The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Putting your heart into Christmas.

Hello everyone! I want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, everyone who sent me messages and prayed for my Dad. As I had moments or was waiting I would read these and post them. Plus emails and facebook messages etc. It was quite amazing, thank you so much.

On Thursday Dad became very sick very quickly and in the country hospital took a turn for the much worse. This is three hours from a city and they called the air ambulance which is the Royal Flying Doctor.

Almost twenty years ago we went through this when Dad had a massive heart attack. That time the girls were small and we lived in the country. We had the option to see Dad before they put him on the plane and I gave the girls the choice if they wanted to be there or not. I think they were around 9 and 7.
They were both passionately sure they wanted to go and I knew that it might be the last time they saw him. I was quite aware of that.

That time Dad was in hospital a long long time. He wasn't expected to survive and he did, then he had surgery and had a stroke. At the end of all this when he went home they told him if he was very good and lucky he might get five years....

But he went back to life and his ambitions and dreams and works like a 25 year old except I don't know any that can keep up with him. And he will be eighty next year. And all this time since the operation he lives on 50% heart capacity.

Because I was on my own from before Lucy was born Dad was the number one male for the girls. He did all the stuff a Dad does. They love him more like a Dad than a Grand Dad. Dad walked Lucy down the isle at her wedding. So they stick to him like glue.

So here we are almost twenty years later and driving to the air ambulance again only this time meeting it. And the girls are adults. And I think again this may be the last time. It was just the same.
This time he has a massive infection in his system, his body is shutting down, and I am aware of his heart issues, his age.... realistically I know this isn't likely to end well. We didn't speak about this we all just new and there was a lot of crying going on.

The next thing was the air ambulance was delayed. First it would be arriving here at 7 pm. Then that was delayed until 8 pm. This repeated until it landed at 11 pm. These delays did not give me confidence. I knew it meant he wasn't stable enough to fly or some other delay...or worse.

Finally after 11 he arrived at the hospital then we had to wait again while they got him settled. When we got to see him I was semi prepared but not entirely...

It became a get through the night thing, then get through the next day and so on.

If you asked me Thursday or Friday if I thought he could get better I would have said no.

I can only attribute the fact that possibly today he will get out of intensive care into a normal room to all the prayer. I am heading to the hospital to see this with my own eyes.

Thank you to everyone. Thank you. I cannot reply to everyone as I usually do and I am very behind on everything and my emails and correspondence.  I don't think I can hope to catch up.

I am going to attempt to blog this week as I think overall it is best to try and keep life normal ish. So with the help of friends I have some blog posts.

This one I wanted to share is a letter from a wonderful friend. She and Helen are my two friends who love Christmas the most of anyone I know. And when you read this you will see why.
The other extreme is people who say they don't like Christmas. While I get that in hard times and times of loss or loneliness Christmas can be very hard, many people I know who say they don't like Christmas don't DO anything for anyone. So they don't FEEL that Christmas feeling and miss out.
Like anything you reap what you sow. Here is part of the letter from my friend.... (enjoy)
RAOK = random act of kindness.

So I am 'getting ahead' with my things for my Random Acts of Christmas Kindness Advent Calender.  The kids and I enjoyed it so much last year.  This year we have set a budget of $1 per item and that gives us a lot of scope.  As you know we are keen op shoppers and there is such a wealth of new stuff there for under $1.  Hand creams, pretty soaps, decorations.  This year we are steering away from food items so that people aren't suspicious of whether they are poisoned or not.  

With the exception of Tim Tams and Mint Slices.  They are on special for $2 for the really big share packs which I will be stocking up on and taking to the hospital emergency desk for those who will spend Christmas working and looking after people as they come in.  Likewise to the police, fire and ambo stations. 
Today, although you don't know it, I took you shopping with me.  We had great success.  Lots of meat marked down to $5kg for rump steaks, lamb mince, pork loin roasts.  Then a shop had beautiful hexagonal tins with lavender or rose soap inside marked down to $1 each.  So I thought of your lovely satin ribboned soaps with the diamante buckles and had to buy them to replicate that.  There are a couple of houses that I know have elderly ladies living in them and they will be posted anonymously into their letterboxes.  Then the hunt was on....what else could I find for $1 or less?  Coles has some absolutely beautiful decorations at the moment Eight large-ish wood cut ones for $ 50c each.  Lovley as a small RACK or as a present topper. 

