely! Oh how I love babies!
    I always enjoy your Friday posts, they make me want to have a home that I feel very proud of. Yours looks so lovely, and like it is well cared for. And I always feel like you really appreciate your role in keeping your house. At times I just want to pick up everything in my sight and throw it out! I do enjoy a tidy house, but have to be realistic that my children and I have different ideas of 'tidy' lol.

    After feeling a bit disorganised last week, this one has been unpredictable to say the least. My son getting chicken pox the day before his birthday turned into all four sons getting chicken pox over the weekend. Their little sister started the trend three weeks ago, and in truth I'm pretty happy that they've all got it at once. If they had all got them one at a time I'd still be writing about it next year! So we have been at home all week, and for the most part it's been quite nice, once the fevers stopped. Mid week I was a bit ill myself, but thankfully that was short lived.

    So this week I made some tomato chutney, sewed a couple of presents, and apart from that pretty much just kept everyone fed, clean, and as comfortable as possible.
    I wouldn't say I feel much more organised this week, but my house is clean, my kids are back to their normal selves, the Christmas tree is up and given the week we've had I think that will do lol.

    1. Dear Jen,
      I hope everyone is getting better in your household You did very well. Many people could not make chutney, sew etc with sick children and still manage.
      It must be so exciting with the Christmas tree up and the anticipation. I remember when I was little I thought it took FOREVER for Christmas day to arrive and was so excited and overawed by everything... anything sparkly lol still am the same...
      Have a great weekend! With love,

  11. What a sweet baby! Grandchildren are the best of blessings!

    We will decorate for Christmas this weekend. I have all of the gifts on hand and have begun to wrap them. I am looking forward to Christmas lights in the evenings.

    This morning my husband and I were talking about keeping an eye out for someone who needs a friend or encouragement and taking that person or family out for lunch. So many are hurting this time of year.

    1. Dear Lana, That is a lovely idea and Im sure the right person will be shown to you to take out to lunch. That would be a huge treat for someone.
      I agree with you... there are a lot of people struggling or lonely... it is really sad. But if we all just included someone extra it would make such a difference. With lots of love,

  12. Dear Annabel,

    Harper is gorgeous! What a little angel. I love your decorations and the cookbooks were a wonderful find. I'm excited for all of the FREE watering your garden will be getting as a result of your rain barrel! Money from the sky. Literally! I would say you've had a really nice week.

    This week we decorated the house and celebrated my hubby's birthday. I'm not quite yet over my cold, and hubby caught one as well :( I worked part-time two days assisting Bill in the salon. I'm the shampoo queen LOL! I give wonderful scalp massages and clients are now asking what days I will be helping so they can have another. Pampering people is big business! We had meals at home save the birthday night. I am drying basil. I am reorganizing cabinets/pantry a little after the Thanksgiving cooking craziness, in preparation for the Christmas baking craziness :) We are getting crafts/activities together for the kids over Christmas break. I'm never done decluttering. I haven't had a box for the domestic violence shelter in weeks, but I have one now. I hemmed a set of IKEA curtain panels as well as several pairs of pants for the boys, a big savings as it is $15.00/pair at the local alterations store. In most cases, the hemming would cost more than I pay for the pants themselves since I go to Savers, Goodwill, or clearance racks for their denim and dress pants. I had a half-priced grocery week. I revisited my goals for January. I learned a new recipe that everyone likes, and it's cheap. I made my cooking plans for this weekend to restock the freezer with more ready-made meals to save me for all of the busy nights coming up. I shopped the pantry/freezers for all the ingredients first then built my grocery list around that. I'm aiming for deeply reduced grocery expenses this month and again in January so I can focus on re-stocking through the sales. A few weeks ago we planted our little winter garden! All kinds of lettuce and spinach, two artichoke plants. We still have basil growing, chives, sage, and a new mint plant. I didn't post that a few Friday's back so I'll include it now. I can't wait to plant cilantro again as I make lots of salsa, tacos, and enchiladas for my family. I had a few frugal fails with recipes recently, but all that is good to learn what your family will not like. I waxed eyebrows on the girls and gave haircuts. A great week for sure.

    I hope you have a lovely weekend Annabel. Thank you for a beautiful blog post!

    Colette xxx

    1. Dear Colette,
      I have the same idea re after Christmas sales. I am saving a fund to stock up with them. Last year I got wrapping paper, small gifts, ham, turkey, sweets etc all at amazing prices and it got me ahead for the year right there! Love this. So it is a very good plan. At that time many people have shopping fatigue hence the bargains I think.
      Being at the salon you would know the prices of trims, beauty services etc. This will come in handy... even if you counted the savings for one week from all you do I am sure you would be shocked at the value. This is what you add to the household financially speaking each week!
      It is awesome to find a recipe that everyone loves and is economical too. Add that one to the list!
      Well done on everything. I can imagine your popularity at the salon. I would be in the queue myself... Lots of love

  13. You have .been busy this week and Harper is a little doll...such a cutie
    This week has not been a busy for me. Here's my list:
    I've cooked all meals from scratch
    Taken my lunch to work each day,
    Made snacks to take to work also,
    Made shortbread to add to my hampers,
    Made small Christmas cakes for the hampers too and
    just general housework.
    That's all I have done this week as I wasn't feeling myself.
    Hope your Dad is still on the improve and complaining about being in hospital and that he has things to do.
    Have a wonderful weekend Annabel. Debbie xx

    1. Dear Debbie, I hope you are feeling better. Maybe you need a restful weekend. And for someone not feeling 100% you still did plenty!
      Thank you for the photos! They will be on the blog on Monday. You have done a wonderful job. You should be proud. And the idea for your Grandson is fabulous! I just love it. Thank you so much.
      Dad is doing really well. He is out of hospital, he wouldnt stay any longer guess why? He had too much to do! mmm
      Have a good weekend and a rest! With love

  14. Dear Annabel, Harper is adorable! That is such a blessing about the rain barrels and water tank, too. I would love to have a way to catch rain water (we just use a few buckets, not much) when we get it as that's not very often. And I don't care how much you water something, nothing makes plants flourish like God's rain. I'm always amazed by that.
    This week I mostly just stayed on top of the housework. That is such a good feeling, though. I also got caught up on my ironing, which I was so behind on that it's embarrassing lol! Now if I just stay on top of that...
    I cooked all of our meals and froze some leftovers. I need to do this more, as we tend to just eat out if we've been busy or need something quick. I hate doing that! Freezer meals are a good solution to that, and reading your blog has encouraged me in that area.
    I bought sweet potatoes on sale- fifty pounds for just ten dollars. My husband bought me a pressure canner that arrived today, so I'm excited about learning to use that.
    I re-taught myself how to knit this week, as well, thanks also to your posts :)
    I hope you have a lovely weekend, Annabel! --Kelsey

    1. Dear Kelsey,
      Well done. When I know the day is going to be crazy I take something out of the freezer or put the crock pot on. That helps. But sometimes you dont know the day is going to turn out that way! it creeps up on you instead lol! I keep flat breads and turkish rolls in the freezer. They can become pizzaz or focaccias or melted creations in about five minutes. I keep tomato paste in the pantry and I always have cheese on hand. So I then will add what I have maybe ham or bacon, pineapple or tomato etc. They are YUM and so fast. I have a couple of other very fast recipes that are actually faster than takeaway. These save me heaps as take away isnt really cheap here. And the other thing is to have alternative take away... I make sausage rolls and they are in the freezer too. I thaw those and use them sometimes. But you can get something like that from the supermarket and freeze a heap for emergencies too.
      You got a canner! What a nice husband you have! And you have fifty pounds of sweet potatoes! I love sweet potatoes. So many uses.
      And you are knitting! Im thrilled about that. There are so many lovely gifts you can make. I will feature some ideas in January.
      So that was a good week! Truly I am excited about your canning and knitting! With love

  15. Annabelle, So glad your dad is feeling better and is out of hospital. I decorated my home this week for Christmas, too. I am calling it done at present, but I'm really liking how it turned out. Here's what I did towards saving this week:

    1. Dear Terri,
      I love your wreath and I have to comment on the color of your house! It is gorgeous.
      Thank you re my Dad. Have a lovely weekend! Many thanks, Annabel.xxxx

  16. I loved, loved, loved looking at this post! Your wreath is marvelous! I never would have thought to wire pieces of Christmas tree to a hula hoop but of course now I see how brilliantly it works to create a statement piece. Then, oh, goodness, Harper is such a doll! Just look at those big eyes and that sweet face! And of course I envy your tomatoes and your chickens. How cute that one of the chooks likes to sit with you!

    Over here I have the house decorated, the tree up and trimmed, and the gifts wrapped for Christmas...or at least I thought I had them all wrapped until I saw a cute candy bouquet at the store and decided I HAD to make some. I'll send you a picture for show & tell or you can just peek on my blog.

    We'll host a Christmas dinner for my husband's staff next week. Thanks to pre-shopping and a stocked pantry I think we'll be set without extra spending. Our plan is to deep-fry a turkey and roast a half ham, with sweet potato casserole, potatoes au gratin, green beans (from my aunt's garden!), and yeast rolls on the side. I'll do an Italian Cream Cake and a chocolate cake for dessert. And pineapple punch! It seems nobody makes punch any more but I just love it and always look forward to this excuse to make it.

    I agree with you (and with Wendy's comments on her blog) that even with being organized and ahead there is still lots to do to get ready for Christmas. But it's all such fun!

    1. Dear Leigh, Thank you! An old Christmas tree makes the best wreaths, garlands, table centre pieces etc. I watch for them now but I had bought one after Christmas for only a few dollars.
      Your dinner sounds wonderful and I am sure everyone will have a great time and appreciate it. (I like punch too)
      I agree too... all the efforts we do to get ahead and still there is so much to do! But imagine how on earth we would ever get there if we hadnt done that stuff! And this is how my week is going to be this week!
      Thank you so much for the photo and have a lovely week! With love,

  17. Oh my goodness that little Harper is gorgeous. What a precious little girl. I can see why you are in love!
    No feathering my nest as I was away on a short holiday for the week. Got home at 10pm last night and this morning I've gone to myself "right back to it" and I have got a list of things to do this week. Have a wonderful week Annabel. Fi xx

    1. Dear Fiona, I am glad you had a break. A good time too as you will be busy from now on. You have a good week too, I know we will all be busy!
      With lots of love,

  18. Annabel, I was wondering if you ever hear anything from Laine of Laine's Letters?

    1. Dear Florence, Yes I do a little bit. She is a Grandmother now and Lucy is being homeschooled. There is a Laine section to the right... She wrote an update herself there for you to read plus some of my own Laine stories. I am hoping she will write another post for me too in the future. I hope you enjoy reading her update. With love Annabel.xxxx


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