Kmart has 30cm long bubble mix tubes with wands inside them to make giant bubbles.  I will be hanging these in playgrounds in poorer areas so that children can find them.  They also had bags of 6 superballs for $2.  They too will be put where children can find them.  And $1 pink fairy wands with a light up star on top that changes colour.  I have some pink tulle fairy wings and am sure that if strategically placed they will make some wee little girl very happy to find them.  

In the op shop I found curtains that I am CERTAIN you would have snaffled for all sorts of repurposing.  Thick heavy linen ones with an antique pattern in blue of lots of old world things.  I ALMOST bought them because the fabric was so sumptuous but I didn't know exactly what I would do with them so left them for someone who would. 

Target had bottles of hot sauces from around teh world that ALMOST made teh $1 rule when you separated them out...but not quite.  But I bought them for chilli loving husband. 

I know there are so many things that I missed.  The kids and I are going to have a ball hunting them out and leaving them for people.  We discussed that we are going to make sure we continue it throughout the new year with at least one planned act.  And of course the situations that just present themselves as you go about your life.  

On a sourish note.....Today I had to explain WHY we show appreciation to teachers.  Apparently we shouldn't as 'it's just their job'.  THAT is the reason it needs to be done right there.  Because there are so many miserly people who don't.  Again I thought of you as one of their justifications was that 'we don't thank teh checkout operators, so why teachers?.  And I know that like me you DO thank the checkout operators and give gifts.   

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas......I'm trying to think of something suitable, to go along with a note for the people who go to so much trouble to really decorate their houses with Christmas lights.  A little appreciation for their efforts.  

So there you have it. SOME of the efforts my friend is going to, to add joy to other peoples Christmas. And right there you have "how to have a wonderful Christmas" instructions.
Yes I do give Christmas presents to check out girls. I have two that I mostly see all year round. Like teachers or any profession they do their job. But they do it with so much patience, kindness and helpfulness and they don't have to. They just have to check out your stuff.  Like the staff at the hospital and the volunteers. I am thinking what we can do for them. They are doing their jobs too. But to a standard money doesn't buy.
In fact with what has been happening in the world, seeing the goodness and kindness that I have the last few days has done me good.

Spreading Christmas love and kindness doesn't have to cost much or anything at all. It could be writing lovely letters of thanks, a little Christmas cooking, acts of service...
Key ingredients are giving to people you don't know from a bar of soap and people you suspect might be having a hard time.  We do different things. Usually I give small things to a lot of people. But one year we knew of someone with nothing and gave them a giant hamper... and it all went on one family. But the possibilities are endless.

Going to the hospital I am going to look for ideas. I am thinking that leaving little presents with a note at the volunteers desks would be one idea. They are amazing! They are so helpful and there is an army of them.
Which leads me to if someone is lonely but fit and able volunteering would be a great act of kindness and make a difference.

Thank you again so much. I hope you have a good week and we can come up with some cunning plans to spread some Christmas joy. Suggestions are good, some of us are better at thinking up things than others and your success stories would also make wonderful reading so please feel free... xxxx


  1. Dear Annabel,

    So glad your Dad is doing better. Prayers will continue until he is well and home again.

    What a wonderful post!! You are such a blessing.

    Love and hugs,

    1. Dear Glenda,
      Thank you for your prayers, friendship and support.
      Things were going well today.
      Also the kindness of people at the hospital has been incredible and heart warming. I am working out what I can do for Christmas as boy do they deserve something. With love,

  2. Bless you and your family.You are a very generous to share your life with the world.
    May your Dad rest easy and the Lord be with you always.

    1. Dear Barb,
      Thankyou! We had further good progress today so we are pretty happy!
      With love,

  3. Dearest Annabel, this is more positive news from your end. What an emotional roller coaster ride you've had. I hope this is an indicator of better things to come and a good recovery for your darling Dad. Do not worry about catching up on things. We all understand the stress you've been under and Christmas is not to far off now, so focus on that and being with your family. I love this idea of RAOCK, and adopted after being introduced to the idea by a friend too. I had always done a similar thing, but not in such an orchestrated fashion, so it became a whole new game to do it 'properly'. I get on eBay and find beautiful paper fans to gift to strangers sweltering in our December heat, and gorgeous chopsticks to leave on tables in our favourite sushi café. We tie a ribbon around these and attach tiny cards depicting Christmas scenes and covered in glitter, that say 'You are the recipient of a Random Act of Christmas Kindness', and hope that people feel a little special. The miniature folding books of which I spoke a week or two ago, are another favourite, and we like to gift these to young and old alike. I'll share them soon. We've also got some postcards that I had printed on Vistaprint a couple of years ago, that have an angel bust from my garden on them and a verse from Hebrews about entertaining angels. We leave those with a small Christmas bauble attached in shopping trolleys and on café` counters and tables. These things all cost next to nothing, but spread the Christmas spirit in a way that I think people have forgotten. Teachers are always gifted something lovely as we know how hard they work, and some of our most lavish gifts go to them in appreciation of all they do. I can't believe that someone would say 'it's their job' and not believe that such an important job is not worthy of recognition. A lovely post from you, despite the turmoil at your end. Thankyou. Love, Mimi xxx

  4. I am so thankful to hear that your dad is doing better! I will continue praying for him and the rest of your family.

    Love the post about random acts of kindness. I have a story to share. Last week, my niece was in the donut shop buying breakfast treats for her daughter's birthday. The register was down, so they were only accepting cash. She happened to have enough cash to buy hers and treated the lady behind her. Later in the day, she was at the drive through getting birthday lunches or her daughter and a couple friends. When she went to pay, the cashier told her the lady ahead had paid and said to tell her "Thanks again for the doughnuts this morning!" This was during the lunch rush and she has no idea how the lady recognized her. This same niece made my day by sending flowers as a surprise a few days ago.

    Thank you for standing up for gifts to teachers. As someone who is retired after many years teaching, I know the love, time and money that is put into that job. A card or little treat means a lot.

    Thinking of little treats, candy canes are usually on sale this time is year and come individually wrapped. A little tag could be attached and would make an easy treat.

    I hope your week continues getting better. Love, Elaine

    1. Dear Elaine,
      Your story just shows how "what comes around goes around" or paying it forward or we reap what we sow! And everyone is happier for it too.
      Thank you so much for your prayers.
      You will be pleased to know I always gave lovely gifts and letters of thanks to teachers. The good ones were such a blessing and made a huge difference. I was very appreciative of them.
      With love and thanks,

  5. So pleased to hear your dad has improved, Annabel! I will continue praying for him. You don't need to worry about your blog at such a time as we will all be here when you have time to catch up with everything. At the moment your dad takes precedence but know that we are all thinking of your family and praying for your dad especially.

    1. Dear Nanna Chel.
      Thank you very much for praying. It is truly a miracle the difference in him. And he is out of intensive care now!
      I wasnt able to do normal things for a few days as I just couldnt, but overall I do better if I go on as normally as I can and keep things "normal" and keep myself really busy. If I am not busy I worry and stress. So I have been trying that, anyway...
      With love and thanks,

  6. Yes so glad to hear your Dad is doing better.
    On your other note RAK, I never thought about what I do as that but I guess to someone else that's what it must be.

    1. Dear Laurie,
      Yes I dont know where the random acts of kindness term came from but thats what we have been doing for many years. But I am very glad the idea came up and maybe it makes more people think about it and wonder what they could do. Well, I hope!
      It does kind of make me think harder about opportunities that arise and to take them as sometime I have thought about something and then hung back only to regret it later. I hope to find some good opportunities this year as I have had a lot of people be very kind to me. With love,

  7. Thank you so much for the update on your Dad. I will continue to pray. We have just gone through a massive infection with my Mom and she is doing quite well now. Please do not worry about any of us at a time such as this and spend as much time with your family as you can. Blessings.

    1. Dear Lana, I am so glad your mum is better. What a fright. I truly understand that one!
      Thank you very much for your prayers.
      As I can I do better keeping things at least somewhat normal. No success on the weekend but sort of now!
      Thank you so much, love

  8. I couldn't have said it better than Barb and Glenda...bless you and your family, Annabel. I am so happy to hear that things look positive for your Dad. And I simply can't believe how you can manage to convey such generosity of spirit in the midst of such an emotional time. You are truly an inspiration and I am so lucky to be able to come and admire you!

    Lots of love...Jen in Nova Scotia

    1. Dear Jen,
      Thank you what a kind thing to say. I was very blessed today. Actually it was a very good day. Dad was moved out of intensive care into his own room. Lucy was allowed to take Harper in to seehim. His delight in this lit up the world practically! Photos captured this moment. This was wonderful.
      Thank you so much, love Annabelxxx

  9. Annabel, prayers are continuing here too for your father and your family. Such an inspiring post!

    1. Thank you Patsy. I hope to be joining in more soon. I can say that my freezer and pantry meant a meal every night and that was lovely to not have to worry about, with love, Annabel.xxxx

  10. A lot of people care about you Annabel. Good news about dad. Fi xx

  11. The power of prayer never fails to amaze me annabel may your dad keep getting better day by day. Sharlene

    1. Dear Sharlene, Thank you! Personally I agree and think this is a miracle. But tonight Lucy messaged me and she said Mum, it doesn't seem POSSIBLE that Dad can be so well today after how critical he was Thurdsay and Friday. And it doesn't seem possible. I would never have believed it. I told her I know of over 100 people that have been praying and that is my explanation. This is a wonderful testimony. I am very grateful! with love,

  12. Good news about your father Annabel. I hope that everyone else is now able to spend some time making sure that they are looking after themselves - no good if the carers get sick at this time.

    Continuing to hug you and yours


    1. Thanks Lynette. I agree, the most at risk is Mum as she never stops. I have made sure everyone is eating proper meals. Tiredness has hit us all.
      Today was a good day and I think we will all sleep a bit better tonight, a With love and thanks, Annabel.xxxx

  13. Annabel your father sounds like such a dear man ~ I do hope the good news continues with his health and that you have more time with this special person.

    Mrs Tiggywinkle x

    1. Dear Mrs Tiggywinkle! I am so glad to hear from you. Thank you so much.
      Yesterday Dad got out of intensive care. I never thought I would see this!
      I have watched for that cook book for you and havent ever found one. I think they are either something people keep or collectable. However I continue to watch out.
      With love and thanks,

  14. Dear Annabel, So happy to hear the news about your dad. He is obviously very loved. Thank- you for your Christmas gift ideas. They have given me lots of inspiration. Love, Stephanie xxxx

    1. Dear Stephanie, Thank you! There are so many possibilities! The hospital has given me many as the volunteers and staff are amazing. So I am plotting what I could do.
      Yes Dad is adored and now he has a Great Grand daughter to love him too! With love

  15. Dear Annabel, what a beautiful and heartfelt post. It brought many tears. xoxoxo

    Leading up to Christmas is a time always singed with sadness for our family. Some of our dear family and friends either died or were given news of their terminal illness around Christmas. I try extra hard to make it a joyous season for my family.

    I remember a dear man who owned a little video store here (who we were good friends with) saying that many people don't even offer a simple "thank you" at any time throughout the year in his store. This was very shocking to hear! He was a very kind person who sadly passed away aged 47.

    It doesn't take much to be looking out to do a kindness every day. Just being plain polite and thankful goes a long way! Christmas is a wonderful time to put some extra effort in to bless others :-)

    My heart is filled with gratitude for the gracious answer to our prayers for your dear Dad Annabel. We continue to join together and pray for his full recovery. xoxoxo

    1. Dear Kaye,
      I believe it about the man... I noticed at the supermarket how nice this girl was to everyone. Most people were polite but in a minimal way not willing to chat. Some were rude, some were worse! Yet she remained friendly and kind. So I befriended her and think she is a really wonderful person.
      Thank you so much for your friendship and prayers. I appreciate both so much! Love

  16. Dear Annabel, so glad to hear to your Dad is improving. I will pray for his continued strength and healing. Your Dad sounds like such an inspirational, lovely man. No wonder he is so well loved and cherished by you, your girls & other family members. Reading your words about him brought tears to my eyes. Take care, Kelly

    1. Dear Kelly,
      Thank you very much for your prayers, I really appreciate that. I am sure this has made all the difference as things have improved so much Dad is out of intensive care now. With love,

  17. I am so glad to hear this update on your father. :) He sounds like an amazing man. :)

  18. Praise the dear Lord in Heaven above for helping your Dad! I am so happy to hear this! God doesn't put any age limit on healing...and regardless what doctors say, God has the last word. I trust that Jesus will heal your Dad and give him many more good quality years with you and your family. :) So thankful to hear your great news!

    1. Dear Cheryl,
      I agree and we have proven that. He is out of intensive care. My dream was to have Christmas all together and that is what I am still dreaming of.
      With love and thanks,

  19. Prayers heavenward for dear Dad. I'm so sorry he's going through this. Prayers for Mum and the fam. You are loved.

    Kelley Dibble

    1. Dear Kelley, Thank you for your prayers! We have had great progress. Thank you so much, love

  20. Praise God...your news of you Dad is positive...
    Sending hugs and praying for strength and peace for your Dad and all your family..

    1. Thank you very much Helen I really appreciate your prayers. With love

  21. Dear Annabel, I'm so happy your darling dad is improving .
    I will continue to pray for him and your family .

    1. Dear Chris, I am very grateful for your prayers and cant thank you enough. With love

  22. Dear Annabel, it is so good to hear that your a Dad has improved. I very rarely pray and last night I just felt as though I needed to so I prayed for your Dad and a few other reasons. Your post today has brought tears to my eyes because I usually love Christmas but this Christmas will be my first since the death of my partner in January and I was feeling sorry for myself. I have been inspired by you and your friend to do some of my own random acts of kindness .i apologise for whinging but I wanted to let you know how much your posts particularly this one. I had already planned to do a few small things to thank people in my life but now I will make sure I do as much as I can to spread a little Christmas joy. Thank you Annabel. Love Barb.

    1. Dear Barb,
      I really appreciate your prayers and this is the only explanation for Dads amazing recovery. He is out of intensive care now and surprising everyone.
      Last night Lucy said to me Mum it doesnt seem POSSIBLE how much better he is, it just doenst seem possible from how he was Thursday and its only five days.... And its true it is beyond incredible. I personally didint think he would live until now. I told Lucy that the only explanation I have is that I know over 100 people were praying. And I think that has made the difference.
      I was brought up to believe in God and pray. But when I was about 14 I reached an age I wanted to know for myself. At that time one of my Nans brothers became very ill. I didnt even know him very well but Nan who I was close to was so upset. He was on deaths door and the family were told to make funeral arrangements and were... So when I was told this uncle had no chance and was dying I thought ok heres my big chance! So I did what you are not supposed to do and made a deal with God. I basically said I believe and I want to believe but I also want to KNOW for myself so if you make Uncle Terry get better I will believe. And I prayed for his healing.
      Well he recovered! And it was so remarkable that when he left hospital the Doctors and nurses lined up outside the steps to shake his hand as he left! They had no explanation for his recovery. mmm
      Not long after he visited Nan and we all had afternoon tea outside under the pepper tree. At one point everyone was doing things and it was just me and my uncle alone. He said to me he knew what I had done. He knew about my prayers and he didnt believe in God but things had happened and now he did.... I was speechless as I had never told anyone. He looked at me and me at him and we both knew things that werent possible to know.
      So I had my proof and there it was. Also my uncle thanked me very much.
      So since then I know prayer works.
      I am so sorry for your loss and of course this will make Christmas hard. But it would be a great honor to him if you do beautiful acts of kindness in his memory and the blessings will amaze you. I wish you joy and the Christmas feeling which I know you are going to feel as you do these things. Just DO and it will come. I will pray for you to feel it. With love and thanks

    2. Hello again Annabel, Thank you for such a long and lovely reply. I wanted to share with you what happened when I was at the shops today . I let a lady go in front of me at the newsagency , then I stopped to talk to a young woman who was working at a stand / stall in the shopping centre, no one was stopping to talk to her probably because they thought she might talk them into buying something but she was kind and polite and never asked me to buy anything. We just chatted about life in general and then when I had finished my shopping we spoke again and she wished me a lovely day and thanked me. It only took a few minutes of my time and made me feel happy . I know it is not exactly a Christmas act of kindness and I did not really do that much but I think I brightened both of our days by just stopping for a moment to say hello. When I was in the supermarket a kind older lady let me go down the grocery aisle before her and it brought a smile to both of our faces. Thank you Annabel for the inspiration and motivation. Also, just as an aside, I saw some wrapped soaps in a chemist catalogue , they looked just like yours only they are charging $6.95 and that is the chemist clubs members price so if you were not a me,ver it would be dearer.i thought Annavel is saving a fortune and I can too!.by the way your soaps look better than those in the catalogue!. Love Barb.

    3. Dear Barb, This reminds me that a little while ago it was a hot day and in the car park of Woolies an older lady was putting groceries in the boot next to my car. I just said isn't it hot? and then that led to a few minutes of chat. At the end she said "Thank you for talking to me" Something in that was heartbreaking as I think it meant she was so grateful to have someone to talk to. It was that simple. I thought she was lovely.
      Barb, you are off to a good start. I know you will stil feel sadness but also I think a lot of joy and blessings will come your way. with love,

  23. Dear Annabel and friends, thank you for the beautiful post! Beautiful on two fronts...the story of relationships around your Father, and how irreplaceable he is in all your lives.
    Also from your friend with all the thoughts connected to random acts of kindness. How thankful is her spirit, thoughtful and kind to people of every generation.
    It truly was a gift to read this.
    And yes....I do love Christmas my dear friend, Helen

    1. Dear Helen,
      Thank you and thank you for your prayers, friendship and support. We have made big progress and Dad is out of intensive care.
      This will be my Christmas present. I am happy with that!
      With love and thanks,

  24. Annabel you and your family have been in my thoughts all weekend, I'm so happy for you that things have improved. Your dad sounds like a real fighter! Hope his recovery continues to go well :) Jen

    1. Dear Jen, Thanks! Yes things are going much better. Its been a long week but very grateful just now. With love,

  25. I am so glad your dad is doing better. The prayers will continue for him and your family. Thank you for the ideas for the RAOK. My sister and I are making little stockings our of scrap material and filling them with mandarin oranges, candies and a small toy or puzzle for the children that come with their parents to our local food bank. We did something similar last year and the ladies at the food bank were excited to have something to give the children when they came. And this post has given me other ideas I hadn't thought of. Thank you everyone for your suggestions and reminders.
    Annabel, I hope you have a better week this week. Prayers are with you.
    Paula in Kansas

    1. Dear Paula,
      Well done to your and your sister on your efforts. This is so nice.
      Thank you for your prayers, Dad is out of intensive care and doing much better. I am very thankful! With love,

  26. Annabel, I am so happy that there is good progress with your Dad. What a blessing he is and has been in your life, but you don't need me to tell you that. I can feel the love in your email.
    With Christmas, I was one of those "I don't like Christmas" people. Last year I was very ill, all alone, and didn't see anyone for 2 days. I felt so sorry for myself. I was never going to celebrate Christmas again. Now all healed, I decided that this year I will celebrate Christmas like a little girl with anticipation and excitement. I am 60 years old. It is in giving that you receive blessings. Thank you Annabel. God Bless you. You are such an inspiration. Christine. x

    1. Dear Christine,
      Thank you!
      I am so sorry you had a terrible Christmas last year. I am pleased you are better and am going to embrace this Christmas. I will be praying that you can experience a joy filled Christmas. Some of the things that make it magical for me are Christmas carols and looking at the lights at night and the decorations. Then acts of kindness of course. One thing that struck me is hearing someone say that we can wait for a miracle or we can BE someones miracle. So try to be a miracle to someone and something big will happen I am pretty sure. Also I feel very child like at my age too!
      Thank you so much, with love, Annabel.xxxx

  27. Annabel I'm sad happy to hear your dad is feeling a little better. It is a worry when they get to that age. My dad is the same and usually continues to work regardless if he is well or not. I hope your dad continues to improve and get his health back.
    Sending hugs and prays to you and your family.
    Debbie xx

    1. Dear Debbie,
      Our Dad's sound very similar. It is wonderful they are busy and on missions but then we worry too! And thank you for the prayers.
      With lots of love,

  28. I have recently discovered your blog and have so enjoyed it. I will be praying for your dad, I too am in the same season of life. It's heart wrenching at times I so can relate...Even today for me. God bless you and be with you, I will be sincerely be praying for your entire family.

    Your blog has been a true blessing and I love what you wrote on giving this Christmas, I too have had a great time buying toys and such for the poor. I love your surprise gift ideas too and have purchased a large amount of Dove soaps to wrap pretty. What precious ideas! I was just sharing with my husband that giving to the poor, homeless makes Christmas... True Christmas.

    God bless you and may those around you encourage you as you encourage others! Amelia from MyForestCathedral

    1. Dear Amelia,
      Thank you so much. I know what you are talking about. We have been blessed with a reprieve with Dad but I know he cannot go on forever and even that is difficult to think about. But we are grateful for now.
      Giving does make Christmas. Absolutely!
      I am off to find My Forest Cathedral as I love the name and this has to be interesting! With love,

  29. I only came across your blog a couple of weeks ago and enjoy it. I am happy for you that your dad is doing better. I enjoyed the guest post you posted today. If you have a chance please, please ask her not to just leave the bubbles in the playground. This is unfortunately a favourite tactic of pedophiles to leave something like a toy or a ballon then when the child goes to get it, the pedophile grabs the child. It happened to my grandchildren and it was very fortunate that my daughter saw what was happening. She managed to subdue the guy and my DIL called the police. Though I know your friends heart is in the right place please have her reconsider this Raok. I just don't want the kids at her park to think it was fun when they found the bubbles, so they will go after that ballon next time and it could be a pedophile lure. Maybe she could take the bubbles to a children's refuge or to an inner city school.

  30. Dear Annabel, this is heartening news after a truly awful few days for you all. You have all been in our prayers and to hear that your Dad has been blessed with any small improvement is special indeed. I hope that this Christmas is all the more memorable for the knowledge that he will continue to improve. That is the best gift of all. Love Mimi P.S. I thought I had commented already. I'm sorry. You've very much been in my thoughts and I've checked often for updates xxx

    1. Thank you Mimi. I appreciate that. Life. Sometimes it's really hard. But I'm counting many blessings. with love,

  31. So thankful to hear your dad is doing better.
    You hit on several things that the Lord has been teaching me. Firstly, my husband lost his dad October 11. So we have been dealing with loss and trying to look out for my mother-in-law.
    But our 9 yr. old daughter had an emergency appendectomy 3 days after returning from the funeral. We were blessed by so many people during her hospital stay! She and I want to return with goodies to thank them. Also she received a homemade pillowcase from the Child's Life Department. What a great idea for a sick child. I plan to sew some up for my nieces and nephews as Christmas gifts.

    I use to work retail in a small arts and crafts store in my early 20's. That was my favorite job! We were like a family and we had the most wonderful customers! One lady (and I do mean Lady), made a full meal for the night-time staff complete with her signature dessert. What a blessing! And how nice to be a blessing to others.


    1. Dear Leslie,
      I know you have really had a lot on your plate in recent months. i hope that is it and you have no more! It is funny, I really think a personal pillowcase is a wonderful gift. Maybe especially when someone is sick or in hospital. Very thoughtful. Also a meal can be a wonderful gift of practical help and thee are times this is priceless.
      With lots of love,

  32. Dear Annabel, I love this post! And I'm grateful your dad is improving, even if it is just a bit!! Prayers, dear friend, are going to you, your dad and your family!

    Take care of yourself at this difficult time!! Love, Teri

    1. Thanks for your prayers Teri that is appreciated very much. xxxx

  33. Dearest,
    Sending much love and prayer to you, your girls, and your Father. May you experience great strength in your inner person at this time.

    1. Dear Marybeth, Thank you very much and especially for your prayers. With love,

  34. Annabel, I have been non- stop thinking of you, your family and your dad. I have been praying that he gets better. He sounds like a remarkable man. All of our love and prayers (and we will keep praying, no doubt about that), from us, to you. Thanks for letting us know. Lots and lots of love, Bridge

    1. Dear Bridge, Thank you for this and your email. I will reply asap and I know you understand that with hospital etc things are all over the place. I really appreciate your prayers. with lots of love, Annabel.xxxx

  35. Annabel, I am so pleased to learn that your father has pulled through his difficult spell. Our Thanksgiving day is tomorrow and I am very thankful for your good news.

    Helen, Your RAOK ideas are marvelous! What a fun plan! I've finished my Christmas shopping and only have a couple of little things to make, so I'm tempted to use some of your ideas to add to the festivities this Christmas season. Thank you!


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